Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts

Monday, January 22, 2024

Your Foreign Status

Original Jurisdictions
In my Blog Post –The Insufferable – I went over how those of the Anglo bodies politic are in disavowment to their Republican form of Governments. They have opted to be in rebellion with the FOREIGNERS by Voting-Doles-Silence. By you taking advantage of the status of a 14th Amendment person has manufactured you to be a treasonous slave. How many ways does this have to be explained?

Below, some slick operations of the 14th Amendment listed:

Simply stated in a few words– Section 1) Creates the foreign status; Section 2) Denotes the rebellions and apportions insurgents; Section 3) Allows a dual system of law; Section 4) Perpetual debt and slave condition parameters; and, Section 5) Enforcement of Marxist policies by the Red Faction on beneficiaries.

In a nutshell: There is the constitutional formula on how Communism took over the Republican Forms of Government by rebellion of lawful/foreign people.

A 150 Year Reign.

They Refer To 
It As World

Communist Manifesto Fulfillment
Government Reconstruction and its installment of The Red Amendment created the installment of the Red Faction. The Synagogue of Satan promised things would be turned inside out and backwards. The so-called Civil War attained the forcible overthrow in violation of Article V of the Constitution. It then took over a century of the consent of the governed to destroy all existing social conditions.

The ruling class of Marx are those in government and their servants. They exist under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. These insurgents Rule the Red Masses as a national government for the rebels created by the 14th Amendment with its "States" being political subdivisions of the "United States"... not the true national governments under Article IV, Section 4, i.e., the several states.

Mind you, all of this was achieved on a foundation of force and deception. As the maxim of law goes, When the foundation fails, all fails. Be concerned, because the swindle is now being side-tracked with the creation of a Red Super Party. Thus, the consent of the governed and the Treason by Design will continue.

A goal of padding the pockets of a Corporate Elite has worked flawlessly.

Your Legal System
There are a lot of Maintainers keeping infants "within" the de facto sandbox. The masses who have lawful standing have perfected the Art of Fiddle-Fart. At this point, those Being Of The Remnant appears to be dwindling day by day.

Such lawful Americans love their Commie based Marxism way too much. Giving allegiance to the District of Columbia and its benefits does have its downfalls. This including the Debt Ceiling being elevated with its companion inflation.

The Bottom Line
 FACT IS: So-called "America" is a most successful installation of Communism. The progressive nightmare won't end until people recognize PAC and our lawful restoration plan. At this point suckers are falling for every Red Trick there is.

One would think those being conned for the past 150 years would be upset and want to fix things. But yet they are content being further conned and befuddled.

I have said it before: This Red Insurgency is of purpose to serve and rule evil people. So beware the Multicultural Conservatism of the Red Super Party.
Take Heed. The
Time Is Currently
Being Amplified
For The Worship
Of False Gods.
Five Blog Posts To Review...



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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 16, 2023

Democracy Is For Fools

Three Elements of Democracy - IE - Communism

Central Bank - Standing Army - Elimination of Countries

"I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican
virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared."

—Thomas Jefferson to William Plumer, July 21, 1816

"I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."
—Thomas Jefferson

Of course the first two concerns of Jefferson may be found in the Communist Manifesto under Central Banks and War being specified to install Communism.

I really don't think Jefferson saw the elimination of countries and nationalities coming by the "Communist Faction". Effectively the 14th Amendment took care of all three... and more... including destroying republicanism with democracy. Of course, guardians like Jefferson were gone by the time Reconstruction hit.

Unknown to most, the so-called "Democracy" was tied-up with a Little Red Bow as a "Government of Consent" as created after the so-called "Civil War". The several states de jure (of right) were no longer free countries under law. In true reference, since the war they are federal states de facto per an "emergency".

This "Government of Consent" overrode the nationalities of the republic-states and lumped them into one "national and citizen of the United States" Communist status. This Enterprise-Empire has lasted three times longer than The Republic. Sadly, the 14th Amendment system must remain intact to house Foreigners.

The de jure people don't seem to care, even though they may be immune to it.

Government Is Your Religion
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not : Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled— The Unholy Trinity. Right. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. It is note worthy that Karl Marx said— "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, Second as farce."...  Right. Those "people" getting back at those responsible for destroying their 2nd Temple has been a monumental task. Enjoy the farce!
Just Love

Yep. Said
To It.
Since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (The McCarran-Walter Act), the Communist faction – I call the Red Faction – has accelerated its agenda. Especially the last 70+ years as America has been flooded with Foreigners.

An influx of economic slaves has caused bigger debt load on True Americans. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) addressed the Rump Congress about the debt...Understand, that is coming from the Political Dog and Pony Show of the Red Faction. The cause is nil as it deals with transferring the perpetual debt to more domestic "socialist" matters while criticizing the world socialist and communist based issues that will never end. Politicians fix absolutely nothing— Nothing!

These people aren't "Statesmen". They are puppets of the New World Order. Over the past 150 years, the rump Congress has allowed the fruits and labors of Americans to assist in funding what THEY call World Communism.

Nonetheless, we need to push back in order to correct things.

Fatalities of The Red Emergency
Understanding that politicians are basically worthless traitors, let's look at the reality of the Emergency, err–Insurgency, by the "United States". Below we have an open admission that de jure citizens have been disenfranchised, which infers they may be immune to ITS Socialistic-Communistic laws...
"A stateless person is someone who, under national laws, does not enjoy citizenship – the legal bond between a government and an individual – in any country. While some people are de jure, or legally stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens under the laws of any state), many people are de facto [emphasis], or effectively stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens by any state even if they have a claim to citizenship under the laws of one or more states)."
  —The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
[ NOTICE: That disclosure was removed by the 2025 Trump Administration. ]

They act like being "stateless" is a bad thing. Normally it is, but not when your state (country) has effectively been stolen from you. And they are not telling the whole story : True Americans may be stateless, but they may live constitutionally under their de jure nationality under immunity per proper, lawful termination of the Communist based "citizenship and nationality" caused by Reconstruction.

The problem is, THEY – the Synagogue of Satan – are still on a path to destroy the lives of True Americans with a new crop of "Americans". The True Americans seem to care less. But they are lawful people who can apply the remedy Daniel Webster noted over 150 years ago when THEY had established the Emergency. Removal of the Slave Status is the only remedy. It now must be rectified.

Moreover, because of a failure to draw a political line in the sand, the Gray Area of the Emergency will continue to produce major damages to True Americans.

H.L. Mencken did say, 'Democracy is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses.'  I say let the Corporations and Foreigners pay the debt load and enjoy all the fruits of Communism. In other words, let them enjoy the communist based citizenship. Simply put, True Americans must strive to live under Republican Freedom. In exemplifying the problem and how you consent to it, see these 2 Posts...

Democracy Is Socialism and Communism
Some people think Socialism and Communism are two different systems. That's what THEY wanted the world to think. The former is needed to feed the latter. Socialism is where the government gets involved in the lives of people. They are dependent on government. And Communism is where government takes control of the economy. Listen to the professional Communists, they tell you as much.
Both Parties
Are Reds.
Also Misled.

The True
Don't Play.
Of course, Democracy follows with both. Basically the government handles the infants, meaning those who cannot live under freedom and prefer to be taken care of... In a lot of respects. The quid pro quo is feudalistic treatment.

As a matter of law, nobody really owns anything but they are happy– with their materialism... while the rich get much richer.  Wow!  Such a deal.

Gee, Where have we heard all that before?

To understand more, below are 4 Blog Posts that hit on some of the particulars of how "Democracy" works and how those who choose it are destroying The Republic... Foreigners are the ones in rebellion against the republic-states...
Human Resources and Consumers

"Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains."
—Thomas Jefferson

It Is
In The

PAC Does
It Right.

Right. It is a merchant problem. Those in it for profit. I have been referring to the United States as a Commercial Plantation for many years. There are no natural societies. Just Human Resources and Consumers for profits and gain of a few.

The problem is related in these 2 PDF Papers I wrote years ago. They are...
Know The Synagogue of Satan
Most Americans don't understand or know the problem they are experiencing. In order to fix what was meant to be broken, knowing the problem is a must. To expand on this, a member of the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) noted this...
"The day when the Jew was first admitted to civil rights, the Christian state was in danger... the entrance of the Jew into society marked the destruction of the State, meaning by State, the Christian State." —Benard Lazare
The man may have excommunicated himself from the Synagogue of Satan due to its evilness. But there are plenty of them left pushing the agenda forward in the United States and throughout the world. Like Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!  As discussed herein, we know what "Democracy" is really all about.

Below is Goodman with another SoS member discussing their meddling in the politics of "other countries". Also, another segment on the Synagogue of Satan admitting destroying Anglo countries... The arrogance is unbelievable...
These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44

If you do not understand the Genocide of the Anglos by the Synagogue of Satan by now... unfortunately, you probably never will. Seriously a lost soul in dishonor. Oh, and one more thing... Is it just me or has the world absolutely Gone to Hell since women got involved in politics?  Correct. The Synagogue of Satan did it.

Understand this : The wrecking crew – known as the Synagogue of Satan – has created a grave amount of damage. It may take centuries to repair... Especially if both the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) are allowed to keep pushing their drivel on the public and government.

Right. Either THEY – the SoS – are behind all this chaos we now see, or they are the biggest useful idiots in world history. We can let them choose.

The Ultimate Remedy
There is only one way in law to shed the status of their Insurgent Democracy. It was grandfathered in for "Anglos", so to speak. Moreover, I have known about the mass correction that can be achieved as allowed by law, but most people seem to love the oppression of their captors and prefer Division and Defense.

Thus, those in rebellion love their government so much, they won't do a thing to fix it or themselves. They'll just keep taking what they're given. Truly, it must be said it is the damnedest case of Stockholm Syndrome the world has ever seen.

In a Peaceful Evolution, the True Americans must establish their own economies within the Communist occupied territories known as the republic-states de jure. Ultimately, such lawful peoples must establish their own federal government. However, in the interim proper education and corrections are the proper key for individual freedom. Thus, Discerning Souls must use their intelligence which will bring them to us, PAC. Because they understand Democracy is surely for fools, or jackasses. We ask that you please join The Ring and stop being a jackass.

Some Final Words

I cannot live without books.
      —Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, June 10, 1815

Now, People
Love Videos
With Inferior

Videos Are
For Vassals.

"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers." —Thomas Jefferson

It appears the press hasn't changed... even 200 years ago it was worthless. And also remember what Thomas Jefferson said about republican virtues... not to be confused with the Republican Party, which is politically Red or Communist...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967
It's A No

Not Treason.

Terms Used Herein
 Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against the Republic.
  • Slave(s) means, slave used in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
absorbing my Blog and also studying material found at

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sympathy for Simpletons

CAVEAT : This message is directed to those Not Assisting PAC.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.”  The actions of the bulk of Americans and their don't care attitude is unintelligible. We are At War. It is Time for Ridicule.
And please think about this in regard to the Woke-Awake circus...
It being a massive Problem-Reaction-Solution game for the animals
based on the Divide and Conquer two party political system...

Qui vult decipi, decipiatur. Let him who
wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

People who are deceived – i.e., Simpletons – by Operatives and Opportunists continually fail to realize that a political line in the sand must be drawn. It is truly staggering the few souls who fail to read and share my Caveat to America.
[ Will ] I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? ~Galatians 4:16
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. He who does
not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance
To start off here... I know last week was the 4th of July; however, since most all Americans who could be living in The Republic, don't... Why even celebrate?

Little do Americans know, their Independence went from freedom to liberty over 150 years ago. Yes. The United States is still independent. But owing allegiance to the "United States" over your lawful state does have its RED privileges.

Sadly, people in America are for Marxist Materialism and debt, NOT Freedom. Living under The Red Amendment maintains this game of hidden, silent slavery.

That said, hardly anyone viewed – let alone even shared – the Post of July 3rd this last week. Truly, it must be pretty hard dealing with life knowing you are that simple. Your country (countries for true Americans) is literally going to Hades in a Handbasket and you do nothing. Seriously. How sad is it to be you... Really?

About Being Willfully Ignorant
Something to think about in regard to inaction. This statement was made back in the late 1960's when the supreme court was more like the Supreme Court...

“The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance.” —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

Perhaps this video posted last week by Mark Dice will assist your mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, and utter benighted ignorance...

Yet another video I featured disappeared.
Before comment is made on the presentation, understand that the Zionist faction uses all minorities to achieve their chaotic end. The Negro was used to install the current system and is being used today as a type of tool or cannon fodder. One objective is destroy Christians to achieve their Godless new world.

That said, what the video relates is genocide of the lawful American population. It is going against the Law of Nations and principles of natural law. You may be rest assured, What is transpiring has been orchestrated by the Synagogue of Satani.e. the Luciferian Bunch – in the name of profits of a select few. To learn more about this major problem, review the Post titled Meet The Threat.

And sorry, I forgot to include "monopoly in the market of ideas."... Everyone with their own Web Page-Podcast who doesn't Share the PAC Message fits that. It creates self-inflicted divide and conquer. I hope you're getting paid well by the adversary for such idiocy... you may want to review my Post, About The Chaos.

Thus, those creating the most damage may be Opportunists, not Operatives.

YOU SEE. It's not about You. It's not about Me. It's all about Community.

Sadness Of Your Actions
This isn't about being a Bigot. This isn't about White Privilege. This is about the lawful bodies politic securing their constitutional rights taken over 150 years ago by the Luciferian Bunch. Sadly, their crafted Marxists uphold their own demise; because those punishing themselves love their "Civil Rights" much too much.

Right. Just do nothing. Sit back and enjoy what the bulk of American citizens do... Politically stay in bed with the "Pride" gang. Yeah, you'll need more of this...
If Americans
Only Knew
Remaining in the same body politic maintains your indentured slavery. And, you should send this Post to Matt Walsh. Ask him to share it with his "Sweet Baby Gang" of Conservatives. It's time to separate the men from the babies.

In other words, residing in the 14th Amendment State and being of its body politic is for the children of debt. Independence of The Republic is the goal of the Discerning Soul. Dumping the "national of the United States" status is key.

You Shall Share This Information
Yes, ball droppers deserve another chance. Now share last week's post.
And realize, if you fail to do so you will further lose your dignity and country.
It's past time for men and women to end being slaves of elitists. Really. If you still fail to understand, please see my Importance Of Time post. Or stay the course, keep being entertained by videos put out by Dancing Monkeys.

"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, July 3, 2023

Conservative Con Job

A Transition That Took Over 150 Years

There are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.

We are going to explore how much Americans are being conned by this political system. It is truly evil, seriously. For a lot of folks it's actually treasonous.

Baphomet is the Republicans antiChrist signature, although the graphic doesn't show it, the stars flipped in 2001 though. As you know, the Democrats seem to cover all else that is antiChrist. Yep. Politics in America are fun, and Godless. And correct. A wonderful testament to a Separation of Church and State.

The above meme I made some years ago. It was based on the observation of what was going on with the two parties in the new century (2000). The party graphics were taken from their respective websites. Of course, the crafted Red Conservatives (i.e., tools) are the "good guys" coming in to save the day.

As those who follow the PAC material know, I have been saying for some time now that the Democrats are being setup to be thrown under the bus.

You might say all this garbage is giving homage to the New Age.
It does, but it also shows us that America is run by Satanists.

Yes, sir. Political labels are like a box of chocolates...
You never know what you're going to get.

Finishing Touches On The New America
Understand the Hegelian Dialectic – Problem - Reaction - Solution – is used to achieve the "New Age". An age not run on Christian based Common Law, but rather the Noahide Laws. All so-called Christians have been conned into the Judaistic scheme, i.e., millions of Deceived Souls lost in Talmud Land.

Accordingly – as it can be seen at this time – the Zionist faction is making its final move to take down their useful idiots, the liberal based Democrats. That's what's going down right now. See what your future holds, FOX Television gives us a clue about the Super RED Party coming to a voting booth near you...There is no doubt the set-up and final takeover has been finely orchestrated. I wrote about this system coming 25 years ago in The Red Amendment...

"By 2020 there will be a one world government."
—R. Kurzweil: Jew with Google, 1999

The wolves in sheep's clothing are on schedule with their world system. Them being allowed to meddle in United States' politics has assisted the progress. Posing as someone they aren't has been a world cancer for centuries.

Largely, as this takeover depends on true Americans to "Do What Thou Wilt, which includes the Luciferian Bunch "freeing the women", said Americans must abstain from the system designed to destroy the families of lawful means.

Now that the Christian family has been thrown into utter chaos, 'Conservative grooming organizations' – such as the online Prager University (PragerU) – are conditioning "Americans" to accept the coming totalitarian system. Of course, the founders are Jewish. Part of their modus operandi is hiding behind other minority groups as to protect their presence that allows them to meddle.

America Just Don't Get It
A substantial measure of the WOKE nonsense is to keep the world from understanding that all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and its dogma had been applied in American governance the past century. The extreme Liberalism we are seeing is to hide that fact, i.e., What Marxists? We fixed that problem.

And in case you didn't know, due to bad narratives– both men that developed the Communist Manifesto of 1848 – Karl Marx & Fredrick Engles – were Jewish. Surprise!  And we have been told America is not Communist. Yeah, right.

The 'problem being fixed' is now in the making per Dog and Pony Show tactics. Rest assured that all Marxist damage done the past 150 years will remain intact. Only a Discerning Soul can detect the current chaos as being a distraction to cover-up what has been a stealthy, gradual transition to a Zionist America.

As assuredly the Jewish faction created the Woke-Awake circus of trickery, we must also note that during the FDR presidential reign, U.S. Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau – another Jew, had declared that “America is OUR Zion.”

Simply, THEY create Problems. Suckers have Reactions with gossip and fear over using intellect. THEY then have Solutions the sad Suckers gladly fall for. The method works out well for the Elite's cults of power and greed. The success is bolstered by Reconstructions' 14th Amendment's "citizen" personage.

This represents a couple of things, Americans ultimately aren't in control of their lives or countries – whatsoever – and they are simply just human resources and consumers serving a small percentage of elites who jerk them around.Oh, and there are no "White Hats". That is a Satanic fairy tale to make people do nothing. It's just another major sign of the Infant Problem. Right. Keep kicking the can down the road, you big babies. It's really up to YOU to fix this mess.

Lawfully Fixing The Problem
It could be said true Americans have gotten the government they deserve. It was over 2000 years in the making. And as history repeats itself– the Godly people must make a valiant effort to leave Egypt once again, proverbially speaking.

We aren't talking about "Jews" here... the Israelites are being referenced...

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite
a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew."

—"A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac

Like I said, the cancer created by these Frauds has been going on for centuries.

Perhaps now you see why "White" people – Caucasian Evangelicals – are now being demonized and put down by the Synagogue of Satan and its minions. Those known as THEY need a new crop of slaves to line evil pockets...
I.E., The love of money is the root of all evil.
What was taken away with the "Civil War" must be taken back. Congress had left the provisions to do so for those souls with standing. Repent. Get busy...

 True Americans enforce your de jure status– The Art of Lawful Status

AND sorts who take offense to these truths, Either the so-called "Jews" are behind this mess or they're the biggest useful idiots in world history. That aside, people who remain in this political system certainly deserve an idiot award.
Understand More About The Zionist Cash Cow
For your review or to learn more on the material related herein,
I have listed 4 relevant Blog Posts that encompass the subject matter... AND to close...

Happy 4th of July... The foundational birth of The Republic, if you can keep it, as been said. Betting that few have lived in it for 150 years. Currently you have an insurgent Democracy running on perpetual debt caused by Foreigners.

Now you know. That's what so-called Conservatives are actually conserving.

Technically, they too are Liberals. They are of the same color, RED, but are the other side of a divide and conquer scheme that makes the rich much richer.


"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Red Amendment

14th Amendment Imposed Civil Law
The below quote is from the PAC Alliance 14th Amendment presentation...
"In the cases of which the 14th Amendment was applied in the first fifty years after its adoption, less than one half of one percent invoked it in protection of the Negro race, and more than fifty percent asked that its benefits be extended to corporations." –Justice Hugo Black
What is being related to you here is, the true purpose of "Reconstruction" was to expand power of corporations and not give the "slaves their rights". That ploy was just a sales tool to sell the deal so the system could be implemented.

An extended or hybrid "Law of Persons" was given to corporations via Civil Law to expand their powers. This in turn destroyed the Anglo based bodies politic of the States and their Common Law base. The causation was authoritarianism.

This in turn imposed a silent slavery on all Americans by offering "Civil Rights".
The Global Outcome
Through the International Monetary Fund, all business in the world has been manipulated. This system is effectively called "Capitalism"... but its blueprint is actually referred to as "Communism". Simply put, every time you see politicians wearing a business suit, and RED based attire, this system is present. The credit system for this thing called "World Communism" is regulated by a thing called ESG : Environmental, Social and Governance... more on that here

The system provides control under the Synagogue of Satan and monopolizes credit and greed for eventual control over all business by them (THEY).

The Vehicle Is Socialism
Equity is what feeds this progressive system de facto, i.e., No one left behind so maximum profits are made by the participants in this global based nightmare. In regard to this noted system, one could easily win a bet that the Dancing Monkey in the below video maintains and uses a Social Security Number...The main reason this system is successful is division based on ego. Most lack any base of understanding and the progressive foundation and its intricacies.

They Will Succeed
Based on what I related above and what George Bush, Sr., said about the New World Order to the world back in the early 1990's, "When we are successful, and we will be"... They will win... At least in regard to the duped masses...

For the duped masses are falling for every measure and appear to be loving it. The more unintelligent ones think "Civil Disobedience (Anarchy)" is the answer. Little do they realize that they are being set-up for prosecution...

It worked VERY well for the "January 6th Insurgency".

The Red Amendment
 A Textbook that will save The Republic...

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, May 1, 2023

We All Will Pay

Politics Will Carry On
The New World is going as planned. The Red Super Party is Coming.

As I have been saying for the past 25 years, it is a crime to vote. Simply put : It's not my government. It's not my rebellion. There is only one fix for this. A political line in the sand has to be drawn to expose and end the authoritarian onslaught. What is happening now is fascism extended into a new world-wide feudalism. In review, please go over the blog post Fascism to Feudalism. Once again, this is all achieved by your consent through the Rump Congress and its emergency.

Doug in Exile still plays into the dog and pony show...
Sorry. YouTube took Doug's Channel away. His new channel here.
YouTube deleted all PAC's channel content instead. It's called censorship.
That is the way of the dancing monkeys. All talk and no (proper) action.
Cashless Society
The so-called "Cashless Society" is on its way. It will be unconstitutional, but like everything else that has been unconstitutional the past 150 years the bulk of Americans will accept it. They just love their Marxism!

I will have a bit more on this next week. Judge Robert Bork brought the unlawful money system to the attention of Congress during his conformation hearing in the 1980's, but insurgent rump congressmen such as Joseph Biden shot him down disallowing him to serve on the Supreme Court. Oh that Rebellion!

For now, see more on this in my Blog Post, Slaves of Democracy.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
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Monday, April 10, 2023

A Great Marxist Day

April 15 : A Great Marxist Day
The Luciferian Bunch have given us all kind of "great" things, like the Great Seal of the United States, The Great Depression, the coming Great Reset... But one great thing that is not known to many is the great income tax that takes the property of Americans. They truly love their Marxism!

Few Americans understand that the taxing of their wages and other property is one on the main elements of the Communist Manifesto. It is applied to those in the Communist Association and its Social Security per the 14th Amendment.

Income Tax Writings Of The Past
For those who are new to my work, I had written a couple white papers on the subject some years ago. I have provided them for those who have not seen them. They are as listed below in PDF fomat as follows... The income tax problem has been all but buried the past 15 years or so. The planned opposition programs such as "Woke" and "Awake" tend to replace it with distractive nonsense put out by moronic Operatives and Opportunists.

It is truly beyond understanding why people insist on belonging to Communist Association over living in constitutional freedom in The Republic.

Time is past for those with standing to "Do the Right Thing".

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 7, 2022

Timeless Fraud and Folly

Folly of The Godless
In Biblical sense, a fool is not necessarily someone with a small intellect. In other words, folly does not show up at the low end of an intelligence quotient test. Rather, folly or foolishness refers to someone who lacks the proper fear or respect for God. Sinners are therefore prone to go the wrong direction in life.

Can you even begin to imagine what damage the Rule of Satan has caused in decades past? It is more than evident. Folly is as folly does... American. William Penn aptly said, Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants.

The main Biblical application here is, Be in the world, not of it. As a matter of secular law, it could be said thusly, Be in the Republic, not of the State. People of Satan – those who choose man over The Creator – embrace the latter.

People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) understands that God, our Creator, is the Paramount Sovereign. We as one people are under that noted sovereignty first, then governed by our sovereign nation(s). This is the natural world order.

Oh, and those who believe they are sovereign are victims of Satan's minions.

A Fraudulent Emergency
Fraud is: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial gain.

What transpired with the so-called "Civil War" was : A bifurcated constitutional system was installed to allow a merger of lawful Americans and foreigners. My last post, Use It or Lose It, went into particulars on this. The official narrative on what happened is : The 14th Amendment of "Reconstruction" was said to give rights to slaves. However, what the amendment actually accomplished is : It created an alternate "State" for a new, broader slavery on participants.

This noted merger was purely for profit and gain. There is the fraud. That is why there is a program to vilify "white" people... because Team Lucifer realizes this. Keeping people "subject to the jurisdiction" takes intimidation tactics.

Understand the lawful principals of the Union were put in suspended animation for the last 150 years. What is transpiring now is a con job to make it appear that things are going back to the rights of the states. The question is, What "States"? The current, instant "States" are built on a fraudulent, unlawful foundation.

So, which do you choose... Fraud or Freedom?

Black Robes De facto
Yes, the Supreme Court is party to this fraudulent folly. What the black robed priests won't tell you is, for the last 150 years the so-called "States" have been illegitimate... being "States" of the "United States", not true states in the Union. These alternate "States" were created unconstitutionally and stealthily exist as the federal government's "Private States" under Article IV of the Constitution. Such "States" are much like a salesman's territory, but used to house commies.

It must be understood these "States" and their "citizens" lack standing in law to even begin to act in stead of the several state-republics under a republican form of government... such stipulation also per Article IV, but guaranteed. Guaranteed to those lawful Americans who have standing, that is.

Simply put, said "States" – meaning, members of the Communist Association and their agents – are void of lawfully determining the future of the Union.

Just Desserts of Rebels
To put a cherry on top of this Satanic sundae, some queries for Americans...

What is your nationality? Is it German, Mexican, French, etc.? Sorry, it is none of those. As a matter of law, an American is considered to be a de facto "national of the United States", or an American national.

Moreover, if you believe that your country is the United States of America, you would also be wrong. As a de jure rule, your country is the state you live in... but there are variables that go along with its nationality.

Question is : Where did all the nationalities go of all the republic/states? The former is the status of a rebel found in the operations of law in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. It sets voters up to be slaves of the new "Red States". That fact a reality, all "citizens of the United States" are held victims of their folly.

So, keep enjoying your just desserts of the slavery of "Democracy", American!

The Blueprint for Slavery
Now, a reference in regard to implementation of this Red plan... The reason you didn't know about it is due to benefactors of the system lying to you...

"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to eliminate countries and nationalities." —Communist Manifesto, 1848

In international law, a manifesto represents a declaration of war. All the factors contained in this enterprise called "Communism" is of purpose to create a world slave force for the elite so they could profit from the fruits of what it produced. Simply, it is government controlled economy. It has a purpose to control the world population to such end. Their "State" structure achieves that goal.

If you guessed Synagogue of Satan members wrote this instant declaration of war, you would be correct. In regard to you failing the foregoing quiz, It has been said if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth... to a brainwashed mind, that is. But the damage does exist in regard to constitutional and international law.
In that, all Planks of the Manifesto are found within United States law.

Courts rule prisoners are slaves, as are those involved in status quo politics. It is all related in the language of the infamous amendment that provides rights.

Understanding that, there is a constitutional provision to "Come Out of Her". Aptly, a law maxim for Godly people, "The laws sometimes sleep, but never die."  In fact, the new 13th Amendment of their cabal prohibits being aligned with criminals. Interestingly, the 14th Amendment creates criminals... Imagine that.

Very soon, final elimination of nationalities will come with World Citizenship. Of course, this only applies to bad, evil sorts who play in Satan's sandbox.

Void From Inception
The current "States" under the 14th Amendment have been installed, exist, and are maintained by criminals, i.e., foreign and treasonous souls, or Communists. This criminal activity afforded by the consent of "Americans" is orchestrated by sections 1 and 2 of the infamous amendment. Its other 3 sections regulate other particulars of the insurgency/rebellion(s) under this 'Red'  Amendment.

That is the true nature of the One Nation Under Fraud.

It is ventured you probably didn't get the memo. Everyone should wonder why that is. It's some emergency, that 14th Amendment... The peace it represents is astounding! The fact is, as long as Americans who are in the rebellion that are in the Communist Association keep voting for this peace of Satan, fraud stands. Sadly, lawful Americans waive their rights to be free from the neo slavery.

Like one powerful Synagogue of Satan member had related to America back in the 1970's while gloating about this amazing system of government...
“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
–Henry Kissinger, New World Order proponent
For more on how Americans consent to this fraud, see PAC Perspectives.

An Interim Existence
In detriment, Americans just LOVE their Marxism provided by the folly. And sadly, so do others coming to America from other countries outside the United States. These foreigners cannot wait to escalate the massive public debt that is complimented by economic inflation. Enjoying Marxist materialism created by the Communist system is what they seek. Mind you, this all achieved by the consent of a criminal body politic governed by the United States Code.

The question is, How to deal with over 300 million Marxized Anglo Americans and foreigners? I suppose let the commies be commies while lawful Americans with standing and lawful status enjoy republican freedom... That is, living as lawful nationals in a free state is constitutionally guaranteed, after all.

On the other hand, there is always allowing totalitarian dictatorships to rule the bogus States perpetually... meaning, allow the Synagogue of Satan to continue ruling the Union. The choice is up to you. Oh, and beware the soon coming race wars... which is the plan of THEY. More in the book, The Red Amendment.

Your World Communism
We of PAC prefer the foreigners remain content commies while we enjoy our freedoms. Those in control want them under their World Government as World Citizens. It's like what the 14th Amendment provides, but bigger and better.

Like the customized, special federal laws under the infamous amendment and its citizenship, there will be broader, special laws to enjoy with a more expanded slavery under World Citizenship... like Green Taxes, World Equity... and so much more. All courtesy of The Luciferian Bunch and their plethora of minions...

"By 2020 there will be a One World Government."
–Ray Kurzweil : Synagogue of Satan member with Google, 1999

Accordingly, it is way past time to deal with the Folly of Foreigners... Lex is Rex!

Thus, like history past, let the expulsion of the Synagogue of Satan begin!

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                •   PDF : A warning to America : A Caveat