Sunday, July 10, 2022

How They Play Us

In The Beginning
What is transpiring today stems from the Torah, Deuteronomy in particular. That period of time took place three ages ago. The world is now going into the Age of Aquarius. In that, our Creation does have an architecture. Understand that has been altered by man to fit a specific course of action. That course is what we are experiencing today. Many see it as chaos... Understand it is planned.

Praying that I have not lost anyone. I know there have been many people who have been turned away from God, the Creator... But that is because evil is in control, and has been. Most importantly, it doesn't matter what you believe... It matters that THEY are in control and what THEY have done. Honestly, When is the last time you created a calendar that controls the commercial world?

That said, first let us look at The Evil... What we are experiencing now, today. The evil has attached itself to Deuteronomy and has perverted its directives.

Knowing Evil
The Globe has been ruled by evil for more than two Ages. Not only was this related in Biblical text or Scripture, this is evident. During the Age of Pisces there was some promise of true peace on earth brought to the world through Yeshua, the Christ/Redeemer. But evil had put that hope to death. Those in power of the Globe today are of the same faction who engineered that to happen.

Nonetheless, the power of what Christ brought forth to God's people of the time carried through in faith and hope to this present day. Today, most people know Yeshua as Jesus. Evil inverted Christ for 1500+ years to deceive followers.

Knowing Good
There is a remnant out of those who were given promise long ago. They are known as the Israelites. Yeshua was one of them being from the Tribe of Judah. A lot of the tribes stayed the course of evil and practiced the religions they were prohibited from exercising. Those who represent evil and their god pimps are still in control today. It is feared that the same thing is going to take place today. We must ask this question, Who are going to walk into the new age with Christ, our Redeemer... And who is going to continue walking with evil... the same evil that has ruled the Globe for the last two millennium: the ones who are noted as The Luciferian Bunch and their minions, i.e., the Synagogue of Satan.

So, in the new age will you walk with Good: God, the Creator?
Or will you be walking with Evil: Satan, and Man?

The Transition
There are some people that believe that a positive transition is going on at this time. Sorry, I believe otherwise. What people see is purely political. That noted, what is going on doesn't fit Scripture as the end promise. Plus there are more than a few RED flags that can be observed daily. In regard to that, the color red represents evil and corruption in Scripture. In relation, the color red represents the political cabal of Socialism-Communism under The Red Amendment. Oddly, it is the same color of Conservatives and/or Republicans. It isn't all that odd... If you factor in the biggest deception the world has ever seen in history.

In line with the above notations, It is ventured you didn't know there are actually two types of peace... One) Under God, our Creator: "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" –Romans 5:1; and, Two) That being of Satan, or man: "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Of course, the latter peace is that of Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx.

Many Red Players
So you know, Donald Trump has been heard to say that the world is socialized. The guy that can be seen wearing a lot of RED neck ties in public. Biden never does. But he is just a useful idiot in the end game... That noted, Biden can be seen wearing United Nations blue ties at times, as does Donald Trump.

Check the memes below for evidence as to the symbology.

Satan loves to display power through varied symbolisms.
And you are reminded... The lesser of two evils is still evil.
But what does it really matter if you are Of The World.

The Rule of Law
People's Awareness Coalition follows the Rule of Law... which includes theirs.
If you don't, there is little hope THEY nor God will be on or by your side...

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." –Revelations 3:15-16

In reiteration, it does not matter what you think or believe–
No god. Your god. You as a me god. The Rulers of Evil are politically in control.
Keep You 
In The Red 
Vortex Of 
Immunity From Wrath
To be Hot for being governed by God, the Creator, means politically Out and under a republican form of government guaranteed by the Constitution...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
The court citing Justice Black in Adderley v State of Florida in 1967.
And understand, republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party.
Actually, it is quite the opposite. The Republican Party represents Communism.

Those who are Cold for God enjoy Communism and are subject to "punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind." —Title 42 U.S. Code Section 1981. Those who walk the fence will feel the wrath of the Rulers of Evil.

I have been saying for awhile, Government is to Serve and Rule evil people.

Stay The Course
To date, these are the three most popular Blog Posts people like...

Those posts all build an understanding where things are going today. The posts also connect to finer details of their overview made in other posts. Please read and review them all... and most importantly, share with others in your circle.

Related memes to distribute to family, friends, and groups...

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