Monday, July 29, 2024

Flanked By Criminals

Democrats. Republicans. Matters not. It's all a Dog and Pony Show.

The past several years there has been talk about the demise of The Republic. Well, the fact of the matter is, its destruction had begun over 150 years ago. Let us look at some history so you understand a bit more about the conversion...
James McHenry (1753-1816) was a delegate of Maryland to the Constitutional Convention. On the page where McHenry records the events of the last day of the convention, September 18, 1787, he wrote: “A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy – A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” taken from congressional records
Of course that Doctor was Benjamin Franklin. A guy who mysteriously appears on the 100 dollar bill to this day. A guy that was never involved in government.

It is my position that it was planned to take the several states into what today is referred to as "Democracy" even then. Franklin's comment was hinting at it. This Blog has referenced how Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution proper has been utilized to do exactly what has been accomplished. Which is to override the Republican Forms of Government as guaranteed to the states under Article IV, Section 4. Yes. I am saying it was planned. Hence, what Franklin stated.

Yes. Coming out of the Divine Right of Kings to a State System took some time to put together by the Luciferian Bunch. But the end goal has seemed to work out nicely for them. The fraud and corruption utilized was instrumental.

Rebellion Against Lawful Government
What we are looking at here is government usurpation via the Constitution.

Of course, this is all part and parcel of the "New World Order". It has been orchestrated by the Old World Order. But THEY don't want people to know that. It is being blamed on bad actors in government who are supporting "Cultural Marxism". The fact is, Lawful Americans are flanked by Communists. Period!

The term "flank" is defined as...
Flanked, verb. a : to be situated at the side of especially : to be
situated on both sides of. b : to place something on each side of.
Simply Put. Lawful Americans are surrounded by Commies!

The 14th Amendment of the Constitution creates the Commie criminals. Section 1 of the amendment forms the Commie entities, which are legally referred to as Denizen persons. Section 2 of the amendment provides for their representation in Congress, and also delineates their rebellion. Both those sections illustrate their Red existence in the State or jurisdiction noted in the above introduction.

There are two sets of persons in rebellion : 1) Anglos (Whites) who have lawful standing to inhabit The Republic; and, 2) The masses of Foreigners who have occupied America since the so-called Civil War and its "Reconstruction" took affect. The former are in treason against their lawful state governments. The latter are oppressors who bear the criminal activity of rebellion on those who are lawful. You decide which criminals are worse. Both achieve the same goal. By principles of law and operations of law, both are constructive criminals. The only ones who are not criminals are those abstaining that hold lawful nationalities.

These operations of law provide the government and its courts to keep those engaging in Voting-Doles-Silence fully enslaved... the 13th Amendment being a safety net notwithstanding, all players are sucked into the Red Vortex.

Remember the idiom: Truth is stranger than fiction.

Maintaining The Criminal Activity
Let me go over 2 issues here: An attempt or deception is being played out that, 1) Evil "Marxists" are now taking over government; and, 2) It is being done by characters referred to as the "Deep State". Both are falsehood. As I have been writing about for 25 years, Communism or Marxism had been installed with the 14th Amendment. All Planks and much dogma of the Communist Manifesto had been installed into American governance since the 1850's. Cultural Marxism is a game being played to cover-up that fact. Players of the "Deep State" have been created and installed to promote and do what they do to conceal the actions of the "Shadow Government"... that has spawned utter chaos to justify its ends.

That being understood, the Red Super Party is being developed. It will run at the consent of those in rebellion against the Constitution proper, which allows for a limited government. To pull this off, a lot of operatives and other useful idiots are required to effectively achieve its end goal of orchestrated domination.

Below are 3 videos by what I refer to as Maintainers. They keep what is referred to as the "Democracy" – or de facto government – that is run by the shadow characters put in place. Click on the photo (meme) to read its contents.

Understand, it is all part and parcel of the PsyOp Circus...

Dancing monkeys of this type are plentiful. Such types have been around since the "Reconstruction" of government (150 years). They make sure the masses bear down on the population that maintains their Red enslavement.

What is coming in the future is nothing more than a illusion or misdirection so the actual damage that has been done for the last 150+ years remains.

In reality, all such players are Closet Communists.
Sadly, Americans love their distractions and entertainment.

Ignorance, stupidity, and a bleeding heart sustains the slavery of this system. Of course, the Operatives and Opportunists assist in maintaining things nicely.

More On Political Criminals
Below is a white paper I put together. It goes over some of the finer details of those who are in rebellion against the true republican form of government. It centers more on the Anglos allowing this to happen to The Republic...Learn more by reading the following 3 Blog Posts...
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Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.



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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
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