Monday, April 3, 2023

Just Lies and Deception

A Couple of Items
This week, two things were brought to my attention by a couple of people who I consider to be members of the PAC Alliance. The first one is based on a thing called "National Socialism". The new terminology is what is referred to as being a "Civic Nationalist". Here is the video that was sent to me...
Whoops. Another video that disappeared.
It ties into what this promoter of Zionism and his guest, a Synagogue Satan member, are pushing. The below video I recently found ties to the subject. It leads into what is coming under the new morality per the Noahide Laws... Of course, it is under the Communist Association per the 14th Amendment.
To database such matters, Island Makers really needs to be relaunched.
The Second Item
Perhaps some of you have heard that the so-called Civil War was about States Rights, not "Slavery". Below is a man born in 1846 that gives his testimony about the time period and what he knew to be true...This is just one of things that goes over the heads of most people based on planned programming and plain ole calculated disinformation.

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