Showing posts with label Opportunists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opportunists. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2024

Dummy-Goober Effect

Why The Truth Movement Is A Failure
Obviously many Americans are thinking, What is wrong with our Democracy? Well, for starters, those people not governed by our Creator, God, must be ruled by tyrants. Aside that, there is a major ego problem that exists.

There is a phenomenon that happens with people that seems to be a plague. It applies to many people and is applied in different ways. It is referred to as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This study illustrates why the truth movement fails.

Also, while I go through this presentation I would like to remind people that I tend to follow what Thomas Jefferson once said; thus you'll have a better understanding why there is my direct frankness present...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

Twisting the Law of Nations and breaking down natural law is an unintelligible proposition. Yet however, the masses are under the spell of the Synagogue of Satan that has done just that. The question is, Will the insanity ever end?

What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias that causes people with low abilities or knowledge to overestimate themselves compared to others. Conversely, people with high skills tend to underestimate themselves.

In short, it is a psychological phenomenon that distorts our self-evaluation

The Dunning Kruger effect influences people lacking the necessary skills and knowledge to evaluate their performance accurately. This deficiency creates a dangerous combination of poor self-awareness and limited abilities, leading them to think they are better than they actually are.

The overestimation of their abilities can lead to mistakes, poor decisions, and resistance to constructive feedback or criticism. —

A Plethora of Unwarranted Egos. It Hurts.

That brings us to a maxim of law that says... "A man cannot judge his own cause." Most people lack discernment, especially when a matter involves them.

Wanderers Of The Gray Area
I remind people that I have been watching those who believe they have things figured out for 30 years. Still most people like to dabble in the Gray Area caused by the 14th Amendment. These Denizens are actually legal entities of a foreign jurisdiction. You might call them foolish replicas of men and women...
  • Dummy. a model or replica of a human being.
  • Goober. a foolish person.
Such persons are born and bred Human Resources & Consumers who have their feet planted in Washington, D.C., and are benefitting from the system per Voting, Doles, and Silence. The only way they can maintain Liberty is be a belligerent claimant in person. That procedural luxury is now dwindling and won't be an option available to the 'cake and eat it too' crowd much longer...

Simply, You live in the Insurgent Democracy or under Republican Freedom. However, the latter comes from asserting the right as being a nonforeigner.

Please learn more about types of the Dummy-Goober Effect. Remember, the overestimation of their abilities can lead to mistakes, poor decisions, and resistance to constructive feedback or criticism, so ridicule is in order...

Once again, only a select few of these noted Denizens have lawful standing to claim Lawful Status as it applies to constitutional law and the Law of Nations.

Yes. The 
Is Full Of 

They Are!

Other Posts on my Blog that pertain to those immersed in the Red Vortex...

Why PAC Is For Discerning Souls
I have been using the motto below for over 20 years...

  • Forget about what they are doing... Let's do what we need to do.

In line with that, I remind people of what Socrates once said... "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." ―Socrates... You are reminded the man shared that wisdom over 2000 years ago. It's eternal.

This Insurgent Democracy is of false words and has infected souls with evil. Like I have said before, Government under "Reconstruction" is to serve and govern evil people. The Communists of the Red Faction run it by Inversion of truth.

We have had a lawful plan for over 25 years. Sadly, instead those under the Dummy-Goober Effect fell for the Operatives and Opportunists; otherwise Lawful Americans would be on the Road Home to Freedom... not led astray.

It is way past time to break away from those under the Dummy-Goober Effect who have average, weak minds that talk about events and people. It is past due to get with People's Awareness Coalition to discuss remedy with great minds. Republican Freedom can only come with Unity and Proper Education.

Some additional guidance for those with Discerning Souls...



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 28, 2023

Those Dancing Monkeys

Propaganda And Distractions
I use the term Dancing Monkeys to describe those who have websites and channels that distract the masses with bad information. The method is nothing new and has been the case throughout world history. Sadly, the noted method causes the Chumps Who Dwindle to be taken by Clowns Who Swindle.

These efforts cause people to get confused and lose time and money while the completion of the so-called New World Order is fulfilled. It causes a stagnation in people that works to the advantage of the adversary. Thanks, you Chimps.

Simply, a Dancing Monkey entertains people who don't like to read/study. It is pretty much the equivalent of Bread and Circuses of Roman times. Yes. Every great circus has a specific form of entertainment. It is so sad that the most complex primates fail to understand it and get swindled by clowns.


Dancing Monkeys
of today make money
off YouTube, Social
Media, & Disinfo

To see how simple primates understand the problem, click here for the meme.

Understanding Operatives and Opportunists
Below are a couple of definitions that I put together illustrating how different sorts pushing and keeping the 150+ years of usurping the Republic in place to advance evil. The people that have standing must promptly act forthwith...

Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the Fourteenth Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation. —

These people push the "World Communism" agenda forward. Generally they do it without question, which makes them useful idiots. However, some of them do it knowingly, which makes them traitors. Either way, The Ring is of purpose to end the error of their ways and return people to freedom. Ultimately, the ‘Red Faction’ is an assembly of evil men who are of an authoritarian mind that have no problem having their world system go full totalitarian. They believe it’s their place to run and rule the world via a false religion. People have been manipulated to play in their web of deceit and delusion. Although the designers of the system appear benevolent, the primary goal is world domination. The ‘Red Faction’ in the United States is represented by the status quo political system. —

Because of the above atmosphere, there is a lot of Boob Bait for Simpletons that is being released on the public to cover-up the 150+ years of brainwashing and conditioning. To learn more about the problem, read the following two Posts...

Defining The Conspiracy A Wee Bit More
Below is a more expansive look at what is transpiring by allowing the Red Faction to continue its free reign on lawful people of America. Those who fail to study my work and what the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) proposes to fix this takeover will be responsible for all damages, past, present, and future...

The New World Order has a plethora of operatives to achieve its goals and maintain its progress. The created ‘Red Vortex’ has sucked in many people to act in a self-centered manner causing division in the movement. The egoist mind of Ayn Rand was one of the Synagogue of Satan members who brought that mindset into America in the 1960s. Of course, she is loved by those that are ‘all about themselves’. Because the opportunist divides people, less operatives are required by the cabal making them a great asset. Operatives and opportunists paint a picture of why America is a mess, “My religion is just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added.” —Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan

Read ‘Operatives and Opportunists’ for more details...

ZIONIST means, a person that adheres to Zionism, a faction assembled in the late 1800s by the Synagogue of Satan (SoS). Its purpose was to allow non-SoS members to politically assist in moving the Globalist Agenda forward. The term “Synagogue of Satan” is referenced in the Bible and refers to Jews (e.g., today, Israelis) who are not in relation to Biblical Israelites. In simple terms, Satan is the adversary of our Creator. Evil people serve and live by the entity.

President, Joe Biden, has been a perfect tool for the fulfillment of the Zionist takeover of America, and the world. He has even openly admitted that He is a Zionist. Yes, there have been other politicians of the past that are very proud of the Synagogue of Satan infiltrating American politics over the years...
And America
wonders what
went wrong.


Yes... Dancing Monkeys come in several varieties. They love money and fame. Sadly, the worst ones are the ones that remain willfully ignorant: Citizens. By the way, being ruled by a false religion is that of Judaism. Hey, let this guy tell you...

Rabbi S. Wise says, "Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism."

Unbeknownst to many people, the Communist Manifesto was created and fronted by a Synagogue of Satan member by the name of Karl Marx...

Like John Lennon told us: Imagine. It's easy if you try.

A Libtard Pushing All The Red Buttons
Bleeding heart liberals are the perfect useful idiots to advance the program per Red Assimilation. Women have been a perfect natural tool for the Synagogue of Satan. Bringing them into the political sheepfold under Reconstruction has made them a very profitable human resource for the New World corporate structure.

Before the Civil War, the Planks of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma started to be applied in America. It came to fulfillment late in the 1960's. The "Neo-Marxism" being pushed today is to aid in covering up that fact. Anyone who denies these developments or does not understand it should be ignored.

Last week I ran an analysis on a female lawyer titled, Close But No Cigar. She gets her political power and authority to be a lawyer under the Fourteenth Amendment. Ultimately, she is a Maintainer and is of the Red Faction.

Below, her first video is meant to cover-up the political make-up of America being Communist. The second is of purpose to meld lawful persons with foreign based persons in order to negate the constitutional separation that now exists...

So goes the propaganda of the Red Faction. Americans are totally clueless. The Negro was the device used to communize America. Today, they are still being used to maintain the Communist system that has usurped the Republic.

Those who are able to take advantage of the constitutional separation seem to care less, or just fail to understand what has been progressively done to them over the course of many years. Those with standing are happy as citizens and nationals of the United States. Thus, the One Nation Under Fraud stands.

It stands mainly because people like to cherry pick information from here and there. Where did their information come from... Operatives, perhaps? The Discerning Soul would team up with us, PAC. We wrote the book on it...

It meaning, exposing and explaining The Red Amendment of THEY... not to forget, it also evidencing the congressional remedy to sleeping Americans.

To learn more about the fulfillment achieved by the Red Faction, review these two Blog Posts to know what will persist if those with standing do nothing...

Collage of Satanic World Operation  Click each Image to Enlarge

To learn more about the de facto system of Satan, review the following two Blog Posts. They will assist you as to what occurred to fool Americans; also to help those with standing to take back true, constitutional lives... this so they may Live in Freedom, not in the Hell of statutory liberty of so-called "Democracy"...
Know Your Seditious Politicians
Over 20 years ago, I wrote a white paper titled, Treason by Design. It illustrates how "Reconstruction" was installed and how blame could ulitmately be put on the unsuspecting voting masses. This so the politicians could claim it wasn't their fault... because Americans have consented to it... Constitutionally.

Lawyer, Lysander Spooner, referred to "Reconstruction" as the "Government of Consent". It is not certain that he knew about the following formula...

The 14th Amendment sets-up voters as rebels... being a treasonous act. Its main 4 sections fabricate the following complex and devious operations of law...

Section 2 establishes the crime of treason. Accordingly, Section 4 denotes that franchised participants are slaves. Section 3 mandates constitutional premises prior to the amendment must be upheld. Section 1 provides extraordinary power to corporations, hence subduing the duped, "de jure citizens".

The folly of Dancing Monkeys assists to keep the cabal secret and in operation. Hey, but it's okay... this act of self-inflicted genocide was an emergency.

Bet you didn't
know that there's a
Constitutional Dual
System of Law.

De facto Politics are
nothing but a Dog
and Pony Show.
If you haven't figured it out by now, you should understand what the political term titled PROGRESSIVE actually means. It is simply the following:
  • Political Socialists/Communists who Advance the New World Order.
    Of course, they are also Maintainers and of the Red Faction.
    Some wear attire that is RED... and also azure blue.

It really doesn't matter what political party they are affiliated with... De facto Politics progressively moves the evil Zionist plot of World Communism forward. Thus, a rule of thumb to remember: Liberals are Tools, Conservatives are Fools. That being in the political-voting sense... not so much The Rulers in sedition.

Both parties are pitted against each other with staged tactics so more chumps get sucked into the political Red Vortex. Moreover, noting all the elected political dupes, there is no doubt a certain group who are traitors to their people.

An Intelligent Conclusion
The success of the Zionist plot is to gain maximum profits from all humans has been well executed. The Zionist based tricks used on the complex primate – as THEY refer to as animals – has worked perfectly; their absorption of Red tactics has produced a desired output from Human Resources & Consumers of THEY.

It is interesting that the Net example for the usage of assimilation is, "The dog's rapid assimilation of new tricks pleased his owners."... as I have been saying for some time now, 'People are like dogs, as they too can be taught neat tricks.' Difference being, it wasn't rapid. Assimilation took over a 100 years.

Like George Carlin told us... 'THEY own you, and soon will own everything.'  And you can bet YOUR owners are very pleased... Their usurpation amendment tells us 'the public debt shall not be questioned.' Correct. Hello to inflation and your perpetual debt/bondage. And, right... You will own nothing and be happy.

To summarize, Dancing Monkeys are simpletons and/or willing participants that aid the Synagogue of Satan in sustaining and fulfilling the New World Order. They have accepted the elective franchise under the 14th Amendment.

Simply put, they are Useful Idiots of Evil. They have consented to rule or be ruled under Article IV, Section 3.1, constitutional "emergency" operations.

For those with standing – as Anglos – who desire to live by true constitutional law – being Article IV, Section 4.3, The Republic – review the following...



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 21, 2023

Close But No Cigar

Loving Those Old Sayings
I pulled this off Google... "The phrase 'Close, but No Cigar' is used to indicate that you have fallen just short of a successful outcome and have received no reward for your efforts." Yes, that particular saying also goes along with the idiom of, Close only counts in Horseshoes and Hand Grenades.

It Seems No One Really Gets It
This week I am featuring 3 videos from a young woman that critiques the American political system. She indicates that she is a lawyer, but like all other lawyers she doesn't know law all that well. Sadly, they are told what to think and paid high dollar for the ignorance. And people of America wonder what's wrong.

I will post them and give commentary how she misses the main point of the combined presentations she provides... as they all work together, which is America is Communist and she is furthering its hold on Americans.

That said, she also follows/uses the common narratives which is pretty much bad information, as she attempts to school us on... accordingly, she is lost. Thus in actuality, she is way off on any type of proper analysis. Here's why...

"There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc., that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."
–Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx : Synagogue of Satan member

"We will know our disinformation program is complete when
everything the American Public believes is false."

–CIA Director Casey, 1981

The Three Videos Confusing The Issue

Those who follow the historical and political – so-called official – narratives will never understand what has happened the past 2000 years. Her presentations appear good to the average person, but amount to nothing more than confusion that is put out by a plethora of other Dancing Monkeys that plague the Internet.

1) Why Do Conservatives Fall For Fake News?

Actually, the Liberals
are useful idiots of
the Republicans.

Everyone is Fooled.

My Blog Post that helps set things straight...

2) How The Religious Right Ruined Everything.

I have gone over
it and over it,
The Church is
The State.

Where do people
think civil law
comes from?

My Blog Post that helps set things straight...

3) Unions Will Save America.

Unions are the wrecking crew
of Marxism.

They consolidate
businesses into the
hands of a few.

My Blog Post that helps set things straight...

A Short Summary
I think a black man by the name of Tony Brown said it best, "The Capitalists are the Communists and the Communists are the Capitalists."

Here is a flyer to hand out to people. It is short and succinct in regard to labor...

The Internet is full of information that keeps people occupied, chasing their tails, and in the Red Vortex. Understand more about the Problem and Solution...


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 14, 2023

Boob Bait for Simpletons

"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people." Unknown

"Simpletons do what they are directed to do." LB Bork, The Jurist

SIM'PLETON, noun. A silly person; a person of weak intellect;
a trifler; a foolish person. Webster's Dictionary, 1828

Esoteric Intro
The opening quote speaks volumes, but the meme used below might be a bit specialized for most people. Simply, Monty Python was of odd, British humor.

And remember... PAC (People's Awareness Coalition) is for Discerning Souls... The Dancing Monkeys attempt to get your attention to make money discussing events and people. Fact is, that is most sorts primary source of information. Sadly, Social Media and the Truth Movement are plagued with such types.

The reason that meme states over 14 years is due to it being made in 2010 or abouts. People are still citing that nonsense.

A few weeks back I mentioned a concept from the movie "Being There". The gist of it was noting people rather watch videos than hitting the books to get their knowledge. The main character, Chance, got his from television.

The Internet and its Social Media creates the same disadvantage. Just who is posting the material that is absorbed by the masses... Who really knows?

Where does a lot of the bad information come from?

And, understand that a lot of material I use in my Blog is not to be used as a retort in legal proceedings. I noted this in one of my older white papers titled the Department of Justice and Its Common Law. It has a caveat in red.

A lot of what I relate here is for your edification to understand how Team Lucifer operates in their stealth. Knowing and understanding the Rule of Law takes on a whole different meaning. PAC centers on the PROPER education of law. in this vein, we show you so you know what you are doing is recognized, in law.

About Average and Weak Minds
The above bad information about the Act of 1871 has been out for some time now. I have been advising people about that particular "disinformation" (2008) for over ten years is why that PAC meme notes the date of 14 years.

There are many Operatives and Opportunists out there misdirecting truth seekers. Below is a video from the movie Swordfish that illustrates the technique or problem of the former type who spreads BAD information... Misdirection...

Of course, the latter – Opportunists – lift or steal that bad information and repeat it to the detriment of others. This plagues the movement horribly. If someone is pushing the Act of 1871 shows s/he is deceived, thus should be questioned.

As far as "entertainment" goes, the Luciferian Bunch seems to provide morsels for the Simpletons to absorb. But only those with a Discerning Soul can see and use them to their advantage against their advances of tacit slavery.

PAC Island Makers Project was of a primary purpose to list all Operatives and Opportunists to put an end to the nonsense and bring unity to strong minds. Sadly, egos, ineptness, and treason of individuals keep it from happening.

About Strong Minds
Now we can take a look at how strong minds work: In regard to that "act", a Lawyer/Jurist by the name of Larry Becraft debunked that bad information years ago. It can be found on his debunking page called Destroyed Arguments...

XX. The Federal Government is the 1871 act to establish a government for Washington D.C. [enveloping the several states]

For several years now, certain groups and websites... have advocated an argument that the "federal government" was created as a municipal corporation via an act of February 21, 1871... The truth is otherwise.

View the complete debunking here...

He ends his Destroyed Arguments page with this, "Why do so many people spread lies?"  The short answer is : Most people are simply lazy and gullible.

Larry also has sections debunking many other dead positions along with some Clowns Who Swindle. I am a little disappointed that he didn't list one of the most compelling disinfo sites : Family Guardian and its Sovereign Defense Ministry. Perhaps due to it being filled with legal mumbo jumbo appearing legitimate.

Simply, individuals are not sovereign, the state is. A lot of bad blather comes from that group that are no doubt Operatives. They do not like me... In 2001, I called them out on their volumes of junk that intentionally misdirects people. Telling people they're sovereign isn't the only disinfo from those clowns...
Correct. They took my research and twisted it around in order to falsify it. These deceivers are anything but a Christian based ministry. Quite the opposite. In reality, the adversary – the Synagogue of Satan – has a main purpose to deceive Christians... some of their methods being covered herein.

And finally in reference to strong minds, the Roman Church took over with the Civil War (so-called) and its outcome of Reconstruction...  NOT the Act of 1871. My Writings, Blog, and my book, The Red Amendment, go over it in fine detail. So goes the progressive efforts of the Synagogue of Satan and its genocide.

The Summary
Simply put: The 14th Amendment changed government. The republic/states were replaced with would-be "Federal States". This changed things politically. The Act of 1871 nonsense was put forth as misdirection to hide that fact.

And don't think that exposing the fraud and deceitful acts of Operatives and Opportunists being of an average and weak mind. It takes a very strong mind to keep people from enmity of those who orchestrated this so-called "emergency", which is actually a Communist Insurgency... and Rigged Rebellion.

The People's Awareness Coalition is the only group that has exposed the true nature of the innerworkings of the 14th Amendment. The Operatives – or what I refer to as Maintainers – have been working overtime to keep the Opportunists busy chasing their tails. It is working all too well to sustain your destruction...

On that final note about Simpletons, as I say, 'People are like dogs, as they too can be taught neat tricks.'  Seriously... Wise up, my True, Lawful Americans!  Right. Stop being Chumps Who Dwindle taken by Clowns Who Swindle.

Sadly, there are just 'Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians'... or what Mike Brady of the Brady Bunch said, "Too Many Cooks spoil the spaghetti sauce."

To get with the times, you should take a look at, PAC - The Bottom Line.

To Learn Much More
Read through my Four Blog Posts below to understand more about the topic... ————————————————

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 7, 2023

Chumps Who Dwindle

How People Get Taken
When I entered into the movement back in 1994, I was working with one of the premier law clubs in America. It was going favorable until one of its teachers started following bad information that was introduced into the movement... Sadly, a few years later the club closed as its members got in trouble.

I also worked with another premier law group during that time period. The other club folded in the early 2000's after I founded People's Awareness Coalition, which centered on digging into constitutional law matters others ignored.

The founding of People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) in 1998 had the primary purpose of bringing a complete awareness to all Americans along with unifying them. This was soon destroyed by a bunch of Operatives and Opportunists. Due to Americans being slowly communized the past 150 years allows them to be easily conned by unscrupulous sorts keeping them subject to the system.

In my Blog Post of July 10th of this last month, I went over having Sympathy for Simpletons. The subject matter goes over those types having trouble using intellect who rather be foolish and gullible and taken by a slew of gurus...

Accordingly, people being taken by fakes/frauds is at an all time high. Please understand, keeping the Foreigners under World Communism is mandatory. The Operatives are released on the public with the greedy Opportunists in tow while the finishing touches are being installed on the so-called New World Order.

Moreover, Simpletons tend to donate to those in mention and the adversary based operations such as Greenpeace and Status Quo Political Parties. Understand more on how sad the movement is, read the following...

Why don't people in
the movement work
with others... I did.

The reason... Others
with 'answers' are no
doubt Operatives.

Multi multa, non omnia novit = Many
men know many things, no one knows everything.

How The System Stays In Power
Due to the Lack of Unity is how the system that has controlled the Union has remained in control. Below is some copy from one white paper I wrote where it was attempted to warn people of proper law among other relevant factors...

The Ability to Maintain Control
As the corporate structure benefits immensely from this system under the 14th Amendment, there is a need to keep it in existence. To maintain control of this system, there has to be a multitude of devices used. Race strife is one of the major tools used by the maintainers. The race card emerges when anyone challenges the amendment. Race was the public sales tool used to sell the amendment in the first place. Of course, with a little research one will find it is a farce. Agent Provocateur programs are another method of obfuscation for the benefactors to maintain control of the created empire. Disinformation is established on many fronts for would-be patriots to use and possibly get in legal trouble, or get sent down a wrong path.

Accordingly, this serves as a tool of ridicule to demonize anyone that would expose the system. It further creates massive income for the law industry through legal fees, and money for the prison industry.

From: PAC— The Origin of Sovereign Citizens

It is best you read the whole paper. The link is in orange above. Other projects I've developed due to Lack of Unity may be viewed at the following links...

I have had the
Proper Remedy for
25 years... People
prefer lies told
by big liars.

Getting Sucked Deeper Into The Red Vortex
Here are some Blog Posts that go over some problems the "movement" entails. Understand that the Chumps Who Dwindle will keep getting conned by the Clowns Who Swindle if unity under one umbrella is not achieved...

Please pay strict attention to the Posts above. Those above illustrate the Operatives and Opportunists pushing their fake governments, posing as fake judges, advising people there is money in a trust for them, providing bogus status remedies, and on and on... keeping chumps in the Red Vortex.

There have been statutes (law) set aside to properly address the issues of the de facto governmental system for those with standing. Accordingly, PAC provides the lawful procedures that address the Red Body Politic.

Important Principles PAC Represents
Below are some Blog Posts that show a bit what I am about and also advocate. Understand, I have been in this "movement" 30 years and have seen a lot of what transpires in the so-called movement, Patriot, Truth, or otherwise...

You are encouraged to go through all those Posts. They have vital explanations of how America has been slowly transitioned into what it is today. It will provide much insight about me and what needs to be accomplished with The Ring.

Please, Won't
You Join Us !?!

Let's Repopulate
The Republics


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sympathy for Simpletons

CAVEAT : This message is directed to those Not Assisting PAC.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.”  The actions of the bulk of Americans and their don't care attitude is unintelligible. We are at war. It's time for ridicule.

And please think about this in regard to the Woke-Awake circus...
It being a massive Problem-Reaction-Solution game for the animals
based on the Divide and Conquer two party political system...

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

People who are deceived – i.e., Simpletons – by Operatives and Opportunists continually fail to realize that a political line in the sand must be drawn. It is truly staggering the few souls who fail to read and share the Caveat to America.

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
To start off here... I know last week was the 4th of July, but since most all Americans who could be living in The Republic, don't... Why even celebrate?

Little do Americans know, their Independence went from freedom to liberty over 150 years ago. Yes. The United States is still independent. But owing allegiance to the "United States" over your lawful state does have its RED privileges.

Sadly, people are in America for Marxist Materialism and debt, NOT Freedom. Living under The Red Amendment maintains this game of hidden slavery.

That said, hardly anyone viewed – let alone even shared – the Post of July 3rd this last week. Truly, it must be pretty hard dealing with life knowing you are that simple. Your country (countries for true Americans) is literally going to Hades in a Handbasket and you do nothing. Seriously. How sad is it to be you... Really?

About Being Willfully Ignorant
Something to think about in regard to inaction. This statement was made back in the late 1960's when the supreme court was more like the Supreme Court...

“The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance.” —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

Perhaps this video posted last week by Mark Dice will assist your mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, and utter benighted ignorance...

Yet another video I featured disappeared

Before comment is made on the presentation, understand that the Zionist faction uses all minorities to achieve their chaotic end. The Negro was used to install the current system and is being used today as a type of tool or cannon fodder. One objective is destroy Christians to achieve their Godless new world.

That said, what the video relates is genocide of the lawful American population. It is going against the Law of Nations and principles of natural law. You may be rest assured, What is transpiring has been orchestrated by the Synagogue of Satani.e. the Luciferian Bunch – in the name of profits of a select few.

To learn more about this, review the post titled Meet The Threat.

It appears I forgot to include "monopoly in the market of ideas."... Everyone with their own Web Page / Podcast who doesn't Share the PAC Message fits that. It creates self-inflicted divide and conquer. I hope you're getting paid well by the adversary for such idiocy... you may want to review my About The Chaos post.

Thus, those creating the most damage may be Opportunists, not Operatives.

YOU SEE. It's not about You. It's not about Me. It's all about Community.

Sadness Of Your Actions
This isn't about being a Bigot. This isn't about White Privilege. This is about the lawful bodies politic securing their constitutional rights taken over 150 years ago by the Luciferian Bunch. Sadly, their crafted Marxists uphold their own demise. All because those punishing themselves love their "Civil Rights" too much.

Right. Just do nothing. Sit back and enjoy what the bulk of American citizens do... Stay in bed with the "Pride" gang. Yeah, you'll need more of this...

Remaining in the same body politic maintains your indentured slavery. And, you should send this Post to Matt Walsh. Ask him to share it with his "Sweet Baby Gang" of "Conservatives". It's time to separate the men from the babies.

In other words, residing in the 14th Amendment body politic is for children of debt. Independence of The Republic should be the goal of the Discerning Soul. Relinquishment of the "national of the United States" status is key.

You Shall Share This Information
Yes, ball droppers deserve another chance. Now share last week's post.
And realize, if you fail to do so you will further lose your dignity and country.
It's way past time for men and women to not be slaves of elitists. Really.

If you still fail to understand, please see my Importance Of Time post. Or stay the course, keep being entertained by videos put out by Dancing Monkeys.


[ Will ] I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? ~Galatians 4:16
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. He who does
not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.

"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional