What The De Facto Government Renders
Understand that these two principles work together to govern the Godless...
"Those people who will not be governed by God must be ruled by tyrants." —William Penn
"Government under Reconstruction is to serve and rule evil people." —LB Bork
Millions Of Americans Await
We are now going into a new era. Oddly, a lot of people who were Democrats, Liberals, and other jackasses are changing their political label to Red. The Red Super Party is surely on its way. There is real change in the air... or is there?This next election will see many more Americans voting and voting differently than ever before. Do you think this is by accident? But the thing is – as a matter of law – millions and millions of these Foreigners will still be In Rebellion.
The Capitalist-Communist Conjob
The masses don't seem to understand Communism (Marxism) and Corporatism are of the same makeup. The former is the blueprint to manage the latter.My book, The Red Amendment (TRA), goes over how law matters have been manipulated under the "State" the past 150 years. Basically, the word or term State is used to allow any political situation to be plugged in. Wherefore, an unsuspecting public has no idea what condition government is actually in.
World Communism is what the desired product is... A clip from TRA...
The Red Amendment: Chapter 2
Sad to say, the so-called "Civil War" was a sham. To "free the slaves" was the bogus excuse that was used to justify it; when in fact it was just a ploy to "RECONSTRUCT" the governmental system. The installation of the Fourteenth Amendment created the foundation that allowed The Elite to create the powerful corporate structures they have...
After a short time it was evident:
"Of the cases in this court in which the 14th Amendment was applied during the first fifty years after its adoption, less than one half of one percent invoked it in protection of the Negro race, and more the fifty percent asked that its benefits be extended to corporations."
—Supreme Court Justice, Hugo Black
Strange how that worked out. Don't you think? This was no accident.
Yes, the Red Vortex. It is planned. Planned way in advance.And as they always tell you what they are up to, I trust and live by what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way." FDR also said this about government...
"They [who] seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers... call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order."
That was America's favorite Socialist President explaining how the "New World Order" is developed from "Order Out of Chaos". That being the Old World Order, mind you. The Order continues. Nothing new under the sun, as it is said.
| Political Speak Isn't The Rule Of Law |
So, if you see a business suit, you know that Communism is present. To make a point, China is so-called Communist, but sees a lot of production of goods. Does it not? Its politicians wear the same business apparel and also their cities have skyscrapers of high finance, Right? So, why the difference... Is there any? Seriously. Communists hate Capitalism, Right? Well. Don't they?Bottom line: What we are dealing with is a corporate feudal system. The State has given private corporations extraordinary powers. Private international law is used to overcome the law of nations to run "the system" under constitutional bifurcation. Ultimately, this overlay legal system makes the rich, richer...
Understand. Because things are politically maneuvered and dominated, they really don't care what you know. Division and disinformation has allowed them to maintain the red direction they have been working on for over 150 years.
Could It Be A Counter Political Strategy Is Now In Order? | |
Political Snake Oil
Here we see some promises from the Red Faction. But like I noted herein, there is a notable difference between Communism – being a global economic system that had been installed slowly – and Marxism... Cultural Marxism, that is.
Believe what you like. It is all planned ahead of time and small adjustments will be made that will make little difference because the damage has already been achieved. In its customary folly, the Supreme Court will assist in any flimflam.
Below we have some political blather that tickles the ears of the deceived...
"We believe that Marxism is an evil doctrine straight from the ashes of hell. Having Marxism in our government is intolerable, and teaching it to our children is child abuse. We believe that the job of the United States military is not to wage endless regime change wars around the globe—the job of the United States military is to defend America from attack and invasion here at home. We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society, and that Joe Biden’s rampant inflation is a monstrous THEFT from the American People. We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad—it is the tyrants, Communists, Fascists, and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from WITHIN!" —DonaldJTrump.com
Lots of
"isms" used there. Like I have noted, because people don't know facts and law anything goes under
"Reconstruction". Strangely, some of that
political speak was uttered by a
Radical Republican by the name of Daniel Webster over 150 years ago. He noted the
damage would
'come from within'. Imagine that. It has. Just as cunningly planned. He also advised there was remedy if those with intelligence chose to implement it. What is wrong with people
? They really
don't seem to care; hence, I have given
lawful Americans their remedy and caveat...
Like herein noted above: This plan from within is a dog and pony show. There's nothing Conservative about it... any "change" is under the Zionist World Order. Regrettably, there could be true change, but how can it come from infants?Accordingly, this brings us back in reference to the evils of the Godless...
The nature of consent – Voting-Doles-Silence – must be understood.
Substantial Change Is Delusional
I have been advising people for some time now, there will be no
proper change. Just adjustments and political blather covering the adjustments. Seriously. The corporate structure and its domination of the economy per required elements of the
Communist Manifesto will be eliminated
? People actually think that
?The fact is, all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma had been applied by the 1960's in America. Cultural Marxism is just a dog and pony show used as distraction. A nice Red Icing on the 'Feudal', Commie Cake.
Karl Marx Had A Slick Plan --- It Was Feudal | |
Things are on schedule. As many can observe, the
cashless economy is going as planned. Not only have the
insurgents eliminated
lawful money from people's minds, now
THEY are taking out usage of
legal tender... which will be used to control purchases and also maintain
private debt interest to a
central bank.
Moreover, there are some factions out there – such as Mark Dice – that are throwing the term "Marxist" and "Cultural Marxism" around. This is actually a deception. The "Woke" program is planned opposition using Hegelian Dialectic. Yes. The Problem-Reaction-Solution is used extensively by the Red Faction. I have covered this activity in Posts such as, Give 'Em Enough Rope – among others. And the "Awake" program is also planned opposition. It appeals to the more Conservative types which sucks them deeper into the Red Vortex.
These issues were covered in my
Post titled,
The Damage Is Done.
In short, there is a vast difference between political blather and law. I have said for some time, 'Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.' Even then, most people won't know because they don't know law... thus pain sustains.For those who listen, my document that illustrates the Order Out Of Chaos...
If I see any real change, I will be sure to let you know. Until then Chaos Rules.
Problems Caused By Big Children
Under law, children are property of the parents until they are emancipated. The problem is, under Reconstruction children go on to be children of government. Thusly, the "legal system" has corrupted true law and "The State" now rules.This has carried on for about four generations. Materialism and Convenience is enslaving Americans. But that was the plan of the Luciferian Bunch... to create these born and bred human resources for profit and gain off a slave status.
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It is all about the Process of Elimination and Emancipation...
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series