Monday, October 31, 2022

Use It or Lose It

Biblical Application

"...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
–Revelation 18:4

What is covered herein is undoubtedly the most important information you will come across in your quest for freedom. We will address, The Good, The Bad, and The Evil. Unfortunately, there are a lot of good people who don't realize they are bad. People's Awareness Coalition is here to assist those who are unaware.

Accordingly, as we have recently seen in the trial of one Darrell Brooks, Jr., it is imperative that the system as it exists stays in place so evil can be dealt with in a just manner. The hidden evil can be handled with proper education and law. Laws can be adjusted to accommodate issues until properly addressed.

A Godly Union
Today, most Americans probably don't know the original 13 colony/states were of a Christian makeup. People largely came to America to get away from "The Church" in order to live as true Christians. This hounding by the Church had been a real problem ever since the "Reformation" of its makeup in the 1500's.

By the time the Constitution had been put in place in 1787, it can be evidenced the United States was not Christian based. This can be shown by a treaty that was drafted soon after. It really says it all. This treaty, the Treaty of Peace, went into effect on June 10, 1797. Article 11 of that noted treaty specifically stated the following... It is ventured most "Patriotic Christians" won't much care for it...

"...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion..."

That noted, now let us look at the other matter that pertained to the makeup of the Union. Here is a law that regulated who could become a true American...
  • An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization, and to repeal the acts heretofore passed on that subject. Approved April 14, 1802. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, &, That any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States, or any of them... (extreme emphasis)
There are two important factors there:

1) Because it doesn't say "may be admitted to become EITHER a citizen of the United States, or any of them" relates there was no federal citizenship at that time. Thus, all people who came to America became members of one of the several states; and, 2) Only white (Anglos) people could become American citizens. Further, they had to be free, which relates white slaves were present.

Later, the "United States" had set the stage for a neoHellenistic "nation"... I refer to it as, One Nation Under Fraud. This was not effectively accomplished until the implementation of the so-called "Civil War". The 14th Amendment created the so-called "dual citizenship" that drug people of the "States" into the control of Congress with a forced citizenship to tax and control the masses. This was done under what was related to be an "emergency"; which destroyed the natural law principles of the lawful bodies politic. The Union was laid out under The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law by Emmerich de Vattel (1758).

Much like the kingdom of the Israelites, the American Union was built on our Father, the Creator. And like its ruler and their sinful nature destroyed them, so goes what has transpired in our instant case due to similar, careless behavior.

People of the Godly Union were trampled by criminals. White Christians were put in suspended animation so "evil" could enslave the masses in the name of equity. A calculated plan so a select few could make insane profits by using the commie blueprint where all profits are derived from the fruit of a poisonous tree. This scheme allowing the rich to get richer at the expense of the masses.

To understand more about what the future may hold for The Republic, please read, A Case Against Secession. Also, you may learn more about the Christian foundation of our Union, read The Original 13, by William J. Federer. Of course, this was based on the colony-states being grounded in God or Christianity. They were formed under the common law of England that was held under the Divine Right of Kings... such principles compromised due to Masonic influence.

These matters of societal genocide established, Who is truly due Reparations?
PAC plans to circumvent these problems for the benefit of all.
Rights by The Secular Sovereign
Now to briefly look at how the secular sovereign deals out rights... err, privileges.

The infamous Dred Scott case of 1857 established that the Negro – effectively being stateless according to Justice Taney – did not have use of the courts, etc. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1866 – which appears today as Title 42 U.S. Code § 1981 – provided them with so-called rights as provided by the secular based governmental system of the United States acting as a feudal sovereign...
Equal rights under the law. Statement of equal rights:
(a) All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.
I know. Such a deal, right?  A right to make contracts.
The Civil Rights provided by The Luciferian Bunch are a must have.

Please understand the nature of Title 42 of the United States Code essentially encompasses World Communism. This law is private law that is grounded in civil law of a city-state and is international in substance. It operates outside the general principles of the Law of Nations under a special control system of law.

Later these so-called rights take place "within" the new 14th Amendment States along with these "foreign persons" right to contract. Further, these "Civil Rights" effectively apply to all foreigners who gain citizenship – and others – under the amendment that politically stands over The Republic. Sadly, white citizens were also brought under this privilege per the 14th Amendment... largely due to the rebellion(s) the amendment inflicts – and tells us – under its 2nd section.

Under the Communist faction, the de facto President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the rump Congress drove more nails in the Anglo's coffin in the 1930's further destroying the lawful bodies politic under the insurgent governmental system.

This is the nature of the quiet war in a World of Marxist Twaddle.

Read Treason by Design to understand the adverse possession and political situation. That article I had written has been used as reference for several law school student's thesis papers exposing the truth of the 14th Amendment.

The Paramount Sovereign
As I have noted, the "United States" does not represent Christianity. In that, it has supreme power under the Constitution, not paramount. Like I have set forth, the Constitution, as written, is to rule and serve evil people. The Rulers of Evil handle the former... and those who call themselves Christians and foreigners having allowed such rulers to serve the latter types in the Red folly. That should positively answer questions as to why things are such a mess at this time.

After 100 years of neglect by lawful citizens – during implementation of the "new civil rights" of the 1960's by the "United States" – Justice Black of the Supreme Court openly gave people of America – who could claim their lawful status if they weren't too deeply "of the world" to do so – this much deserved scolding...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."

Correct. The warning was ignored. The Anglo American population got sucked deeper into the Red Vortex with the aid of foreigners who drug them into a "new state" under "Reconstruction". Unfortunately, Americans embrace their Marxism over exercising the freedom that is held by our Creator and the Constitution.

Learn more about the problem created by Luciferians, i.e., the Synagogue of Satan... See my post exposing the oxymoron—The Judeo-Christian.

Remedy in Constitutional Law
A Declaration by the People's Awareness Coalition...

Let the Foreigners and Corporations pay the Marxist taxes and be responsible for the massive public debt who reside in the "new states"... Not lawful people with constitutional standing who live in the republics as legitimate principals.

For freedom, that is the political position of the State Nationals Society.
The people with standing in law must Use It or Lose It... forever.
Your remedy is that of establishing lawful state nationality.

It's way past time for true Americans to get on the road home to enjoy freedom of the Paramount Sovereign under constitutionally protected natural rights.

The time is now. Get with People's Awareness Coalition via The Ring.
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


  1. LB I thank God I ran into your material listening to Randy Maugans. I’m motivated by your information sir. God protect us and the Repulbic
