Monday, October 24, 2022

Folly of Foreigners

The Applicable Lesson

"...lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
–Matthew 6:13

That principle generally applies to live a free life under constitutional freedom. Understanding that, the Constitution, as written, Serves and Rules evil people.

Examining Foreigners
Let's examine how Foreigners are tools that create authoritarian rule.

Foreigner, Dinish D'Souza, has been a wonderful "Conservative" type working towards the final conversion to the new RED America. Operatives – or useful idiots – like him are doing a great job setting-up and throwing the Democrats and Liberals under the bus through various puffed-up spins and narratives.

Commie minded D'Souza is assisting in creating a Red Super Party.

All rights of such Foreigners are empowered by the 14th Amendment and their rights afforded to them by Title 42 USC Section 1981, which provides the right for all Foreigners to contract in a new state (jurisdiction). Everything is provided by the amendment and its citizenship and privileges... called Civil Rights.

This citizenship is actually a denizen based privilege or status given to them by the "United States"... Being a foreign corporation that deceptively poses as a sovereign nation/country – mainly to act as a profit mechanism for the elite.

Lawful Americans have elected to be brought down to the same level by playing in the same sandbox as Foreigners. The Anglo based makeup of the Union has thrown off the immunity of the amendment. Due to this practice, their natural rights held under the Law of Nations have been put in jeopardy.

Unwittingly, they are accepting privileges from a foreign corporation over the republics they were born in. This is the nature of American Communism.

Taking The Lawful Down
All citizens under the 14th Amendment have been taken down to a level of a Foreigner and are deemed legal entities like corporations are. This legal system is grounded in private law and regulated by the Law of Persons. People are not corporations, but are natural persons. Corporations are artificial persons.

The Foreigners have been used to diminish the rights of lawful Americans and empower corporations. These people are "residents", which relates, the identity of the thing. Simply, being that of property. Under the Law of Nations, people of a foreign status were called "inhabitants". Residents are deemed legal entities.

Sadly, the walking dead (entities) have sold their souls for nice things.

The "rebellion" of the Red faction has destroyed the natural rights of lawful citizens and nationals of the several states (republics). The ability to govern themselves under their customs and usages has been polluted with the foreign infusion noted herein. The once lawful citizens and inhabitants of the Union are now in bondage... Residents in their own countries under Communist doctrines.

Legally, one must separate himself from this Red body politic.

Immigrants and Rebels
I will now address how lawful citizens and inhabitants are turned into slaves, or property, by using the above antics of the 14th Amendment political system. The amendment created a "new state" that overlays the several republics. I refer to this as the "Communist Association": the alternate, "new state".

This allowed the Federal government and its States (emphasis) to create an alternate constitutional system, which incorporates the "Bill of Rights" in a perverse manner. Lawful Americans using it in such respect have waived their constitutional immunities, thus freedoms. Ignorance can hang you.

This political phenomenon comes under Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. The above noted is how the political system of Communism has been installed constitutionally. Unlawfully, I might add; however, not if one openly participates. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment creates and administers the residents or foreigners of the republic-states, and Section 2 of the amendment creates the rebels in this quiet war. If one immigrates to another state, natural born rights are forfeited. This action is reflected in Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto.

The association operates as a different jurisdiction. The association members are void a republican form of government and are subject to the rules of The Red State. This status is held full time. It cannot be turned on and off at one's whim. The on and off mindset allows the system to be taken advantage of by fraudulent means. This exists due to a gray area created by the folly.

The applied law is, one is either a "citizen and national of the United States", or a disenfranchised national of a state maintaining common law based rights. The latter lawful status can only be exercised by those with standing. The private group known as State Nationals Society and its members have that lawful standing and commit to live free of the folly under Republican Freedom.

Here, let ex U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, address the system's outcome...

"The Constitution guarantees due process,
it does not guarantee judicial process."

That is a clever way of saying, all citizens that are in the Communist Association enjoy due process under the 14th Amendment, not proper judicial process that is or was held under the Constitution pre14th Amendment. The system under the amendment created agencies that encompass an alternate due process.

Simply put, Foreigners do not have access to constitutional limitations.

You see, Foreigners are stuck with "Liberty", i.e., freedom under authoritarian rule. You're informed that a master can give privileges to its slaves. Anyone that does not acknowledge this constitutional bifurcation should not be trusted.

The Red State
This state of existence has created a commercial plantation. Its slaves have contracted into it by their actions and inactions. Simply, They CONSENT. Those who are participating in it have ignored the 13th Amendment of the insurgency created by "Reconstruction". All engagements and contracts and actions of the parties are grounded in the Civil Rights handed out by the "United States" and its insurgent based "States", which I refer to as "14th Amendment States".

Let the Supreme Court explain the 14th Amendment's "dual citizenship" to you...

“The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself
to such a form of government... he owes allegiance to the two departments, so
to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties.”

–U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

Understand, the penalties are great. Enjoying Communism is very costly.

Learn More
Read these three posts to learn a bit more on the details of this system of Foreigners created by the 14th Amendment, The Red Amendment...

One Nation Under Fraud   •|•   Your Red State   •|•   World of Marxist Twaddle

Also, read this paper to understand how Lawful Status is preserved... And beware the Operatives and Opportunists who twist these issues around and feed you a heaping helping of crap stew... e.g., teaching people that they are a so-called "sovereign citizen" or "sovereign"... the bad information list goes on. Such types are there dishing out boob bait to trap all the dissident types or plainly are just incompetent conmen profiting off the ignorant masses.

Understand, both create the same damage.

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