Monday, February 24, 2025

Peeling Political Plunder

Peeling back the political plunder will expose why things are a mess. Yes. It has all been planned. Like I have been relating, all accomplished by your consent.

So far this year I have submitted matters in a manner to be easily understood. Those who have not taken advantage of it will remain in the Red Vortex being maintained by the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus. To understand the nature of the Karl Marx meme placed herein below, you should go over this particular post...
This presentation is meant for The Commoners. The ones who pay little or no attention to what I have disclosed for the past 25 years. Those who are involved in multi-national corporations – which includes the larger corporations that are internal to the [U]nited States of America – will not appreciate this information getting out to the masses. It is effectively how the rich have gotten richer and how you will "Own Nothing and Be Happy" in perpetuity. Peeling back layers of the Red Onion we will see how the Communist Association effectively operates.

Below are some basics that will preface this particular post from last month...
Establishing Political Usurpation
Americans cry, " The Constitution ! " ...but are clueless it has been Communized.

This treasonous usurpation is a wicked play with many actors involved. A cast of players Karl Marx and the richest elite would be proud of... and no doubt are. Accordingly, those of the law industry – and the masses who wear rose colored glasses – have been directed to cherish Section 1 of the game changing 14th Amendment. Sadly, they ignore the damage carried out by its other sections.

This diabolical amendment of 1868 was used to create a dual system of law and destroy the Lawful Citizens who had their rights held under the Law of Nations. Below we have the original text found in Section 2 of the amendment. It contains a good amount of tomfoolery. Sadly, most people see it as a word salad. This word salad creates a new, alternative representation in a Rump Congress by a forced "State"  which in effect creates a "national government"  for criminals...
Original Text - 14th Amendment, Section 2
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.

But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.
That is the original version. It has been modernized over the last 150 years. In a section below – Voting Particulars Considered – I briefly go over these add ons. But now for edification, below is the parsed language of the original text...
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.

But when the right to vote is denied to any inhabitants of such State, being citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such citizens shall bear to the whole number of citizens in such State.
Reducing Lawful Citizens To Rubble
Oddly, a silly narrative exists that this language applies to the Confederates of the Civil War. It is said to disallow the "rebels" from participating in the de facto government. Seriously? They are all dead. Constitutional matters are perpetual.

Such nonsense aside, the first sentence relates all "persons" are included in the representation equation. It precludes the members of the Indian tribes as they are not party to the Constitution. Moreover, a "several State" is now a "State" of the United States created under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. It is an overlay or jurisdiction accommodating the insurgents listed in the section. Also note "The People" listed are "State" related, none are of the United States. This conversion of "State" based "actors" is where the Constitution is bifurcated. Also, this "State" is the place most every American lives... And such people think they live in The Republic. That is pretty funny. This formula built into the Constitution is a legal trick to sustain original constitutional principles under the usurpation.

Now on to the task of "reducing" that person number per the second sentence:
reduce, verb. 1. To bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree; diminish. 2. To bring to a humbler, weaker, difficult, or forced state or condition; especially: To gain control of; subject or conquer; To subject to destruction; To bring to a specified undesirable state, as of weakness or helplessness; To lower in rank or grade. source
Amazing. That covers what is going on here without missing much of anything.

Okay, there are two types of citizens in each State: 1) Such citizens; 2) The whole number of citizens. So, where did the "de jure state citizens" go?  Are they now citizens of the United States? Perhaps. Section 1 relates all "persons" that are either "born or naturalized" are "citizens of the United States". But also note, lawful citizens were not forced to leave America after the Civil War. That said, the phrase "such citizens shall bear" would be the enfranchised "citizens of the United States" – i.e., new citizens with dual citizenship created by Section 1 – as related by the syntax of the sentence. The "whole number of citizens" would be referencing the disenfranchised republic-state citizens. This language is simply an operation of law that makes certain those voting (or rebelling) are the ones empowering the "State" while lawful citizens remain civilly dead-inoperable. And, it is the Constitution. Every state citizen is included here, not just the Southern citizens. Right. Another dig at idiots claiming this pertains to Confederates.

The parsed language underlined above is relevant but may be looked at as also providing suggestions as to why voting "may be" abridged or denied. There are elements of law attached to the language underlined nonetheless. A primary issue in the formula is how the reduction of representation is calculated. In other words, the list to deny or abridge the right to vote is not cut and dry. There may be more than one reason that determines how and why reduction is achieved.

Reduction may include other things, such as one invoking Republican Freedom. Seriously. Who wants to be in association with criminals. It is better to recede. In regard, to be a proper "person" in the proportional count is dependent on how The Census is directed... a whole other problem requiring targeted litigation.

Voting Particulars Considered
Once again, the primary reason to deny a "person" or "inhabitant" to vote is: Such person not being a "citizen of the United States". That is a given. A no brainer. Furthermore, when the amendment was instituted one could not vote unless he was a male and 21 years old. And also, could or should a criminal be denied the right to vote? Perhaps. It was/is a practice to curtail voting rights of a criminal. Would it cancel their being represented? No. Such a person has an abridgement of citizenship rights, but remains a "subject". This abridgement is even seen within the language. Strangely attached to that language is another parameter: One cannot vote unless he participates in rebellion, which is a crime as related within the language: "or other crime". It may suffice as disclosure. A caveat emptor, of sorts. A warning to would-be enemies of republican freedom.

Although these "representation parameters" are somewhat consistent, the other amendments that altered the "voting formula" were the 15th and 19th. They do not establish the right to vote; however, they affirmed that the right could not be denied. Also we see the 26th Amendment expanding voter base. And legislation was passed for the Indian tribes to be brought into the rebellious sheepfold of multicultural socialism. All done to expand consent and build what I refer to as the "Communist Association". All these wonderful, "progressive" alterations are executed under Section 5 of the amendment. Courtesy of the Rump Congress.

In any case, dualities exist in this alternative governmental system. The "other crime" language is just one example of its dual recognition. Also, it is a secret weapon utilized to disavow a "rebel subject" true constitutional protections. You know, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. The "rulers" being prohibited: see Section 3. Those who take an oath have to uphold constitutional principles while not giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Another secret legal trick. Moreover, the herein noted rebellion factors fashions participants to be witting slaves.
You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Actually You 
Consent To It.
Terminated Citizens Verified
So you comprehend things better, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will now observe and illustrate that Lawful Americans had their lawful state governments usurped along with their lawful citizenship – per the Law of Nations – destroyed to accommodate the World Communism cabal. Below is an admission by the "United States" that the "lawful states"  have been destroyed...
"A stateless person is someone who, under national laws, does not enjoy citizenship – the legal bond between a government and an individual – in any country. While some people are de jure, or legally stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens under the laws of any state), many people are de facto [emphasis], or effectively stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens by any state even if they have a claim to citizenship under the laws of one or more states)."
  —The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
Right. We stole your state government from you. How are you liking ours?  Yes. A stealthy disclosure by the "United States" admitting its 'dirty deeds'. It solidifies secret directives found in Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. The principles in regard: allows to take property of those who emigrate and rebel to serve debts of the government. Rest assured, its legal adoption will be used by the courts in the upcoming financial disaster. The "rebels" won't even know what hit them. I have advised how property is "legally" taken without constitutional due process. Of course, being executed on THINGS known as denizens of the United States. We can also see them with the status the Rump Congress titles them to conform to the World Communism cabal : citizens and nationals of the United States.

NOTICE: That disclosure by the Department of State was removed by the 2025 Trump Administration. I have been evidencing that notice for some time with an explanation. Understand the Red Faction does not appreciate ITS exposure. It was commendable the Biden Administration evidenced that plunder though.

Bad Actors Maintain The Overthrow
Again, a plethora of incompetent "experts" advise that 'rebellion reference' is denying those who participated in the Civil War as being denied the right to vote, but it doesn't say that. The parsed language relates the right to vote is denied EXCEPT FOR PARTICIPATION IN REBELLION. Yes. And it is a crime. Turning the political power of your state-republic government over to the United States is in fact deemed treason. So thinking adversely, to vote one must be involved in rebellion created by the operations of law of the amendment; wherefore, such person sustaining "de facto representation" for any and all persons or citizens. Those who remain silent politically hold the same status and representation.

In calculation: Why would voting be denied? What reason or parameters are there? There could be more than one. But the main reason is one not being a Section 1 "citizen of the United States" –i.e., a de facto citizen. Thus, the primary purpose of reduction is : to swap political power. It fills the nefarious outcome desired: By physical and mental force, these rebellious "new citizens" bear down on the "old citizens" and carry the weight of representation for "all persons". A crafted reduction of "persons" for representation by the Red Faction. A motley mixture of red criminals as directed by the Communist Manifesto of 1848.

Something to ponder : How can one be represented if he cannot duly elect?
Being of the "Democracy" in lieu of being in The Republic has its issues...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

A Treasonous Conclusion
This is simply a formula to enslave individuals by their consent. Because the 14th Amendment was installed by military force in flagrant violation of Article V, the criminal acts of treason had to be passed on to the population in order to clear the "Reconstruction Rulers" of wrong doing. Emancipation of the "slaves" was used as a cover-up. This force is prescribed by the Communist Manifesto. You see, the Communist faction needed to destroy freedom, even by death.

As we see, Lawful Americans go from being persons, to inhabitants, to having their citizenship highjacked. Plunder is defined as : to steal goods from (a place or person), typically using force and in a time of war or civil disorder.  How neat!  The Communist Manifesto is a declaration of war. Imagine that. Vattel related in his Law of Nations discourse that an "inhabitant" is a "citizen" found in a foreign country. A 'resident' and an 'inhabitant' are considered as synonymous. It is no wonder Americans are referred to as "Residents". They have been lifted off the land and are foreigners in their own countries... just articles of commerce : legal entities within a "State" of the United States, not men of their republic-states.

If representation was proper, the ones represented would be "citizens" – that is a citizen of that republic-state – not "persons". But this would not allow for the agenda of World Communism to be fulfilled. No doubt a device of conspiracy.

In addition, it is important to understand in these political operations of rebellion there are two forms of rebels: Lawful Americans and Foreigners... the latter being any "person" who was not Anglo. This was the law of the Union governing citizenship prior to this so-called "Emergency" established by Congress.
Worthy Posts To Absorb
Below are 4 Blog Posts that cover the matter of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War who are consenting to move the New World Order forward...
Judicially Exposing The Reds
The hype of the 2024 Election was to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.
There are congressional provisions to address this separation... more...

Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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