Monday, October 10, 2022

Perpetual Rump

Supporting Unlawful Government
This coming month lawful Americans will be committing a crime by voting for an unlawful system of government. About 150 years ago, the American system of government went unconstitutional, or de facto. During what they call the "Civil War"  Congress went Rump. Such condition "of fact" is defined as follows...
rump, noun. 1. The upper rounded part of the hindquarters of a quadruped mammal. BUTTOCKS. 2. A small or inferior remnant or offshoot. ~Merriam-Webster
Yes. Millions of ignorant buttocks will be voting for an inferior offshoot of what Congress once was. They will be seating or replenishing what I refer to as the de facto "National Legislature" of the "Communist Association", i.e., Congress.

Let us listen to a member of Reconstruction's Rump Congress – Senator James Lankford – while he pushes the masses to vote for them – the insurgents – in an act of treason against what is considered a lawful state or government...

For some strange reason, the video is no longer available.

Note how he talks about over 200 years of voting rights. Lankford also states that this rump Congress is wanting to federalize elections. It had already been done... He fails to mention the insurrection caused by "Reconstruction" via the 14th Amendment has effectuated it. The Federal Government just wants more control over things and its 14th Amendment insurrection/rebellions...

Err, excuse me, the "EMERGENCY".

How did this happen? As the amendment was not lawfully ratified and was installed in violation of Article V of the Constitution; this is what has installed people in De facto States under Article IV, Section 3. This configuration is not of The Republic and seats them into the constructed Communist Association.

Voting For Unlawful Government
By the way, Section 2 of the 14th Amendment states that you cannot vote unless you participate in rebellion, which also states it is a crime. A nifty and deceptive way to give Americans civil rights via federal law mandates over god given rights that could solely adhere to the common law within each republic-state.

Learn more about this in the article titled, Treason In A Nutshell. Learn about the inversion conversion of the United States by studying the PAC Presentation, The Fourteenth Amendment. Please share the presentation with others.

They are giving us warnings on this. But people ignore it. They actually have statutes that allow to challenge the problem, but people chase a plethora of distractions put out there. I have been telling people what needs to be done for going on 25 years, but I have been ignored thanks to a slue of Operatives and Opportunists. Sadly, egos are keeping Lawful Americans from true freedom.
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1 comment:

  1. Perpetual Rump in its simplist form as applied to individuals means,
    Those acting as terminal asses. Somewhat of a mental affliction.
