Monday, October 14, 2024

Rebellious Red Politics

Treason By Design

Understand the Government of Consent post Civil War: Voting-Doles-Silence
Operations of law and common law principles bolster personal consent.

Now to get on with what this new "Consent of The Governed" sadly entails...
During the war period, a lawyer by the name of Lysander Spooner wrote a piece titled, No Treason. Its contents essentially argued that the Constitution had no authority to charge Southerners with treason as the United States government attempted. Courts upheld it, to a point. In retaliation, those who were behind the war fixed things. The 14th Amendment was put in place to continue war causing Anglos to be the treasonous lot. To this day, Americans are totally blind to the amendment's true intent and damage. It has been financially devastating.

This new "war" is a quiet one. Grasp this: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Turning the political power of your country over to another power – in this case, the United States – is an act of rebellion, thus treason. The "State" you live in is a political one of the United States, and is not a republic-state of The Republic. I refer to these forced 14th Amendment States as Commercial Plantations.

Simply Put: This cabal was of purpose to make the rich much richer.
Ask any extremely rich Cabalist, err, Capitalist... He will tell you.

Reds In Rebellion

To achieve this system, the lawful peoples of the states had to be tricked into it. The 14th Amendment achieved Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto nicely...
  • Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.
People moving around unconsciously from their countries of birth creates that condition along with contrived political manipulation. Birth rights are forfeited. In America, one moving from state to state fulfills that condition of Red emigration. Under this usurpation system of government, we have taxing agencies – such as the Internal Revenue Service – taking property absent a constitutional court.

Multiculturalism and equity is the nature of the Reconstruction government. Law has been replaced with a legal system and an alternative form of due process that sanctions the lawful ownership of property. A system of agencies controls the rebelling sorts who will remain in consensual bondage of orchestrated debt. Debt created by the Federal Reserve, a central bank prescribed by Karl Marx.

These dictates are all part and parcel of the One Nation Under Fraud created by 14th Amendment mandates. Of course, there is perpetual debt approved by the rebels per stealthy operations of law under Section 4 of this Red amendment.

In view of all these things, my reference to Red encompasses: Satan or Evil, Corruption, Debt, Sin, etc., are elements readily found in Communist doctrines.
Consenting To Destruction

Coming in November of 2024, the United States will witness the biggest number of "resident" Americans in its history conned into being consenting slaves. Being under a system of authoritarian based civil law has never been so inviting... Consent to this destruction of America is required, which law would overpower. If you fail to understand what the above notations lawfully entail, you probably will not understand why things are the way they are. Most people ignore that truth... being, THEY plan one world citizenship and religion under dictatorships.

Most Americans have bought into legal Immigrants good. Illegal Immigrants bad. In short, Legal Immigrants are required so they too can be controlled under the Marxist-Socialist system. This recent influx of Illegal Immigrants is payback and of purpose to destroy true Christianity. This attack by the Red Faction is to help build World Communism and destroy Anglo culture for the New World Order. A system of equity is mandated over the collective rights of such culture.

Your understanding of The Red Amendment is paramount.
To ignore that (my) book is a grievous error.

Constitutional Criminality

    "The Communists are further reproached with desiring
    to abolish countries and nationality."
    —Communist Manifesto, 1848
The 14th Amendment of the Constitution creates the Commie criminals. Section 1 of the amendment forms the Commie entities, which are legally referred to as Denizen persons. Section 2 of the amendment provides for their representation in Congress, and also delineates their rebellion. Both those sections illustrate their Red existence in the State or jurisdiction as being inherent to this system.

There are two sets of persons in rebellion: 1) Anglos (Whites) who have lawful standing to inhabit The Republic; and, 2) The masses of Foreigners who have occupied America since the so-called Civil War and its "Reconstruction" took affect. The former being in treason against their lawful state governments. The latter are oppressors who bear the criminal activity of rebellion on those who are lawful. You decide which criminals are worse. Both achieve the same goal. By principles of law and operations of law, both are constructive criminals. Such fabrications cause an incomprehensible Genocide of the Anglo culture. The only ones who are not criminals are those abstaining who have lawful nationalities.

These operations of law provide the government and its courts to keep those engaging in Voting-Doles-Silence fully enslaved... the 13th Amendment being a safety net notwithstanding, all players are sucked deeper into the Red Vortex.
Seriously, I ask: What is your country and/or nationality? If you said: The United States of America for either, your intellect has been abolished by Red Rhetoric of a bunch of Communists. Sad but unfortunately true. Enjoy your consent.

Communistic Enforcement

In sense, Civil Rights are a soft form of (or is) totalitarianism. It is the legislative body imposing (or forcing) its will on the "body politic" destroying a people's right to self-governance (and their customs and usages, and the common law).

Let us evidence the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran-Walter Act). This immigration and nationality act sustained the national origins quota system established by the Immigration Act of 1924, reinforcing a questionable means of immigrant selection. It progressed the policies of the "United States". A corrupt judiciary maintains this Red political system for a Shadow Government. Enumerated incompetent-seditious bar members facilitate this Red destruction. These "lawyers" are the silent Red army enforcing Communistic doctrines. This is a secret legal weapon of the Satanists who maintain the Red System.

And, don't be too concerned about the Rulers committing treason. They are only insurgents observing a savings clause strangely built into Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Treason is for the rebelling Anglos into Voting, Doles, and Silence. And, don't be too concerned about being prosecuted for any forms of sedition, etc.. Those in control just use it as a device to oppress the rebelling electorate. Also, to prosecute them for matters such as "January 6th" for seditious actions against "their" government. That is the nature of this Red Dual System of Law.

Rest assured, all those involved in this takeover would never want the deceived masses to know about this evil... Hangings for treason – like abolitionist John Brown experienced – might just pick up where they left off over 150 years ago.
The Ultimate Remedy

They call this political opus an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.
You can bet the Cabalists behind this are laughing all the way to the bank.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
Lawful Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., Marxists.
In the interim, there is personal remedy for this Red Slavery.

To Learn more, Read these 4 Blog Posts...
REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 7, 2024

Marxist Tools and Fools

A Transition That Took Over 150 Years

There are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.

Playing The Masses
Understand there are no accidents. THEY always tell you what they are up to. In regard to that, I trust and live by what Franklin Delano Roosevelt had said...
"Nothing happens in politics by accident.
If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."
A game was accomplished by creating and allowing Woke types to flourish. The Liberal faction was supported to create the division and bring the Conservative faction to a fevor to want to fight back. I remind people that all Planks and much dogma of the Communist Manifesto had been applied by the 1960's.

PLAN: Allow the "sinner types" to take over, then come in and take them down. This "Cultural Marxism" thus making people believe Communism was thwarted wherefore allowing the desired Communist achievements to remain intact. Also it will sustain the plans of World Communism that feeds profits to a select few.

What is being said is, a lot of the damage had already been accomplished.
Goal: Controlling the masses for the economic profits of an elite few.

The Progressive Game
I have said for some time that the Democrats-Liberals were being thrown under the bus. It started with the Clinton appointment in the 90's. In the nature of Good Cop-Bad Cop, what we are witnessing now is: Good Zionists-Bad Zionists.

The Woke-Awake Circus in play now has all been planned... all way in advance. It follows the pattern of Problem-Reaction-Solution... a Hegelian Dialectic. What is happening now is an ebb and flow of what the extended plan actually is.

I remind people of what Radical Republican, Daniel Webster, said in the 1850's. This planned Red Nonsense was set-up when THEY established their so-called Democracy over 150 years ago. Webster, a career-type politician – not to be confused with what a true "statesman" is considered to be, issued this warning before the Civil War. Obviously he knew the program as planned in advance...
  • “I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe...
    Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing. Make them intelligent, and they will be vigilant; give them the means of detecting the wrong, and they will apply the remedy.”
The noted "bad public servants" are known as the "Swamp" or "Deep State". The Zionists or Shadow Government will remain in its stealthy control. You see, the Democrats-Liberals were set-up to be cannon fodder to fulfill the transition.

Simply put: Give sinners – or useful idiots – enough rope to hang themselves. You then come in under a Hegelian Dialectic operation and save the day.

Unknowingly you are dealing with Synagogue of Satan (SoS) members here. THEY use trickery and will do and say anything to sustain the Insurgency and/or Rebellion under the 14th Amendment that has been in place for 150+ years. Webster was setting up the "misdirection" years ago. This so Americans would ignore those controlling America from the "outside" would go undetected.

What we are politically witnessing in 2024 is a separation between the useful idiots and those of the Shadow Government. Both of the Red factions must be dealt with. The New World Order of World Communism remains in operation. Unsuspecting types are totally blind to the ebb and flow of those in control.

In other words, in a proclamation made in the mid-20th century by United States' Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau – of the SoS ilk – had declared that 'America is their Zion'... And currently you are witnessing it being preserved. This Zion of consent will continue to exist under its settled Marxist principles and its Rulers.

Remember the rule, Liberals are Tools... and Conservatives are Fools.
There is remedy for this Red Slavery, for those with standing.

The Masses 
Love Being 

We Don't. 
Consenting To Be Played
A fact: If you do not know law, you really don't know anything. I also remind people about a founding America principle, The Consent of The Governed.

And you must understand, "republican" has nothing to do with the Republican Party. Actually, it is quite the opposite. That party also represents Communism.

Karl Marx had told us, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."  In the Biblical sense, Scripture relates to us that true peace comes through God, our Redeemer (Romans - 5:1)... the Paramount Sovereign.

So, which do most Americans really choose? Actually, there is little left to think about in regard to the most popular. So, which master do most people serve...
"Those people who will not be governed by God
must be ruled by tyrants."
  —William Penn
So, are the current "state governments" sanctioned by God, or ruled by man? In truth, United States citizens are not politically in a republican state or system.

That being established, understand the Big ConJob transpiring over the years causing people to prefer Democracy culture... People fail to stop consenting...
By Voting • Taking State Doles • Remaining Silent  (Voting-Doles-Silence)
I do have to admit, in the 2024 Election the Trump Ticket is Less Marxist of Two Evils. It's still a vote for the de facto system that enslaves those who consent...

  • Learn more at PAC Perspectives :
  • "I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
    –Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

    Applying The Remedy
    Fixing this problem must be discussed : Lawful People must be separated from the madness. Remedy is at hand for it to happen, but idiocy dashes that hope. Reiteration of this problem must be made. All such types like to ignore the Dual System of Law. Such unconscionable actions are tantamount to sedition.

    Below noted, a Republican Form of Government guaranteed by the Constitution. The Zionists creating damage are indeed concealing this from proper people...
    "The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
    That was stated by Justice Black in the late 1960's. Once again, the reference of republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party... such party being a Marxist faction. It was actually prodding by the noted jurist as to why Anglos are amenable slaves to the de facto 14th Amendment governmental system.

    To win this war against evil, I will keep pushing by offering the truth and remedy. It truly behooves people with Discerning Souls not to join PAC or Our Alliance.

    The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
    Lawful Americans must be separated from the Marxists, i.e., the Zionist faction.

    Read These To Understand More...
    REALIZE: Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
    Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
    It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.


    Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

    Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

    Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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    Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

    Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

    Monday, September 30, 2024

    We The Denizens

    A Post Revisited
    I posted this content at the end of last month, being titled: 'We The Chumps'.

    It seemed to go unnoticed or ignored; therefore, I am reposting the content with an understanding the silent war of World Communism we are in cannot be won without proper education. In that, realize the Walking Dead don't have standing.

    To gain some insights, Please Review These 3 Posts...And remember, No real man would consent to a woman ruling over him. We need to bring back Statesmen and thwart this Vulgar, Red Takeover.

    Now, on to the review of the Post from the end of August...

    Confusion of those seeking answers from the ills of this governmental system must come to an end. I have been advising Americans for the past two decades, there are way too many Operatives and Opportunists out there. Division is the adversary's biggest asset. And the adversary knows this. It is sad the plethora of United States citizens who are seeking personal attention on the Internet don't understand that. They fail to realize the eternal damage they are inflicting.

    There is only one way to effectively address and fix this problem.
    And dealing with status quo politics is not the answer.

    A Big Mistake
    There are a lot of people that refer to themselves as "We The People". This is a delusional mistake. Since the founding of the Constitution there has been an effort to lift people (citizens) off the land to be ruled by Rulers–being of the state and federal governments. The nature of the "Census" created an adverse legal fiction based on such operation; being inhabitants of the "states" were counted, not citizens. Many presumptions take place due to the system's vagueness.

    It was established under the Law of Nations that inhabitants were people in a country not their own. These sorts are also referred to as aliens. Of course such noted matter was not a fact and those in control had to fix the problem. It was accomplished with the 14th Amendment... which created a Red Body Politic.

    Accordingly, aliens are lawful people. Others are foreigners. Well, a select group are lawful. All "Lawful Americans" were disenfranchised by the criminal activity of rebellion established by the amendment. Really, it could be said the concept of owning nothing and being happy has been a truism for over 200 years.

    World Communism put a totally new spin on international law.
    The consent of the governed has never been so dismal.

    The Red Rebellion
    There is no need to go over the criminal activity again. I have done that in this Blog and with my writings for the past 25 years. Those who refuse to listen are destine to remain in the Red Vortex... which means being in bondage or bond slaves. Of course those lawful types are on the verge of doing more damage in November. It appears they really can't help themselves. They continually buy into the Marxist Twaddle that is force-fed to them by the Red Faction.

    Americans need to understand those people they believe to be their servants are fundamentally the 'Servants' of their 'Rulers'. With implementation of The Red Amendment, that fact has worsened. Please understand the delusion...

    Can't Help 
    The Only Cure For Redism
    Since people failed to listen, the only fix for this is to implement The Ultimate LawSuit. It must be accomplished by Discerning Souls– being a certain breed of people who understand they are not "We the People" and have the ultimate goal of Freedom... not Luciferian Liberty of a stealthy Shadow Government.

    The true national governments of Lawful Americans must be exposed.
    All people found in America must be accounted for properly.

    Simply know: There is the Woke-Awake Circus and Constitutional Immunities.
    People's Awareness Coalition is about the latter. Not Red Politics.


    Read These To Get Up To Speed...


    Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

    Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

    Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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    Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

    Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

    Monday, September 23, 2024

    Whores and Hypocrites

    Seriously Now Stop It
    Okay, don't get the wrong idea. The first word in the Post Title is in reference to an alternate usage. Here. Take a look at where we are going with this...
    • whore, noun. a prostitute.
    pros·ti·tute, noun. 1. a person, in particular a woman, who engages in sexual activity for payment. 2. a person who misuses their talents or who sacrifices their self-respect for the sake of personal or financial gain.  –'careerist political prostitutes' —source
    There. That example in the second definition is close. Simply, the players in Red Politics are all political whores of the New World Order. What THEY refer to as World Communism. A deceived American follows these Red political antics. Of course, being applied to the United States and ITS 14th Amendment "States".

    From Patriots To Prostitutes
    Prior to the "Reconstruction" of government, those who served government were generally considered "Statesmen". Not your run-of-the-mill sellout that serves the profit enterprise of the Shadow Government installed by war / force.

    Of course, said sellouts are well paid for their services as insurgent politicians.

    Below: How the Red Politicians classify those in the Communist Association...
    Title 1 United States Code §1.
    Words denoting number, gender, and so forth
     In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise—
     words importing the singular include and apply to several persons, parties, or things;
     words importing the plural include the singular;
     words importing the masculine gender include the feminine as well... etc. —source

    Note: this is an absolute reference which 'sets the stage' for all 50 "Code" Titles. The "Communist Association" is my reference to "citizens and nationals of the United States", as constructed by Reconstruction's 14th Amendment. The last listed reference is in regard to the manipulation of grammar since women have been Freed by The Illuminai to advance Marxism, i.e., Communism. They, along with minorities, are the political element that destroys Republican Freedom. The latter class noted causes genocide of those once deemed True Americans. In order to conform with natural law, Lawful Americans must be distinguished. To say it another way, the persons of constitutional or de jure standing must have their status clarified from those benefiting from the Communist Association.

    The Delusional Lot
    Okay, now we can take a closer look at the hypocrites who believe that they are participating in a governmental system that is de jure or constitutional.

    A hypocrite is a person who practices hypocrisy: what they say is not what they do. The noun hypocrisy descends from the Greek hypokrisis "acting on a stage", from hypokrinesthai "to play a part, pretend", from the prefix hypo- "under" plus krinein "to judge". Insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have; expression not supported by conviction. —source

    Oddly, Americans at large believe that they are not Socialists or Communists like many other countries in the world... Even though all planks of the Communist Manifesto and its fundamental dogma can be found within the framework of the governmental system of the "United States". Yes. An odd existance to live under. Especially for those who claim to be Christian or Conservative. Got hypocrisy?

    Seriously, Citizen. Satan truly does appreciate a good Rebel.
    So keep soliciting all those Whores, all you Hypocrites. Vote harder.

     It's Like
    Understanding The Details Better
    More on the Whores and Hypocrites matter found within these Blog Posts...

    The only cure for this 150 year old problem is The Ultimate LawSuit.
    Red Politics must be turned on its head. It will take unity to accomplish it.

    REALIZE... Wise people stand with PAC and its Alliance. That's what they do.
    Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
    It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.



    Read These To Get Up To Speed...


    Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

    Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

    Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

    Now Please Get Busy With Us


    Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

    Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

    Monday, September 16, 2024

    Professional Can Kickers

    Americans Are Wasting Time
    First, we need to look at what a Professional Can Kicker is...
    • pro·fes·sion·al. Worthy of or appropriate to a professional person; competent, skillful, or assured. —source
    • kick the can down the road, idiom. Especially in politics, to postpone or defer a definitive action, decision, or solution, usually by effecting a short-term one instead. —source
    Now on to the details of why Lawful Americans are wasting their time...

    Some years ago, Radical Republican, Daniel Webster, said that the danger to America would come from within. Of course, we could imagine that danger to be the "Deep State". Those who have any sense left know that is false. The true threat to America is the Zionist faction. The Deep State is part of the Dog and Pony Show of the Woke-Awake Circus that we have been suffering through: a clever game of misdirection that pins all the blame on the Democrats-Liberals. It should be known there was no Republican Party until the Radical Republicans came along. At that time Lawful Americans were divided by Reconstruction.

    You see, currently things are being altered through de facto politics. There will be adjustments, but no actual change. The damage is done. Sadly, Americans continue to fall for the Red Antics and opted to 'Kick the can down the road.' I provided a warning years ago, but in standard fashion it has gone ignored...Those facts aside, Webster said True Americans must be intelligent and apply the remedy. That remedy is to oust The Reds. Right. "The People" need to be True Americans once again. Not the Foreigners who are dominating politics.

    Social Media,
    Red Politics
    and Egos.

    Hey. Got 
    The Reds Dominate
    There are no limits to the activities of the Communist faction and a number of useful idiots that keep consenting chumps distracted. Without doubt, the Reds Dominate. Because both political parties are Red... and have been for more than 150 years. It is a slick game of Divide and Conquer. Sure, there are Liberal types who favor a more corrupt way of looking at morality. But the real win is over those claiming to be Conservatives and Christians : The real suckers. They have fallen for the manufactured "Woke" nonsense of their Red Captors. Such Captors being factions of the Old World Order stealthily acting as a Shadow Government. Its basic make-up largely being those of the Zionist movement.

    Below we have some illustrated examples of the Red Factions — as constructed by the Shadow Government — being played against each other in an evil game of Hegelian Dialectic — a crafty Problem-Reaction-Solution — strategy...
    Make no mistake. The distractions based on the egos of useful idiots and those who are knowing Communists are plentiful. The planned opposition is vast and goes undetected by the average person. Without the proper guidence this Quiet War will be very hard to overcome due to gobs of self-important people. Sadly, such types have conveniently ignored what People's Awareness Coalition has been advising America on for 25 years. Thus, now we have this fine mess.

    Read These To Understand More...
    Below are 3 Blog Posts I made to encompass some of the issues that articulate the deception. Please go over them to better understand the Red Game... Judicially Exposing The Red Game
    The hype of the 2024 Election is to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

    Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
    It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
    Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.



    Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

    Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

    Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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    Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

    Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional