Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constitution. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

Enjoy Civil Engineering

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly
declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all
existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist
revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They
have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite ! "
—Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)
Welcome To The Party Pal
As it appears, de facto types like Jamie Raskin – law professor, attorney, and a politician being a U.S. representative for Maryland's 8th congressional district, hence a bona fide insurgent – may have given up on removing President Trump from office using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Like I had discussed in my post–January 6th Sham, Trump did not implement an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination. By construing the "Make America Great Again" utterance to represent going back to pre-Civil War conditions, the only clause the Liberal whack jobs could implement against him therein is– "given aid or comfort to the enemies"... such being Lawful Americans. However, that could not be publicized due to it being a secret, "legal weapon" used against them for being in rebellion against the Constitution proper... as artfully set up by the 14th Amendment.

Of course, this is how they are deemed liable for the public debt of Section 4 of the amendment... amongst many other things that have taken the rights away from Lawful Americans. It is great rebelling against the Constitution proper and remaining a legal entity. That criminal base was secured in the latest election. It fed the slave mechanism so the debt ceiling can continue rising in perpetuity.

You bet. Those beloved Civil Rights are worth your weight in gold. Literally.
Obviously, President Trump would not take that from any Americans.
The Reality
 Of It All.

The Neo
Illegal Aliens Just Bad
As illustrated in my post – Just A Different Day – chaos currently seen has been planned in advance... way in advance. In Operation Vampire Killer 2000 – Jack McLamb warned us there were going to be race wars in America. As we can obviously see, it appears that is now heating up. And to add, lest we forget these immigration issues were laid out in The Red Amendment... along with other Red problems coming down on the world. This brings us to what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said... "Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."  Now, "conspiracy theories" appear to be reality.

In a real world, a country – being each "republic-state" in the Union – allows all people free ingress and regress. However, under World Communism there are rules. A primary rule is one being in a country legally, as compared to lawfully. In order to tame the masses for use in Communism – using Socialism to achieve the human resources for best slave output performance, who can be where and when is controlled. Right. It also allows dictatorship elements to be invoked. It is all found in the United States Code... if you know what you are looking for.

Yes, it is a slippery slope. But rebels electing for rebellion under the Communist Manifesto and its Plank 4 allow such control. The desire for neo-Hellenism and maintaining it has its costs. Open border doctrines of Communism – e.g., "the working men have no country" – has its pluses and minuses. Thusly, taxing its rebel base under World Communism is required. Like in, "These immigrants are okay as long as they are "legal" " Commies squawk like red parrots.
It's An
Forget About Proper Society
For several years after The United States of America was founded, the Anglo immigrants – as being Lawful Americans per naturalization laws – came here to meld with the others. They even shortened their family names to be "American". Sadly, after the so-called "Civil War"  that began to fade. Society was no longer important. Keeping up with "progress" took hold and people went into debt. At this time Congress became treasonous and executed things by force of law. The treason was "constitutionally" attached to those "citizens" by their consent.

The invading "illegal aliens" are here to enhance that orchestrated destruction. These "immigrants" came here for "Marxist Materialism" that has been built on corporate domination. This domination had been achieved by Marxist elements being slowly implemented. The principles of the Communist Manifesto are still in operation under the 14th Amendment. Yes, tweaks are being made; but the bulk of immigrants will join ranks with the others. They all will add to the public debt with other Marxist-socialists in America... being the general population.

Right. A bleeding heart begets slavery. The liberal mind supports its existence, which includes so-called Conservatives. All these types appreciate the progress Communism has achieved the past 150 years along with its damage. Only a Discerning Soul knows what needs to transpire to attain a true "Golden Age". All noted Liberal types care about is perpetual debt and genocide of their people.

The forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions was the "Civil War".
Human Resources have a world to win. Slaves of all countries, Unite !
Legal Entities
Developed by
The United
Discerning Souls Know
This nonsense was setup when THEY established their "Democracy" over 150 years ago. A Red politician – not to be confused with "statesman" – by the name of Daniel Webster – also an American lawyer (go figure) and one of the "Radical Republicans" – issued a warning before the Civil War. He knew the program...
  • “I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe...
    Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people [citizens] to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.”
First off, in strict sense, the United States is not a country nor is it a nation. And, Webster was one of those "designing men". After all, the bastard was a "Radical Republican". I have always had grave concerns about that "warning". What he was actually doing is setting up the "Deep State" to take the fall in the future to protect the coming cabal of "World Communism" by the "Shadow Government". An important thing to remember people are not aware of is, the Synagogue of Satan had warned us long ago that– 'America is their Zion.' ...their cash cow.

Accordingly, we see the RED Republicans coming to the rescue to save us from all those bad Liberals and Democrats. And notice how he blames Americans for being careless for not detecting "The Cabal". The sad fact is – based on human behaviorTHEY knew the masses would fall for it... and surely have done so. The Party of Democrats – along with its apparent infiltration of the Synagogue of Satan – has been a perfect host of useful idiots in the history of "The Cabal".

Right. How very strange. Everything I have been relating for the past 25 years is coming to fruition. Sadly, no one has really listened. What is going on is all part and parcel of the silent wars created by the infamous amendment. I call that amendment The Red Amendment... it being the forced 14th Amendment. And be rest assured, I am not one of "them". I do not derive any pensions and bounties as a minion, traitor, or useful idiot under Section 4 of the amendment. As being sworn to keep "The Cabal" secret, I would not be relating any of this to you.

Accordingly: Lawful Americans must 'detect and correct the wrong by applying the remedy'. Those holding status quo offices cannot and will not help you.
Fruit of A Poisonous Tree
The rich who have gotten extremely wealthy the past 150 years have achieved it by appropriating the labors of Americans through this Communist based system. A system that was installed by force of war, thus is inherently unconstitutional. But yet, liberal minded "citizens" are willing slaves to Marxist taxation, inflation, and the public debt they owe. All while the rich are rich from the same system.

What America is witnessing is the most masterful piece of Hegelian Dialectic in world history. A defiled 150 year plan to bring True Americans to their ruination using - Problem - Reaction - Solution - so select world elites could get richer. All done under the guise of equality of the masses with a thing called Socialism.

It does not take a genius to see that the Communist Manifesto was designed to procure all the resources of a country to enrich the elite with implementing class warfare. Now that the Communist State has empowered the elite through their corporations with laws protecting them, attainment of private takeover is simple. The monopolization of all businesses will solidify through Robber Baron types. Being a private corporate feudalism : check and balances will be non-existent.

In this "Golden Age" of Trump, Americans will remain being the gold : as in The State currency. All property – private and of the republic-states – will remain in adverse possession by consent of the "One Nation Under Fraud" of THEY.
Will Be
As Usual
The knowledge of law in these times is a must. But most care less about it. The power of republican freedom is a wonderful thing... for True, Lawful Americans.

The purpose of this reconstructed governmental system is to serve and rule evil people. The past two centuries is a means to justify the ends. State sovereignty is paramount. It can only happen if Lawful Americans own their countries.
Those Being Of The World
With consent of the masses, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution allows for the legal operations of Communism in America. The 13th Amendment protects Lawful Americans from it. However, "citizens" choose to take "privileges" under this so-called "Emergency"— being an actual, bona fide Communist Insurgency. This takeover of Red was to put "Americans" into bondage : permanent slavery.

Sadly, the Amish are also born with the slave status, even though they live "in the world" better than most everyone else. The ways of the world – being of the world – and its World Communism must be shed to enjoy republican freedom. A person that is born or naturalized is an enemy of The Republic, ipso facto. This is deviously accomplished by operations of law under the 14th Amendment.

Such benefits are vast as held by: Voting - Doles - Silence. With things as they are, the ones that wear the Black Robes ultimately know who is who. The idiom of–"You can't have your cake and eat it too.", applies to you. Those in political power and its judiciary decide what happens to the denizen-slaves that have the Red hue. A Discerning Soul would do the right thing and choose to start anew.
One should ponder : How can one be represented if he cannot duly elect?
Being of the "Democracy" and not being in The Republic is with great neglect...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

Worthy Posts To Absorb
Below are 4 Blog Posts that cover the matter of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War who are consenting to move the New World Order forward...Also, in these 2 Blog Posts comprehend why those serving in the "States" are considered "insurgents" – and officers of the federal government under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution – and why "citizens" are deemed "rebels"...
The Ultimate Lawsuit
People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – has assembled The Ultimate Remedy.
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to Define the Communist Association... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 20, 2025

14th Amendment Actors

Historical Hogwash
When the 14th Amendment was implemented back in 1868, there were a lot of questionable things that had transpired... and still are over 150 years later.

Sadly, there are a plethora of proclaimed "experts" who tend to discount what government "Reconstruction" was all about. It centers around the happenings of the Reconstruction Acts AND the Reconstruction Amendments. They are two different sets of law. The former being specific legislation to deal with certain issues. The latter being more permanent legislation. Moreover, something that is found in the Constitution is going to apply to ALL the States in the Union... not just some of them. Really. 14th Amendment language pertains to "rebels" of the Civil War?  Seriously. These so-called experts better not quit their day jobs. The elements of the amendment have absolutely nothing to do with addressing any matters of the past, except what may involve Reconstruction subject matter.

Mixing the two concepts is an act of incompetence. Of course there is similar language used in the Acts and Amendment (and arguments, etc.). Actually, this is a deceptive component attached to the whole emergency-conspiracy matter called "Reconstruction" : an act or measure of the Rump Congress that setup a calculated dual system of constitutional law. But, that is a secret not well known. Only cabalists know about it; to include members of the Luciferian Bunch, such as Alan Dershowitz. Time will tell if he is a conspirator or just incompetent.

Additionally, one should realize that both Sections 3 and 4 of the amendment use the word "shall" a bit. This word imports things that would happen in the future, not the past. If you look at the context of the language therein, it applies to all things future with little error being applied to past Civil War matters. Again, the matter of intelligence, competency, and deception comes into question.

The duality issue is undoubtedly tied to what Karl Marx established under the Communist game plan. He told the world things were going to be backwards and immoral. Criminality of the so-called "Civil War" period was not immune.

Bad Actors Abounds
I looked at the language of the 14th Amendment back in the 1990's. Per Section 2 of the amendment, I was flabbergasted to see that one could not vote unless he participated in rebellion. Of course, looking at its language voting is also a crime. And so you know, the courts put an end to the political hogwash of the Confederates of the Civil War being in rebellion to the United States...
  • REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in the Civil War. —30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2
The real or true Bad Actors are those who submit to the new political system under the 14th Amendment. They are rebelling against the Constitution proper and accepting the 'new terms' awarded by a Red Faction. This faction is found and defined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Parsing the language of that particular section to establish a simplified formula – parse meaning to analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles – we have...
  • No person shall hold any office (civil or military) under the United States, who – having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States – shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

    But Congress may (by vote) remove such disability. —full text

Of course, when "persons" take an oath they have previously taken it. See the play on language? It doesn't relate, 'who had engaged'. The phrase "shall have" expresses certainty about something that will happen in the future. Damn that pesky second use of shall. So, if a person resists laws of the United States he then may be omitted from office for a violation of the oath he has taken. This negates the possibility of the section pertaining to Confederates in particular. Moreover, it relates all these "participants" will not be in insurrection or rebellion as officers of fact in the pseudo political system... although they really are. That is, Lawful Americans are in sedition, with the Foreigners just being in rebellion.

Accordingly, the Bad Actors may hold State and Federal offices; however, those who maintain a de jure or lawful status shall not hold any of the de facto offices. To clarify : A person who is not in the Communist Association, or not in rebellion against the republic-states, may not hold any Federal or de facto State office. Suitably, only "de facto persons" may "vote" for the Bad Actors— Such persons being "citizens of the United States" per Section 2 of the 14th Amendment as created by the "denizenship" per its Section 1 and its inherent enfranchisement.

Lucky Bad Actors
It could be said we are now under the Constitution OF the United States and not the one FOR the [U]nited States. Both models must be upheld by these actors. The latter one being a model that would not be considered unconstitutional.

That noted, the 14th Amendment does have inherent dualities: It addresses the old political system (de jure), and the "emergency" one (de facto). Again, that sentence as parsed out establishes: Those who take an oath to the Constitution may not hold any office without upholding it in its complete form; however, they cannot give those in rebellion against the de jure system its benefits due to the fact they are actually rejecting the principles of that system. A great setup.

Of course, this is a "formula of law" held in secrecy that is used at will against a particular subject in question. In other words, all citizen-subjects – all new and old types – are liable for rebellious activity setup by the operations of law of the amendment which all office holders are exempt. It's a savings clause, of sorts. It is great to have a free pass to exist as a de facto officer : this due to the fact a major liability of being in office under the question of Article V being violated.

Bad Actors May
The curious part of Section 3 is removal of "such disability". The primary thing in reference is obeying the Constitution. So Congress may elect to allow persons that took an oath to commit seditious acts against the United States? Oh, and also give comfort to those who are in rebellion against the nature of its system. Technically, they are a rump Congress and are ultimately in treason against their republic-states anyway... Why not!  Usurpation in the name of progress is great; so giving any person a thumbs up for seditious acts is also a wonderful thing.

That said, the clause doesn't provide a "process" so Confederates could hold office– they are dead. Once again, why would that even be in there? It is not perpetual. And that 'shall thing' really gets in the way of that wishful delusion.

I hope that you grasp my sarcasm in regard to the treasonous behavior.

Simply put: Section 3 is a word salad that states anyone who takes an oath to the Constitution must obey it, with a neat option Congress may get rid of such bothersome disability. Perhaps to give us something like this in the U.S. Code...
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions. The term “totalitarian party”.
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions. The term “world communism”.
Correct. That legislation allows the President and State Governors to become your favorite dictators. I see it as a 'caveat of good faith' hidden in the code. It is great that they give us some warning on how they may secretly be terminating our constitutional system of government. Although it would be nice if they gave a proper notice about progressively doing it for years under covert dictatorships. I often wonder why people fail to question how those Executive Orders exist.

Oh, and I do stand corrected... A lot of "experts" need to quit their day jobs. And further, one has to have a real hatred against Anglos to destroy their freedoms.
Worthy Posts To Absorb
Below are 4 Blog Posts that cover the matter of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War who are consenting to move the New World Order forward...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 13, 2025

A Communist Association

The Rich Get
Richer And
Care Less
About The
Red Vortex
Sucking Em
In Deeper

Many Fail To Understand
People fail to realize that the Communist plot was actually a blueprint to setup corporate feudalism. Under a smooth cloak of deception and misdirection, Karl Marx had secretly and masterfully established this under the declaration of war known as the Communist Manifesto. I fully understand it. This is what People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) has attempted to expose for over 25 years now.

REALIZE:  Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins

And Wise People stand with PAC and our Alliance. That's what they do.

The Communist Association
A Communist Association is what was formed under the Zionist movement. As I have went into depth on my Blog, the association was ultimately created by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. I coined the term "Communist Association" based on law and the political aspects of the body politic that operates under the "national of the United States" status. This status or nationality is a bogus work-around that was created to conform to the World Communism program.

The Declaration of Human Rights established in the 20th century by the United Nations was part of the Socialistic-Communist plot; however, it also recognizes and preserves a republic... being a nation absent its form of government. But a republic does not meld with multiculturalism (neo-Hellenism) and its socialism.

To observe the program of World Communism, the electorate had to consent to rule or to be ruled under "Reconstruction" in an alternate "State" via Article IV, Section 3.1. To fulfill a so-called "Emergency" per operations of law of the 14th Amendment, Lawful Americans were removed from the de jure jurisdiction of the Republic per Article IV, Section 4.3. Ergo : They were forcibly installed into the Communist Association as legal entities along with a bunch of Foreigners.

Understand, Marxist Materialism has its price. The quid pro quo is very costly. When the United States was established under the Law of Nations concept, its main purpose was to manage human and natural resources. Its created empire was bound to run into some problems. The conquering and acquisition of other territories has its drawbacks. We are now seeing the issues of the victims...

Much More
Unfortunately, the corporate mastery is going to rule over the human condition. And like I have related many times, Wolves eat sheep. That's what they do... and those people not governed by God will be ruled by tyrants... or Commies.

The Goal: Corporate Feudalism
Some people are finally starting to see the problem. Here is a piece by Jimmy Dore on Steve Bannon. My work of the last 25 years hits this on the head but what Bannon is referencing is really just the surface problem. He hits on the true essence of what World Communism was designed to do but fails to get into its elements. The People's Awareness Coalition not only have the elements figured out but also understand how to move forward to correct the damages...
And Really, 
You Wonder 
What's Wrong.

A Total Lack 
of Awareness.
Jimmy Dore is one of the few people that I have seen address things outside the Woke-Awake PsyOp. He does wander into the nonsense, but does address the antics that the two parties with one face try to pull over on the population.

Of course most people are too busy chasing their tails to understand People's Awareness Coalition has a plan to address the problems Jimmy Dore thinks no one addresses. The problem is, people love their Marxism and just complain.

The Failure Of The Movement
Those who follow my work know that I have been advising people for the past 25 years that the Synagogue of Satan is the crux of the problem. Sadly, those who are ultimately in control use the nature of the human psyche to advance the Communist cabal forward. What better way to control the human resources than to make them believe they are gods. And its outcome works nicely...
The New World Order has a plethora of operatives to achieve its goals and maintain its progress. The created 'Red Vortex' has sucked in many people to act in a self-centered manner wherefore causing division in the movement. The egoist mind of this Ayn Rand was one of the Synagogue of Satan members who brought that mindset into America in the 1960s. Of course, she is loved by those that are 'all about themselves'. As the Opportunist divides people, less Operatives are required by the cabal making them a great asset. Operatives and Opportunists paint a picture of why America is a mess, "My religion is just Ayn Rand’s philosophy with ceremony and ritual added."  —Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan
Read 'Operatives and Opportunists' for more details...
 —FROM: The Ring Project
Social Media.

It's A Trap For
The Masses.
Judicially Exposing The Reds
The hype of the 2024 Election was to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.
There are congressional provisions to address this separation... more...
Worthy Information To Absorb
Below are 4 Blog Posts that cover the matter of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War that submits one to move the New World Order forward...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
Get On Board!  Please Join Us on the PAC Open Forum
 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Faux Government

FAUX, adj. Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article.
Synonyms for faux include fake, imitation, artificial, dummy,
simulated, mock, false, sham, and bogus.
An Overthrow
In reading this you must understand that the governmental system after the Civil War had been altered by "Reconstruction" in the 1860’s. This action bifurcated the Constitution. The Union was progressively converted from a Republic with a representative federation into a so-called Democracy. This put Americans into an alternate Red State. Such maneuvering was a steppingstone to conform to what was later referred to as World Communism... aptly, the New World Order.

I refer to its transformation of citizenship as the Communist Association.

De Jure and De Facto Systems
So you comprehend things herein, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will observe how Lawful Americans had their governments usurped.

The reconstruction of the governmental system was caused by an amendment. It was the 14th Amendment to the Constitution installed just after the Civil War. Its installment enabled the rulers to impose another set of laws on Americans. The United States government then became the national government for the Communist Association. The several States were now its political subdivisions: United States counties, so to speak. This hack is referred to as dual citizenship.

This allowed the government and courts to pick and choose what was required to control the citizens of the Communist Association. In sense, Congress was now the national legislature for these foreigners or residents of the "States".

So in proper sense what is Congress? The definition of Congress is as follows:
  • CONGRESS. In International Law. An assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, etc. from different sovereignties who meet to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. —Black's Law Dictionary, 4th edition
This created a system of government referred to as the following:
  • FEDERALISM. 1. A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units. 2. Federalism. Doctrine of Federalist Party.
    —American Heritage Dictionary, 1998
In unison with that, each "State" in the Union is a separate country, nation, and republic that maintains a "clipped sovereignty". Accordingly, the Constitution for the United States of America is nothing more than an international agreement or charter between those nation-states under the principles of international law.

In general, de jure peoples of the states had little interaction with the "federal government". However, that had changed with the political system created under the 14th Amendment. This is not to say the "United States" did not have some national type duties held under the Constitution proper. But one of those duties was not citizenship. This is where the fake national government is formulated.

The de jure political system had a single party, which was the Federalist Party. The Communist Association had to have two: Republicans and Democrats. A divide and conquer political system of Liberals and Conservatives maintain the insanity. While those of the Communist Association bicker, those of the Shadow Government get richer. Keep this quiet. It would spoil a main control mechanism of this reconstructed system. You would think people could figure that out.

The Communist Association is controlled by private or special international law. A fundamental tenet of Communism is to centralize the control of a population. It can be asserted this new system is under the Constitution of the United States; as the Constitution for the United States of America was no longer operative. A new legal landscape was developed. Politicians and the courts could pick and choose what they wanted to follow from the "Constitution" for the new system. But de jure principles were to be followed when required by de jure nationals.
Creating Faux National Citizenship
Those who had Communist tendencies wished for centralized control. The need for this control is a deep subject. I go over many of the issues in my book, The Red Amendment. Simply, it created human resources for the elites to profit from. Various methods are used to maintain production output for maximum profits.

In proper form, the States would be national governments; but they are "States". Today, the United States citizenship – as created by the 14th Amendment post Civil War – is referred to as Federal Citizenship. This is a practice utilized due to the confusion based on the federal based system and its usurpation conflicts.

Below, what is considered the intent of the infamous amendment presented by one of its seedy proponents. From a speech by James Blaine, at Skowhegan, Maine (August 29, 1866), found in the book The Reconstruction Problem:
"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by [the 13th] constitutional amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens. We do not, by making them citizens, make them voters—we do not, in this Constitutional Amendment [the 14th], attempt to force them upon Southern white men as equals at the ballot-box; but we do intend that they shall be admitted to citizenship, that they shall have the protection of the laws, that they shall not, any more than the rebels* shall, be deprived of life, of liberty, of property, without due process of law, and that "they shall not be denied the equal protection of the law."

And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the Negro. It is for the white man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship—and our Amendment declares that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."

This Amendment will prove a great beneficence to this generation, and to all who shall succeed us in the rights of American citizenship; and we ask the people of the revolted States to consent to this condition as an antecedent step to their re-admission to Congress with Senators and Representatives."  CONTENT TAKEN FROM: The Establishment
* REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in
   the Civil War. 30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2. [ A case where a conspirator misused the term...
   But did he?... Perhaps he was noting the rebels that the amendment fabricates.
In other words: You can be part of the Union again if you accept the mandates of our usurpation of the republican forms of government guaranteed to the states. Moreover, its operations apply to all the republic-states (several States) of the Union, unlike some patriot types and other disinformation agents fail to relate.

Wait. More problems exist within that commie wish list. A major one being, the citizenship of the amendment in fact grants such persons political rights. It is obvious by the language as seen in the 15th Amendment. It simply relates all persons shall not be deprived the right to vote; its elemental language does not create a right to vote. The same language is found in the 19th Amendment; it does not create suffrage for women. Per force, the 14th Amendment created an alternative political system for all persons no matter who they were or what sex. It is a fact: Lawful Americans were disenfranchised and sucked into this Marxist based system. Furthermore, those "people of the revolted States" Blain refers to as "rebels" actually were not. That was political commie-speak. It was later ruled to be unconstitutional. The ruling follows the constitutional right for the states to secede from the Union. True rebels are citizens of the Insurgent Democracy.

The "State wherein they reside" is actually a federal State. Their Red residents are foreigners and rebels to the republic-states. The 14th Amendment installed all de jure citizens into the "federal States" with its coercive politics. De facto citizens benefiting from the amendment lack access to The Republic held by Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution proper; however, the Lawful Americans possess grandfathered-in rights but elect to exist in the Communist Association. Due to this unfortunate decision, they are subjects of the political jurisdiction of both the United States and its federal State as "citizens of the United States".

True rebellion develops from participating in the above noted system. It comes from turning the sovereign political power of a republic-state over to the United States without lawful provisions. Participating rulers are only deemed insurgents as they must uphold constitutional principles aside the forced amendment. And, in principle the act of establishing "World Communism" is an act of rebellion.

Simply, individual consent is the essence of this rebellious faux body politic. One doesn't have to participate in rebellion nor be in association with criminals.
You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Actually You 
Consent To It.
Silence Is Golden
Factually, the moment "they" installed the 14th Amendment into the Constitution allowed the governments and courts to act instantly on the fake emergency.

Right, they refer to it as an emergency, but it's really a Communist insurgency. Covert operations of law allows those 'in the know' to jerk Americans around. Many cases would be lost with the litigants not even knowing what hit them. The ignorance of the bifurcation done to the Constitution is a major travesty.

Again, these "States" of the 14th Amendment are not the several States. They are federal States de facto (of fact) as fabricated under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution proper; that being the only thing remotely constitutional about these States. In legal parlance, the several States and the federal States share the same territory. Ones "political status" determines which law forms apply. Is it any wonder the sitting government doesn't bring this up to its Marxist citizens?

In reality, the Communist faction setup bad, Lawful Americans to act in treason. This orchestrated operation of law known to those 'in the know' use it against said Americans to deny their constitutional freedom. A neat silent weapon to get back at those bad people who reject foreign control and its intended slavery.

But do not get too upset with your rulers. Like all good Americans, most of them just do what they are told. They are oblivious to this usurpation. And the ones 'in the know' get paid well to keep it shrouded. Along with other secrets, there is a safety-net built into the 14th Amendment to keep their traitorous ways quiet.

Yes. Your silence to this usurpation is your consent to Red slavery. Their silence is not golden. It is Red... a color found in the Bible that represents corruption.

To be a Marxist, or not to be a Marxist. That is the question.

Constitutional Remains
The building of the "One Nation Under Fraud" started with the 14th Amendment. Further destruction had been accomplished with the 17th Amendment. It further built the Communist based national government. The only thing that remains of the constitutional system is the electoral college. This facet somewhat saves the original constitutional political system from that of Democracy. The problem is, the rulers are chosen by those in rebellion against the Constitution proper. The political participants are predestined to be controlled by authoritarian laws.

Such Communist based principle is found in the Communist Manifesto noted as, The destruction or elimination of countries and nationalities. All nationalities of the several republic-states have been 'consolidated into one country' under 14th Amendment mandates per the national and citizen of the United States status.

Ultimately, these actions caused genocide of the Lawful Americans. Dealing with the damage caused the past 150+ years will take substantial measures. Status quo politics are being used to bury these damages with Hegelian Dialectics. It is accomplished with political shenanigans via distractive Woke-Awake theatrics. The Red Super Party has purpose of substantiating damages indefinitely; thus the new "conservative" faction securing a Luciferian's Hellenistic delusion.

Just think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal type attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, government benefits, women ruling you, banking-which includes credit, doing what thou wilt, etc.

The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
A Constitutional Remedy
At this point, to go back to the constitutional Union would be next to impossible. What is required to be accomplished in the interim is: the de jure and de facto political jurisdictions need to be separated; this so Lawful Americans may enjoy a republican form of government. It will also allow said Americans to redevelop their common law systems under their sovereign custom and usages. Also, they would have immunity from the ills of the Communist Association. The foreign presence of said association could still be governed by appropriate legislation.

Section 5 of the 14th Amendment provides a vast latitude for this to transpire. This way the two systems can still exist without constitutional adjustments. The two political jurisdictions must be swiftly recognized by the insurgent factions... Such being, the politicians of the de facto offices held under the usurpation.

This fix will allow Marxist Americans to enjoy the imposed slavery of their rulers with Lawful Americans being able to openly enjoy their constitutional freedoms. A clear Rule of Law will eliminate the gray area allowing governments and the law industry to continue bilking de jure people of their given right of well-being.
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
REALIZE : Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
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Monday, November 18, 2024

The Red Super Party

World Communism Lives
The Supreme Court has been telling us what has been going on for years...
    "[T]he America once extolled as the voice of liberty heard around the world no longer is cast in the image which Jefferson and Madison designed, but more in the Russian image."
    —Chief Justice Douglas, Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. 1 (1972)
As we have been told, Russia is no longer Communist. Nice. Well, the American Union was never Communist, right? If that is true, why are all of the Planks and much Dogma of the Communist Manifesto applied in America? Pretty strange. But, as it can be seen Justice Douglas did hint at the redness in his dicta. This should speak volumes about the secrets and fraud politics operates under.

We have seen many "Hidden Hander" secret society members who have been sculpting what they call World Communism – or World Domination – for years...

Thaddeus Stevens, Karl Marx, Senator Ted Cruz, Pope Francis, Napoleon, Kim Jong Un, and many more. They are just one faction of Satanic minions working on things. Let's add Synagogue of Satan members and all Masonic orders to the list of those who are working on world domination for a select few to profit.

Like I have been telling people for some time, this whole Woke thing was just a planned opposition measure to cover-up and sustain all the damage done. The Democrats-Liberals are being thrown under the bus like I have been saying they would be... and the Red Super Party has America basking in political speak.

Tulsi Gabbard the American politician is a prime example of how things may not be changing that much. She acts the part of a faux patriot with her 1776 speak. But what does one expect with America basically living a lie for 150+ years.

Seriously. How is America actually going to be great, again?

The Red Patriarchy
Like Chief Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court related, America was more of a Communist make-up over what the Founding Fathers had put together. This all started with "Reconstruction". So in sense, the patriarchy of Red Americans is that of Abraham Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, Daniel Webster, Karl Marx, etc.

As we are witnessing, those who are in support of the Red Super Party – such party being that of a foundation of the Radical Republicans who brought about reconstruction of government – practice political speak about the Constitution. A constitutional deception the has jerked Americans around for over 150 years.
People Will 
Fix Nothing.
Sad But 
You see, these happy people are not patriots who enjoy true freedom under the Constitution proper. The "founding fathers" of the happy Reds are noted in the list. They are the patriots of those men who mandated the usurpation of the "true constitutional republican system". They exist deceptively under what I fittingly refer to as "One Nation Under Fraud". They enjoy Homeland Security and other despotic agencies like the IRS and TSA that sadly persecutes weak souls.

Say, let ex-United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, explain this great deal...

"The Constitution guarantees due process,
it does not guarantee judicial process."

That is a clever way of saying, all citizens that are in the Communist Association enjoy due process under the 14th Amendment, not proper judicial process and due process held under pre14th Amendment conditions. Surprise, faux patriots! That is why we hear Supreme Court Judges like Brett Kavanaugh describe the Constitution like, "The Constitution, as written." This is actually a secret way of saying, The Constitution ain't what it used to be. But, that is for you to figure out. Not knowing about the Bifurcation of the Constitution will cause one to flounder.

Tell me again. How is America actually going to be great, again?

A Red Super Party Adventure
It will be interesting to see how much Red Winning will be achieved in the future. Already there is a bit of trouble going against the status quo Red Faction...
Red Super Party TroubleFBI Whistle Blower Blows
Yes, some good things are happening. The problem is, America has been living in this transitional end game for over three generations. On top of that they were just subjected to a bunch of nonsense with the Woke circus. A stunt that was of purpose to cover-up adverse progress the New World Order has achieved.

It really goes without saying that such circus was world-wide, hence is obviously of foreign design... making this chaotic Red problem purely not domestic.

One more time. How is America actually going to be great, again?

The Perpetual Empire
The forced "Reconstruction" of the American governmental system mimicked what happened to the Roman Empire. The vast difference is, the United States under the Constitution always provided for an Empire. The so-called Civil War totally squelched our Republican Freedom with this so-called Democracy.
The House of Representatives Represents Fascism.
The lawyers of America had done the same thing to the peoples of the republics of the Union that lawyers did to the people of Rome. This is due to people and corporations being merged into the same law system. Benito Mussolini had said if government merged with corporations there was a good fascist set-up. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution installed under Reconstruction empowers corporations with rights and protections just as if they were also people. So, it is obvious the purpose of the Civil War was to create corporate domination.

Hence, it can be properly defined that Fascism is the merger of government and private corporations. That reality has been going on for some time now.

Really people. How is America actually going to be great, again?

A Lawful Solution
Rome was not built in a day... nor was this modern rebirth of it. So perhaps we must keep an eye on things and keep pushing back so things may just work out for the better. As it stands, who knows what will transpire. I can tell you, things are going as THEY have planned. Being ignorant of the law won't stop them. I advise people join us and apply law in order to deflate this Empire properly.

Let's work together and make America constitutionally accurate again.
Discerning Souls must cease being Sods In Satan's Sandbox.

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