Showing posts with label Rule of Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rule of Law. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

Enjoy Civil Engineering

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly
declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all
existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist
revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They
have a world to win. Working Men of All Countries, Unite ! "
—Marx & Engels, Communist Manifesto (1848)
Welcome To The Party Pal
As it appears, de facto types like Jamie Raskin – law professor, attorney, and a politician being a U.S. representative for Maryland's 8th congressional district, hence a bona fide insurgent – may have given up on removing President Trump from office using Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Like I had discussed in my post–January 6th Sham, Trump did not implement an insurrection by any stretch of the imagination. By construing the "Make America Great Again" utterance to represent going back to pre-Civil War conditions, the only clause the Liberal whack jobs could implement against him therein is– "given aid or comfort to the enemies"... such being Lawful Americans. However, that could not be publicized due to it being a secret, "legal weapon" used against them for being in rebellion against the Constitution proper... as artfully set up by the 14th Amendment.

Of course, this is how they are deemed liable for the public debt of Section 4 of the amendment... amongst many other things that have taken the rights away from Lawful Americans. It is great rebelling against the Constitution proper and remaining a legal entity. That criminal base was secured in the latest election. It fed the slave mechanism so the debt ceiling can continue rising in perpetuity.

You bet. Those beloved Civil Rights are worth your weight in gold. Literally.
Obviously, President Trump would not take that from any Americans.
The Reality
 Of It All.

The Neo
Illegal Aliens Just Bad
As illustrated in my post – Just A Different Day – chaos currently seen has been planned in advance... way in advance. In Operation Vampire Killer 2000 – Jack McLamb warned us there were going to be race wars in America. As we can obviously see, it appears that is now heating up. And to add, lest we forget these immigration issues were laid out in The Red Amendment... along with other Red problems coming down on the world. This brings us to what Franklin Delano Roosevelt said... "Nothing happens in politics by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."  Now, "conspiracy theories" appear to be reality.

In a real world, a country – being each "republic-state" in the Union – allows all people free ingress and regress. However, under World Communism there are rules. A primary rule is one being in a country legally, as compared to lawfully. In order to tame the masses for use in Communism – using Socialism to achieve the human resources for best slave output performance, who can be where and when is controlled. Right. It also allows dictatorship elements to be invoked. It is all found in the United States Code... if you know what you are looking for.

Yes, it is a slippery slope. But rebels electing for rebellion under the Communist Manifesto and its Plank 4 allow such control. The desire for neo-Hellenism and maintaining it has its costs. Open border doctrines of Communism – e.g., "the working men have no country" – has its pluses and minuses. Thusly, taxing its rebel base under World Communism is required. Like in, "These immigrants are okay as long as they are "legal" " Commies squawk like red parrots.
It's An
Forget About Proper Society
For several years after The United States of America was founded, the Anglo immigrants – as being Lawful Americans per naturalization laws – came here to meld with the others. They even shortened their family names to be "American". Sadly, after the so-called "Civil War"  that began to fade. Society was no longer important. Keeping up with "progress" took hold and people went into debt. At this time Congress became treasonous and executed things by force of law. The treason was "constitutionally" attached to those "citizens" by their consent.

The invading "illegal aliens" are here to enhance that orchestrated destruction. These "immigrants" came here for "Marxist Materialism" that has been built on corporate domination. This domination had been achieved by Marxist elements being slowly implemented. The principles of the Communist Manifesto are still in operation under the 14th Amendment. Yes, tweaks are being made; but the bulk of immigrants will join ranks with the others. They all will add to the public debt with other Marxist-socialists in America... being the general population.

Right. A bleeding heart begets slavery. The liberal mind supports its existence, which includes so-called Conservatives. All these types appreciate the progress Communism has achieved the past 150 years along with its damage. Only a Discerning Soul knows what needs to transpire to attain a true "Golden Age". All noted Liberal types care about is perpetual debt and genocide of their people.

The forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions was the "Civil War".
Human Resources have a world to win. Slaves of all countries, Unite !
Legal Entities
Developed by
The United
Discerning Souls Know
This nonsense was setup when THEY established their "Democracy" over 150 years ago. A Red politician – not to be confused with "statesman" – by the name of Daniel Webster – also an American lawyer (go figure) and one of the "Radical Republicans" – issued a warning before the Civil War. He knew the program...
  • “I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe...
    Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people [citizens] to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.”
First off, in strict sense, the United States is not a country nor is it a nation. And, Webster was one of those "designing men". After all, the bastard was a "Radical Republican". I have always had grave concerns about that "warning". What he was actually doing is setting up the "Deep State" to take the fall in the future to protect the coming cabal of "World Communism" by the "Shadow Government". An important thing to remember people are not aware of is, the Synagogue of Satan had warned us long ago that– 'America is their Zion.' ...their cash cow.

Accordingly, we see the RED Republicans coming to the rescue to save us from all those bad Liberals and Democrats. And notice how he blames Americans for being careless for not detecting "The Cabal". The sad fact is – based on human behaviorTHEY knew the masses would fall for it... and surely have done so. The Party of Democrats – along with its apparent infiltration of the Synagogue of Satan – has been a perfect host of useful idiots in the history of "The Cabal".

Right. How very strange. Everything I have been relating for the past 25 years is coming to fruition. Sadly, no one has really listened. What is going on is all part and parcel of the silent wars created by the infamous amendment. I call that amendment The Red Amendment... it being the forced 14th Amendment. And be rest assured, I am not one of "them". I do not derive any pensions and bounties as a minion, traitor, or useful idiot under Section 4 of the amendment. As being sworn to keep "The Cabal" secret, I would not be relating any of this to you.

Accordingly: Lawful Americans must 'detect and correct the wrong by applying the remedy'. Those holding status quo offices cannot and will not help you.
Fruit of A Poisonous Tree
The rich who have gotten extremely wealthy the past 150 years have achieved it by appropriating the labors of Americans through this Communist based system. A system that was installed by force of war, thus is inherently unconstitutional. But yet, liberal minded "citizens" are willing slaves to Marxist taxation, inflation, and the public debt they owe. All while the rich are rich from the same system.

What America is witnessing is the most masterful piece of Hegelian Dialectic in world history. A defiled 150 year plan to bring True Americans to their ruination using - Problem - Reaction - Solution - so select world elites could get richer. All done under the guise of equality of the masses with a thing called Socialism.

It does not take a genius to see that the Communist Manifesto was designed to procure all the resources of a country to enrich the elite with implementing class warfare. Now that the Communist State has empowered the elite through their corporations with laws protecting them, attainment of private takeover is simple. The monopolization of all businesses will solidify through Robber Baron types. Being a private corporate feudalism : check and balances will be non-existent.

In this "Golden Age" of Trump, Americans will remain being the gold : as in The State currency. All property – private and of the republic-states – will remain in adverse possession by consent of the "One Nation Under Fraud" of THEY.
Will Be
As Usual
The knowledge of law in these times is a must. But most care less about it. The power of republican freedom is a wonderful thing... for True, Lawful Americans.

The purpose of this reconstructed governmental system is to serve and rule evil people. The past two centuries is a means to justify the ends. State sovereignty is paramount. It can only happen if Lawful Americans own their countries.
Those Being Of The World
With consent of the masses, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution allows for the legal operations of Communism in America. The 13th Amendment protects Lawful Americans from it. However, "citizens" choose to take "privileges" under this so-called "Emergency"— being an actual, bona fide Communist Insurgency. This takeover of Red was to put "Americans" into bondage : permanent slavery.

Sadly, the Amish are also born with the slave status, even though they live "in the world" better than most everyone else. The ways of the world – being of the world – and its World Communism must be shed to enjoy republican freedom. A person that is born or naturalized is an enemy of The Republic, ipso facto. This is deviously accomplished by operations of law under the 14th Amendment.

Such benefits are vast as held by: Voting - Doles - Silence. With things as they are, the ones that wear the Black Robes ultimately know who is who. The idiom of–"You can't have your cake and eat it too.", applies to you. Those in political power and its judiciary decide what happens to the denizen-slaves that have the Red hue. A Discerning Soul would do the right thing and choose to start anew.
One should ponder : How can one be represented if he cannot duly elect?
Being of the "Democracy" and not being in The Republic is with great neglect...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

Worthy Posts To Absorb
Below are 4 Blog Posts that cover the matter of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War who are consenting to move the New World Order forward...Also, in these 2 Blog Posts comprehend why those serving in the "States" are considered "insurgents" – and officers of the federal government under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution – and why "citizens" are deemed "rebels"...
The Ultimate Lawsuit
People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – has assembled The Ultimate Remedy.
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to Define the Communist Association... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
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 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 27, 2025

The Dead Citizen

Those who Read my Blog know The 14th Amendment Association
is The Communist Association. Right. It's a club for Foreigners.
This club is for those Of The World, not those simply In It.
Setting Up Red Rebels
The 14th Amendment of the reconstructed Constitution of 1868 – what I have duly termed The Red Amendment – with its language provides a naturalization effect. Per an operation of law, this effect constructs a thing people know as an American. It mainly applies to "persons" born within the 'jurisdiction of the United States'... namely, the several States, or aptly the republic-states of the Union.

These persons are citizens of the United States, or rather justly, denizens of the United States. These newly formed, faux foreign red citizens or denizens are not de jure or lawful citizens. Such persons are controlled by private law allotted by Section 5 of the infamous amendment. The noted amendment disenfranchised lawful citizens and enfranchised Commies to perform in rebellion. This being a criminal act that transfers political power of the States to the United States. All carried out per operations of law established to override the proper system.
The Red American
An American is considered a "citizen and national of the United States". The same thing as a 'United States citizen'. As an American one has a nationality of American... as portrayed on the United States passport. This nationality is not considered a true nationality and is capricious. But yet, one is also a "national of the United States".  Seriously, which nationality is it: American or United States? Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no one can be deprived his nationality. Is "The United States of America" even a country?

That being established, the noted Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that expands and protects World Communism, e.g., Article 22. Right to social security. Of course, there are major conflicts formed. The "Communist Association" is what protects "World Communism". This overrides the Rule of Law that is held by the Law of Nations. Right. A "cake and eat it too" problem. But, as we can see there are also protections to save Discerning Souls from its servitude. In that, thus we see protection by Article 20, as stated : "No one may be compelled to belong to an association."  Simply : You are either in or out.

Understand this thing called World Communism was in the making long before that declaration was established. Daniel Webster – a Radical Republican – gave Lawful Americans a warning such problem may arise... Congress planned for it.
Death of Citizens By Commies
So you comprehend things better, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will now observe and illustrate that Lawful Americans had their lawful state governments usurped along with their lawful citizenship – per the Law of Nations – destroyed to accommodate the World Communism cabal. Below is an admission by the "United States" that the "lawful states" have been destroyed...
"A stateless person is someone who, under national laws, does not enjoy citizenship – the legal bond between a government and an individual – in any country. While some people are de jure, or legally stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens under the laws of any state), many people are de facto [emphasis], or effectively stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens by any state even if they have a claim to citizenship under the laws of one or more states)."
  —The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
[ NOTICE: That disclosure was removed by the 2025 Trump Administration. ]

A stealthy admission by the "United States" of its 'dirty deeds'. It solidifies the mandates found in Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Such being in regard to taking property of those who emigrate and rebel. Diminishment of constitutional property rights is done per unconstitutional law. This is grounded in a de facto status and/or nationality. The 14th Amendment fabricates The Rebellion; and moving from state to state as an "American" is icing on the proverbial Red cake. Both conditions satisfy said plank. And, notice that this is a policy and not law. However, if you are consenting per Voting-Doles-Silence, the policy is then law. I have gone over this consent by the Marxists extensively. Games played due to this "policy" costs Americans billions of dollars a year in Taxes and Legal Fees from Bar Association members. Sadly, so-called Americans love their Marxism.

It should be noted that the United States was way ahead of the rest of the world by the destruction of the nationalities of the Union – as had been prescribed by the Communist Manifesto – with its forced installment of the 14th Amendment.

Thus, Lawful Americans – meaning those with standing to claim and hold lawful nationalities – do not have or possess their republic-states or governments – as per the noted policy – but may live in The Republic over rebelling Foreigners. In this sense they are stateless : a major damage causing unconscionable costs.

Required Death To Be Lawful
The de jure citizen is not only politically dead, but was turned into a dead entity under the 14th Amendment. A legal separation from the Foreigners is a must.

It is true that the 14th Amendment puts the de jure state governments of Lawful Americans to death. Those of the Red Faction claim it is an emergency. But like I have been saying for years, as a matter of fact it is a Communist Insurgency. I have also been saying, Melius est recurrere quam malo currere. Meaning, "It is better to recede than to proceed in evil."  But Lawful Americans elect to ignore it.

That said, there is another "legal death" that must take place. That is the one that provides the "Civil Rights" to a Communist. As a rule of thumb, a general list of these Red Rights may be found in Title 42 of the United States Code. If you look through there and see what you may benefit from, you know that the Duck Rule applies to you. And, passing the Title 5 Litmus Test would be impossible.
The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
A personal favorite is Title 42 USC Section 1981... which relates only Anglos can own property without maintaining Red citizenship. Them rebelling destroys that right and allows their property and engagements to be taxed and controlled like any other foreigner who participates in the 14th Amendment rebellion. In other words, all Foreigners exercising this 'civil death' would lose voting rights, etc. In regard to such matters it must be said, Welcome to the Commercial Plantation.

Accordingly, let us look at what this noted death would entail...
  • civil death, noun: the status of a living person equivalent in its legal consequences to natural death specifically : deprivation of civil rights.
     —Civil Death - Merriam-Webster
  • civil death. When someone experiences civil death, they may lose the ability to do things that most people take for granted. For example, they might not be able to sue someone in court or inherit property. This can feel like a double punishment, as they are not only facing the consequences of their actions but also losing their rights as a citizen. The concept of civil death has its roots in older legal systems, where it was more common to strip individuals of their rights after serious offenses; where a person loses their legal rights and status, often due to a conviction or mental incapacity, making them unable to participate in legal matters like voting or owning property.
     —Civil Death - Legal Terms Site
Right. Sounds pretty bad. However, like I stated above it is Federal Civil Rights that are forfeited. Principles of The Republic and constitutional property rights, etc., are then available. Punishments of the Communist rebellion are negated. Unlike what Klaus Schwab said, you will properly own things and be happy... per the Constitution and not the doctrines of World Communism of the Red Faction. Legal matters would be handled and processed in a different manner. Not the way the "law industry" is taught to do. That is what PAC – People's Awareness Coalition – is about : To develop de jure nationals and handle such matters.

In that, proper, lawful nationality is of a republic-state, not the United States or America. Such vagueness is a deception of the World Communism agenda. The fact is, each state of the Union is actually a republic and a country. Below noted, a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution. The Red Faction creating damage are concealing it from the proper and lawful people...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
That was stated by Justice Black in the late 1960's. Moreover, the reference of republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party... such party being a Marxist faction. That was actually prodding by said jurist as to why Anglos are amenable slaves to the de facto 14th Amendment governmental system.
The Civil Flag 
of Peace is just 
simply Boob-Bait 
that lures fools.
There has always been this artifice of American nationality pulled on peoples of the [U]nited States of America. That is, there always has been a plethora of legal fictions or presumptions that the "citizen" as set forth by Emer de Vattel was not truly in his country... being the country (republic-state) of his birth... or even if he emigrates to another "republic-state" found in the Union. Yes. It even happened before the Reconstruction of government took place in the 1860's. The problem has always existed within the United States Census. A big complication today...

Due to The Red Amendment. The device causing the so-called "Emergency".
In review: Posts that expand on this problem...
To Be Truly Reborn and Free
The contents of the below Post – Use It Or Lose It – will provide people some thought provoking material to ponder. Additionally, there are two PDF's that are of purpose to educate the masses of Woke-Awake victims. As per my goal of distilling things, these materials cut to the quick to save people from wasting their time with the plethora of distractive mishmosh that plagues the Internet...

The Ultimate Lawsuit
People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – has assembled The Ultimate Remedy.
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
Get On Board!  Please Join Us on the PAC Open Forum
 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, January 6, 2025

A Much Brighter Future

Americans should contemplate why the so-called Conservatives are Red. Red is right, right? But is it? Maybe there has been an inversion executed. An evil flip. It is a fact the only citizens used to be Democrats. Being rightful landholders, they lived in The Republic and had enjoyed constitutional freedoms. Sadly, then the Republicans came along and gave us Democracy and its feudalistic liberty.

That noted, the Post for this week will summarize some of the more substantial information I have provided to the "Public" as a service over the past few years. Those people who can overcome distractions by Dancing Monkeys – and their tendencies of Endearing the AntiChrist – understand what is being referenced. Godspeed to those who do. The future for such people looks to be bright. Those who do not, well, a Redder future awaits them within the Communist Association that has been in the works for 150 years. It is defined by this particular Post:
A Much Redder Status Quo
Illustrated in the introduction was a divide and conquer measure: Forming two political parties which slowly flipped the de jure political concept to de facto.

Distraction and Division are the two greatest assets of the adversary. I find that most people have been programmed to ignore law and practice what is called Civil Disobedience, being a form of Anarchy. This is planned opposition that is used to entrap those who fail to have discernment and practice due diligence.

There are many Operatives and Opportunists in "The Movement" misdirecting truth seekers. Below is a video clip from the movie Swordfish illustrating the technique of the former type who spreads BAD information : Misdirection...
People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) does not see any difference between those who are Operatives, i.e., paid people acting as disinformation plants, etc. —Or those who are dividing "The Movement" based on some agenda they may have to gather-up people for whatever reasons, e.g., making money, self-importance, etc. Most Opportunists tend to follow information that is simply bad or may even be disinformation. Sadly, they both have the same overall damaging effects.

This problem has the same effect as an observation by Judge Robert Bork. He had observed law schools do not study the Constitution, they observe what the courts have said about it. The bifurcation of the Constitution gives us 150 years of case law based on conspiratory black robed Masons; therefore it is a fail from the get-go... In other words, people tend to be parrots of bad information.

The sad fact is, people seem to enjoy gossiping about current events when the foundation of their current problems was established over 150 years ago. But that is why there are all these distractions: to cover-up that truth and remedy.

Material To Review
Below there are three categories to go over for your education in awareness. All three categories work together to empower the Communist Association:
Status Quo Politics

Americans fail to grasp what the Consent of The Governed is.
Sorry to say, Americans are in Rebellion...
Government Religion

Most Americans believe that there is a Separation of Church and State.
Sorry to say, The Church is really The State...
Nature of Democracy

A lot of Americans think their government is a Republic.
Sorry to say, They actually Do Not Live In It...

To Be Truly Reborn and Free
The contents of the below Post – Use It Or Lose It – will provide people some thought provoking material to ponder. Additionally, there are two PDF's that are of purpose to educate the masses of Woke-Awake victims. As per my goal of distilling things, these materials cut to the quick to save people from wasting their time with the plethora of distractive mishmosh that plagues the Internet...
Citizens Will 
Fix Nothing.
The Ultimate Remedy

Life is based on Consent and Contract, per Law. That is where the remedy lies. The Supreme Court has related that Lawful Americans do not have to consent to Democracy. That is, they do not have to be party to the Communist Association. The Rump Congress had allowed such Americans to remove themselves from its servitude in order to be of a lawful status to enjoy Republican Freedom.

The idiocy of Anarchy doesn't defeat consent variants of: Voting-Doles-Silence. Securing lawful nationality or proper status is key to personal freedoms. To aid in such lawful status, The Ultimate LawSuit  must be initiated to enforce the right. True Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., the Marxist faction.

Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain political slaves to those of the Communist Association that was put into its operation over 150 years ago. The fact is, your fate is still in control of the Red Faction and Its Judiciary.

Again, think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, women ruling you, etc.

That being said, those who assist People's Awareness Coalition in exposing this secret formula of slavery would lose their treasonous unpleasantness.

The Ultimate Lawsuit
People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – has assembled The Ultimate Remedy.
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
Get On Board!  Please Join Us on the PAC Open Forum
 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 25, 2024

Acceptance of Fraud

FRAUD. An intentional act of deceit designed to gain an unfair
advantage or to deny the rights of a victim. It involves falsification, either
by withholding important information, lying, or faking documents.  
Face The Obvious

Americans enjoy being deceived on many levels...
There are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.
To be in the Communist Association, or not to be in the Communist Association. That is the question. Americans prefer Karl Marx's destruction of nationalities. Herein we will look at such people's preferences towards their criminality.

The Consent Of The Governed

Magna culpa dolus est. Great neglect is equivalent to fraud.
Below, we have two oblivious Marxist types who have elected to be in rebellion as formulated by the 14th Amendment: 1) A Lawful or De jure American; and, 2) An American that is deemed a Foreigner. Right. Both are criminals. I went over the details of the two rebel types in the Blog Post titled, Flanked By Criminals...
Rebellious Types Question Numbers
The Red Men Are Seriously Confused
This criminal appellation is something government uses secretly as a means to pretend that these political victims are under proper constitutional principles, but really they are not. It is all part of the bifurcated system under Reconstruction.

The main question is: How neglectful are the actions of those who participate in a political system that is largely fraudulent? A better question is, What good faith has been faithfully practiced by those who got the masses to participate in it?

One should contemplate, What fraud is Biden referencing: The one created by gross manipulation of the voting methods of the Election of 2020, OR The voting fraud caused by the 14th Amendment? And really, Where are all those voters?
Biden on Voter Fraud15,000,000 Biden Voters
One thing is for certain, there are more Americans sucked into the Red Vortex than ever. The Good Zionist-Bad Zionist ploy has certainly worked like a charm. The planned solidification of the Communist Association is surely a given. The fraud or disenfranchisement by the 14th Amendment that exists against Lawful Americans is at a pinnacle; and they accept and love the criminal implications. It is observed they must love it... They do nothing to fix it but vote harder under the same rules of the Communist Association which puts them in agreement.

Understand, that this is just one of many deceptions of the Zionist faction. You must understand, every Zionist must do his part to achieve the end game.

More on Bad Zionist Biden...
Utmost Consent Of The Governed

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
There must be a better way, Right? There certainly is. That better way is being under the political power of the Good Zionists. They are the lesser of two evils. Give the Bad Zionists enough rope to hang themselves... nothing looks better.

To fully understand how the Communist Association exists and works, you need knowledge of how this political jurisdiction operates. Please review this post...That Communist based principle is found in the Communist Manifesto noted as, The destruction or elimination of countries and nationalities. All nationalities of the several republic-states have been 'consolidated into one country' under 14th Amendment mandates per the national and citizen of the United States status. This is part and parcel of World Communism which is engineered by civil law.

You don't have to be a Democrat to be a jackass following dangling carrots.

Continued Damage via Good Zionists...
Remedial Conclusion

This last week I had explained who the true founding fathers of the Communist Association were. See the Post, The Red Super Party. You need to understand, your great neglect is agreeing to their fraud. Arguing a violation of constitutional issues is an agreement to their fraud. It is about consent. It is as simple as that. Fraud deserves fraud... and the perpetual bondage that goes along with it.

The simple solution is : Don't participate, just separate. No neglect. No fraud...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967
Like I have related before, this Democracy is to Serve and Rule evil people.

And please understand, the Red Republicans have absolutely nothing to do with Republican Freedom. Those Red in nature who are basking in political success live under so-called Democracy; jurisdictionally they don't live in The Republic. One must abstain from the Communist Association and its Voting-Doles-Silence enslavement. Only then can one reach true freedom under the Constitution.

It has been long said that, People get the government they deserve.
REALIZE : Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Please promote The Ultimate LawSuit... Exposing The Communist Association.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
Get On Board!  Please Join Us on the PAC Open Forum
 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, November 18, 2024

The Red Super Party

World Communism Lives
The Supreme Court has been telling us what has been going on for years...
    "[T]he America once extolled as the voice of liberty heard around the world no longer is cast in the image which Jefferson and Madison designed, but more in the Russian image."
    —Chief Justice Douglas, Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. 1 (1972)
As we have been told, Russia is no longer Communist. Nice. Well, the American Union was never Communist, right? If that is true, why are all of the Planks and much Dogma of the Communist Manifesto applied in America? Pretty strange. But, as it can be seen Justice Douglas did hint at the redness in his dicta. This should speak volumes about the secrets and fraud politics operates under.

We have seen many "Hidden Hander" secret society members who have been sculpting what they call World Communism – or World Domination – for years...

Thaddeus Stevens, Karl Marx, Senator Ted Cruz, Pope Francis, Napoleon, Kim Jong Un, and many more. They are just one faction of Satanic minions working on things. Let's add Synagogue of Satan members and all Masonic orders to the list of those who are working on world domination for a select few to profit.

Like I have been telling people for some time, this whole Woke thing was just a planned opposition measure to cover-up and sustain all the damage done. The Democrats-Liberals are being thrown under the bus like I have been saying they would be... and the Red Super Party has America basking in political speak.

Tulsi Gabbard the American politician is a prime example of how things may not be changing that much. She acts the part of a faux patriot with her 1776 speak. But what does one expect with America basically living a lie for 150+ years.

Seriously. How is America actually going to be great, again?

The Red Patriarchy
Like Chief Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court related, America was more of a Communist make-up over what the Founding Fathers had put together. This all started with "Reconstruction". So in sense, the patriarchy of Red Americans is that of Abraham Lincoln, Thaddeus Stevens, Daniel Webster, Karl Marx, etc.

As we are witnessing, those who are in support of the Red Super Party – such party being that of a foundation of the Radical Republicans who brought about reconstruction of government – practice political speak about the Constitution. A constitutional deception the has jerked Americans around for over 150 years.
People Will 
Fix Nothing.
Sad But 
You see, these happy people are not patriots who enjoy true freedom under the Constitution proper. The "founding fathers" of the happy Reds are noted in the list. They are the patriots of those men who mandated the usurpation of the "true constitutional republican system". They exist deceptively under what I fittingly refer to as "One Nation Under Fraud". They enjoy Homeland Security and other despotic agencies like the IRS and TSA that sadly persecutes weak souls.

Say, let ex-United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, explain this great deal...

"The Constitution guarantees due process,
it does not guarantee judicial process."

That is a clever way of saying, all citizens that are in the Communist Association enjoy due process under the 14th Amendment, not proper judicial process and due process held under pre14th Amendment conditions. Surprise, faux patriots! That is why we hear Supreme Court Judges like Brett Kavanaugh describe the Constitution like, "The Constitution, as written." This is actually a secret way of saying, The Constitution ain't what it used to be. But, that is for you to figure out. Not knowing about the Bifurcation of the Constitution will cause one to flounder.

Tell me again. How is America actually going to be great, again?

A Red Super Party Adventure
It will be interesting to see how much Red Winning will be achieved in the future. Already there is a bit of trouble going against the status quo Red Faction...
Red Super Party TroubleFBI Whistle Blower Blows
Yes, some good things are happening. The problem is, America has been living in this transitional end game for over three generations. On top of that they were just subjected to a bunch of nonsense with the Woke circus. A stunt that was of purpose to cover-up adverse progress the New World Order has achieved.

It really goes without saying that such circus was world-wide, hence is obviously of foreign design... making this chaotic Red problem purely not domestic.

One more time. How is America actually going to be great, again?

The Perpetual Empire
The forced "Reconstruction" of the American governmental system mimicked what happened to the Roman Empire. The vast difference is, the United States under the Constitution always provided for an Empire. The so-called Civil War totally squelched our Republican Freedom with this so-called Democracy.
The House of Representatives Represents Fascism.
The lawyers of America had done the same thing to the peoples of the republics of the Union that lawyers did to the people of Rome. This is due to people and corporations being merged into the same law system. Benito Mussolini had said if government merged with corporations there was a good fascist set-up. The 14th Amendment of the Constitution installed under Reconstruction empowers corporations with rights and protections just as if they were also people. So, it is obvious the purpose of the Civil War was to create corporate domination.

Hence, it can be properly defined that Fascism is the merger of government and private corporations. That reality has been going on for some time now.

Really people. How is America actually going to be great, again?

A Lawful Solution
Rome was not built in a day... nor was this modern rebirth of it. So perhaps we must keep an eye on things and keep pushing back so things may just work out for the better. As it stands, who knows what will transpire. I can tell you, things are going as THEY have planned. Being ignorant of the law won't stop them. I advise people join us and apply law in order to deflate this Empire properly.

Let's work together and make America constitutionally accurate again.
Discerning Souls must cease being Sods In Satan's Sandbox.

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