Showing posts with label Illuminati. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illuminati. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2024

Profits Per Genocide

The Destruction of Anglos
Contrary to popular belief or understanding, Genocide is not always the mass death of a race of people. It can also be the intentional destruction of a people:
  • genocide, noun. The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. —source: Merriam-Webster
In simple terms, it centers around the interruption or manipulation of a gene pool of a society, which causes the society a diminished capacity of existence.

Multiculturalism is a true act of genocide. The "Reconstruction" of the American Union set out to do that. The dual citizenship was implemented to achieve the destruction. Dual citizenship is a political technique that was established by the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) to dilute a nation's strength. It centralizes control and essentially eliminates borders thus destroying the sovereignty of a country.

Israel – fake Israel – uses dual citizenship as a device to meddle in the politics of other countries. Jews have an allegiance to Israel over whatever country they live in and subversively control. It should be unlawful, but it is not because...

Control For Profits
Do you want to understand what inflation is? Look no further for the answers. Believe it or not, the Synagogue of Satan are the ones behind this economic theft. THEY control the money system of our Union. America – and the rest of the world – are under a befuddled influence of their evil spell. These people are imposters. Christians are the biggest followers of these posers, i.e., deceivers.

Deuteronomy was slated for the Israelites, not the so-called Jews:
For the LORD your God will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. —Deuteronomy 15:6
One has to look through Deuteronomy to see how out-of-line most Jews are to see the fraud. It is so tragic the bulk of so-called Christians fell for it... And still are. Simply put, Those who practice Judaism are not of an Israelite stature.

The message of Deuteronomy 15:6 was that of being prudent and not being careless, thus just means would ensue. It was not a directive to cause chaos, cheat, and steal from those not of your "tribe". Those who practice Judaism lead Gentiles (Goyim) to sin via their infiltration. The Word against this is very simple, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. A good Biblical directive. It would be very prudent for Americans to be working on removing this evil.

These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. I reiterate, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44

I wrote a paper on these frauds some time ago. It is a summary on their profit mechanism... that being the control of all commerce throughout the world:I might add this, Karl Marx and certain others of his "tribe" had issues with the middle-class being too productive and maintaining too much of the lands. A wonderful reason to declare war on them with the Communist Manifesto. Really. What could go wrong with this diabolical measure of control and greed.

Know The Synagogue of Satan
Most Americans don't understand or know the problem they are experiencing. In order to fix what was meant to be broken, knowing the problem is a must. To expand on the matter, a member of the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) noted:
"The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger... the entrance of the Jew into society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State." —Benard Lazare
Some of Lazare's ilk have excommunicated themselves from the SoS due to its evilness. But there are plenty of them left pushing the agenda forward in the United States, and throughout the world... like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!  As I have discussed at length, we know what "Democracy" is all about.

Below is Goodman with another SoS member discussing their meddling in the politics of other countries. Also, another segment on the Synagogue of Satan admitting destroying all Anglo countries... The arrogance is unbelievable...
Understand, the wrecking crew known as the Synagogue of Satan has created a grave amount of damage. It may take centuries to repair... Especially if the evil Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are allowed to keep pushing their Marxist drivel on the public and government.

Jew Tools Pushing Satanism
For those who may not realize, Satan means adversary in Hebrew. It is my position that the biggest adversary of God, our Creator, is man. Or in this case, the Synagogue of Satan— the "tribe" that destroys natural law for gains. You know, forget God— Do What Thou Wilt, as Satanist Aleister Crowley professed.

Jewish influence has been that of destruction of the Anglo people. THEY have meddled in abortion to banking & beyond, and the noted masses just love it...
click images to enlarge

Steven Spielberg flaunts their world domination with Pinky and The Brain...

Those of the Synagogue of Satan are either the ones behind all this chaos we now see, or they are the biggest useful idiots in the history of the world. And addressing the traitors who assist them in their Zionist enterprise is another matter to be examined. The criminal damage caused is simply unforgivable.

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
REALIZE : Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Please promote The Ultimate LawSuit : Exposing The Communist Association.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 12, 2024

They Will Be Successful

So Far They Are Very Successful
I remind people of what George Bush, Sr., said back in the early 1990's about the New World Order. Their objective was stated with complete confidence...
"When we are successful, and we will be..."
This success being due to the fact people won't come to the realization that ultimately they are the problem. Of course, they have had "help" with that. Ignorance comes from controlled education and dirty media sources.

Yes, even FOX is dirty. A clever glyph to trap the Conservative mindset. Believe it. That corporate name had not been chosen because it sounded good...
  • Sly as a fox (as) sly as a fox: Exceptionally clever, cunning, or shrewd, especially in devious or underhanded ways. TheFreeDictionary
Understand. Entertainment is the way people – the masses – are controlled. The bulk of people have fallen for the Dancing Monkeys of the media circus... which especially includes de facto political types found on social media platforms. Distractions through entertainment is the key weapon of bondage.

Indeed. Misdirection and falsehoods are great devices. Using your hands and toes, I bet you cannot count all the treasonous bastards and useful idiots responsible for the rape of the American Union the past 150+ years.

Inversion Is The Key
Below noted is the program that assists the rich get much, much richer. This 150 year old blueprint and its undetected imposed elements messes with people's natural mode of operation via a plethora of adversarial head games...

"There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."
–Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx : Synagogue of Satan member

"We will know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American Public believes is false."

CIA Director Casey, 1981

As you can hopefully see, those two statements work nicely together. A sample of overt and covert Communist tactics. These head games have been going on for over 150 years. Today, we are seeing a pinnacle as we speak, so to speak.

As far as American politics are concerned, what may be derived from that is, Communism is an operating system for Capitalism. What most people fail to understand is that Capitalism is not Free Enterprise. The latter is what would be a business model that operates under aspects of the Law of Nations without the Communist blueprint or mechanism. The former being a plot assembled by the Shadow Government that fulfills the needs of the New World Order to dominate under its World Communism via international law crafted by law industry tools.

Simply put, Capitalism is a program for a select few to make a bulk of the profits. Communism is the blueprint that consolidates wealth into their greedy hands.

Make no mistake. They have been very successful with this venture.
Abe Lincoln
Had Rejected
Red Fourteenth

By Force,
Pure Evil
The Political War Games
One should find it very odd that historians, educators, politicians, etc., have not mentioned how Red America is. Fact is, all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma was complete in the United States over 50 years ago.

I have been warning people about the dangers of this game for 25 years and what needed to be accomplished. I address the issues in a Caveat to America I made some time ago. Like most of what I have laid out, it has gone ignored...
The Infamous
Synagogue of
Satan Playing
Political War
Realize, that if people fail to take heed of that Caveat, there is a tipping point here. There needs to be action to make sure the Constitution stays intact and is executed properly. There is a remedy the Rump Congress has left us to address this problem, but it must be exercised under PAC's direction for protection.
Per The 14th
It's a Crime
To Vote.
Separating From The Dead Reds
A requirement of freedom is to be in the world, and not off it (as a system entity). Participation in politics is a primary consent factor : Voting-Doles-Silence.

There are two Political Factions: 1) The De facto political system set-up under the 14th Amendment; and 2) Those who are of a true De jure political character working together to separate the two jurisdictions. The first faction envelopes chaos. Participation in the "Insurgent Democracy" causes reckless division. Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women, respectively.
 —Taken from : Marxist Monkeys

Another fact is, The Union was setup under the principles of Emmerich de Vattel on the foundation of natural law. For 25 years now, the PAC Mission has been about reestablishing that principle with baby steps. The two most important things to note are: our goals haven't wavered in over 25 years. Damn the distractions– The two defined political factions must be separated into appropriate jurisdictions to assure Justice for the Lawful Citizens.

Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women.
Simply put, PAC and our Alliance strive for the latter.
 —Taken from : So Many Questions
You are reminded that those "Lawful Citizens" have been disenfranchised in lieu of the Communist Rebellion as orchestrated by The Red Amendment. The 14th Amendment and its Denizens – and other legal entities – are of a De facto Red Political System. What is transpiring at this time is its solidification. This system is not of the Constitution proper and has been in silent works for over 150 years. People with standing must come forward and take action to Preserve Lawful Americans' Heritage as established by Select, Godly Founding Fathers.

Understand, the failure to work with PAC will allow the program to succeed. The coming Red Super Party will make it so. Its ongoing bondage is for certain...At this time it is being referred to as the "UniParty". It is noted in the US Code as a Totalitarian Party. No matter what you call it, know it is simply Communist...Right. Liberty by the consent of the governed – being noted in the Declaration of Independence – has never looked so good. Give thanks to the Luciferians.
REALIZE : Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.

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 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Perpetual Emergency

The Failure Of The Internet
Awhile back, I did a Post titled A Veritable Smorgasbord. Although it had to do with religion, its message dealt with Cherry Picking issues. Most people abort the truth and bask in delusion. Takers Pick and Choose what they like. Not very prudent. We of the People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – have always been about education by bringing Awareness to people and Providing Solutions.

Seriously. Intelligence says Ward Off The Dancing Monkeys.
Forget about what THEY are doing. Let's get busy.

The Failure In Not Listening
Over the years I have heard people say things like, 'We are just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.'  My answer to that is, How about doing things right? Seriously. Do you know how daft that 'wall-stick strategy' is?  Ask those caught up in the January 6th Sting how it worked out for them. It was a sting operation to quietly trap dissidents who are in fact United States citizens. Yes. It worked very well. The plethora of bad information does serve that purpose.

That said, the biggest error of the Internet and its information is there is a total disconnect about the Silent Wars that have been going on over the past 150 years. In that, there is no mention of the political overthrow of the Constitution proper, nor the Alternate States put in place to aid in this Red Overthrow.

Of course, all the damage that this caused will soon be fixed. Right.
Sure it will. The damage – err, Progress – has been achieved as planned.
Hence chaos ensues. Just how is America going to be Great Again?

Consider All Things Progressive
Trump interview with Dr. Phil. What we are witnessing is The Ushering In of The Red Super Party. The Conservative Types seem to love it! The ebb and flow is all very progressive. Unfortunately to the masses it is all so impressive. All those suckered-in are clueless as to what has transpired, thus it is truly regressive.

Below : The Interview. There is one thing that is very prominent to take note of: All the Military Flags proudly displayed behind them. The War is Real...
Red Politics
At Its Best

Get The
Red Fever

You Bet. The Silent Wars suckered in the Lawful Americans to rebel along with the plethora of Foreigners that have been deviously imported to compliment the Red Overthrow. All these Red Actions have been very carefully calculated... Will there be change? No. There will be adjustments to the New World Order. The plans of THEY will go on. It has its ebb and flow. Adjustments are made as need be. I went over some particulars in the Post titled, Political Lip Service.

They Call It An Emergency
For over 150 years our Perpetual Union has been under Perpetual Emergency. Of course, it is a storyline (Marxist Twaddle) to do what is exposed herein.

Now we will look at Senate Report of the 93rd Congress November 19, 1973...
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived all
of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and
governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in
varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by
states of national emergency... from, at least, the Civil
War in important ways shaped the present
phenomenon of a permanent state
of national emergency."
Wait, further acknowledgment. The Communist Rebellion seen legally defined...
NATIONAL EMERGENCY: A state of national crisis; a situation
demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action.
Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state
of national emergency" and a "state of war".
—Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., Deluxe
It happens by an operation of law built in to Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.
Here. The generalities on how this progressive Communist Scheme operates...
A rule that should be followed is, Those who participate in the war against The Republic that ignore the bifurcation of the Constitution cannot be trusted. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment needs to be heavily enforced.

A Communist Insurgency In Fact
Yes, Liberals may agree they’re Marxists, but so are Conservatives. Both are Progressives. The sad fact of the matter is, the past 150 years of what is called so-called “progress” is actually grounded in Marxism... A Luciferian War.

Here, let Karl Marx – front man/author of Communism – tell you per his blueprint developed in 1848...

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc.,
that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes
eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of
constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in
contradiction to all past historical experience.”

   –Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx:
      Synagogue of Satan member

Americans accept words thrown at them without investigation. In that – the truth is – Americans believe they aren’t Communists, because someone told them they weren’t. But the fact is, every Plank of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma may be found in American governance.

Fool's Game

Civil War
Force And
Do you now understand? The plot was "PROGRESSIVE". And because the word "liber" means “free” in Latin, there is a lot of people FREE to do what they choose, including a LIBERAL amount of sinning. FROM: Your Marxism

Take a few minutes and reflect on what tom foolery has been executed in the name of justice that offers social equality the past 150 plus years. Honestly. Seeing the ins and outs of The Communist Plot is not really rocket science.

Perhaps hearing it from the "Chosen Ones" would better explain it... It's called World Communism and is all about control and profits of an Elect few. You are reminded that Karl Marx gave us both the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. This was setting-up both sides of the same coin. The former was to setup infiltration of a country's economic system and control its labor force; the latter being a mechanism of business and profit. Both his works worked as one. Simply ingenious. Everyone is happy getting raped of their property.

Yes. A stealth plan of theft and slavery by the Luciferian Bunch.

Device of Control And Theft
Most people fail to understand the primary difference between Socialism and Communism. The former is a stair-step measure to achieve the latter. Control of the masses is first required in order for the Corporate Elite to make profits.

God creates people. Government creates corporations. Congress and the State Legislatures could write laws to regulate this properly; but instead these tools allow corporations to run herd over people. Marxist type taxation is the key. To achieve this, their Red Faction redefined "income" to handle it, aside much more. Of course the Bar Association and its plethora of attorneys run things from behind the scenes to make sure this system keeps doing its damage.

Simply, Communism is government control of a nation's economy.
All Great
Commies Say
Socialism Is
The Road To

And The Doles
Get It Done
It's Great When A Plan Of Theft Comes Together...
"Capitalist production, therefore, only develops the technique and the
degree of combination of the social process of production by
simultaneously undermining the original sources of all
wealth–the soil and the worker."
—Karl Marx
Got Extraordinary
Powers Under The
14th Amendment

People Serve As
Human Resources
For Elite Profits
Via The Same
Simply Put: The Rich continue to get Richer as The Emergency will never end.
That is, unless True and Lawful Americans do what PAC suggests be done.

The Players and The Poor
Now that the chaos is created in a fabricated Red Society, what to do to keep track of the economic commodities that have been corralled. I hit on the Marxist taxation herein. Of course that encompasses the dole system established per civil rights. Most "human resources" don't understand this quid pro quo system the Luciferian Bunch setup to funnel all profits from. This matter being noted... Really. How can benefiting from a Social Security Number not be "Of The World" anyway? Scripture tells us, Be in the world, not of it. —John 17:14

Moreover, Social Security is part of up and coming World Government...
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.
Article 22. United Nations-Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
One should find it interesting that declaration came into existence exactly 100 years after the release of the Communist Manifesto (being a declaration of war : an economic war) was released on the globe. Also it was the same year Fake Israel was founded. Seriously. No coincidences there. Really. It just happens.

Oh, and one most important thing Player Karl Marx once noted...
  • "If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist."
Of course he wasn't. His whole purpose was that of a Luciferian Front Man to sell this evil to the nations of the planet. This Synagogue of Satan member was just a Vagabond of the earth whose objective was to subjugate every Goyim Nation with the Communist-Capitalist Conjob... and billions of suckers are.

Simply stated: Communism is an elaborate profit plan to financially enslave "the Nations". Cultural Marxism is a "Deep State" distraction game designed to cover it up. All this nonsense is designed and executed by the Shadow Government. Ultimately, monopolization of all businesses of the world is the goal. Needless to say, it is all neatly accomplished with the Capitalism-Corporatism model.

Keep in mind, all elements of World Communism will remain to fulfill it.

BEWARE. Karl Marx was the "Communist" front man along with all the Marxist narratives. Elon Musk is the "Capitalist" front man implemented to carry on this orchestrated takeover. One could say the Communist-Capitalist torch is being passed in this demonic economic game where all souls will own nothing and be happy. Which includes the overthrow of sovereignty of all countries globally.

Get Busy With My Material
Another rule, If you are not working with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), you are Walking with Satan... Know the maxim of law, Facts are more powerful than words... and a Scriptural reference, You shall know them by their fruits.

Below are 4 Posts that illustrate the ways of ultimate Redism that America has been submitting to. The Consent Factor is not complex for Discerning Souls... You see, the adversary is winning based on clouded information and division.
Unlike none other, PAC has constitutional remedies utilizing their system.
And, we advocate unity to eliminate the planned confusion and chaos.


Some Extra Credit For Discerning Souls
If you are enjoying the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus, you are really enjoying the final stage of the Luciferian Bunch taking the Earth into the New Age...
The Latest Power Posts...

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
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 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, April 1, 2024

Ruled By Forked Tongues

This Post is not an April Fool's Joke...
...But you may wished it were!


Meaning Of A Forked Tongue. The American idiom "to speak with a forked tongue" means to tell lies, to otherwise verbally deceive someone, to make empty promises, or to say one thing but to do another.

The saying comes from the fact that a "forked tongue" invokes images of a snake or serpent. Snakes have bifurcated tongues, and have been associated with evil since ancient times. Satan disguised himself as a serpent in the Bible in order to make deceptive promises. FROM: English Grammar Lessons

The Bifurcation Of The Constitution
Here we investigate why there has been lack of good faith notice by the Rulers of America. They could have simply said, "By the way, the Constitution proper has been suspended and you are under its emergency powers." Easy. Be frank.

Who advises publicly that there are technically two Constitutions, or that it has been bifurcated? Generally, you simply hear: The Constitution. Or you may hear, The Constitution, as written, from certain employees of the Status Quo system.

Some folks say it is judicial activism. Hardly. It is just part and parcel of the Red Takeover under government "Reconstruction" of the mid-1860's, i.e., Deception. You have The Constitution FOR the United States, and The Constitution OF the United States. Both are grounded in private international law. The former used to serve the several republic-states – the latter serves a private enterprise for profits under an "Emergency"... being a full-fledged Communist Insurgency.

This tells us why rulers – Operatives and Oafs – speak with forked tongues. Add to that an Internet full of Opportunists who are clueless, Satanism prevails.

This just relates a few examples why the People's Awareness Coalition is for Discerning Souls. We do not accept acts of evil and bad faith of the status quo. In contrast, the masses bask in deception and their benefits of denizenship.

The Method Behind The Madness
A paragraph from my State Of The Union post that illustrates where the evil lies:
Of course to pull-off the Good Zionist-Bad Zionist operations, plenty of distractions and circus needs to be implemented. With entertainment, what could go wrong? Correct. Damage that has already been done the last 150+ years must be preserved. And World Communism carries on as planned... with the lawful and foreign Red Conservatives falling for it, hook, line, and sinker.
Here we see a division or bifurcation of evil playing on the same team. Christ, our Redeemer, warned us about the wickedness of the Synagogue of Satan. It is so sad that most "Christians" follow the inverted Christ over our Redeemer.
Red Politics:
The Device of 
Divide and 
Perhaps the American Indian tribes had it right... White man does speak with fork tongue. But perhaps it may be a whole other faction that caused this to come about. After all, America is their Zion... So THEY have arrogantly claimed.

Those Of The Legal States
Simply put, the current political establishment is not wholly constitutional. It was set-up under Emergency to allow Foreigners to participate in a Communist body politic. This was all orchestrated by "Reconstruction" after/per the "Civil War".

All these types live in the legal "States" of the Emergency. What I refer to as The Establishment which is part of the Red Family of the Communist Association. In reality, again called an Emergency but actually it is a Communist Insurgency.
The Rulers of
Legal Entities in
a Dual-Based

Evil With
A Smile.
As this juncture, these Foreigners – that have become citizens and nationals of the United States – must remain in their created state – under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. Such Foreigners have no claim of right to the founding of the Union and must remained ruled by their beloved Underworld of Marxists.

To enjoy Republican Freedom, Lawful Americans must leave this modern day Egypt and migrate back into their guaranteed lawful republics; then they may live under immunity apart from the illicit Foreigners here in adverse possession.

Those Of The Lawful States
Let us take a look at those of the lawful republic-states being brought down to the same level as those in the Legal States of the United States. Below we see the plan under 14th Amendment shenanigans discussed by one James G. Blain. He was a proponent for the Communist Association during the Civil War period:
"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by [the 13th] constitutional amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens. We do not, by making them citizens, make them voters—we do not, in this Constitutional Amendment [the 14th], attempt to force them upon Southern white men as equals at the ballot-box; but we do intend that they shall be admitted to citizenship, that they shall have the protection of the laws, that they shall not, any more than the rebels* shall, be deprived of life, of liberty, of property, without due process of law, and that "they shall not be denied the equal protection of the law."

And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the Negro. It is for the white man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship—and our Amendment declares that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."

This Amendment will prove a great beneficence to this generation, and to all who shall succeed us in the rights of American citizenship; and we ask the people of the revolted States to consent to this condition as an antecedent step to their re-admission to Congress with Senators and Representatives."  CONTENT TAKEN FROM: The Establishment
* REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in
   the Civil War. 30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2. [ A case where a conspirator misused the term...
   But did he?... Perhaps he was noting the rebels that the amendment fabricates.
There are many details left out, such as the "white males" were having their republican forms of government taken away. Also, they were being installed into new, different political "States" of the United States under this so-called dual citizenship. But really, what do you expect from those who speak with forked tongues? Although, commie Blain did spill a lot of beans in that presentation.

Those of Lawful Standing ignorantly engaging in Treason by Design is their true goal. The reason being: so courts can blame those committing a rebellious act against their lawful states per "operations of law" under the 14th Amendment. Accordingly, this is used to apply authoritarian law on them: state and federal.

Simply put: it is a secret weapon to be used against Anglo Americans. There is no doubt that those pushing Universalism have a real hatred toward the Anglos. However, Discerning Souls know it is about control and the love of money. Once again, that secret weapon being used against these lawful Americans is treason. Conveniently, the courts are taking silent judicial notice of this and punish those involved for participating in the forced Red System of Democracy.

A simple rule to know is : The 13th Amendment Saves. The 14th Amendment Enslaves. Lawful Americans who choose 14th Amendment politics puts them into the rebellion against the Constitution proper and into voluntary servitude.

The Forked Tongue Of The Black Robes
It has been said, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." In my 2nd Blog Post, I noted that I learned the truth after breaking-off listening to others, which included the courts. I went to the source material they use.

Of course, the courts must keep this political system quiet. Section 4 of the 14th Amendment provides them hush money so they will speak with forked tongues. Right. They have been talking out both sides of their mouths for over 150 years.

Most everyone in the "movement" looks to these Black Robes for the answers. Good luck with that. You are reminded Judge Robert Bork had something to say about such foolishness, which is proudly practiced in law schools. I always say, it is pretty sad when you are told what to think and pay a lot for it. He stated...
"I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself."
The Nature Of
The Forked
Most of these judges are members of the Masonic Orders. Secret Societies: the Luciferian Bunch. How can they be trusted to follow the true Rule of Law? They operate in a gray area – under a Dual System of Law – using a forked tongue. The bifurcation of the Constitution allowed this dual system to transpire.

The last few years or so, I have heard some intelligent people recognize these strange, secret people are not going to fix things. Such souls understand that things will only be fixed if it is done by we, the commoners, and not the many minions of evil. In view of that, there have been a lot of indicators I have seen which I perceive as warnings. It is disclosure, if you will. We must push back.

Those who have enslaved us aren't just going to hand things over. There is a remedy that has been provided if people are willing to unify and exercise it. Political separation from the Red Based Foreigners is the key to freedom.

As the law maxim goes, The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

Lawful Americans let their law die. Which one of us is happy about it. Honestly. Who can align with criminals electing to have their countries be destroyed?

Seriously. Vote harder for your Rulers... you Communist rebels.

The Anglo Wannabes
Beware the wolves in sheep's clothing mixed in with the de jure peoples. Such lawful people who are (were) the constitute lot of the several lawful republic-states. Some people refer to those in sheep's clothing as the Khazarian Mafia. Discerning souls understand it to be the Synagogue of Satan (SoS).

Constitutionally, "white people" are of Anglo-Protestant makeup. The SoS were considered to be undesirable Vagabonds per the Articles of Confederation. The modus operandi of these Foreigners is to profit from entertainment (to distract) and mercantilism. Also, they use other minority groups as a cover so they can meddle in Christian politics, etc. A modus operandi of the Luciferian Bunch.

Entertainers such as Jon Stewart (e.g.) pretend to be "White". He is actually a member of "The Tribe" : a member of the Synagogue of Satan. Another political entertainer is Bill Maher... Moreover, Mark Levin – the Great One (LOL) – who can be found on FOX. And lest we forget types such as little Ben Shapiro and his Daily Wire crew. And also Dennis Prager and his Conservative Prager-U. These Political Moles keep the Quiet Wars of Red Politics moving forward.

Conservative or Liberal. It really matters not. Both types are of the Synagogue of Satan... as are the New Conservatives. It's all part and parcel of a Red political system assembled for a materialistic New World Order under the clandestine control of Satan. Sadly, this crypto-cult is larger than one could imagine.

Simply put: THEY are Vagabond-Foreigners in and of the Legal States created for the destruction and genocide of lawful Americans who established the Union. Political separation of lawful peoples must transpire to isolate their wrath.
And America
wonders what
went wrong.


“The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger... the entrance of the Jew into society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State.”
–Bernard Lazare, Jewish anarchist

We have witnessed the political destruction of the Lawful Republics. They have been subdued into mere Legal States. The faction of THEY has comingled itself and has hidden behind a constitutional facade very well for the past 150+ years.

Remember how Christ addressed them, "You are of your father the devil." It seems so-called Christians like to overlook that very important part of Scripture. Largely, all involved have been taken by the Judeo-Christian falsehood.

The Republic Awaits The Lawful
Like I have been saying for some time, Either THEY are behind all this chaos we have seen, or THEY are truly the biggest useful idiots in world history. Either way, the forked tongue allowed them to make Big Bucks... as planned.
You see... It has
always been a secular
order under Satan.

This Order
Rules The Evil,
So It Is Said.
So the actual moral of this twisted story is, White man doesn't speak with fork tongue; it's the cult of the Synagogue of Satan amongst them (us) who instigate it. I refer to these t/fools as the Red Faction and their Communist Association.

This political cult has its roots well established... however, THEY must be called out... And the Lawful Americans must Repopulate the Several Republics!

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
    It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

Seriously. Is it not time to relinquish the evil from your life?
It is time to remove yourself from the State of Satan...

   • Because, "Wolves eat sheep. That's what they do." —Richard Kelly Hoskins

Join us in the Art of Pushing Back with Truth and the Rule of Law via The Ring.

Homework For Discerning Souls



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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
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Monday, March 18, 2024

The Befuddled Masses

What Happens If You Ignore People's Awareness Coalition
Americans have not seen constitutional government for over 150 years. Thus, any time I bring things up – or our people do – below is the look that occurs...


How Many
Times Have I
Seen This The
Past 30 Years?

Too Many.
Some might call moving forward as in being "Progressive". Actually it is moving backwards and repeating history. It is past time for Evolution... to move things away from the controllers who have been manipulating the world for eons.

Matthew 13:24-30 — The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Within the language of that story, we see that the true heaven of our Creator is here on earth. Not the afterlife. However, the Sadducees who control things as a shadow government of the world tricked "Christians" to believe otherwise. This modern ploy was to utilize their profits and gains to enrich the Zionist faction. This was also done to people of Rome under the guise of the 2nd Temple of that Jewish sect. Today, minions of the Luciferian cult – such as the Masonic Orders, and others (of the Synagogue of Satan) – adhere to evil of the 1st Temple. But they won't tell us about their antics because it's kept secret from the masses.
It Is
A Crime
To Vote.

Who Knows
That Secret?
Currently, you know their slaves of burden referred to as Human Resources.
Such deceived souls are confined to and are suffering within this Red Vortex.
The God Pimps have controlled this government religion exceeding 150 years.
In some past Posts, remember I have noted that government is your religion. Understand, this de facto government is to Serve and Rule evil people.

Discerning Souls would seek the White Vortex... The Light. Don't confuse it with the "White Light". Heaven in the "afterlife" is what THEY desire you to seek. This is indicative of the false religion of the Luciferian Bunch controlling government. Unbeknownst to many, that false religion is Zionism (Judaism of the Talmud).

Simply put, it really doesn't matter what religion you are or are not.
Because the government – or The State – is your true religion.

Don't fall for the Inversion Method of the Luciferian Bunch.

Some More To Absorb
Please review these 4 Blog Posts to better understand...
Some Advanced Knowledge For Discerning Souls
Please see and read my white paper that is titled, Liberalism is Statism.
"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner." —LB Bork
You Are Our
Friend Or You
Shall Remain
These Guys.

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
      It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
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 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional