Time to go over America's religion and reason for existence: Money! A Short History Lesson
Today, Gold and Silver appears to be better to possess than paper money.HOWEVER silver and gold has always been an elitist property. Originally – per the CONstitution (1787) – the states had to pay their debts in silver and gold... BUT the United States could operate on credit. A very calculated, telling scam. It was a way for the elite – international bankers if you will – to own the states, i.e., put them into ongoing bondage with debt. In 1868 the 14th Amendment to the CONstitution had conveniently came along and allowed perpetual debt per its Section 4... compliments of its citizens. And during the Great Depression that beloved socialist, Roosevelt – passionately referred to as FDR – attempted to take American’s gold— because only the government could legally have it. This still holds true today. If the government wants your gold, it will be taken.Until 1971 silver and gold was used to stabilize the American dollar so inflation would be stifled/controlled. For years before that instance, Gold held at around 20 dollars an ounce. A Silver Dollar was one dollar. The elite turned them into a commodity via that political butt-puppet, Nixon... a primary reason why there is inflation at this time. A progressive “screw-job” of calculated slavery. Like every time in history the elites will make silver and gold illegal for peasants to own.
It All Works TogetherGreat Depression. Great Reset. Great Experiment. Get it?
I have been using "great" in some of my blog titles to mock these people
Thinking that is GREAT! THEY think it is when THEY screw you.Understand this is how Socialism and Capitalism work together as one. Progressives are wonderful. Americans have been so, so had. That short story is the crux of the problem. Most everything else is there as a distraction. Freedom traded for Bondage-Materialism. Marxist Materialism.In regard to the plethora of distractions...
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." —Henry David Thoreau
For more on this subject, see my post, Observing Independence, and also take a look at, Slaves of Democracy. The latter post goes over the money situation.More in this article, Booms and Busts : View Article at the PAC AllianceAnd, Have you Read the Red? The Red Amendment textbook...- Please Do : redamendment.net
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