Friday, July 8, 2022

People Prefer Defense

The Sorry Method
It is said that the best defense is a good offense. Anyway, that's what they say.

People just like to talk and kick the can down the road. Social Media has done a great job to facilitate that. Right. By observing most people – and their modus operandi, they seem to get into Twitter chatter jibber jabber. They gossip away on social platforms while people go deeper and deeper into the Red Vortex.

And look at their greatness on YouTube. Spreading the word bigger and better than anyone else... a lot of them not even knowing if the information they have came from operatives. It could be bad information. Who cares, what counts is how many subscribers they can get to make some big money... And, they don't even need a website for their business anymore, they have Facebook.

Yep. They are part of that free market of the "New Age" that is all the rage... that is going to impose a Carbon Tax on the fruits and labors of their existence...

Hey, they're all set. Life is good!

Now that's progress, all you me gods.
Remember Klaus Schwab... You'll own nothing and be happy.

Defense Is For The Weak
There you have it. Really, at this time you should have figured out that you aren't really in control of your life. Not in the sense of the "State" you live in, anyway. You may have liberty, but you don't have your freedom. It seems like people are controlled and moved around like herd animals. You must have seen this happening lately, haven't you? THEY refer to it as World Communism.

Let the predators control things while the weak are safe and secure, and make some bucks. The best method is wait until you are personally attacked. Kick the can down the road, in other words. See how bad things get. That's right, don't be an intelligent soul and deal with problems that are plaguing your life, your family and countrymen. After all, that would take courage and responsibility.

Lot Of Soulless Slaves
Again, people are engineered slaves. A human is a shade of man (hue-man). Simply, a man reduced to a legal entity controlled by private law at the will of the legislature operating in a commercial construct. The Justinian Law recognizes people as animals. A mammal without a soul. This is a status used by Congress. You might say it is the science affiliation of them looking at your existence...

The Satanic version, in other words.

Remember this, THEY have you practicing their religion of the "playful gods", not being reverent to Christ the redeemer. It is time to get your spirit right.

Like I have said, if you don't know law, you really don't know squat. Law is how they keep the animals corralled. Add history to that. Most people are distracted with current events... a lot of it being political theater. I touched on that above. Sure, some people look at history. But is it relevant and how accurate is it?

They Claim Superiority
The adversary loves to keep the animals busy chasing their tails and living in fear. But that is what animals do: obey and perform neat tricks. For more information on the problem, see my post titled— They Don't Care.

Yes, THEY have the masses figured out.
They, the masses, make great human capital.
Me. I just keep shaking my head.

Ball Is In Your Court
It is past time to get busy. Offense is intelligent. Your posterity depends on it. And one more thing, our offense has nothing to do with anarchy. THEY promote that as a planned opposition program to prosecute those who disobey.

People's Awareness Coalition observes the Rule of Law.
Some related memes to distribute to family, friends, and groups...

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