Understand. The floggings will continue until morale improves.
Last week I went over the subject of Idiots and Chumps. The latter is deceived and misled by the former. The former are Operatives and Opportunists. Both of them create the same damage and are a detriment to unity and truth. Thus the latter experiences : loss of liberty, money, and perhaps faces incarceration.Fixing this problem was also discussed : Lawful People must be separated from the madness. Remedy is at hand for it to happen, but idiocy dashes that hope. Reiteration must be made. All such types ignore the Dual System of Law. Unconscionable actions such as this are tantamount to sedition.Below noted, a Republican Form of Government guaranteed by the Constitution. The idiots creating damage are indeed concealing this from proper people...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."That was stated by Justice Black in the late 1960's. Moreover, the reference of republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party... such party being a Marxist faction. It was actually prodding by said jurist as to why Anglos are amenable slaves to the de facto 14th Amendment governmental system.The Red Super Party is on its way to sustain the lack of such freedom.
And here is what that political party is blindly in support of...
- Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions. The term “totalitarian party”.
- Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions. The term “world communism”.
Too Many Cooks Spoil The Spaghetti Sauce. Fact. One PAC. One Alliance. One Cure. |
Those who reject Republican Freedom want to have one's cake and eat it too. They want to enjoy benefits of Marxist Government, but generally want to ignore what damage they are causing in doing so. A fact being, doing what thou wilt by following man instead of "The Law" creates the slavery they merrily live under.Outcome of such foolishness was related by a famous American colonist...
must be ruled by tyrants." —William Penn
Matthew 7. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.The gate brings people into a system of law and is vast. The path to Republican Freedom is very narrow. Most choose Civil Rights and Equity over True Law.I had gone over how the System of Priests control the United States. Of course the Operatives and Opportunists are considered False Prophets. At times we see the Black Robed Priests give us hints. Such as Justice Black related.What jurist Black inferred was greed and laziness causes the slavery... being noted in Section 4 of the 14th Amendment. Infinite bondage is what those causing the damage lead their victims to : Deeper into the Red Vortex.The 13th Amendment protects against all such imposed bondage.
But as seen, most Americans choose to Walk with Satan.To summarize this lesson
Those who follow Idiots will cause the ultimate demise of The Republic.
Is it any wonder that people aren't on a rampage to ridicule those who sustain this Red System. Not really. Americans truly LOVE their Marxism. This affection has been progressively developed for the past 150+ years. The main issue to relate at this juncture is addressing the division created by Idiots. Simply...
Who is working with People’s Awareness Coalition and Our Alliance?
Those who are not will be responsible for all damages,
Which will be past, present, and future.
How To Do Stupid. People Prefer Lies. |
- US citizens enjoy Socialism (thus are slaves). That's what they do. —Sic
- Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
- Chumps follow Idiots. That's what they do. —A Truism
- Ignorance is plain ignorance. Willful ignorance is plain stupid. —LB Bork
For the remnant who would like to strive for a free America, Please review...
- A Caveat To America : pacinlaw.us/caveat
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- Marxist Twaddle : https://pacinlaw.us/twaddle
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