The Story Of Consent
Let me tell you a little story about consent : Voting-Doles-Silence. These are the simple rules tying one to servitude of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.The common law tells us people who do not want to understand law will suffer the consequences. As being learned in law myself, I concur. Aside that, people tend to ignore the Duck Rule. It applies to the 3 Point Construct noted above.What we are dealing with is an abominable Catch-22 by THEY...
- A dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions.
Call what you see herein tough love, if you like. Americans have kicked the can down the road for 150 years to get themselves sucked into this Red Vortex, now being a Catch-22. I can only call a spade, a spade. Sadly, people do not listen. They see and hear what they want; and worse, won't admit to being deceived.The long and short of this is, Americans are consenting to be political criminals. Oh, you didn't know? The current "States" are not republic-states of the Union. They are imposters of the "United States". These 'fake states' house foreigners. The fabricated Foreigners are Denizens of the United States, i.e., United States citizens, not citizens of The Republic, i.e., or citizens per the Law of Nations.So. We hear a lot of Americans say, This is a Republic, not a Democracy.
My inquisition in regard is, So. Seriously. What is your point?
My inquisition in regard is, So. Seriously. What is your point?
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.
Hegelian Dialectic At Work
Understand, the so-called "Democracy" is built on a Problem-Reaction-Solution platform... Problems are intentionally created. The duped masses then react to the problems. Those who control things offer a solution to the applied scheme.In the case of Reconstruction, Problem: Slaves don't have rights. Reaction: Civil War. Solution: A federal citizenship. Of course, this is just the "official" narrative. It actually set the foundation for communistic based principles to be enacted.The word "Reconstruction" is a description that was given to the new American government post "Civil War" (so-called). It created a new political system with a dual system of law. People think they live under the original Constitution... thus causing total confusion. In essence it is fraud; however, people are consenting.On November 5th we sadly witnessed the largest amount of people voting in a Presidential election. That was no accident. What I have been explaining worked beautifully. A duped electorate had openly rebelled – pursuant to Section 2 of the 14th Amendment – against the "Constitution proper" in benightedness. Uh, right. Progressives changed the rules, Americans are rebelling days prior to that date. Only a Special Master would know the games the Insurgent Democracy plays.Those people seeking remedies on things involving a constitutional question will lack standing like never seen before. Sadly, many of these cases will fail and the daft litigants seeking constitutional mandates will lose their battles. They will not even know what hit them. The Communist Association will reign supreme via its debased politicians and its debased judiciary. But really : Who is debased?The issue of voting is somewhat moot, as most every American is on the dole... which puts one in Satan's Sandbox or will categorize them as A Red. Is it any wonder why the Republicans' color is "Red". It is really a predestined thing. A concerted effort executed to keep people in this system indefinitely. Of course, such persons having a citizen and national of the United States designation...
So, don't believe the "Democracy" is in trouble... It is doing just fine. Now, on the other hand, The Republic... well, Americans rather be politically jerked around...
- How the 14th Amendment operates : Voting In Rebellion
People Ignore The Obvious Evil Signs. Inversion: A Satanic Ploy. |
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967
The Criminality
The political system under so-called "Democracy" was created by the Radical Republicans... being a divide and conquer measure with two parties. The last 50 years were to strengthen the destruction of True Americans and natural law. The Woke circus was instituted to get more people to rebel; it was inevitable it would be taken down being a major Hegelian Dialectic project. The damage that has been done the last 150 years will remain with little or no question. The survival of the Democrats by the onslaught of the Red Super Party is yet to be seen.What we are dealing with here is not opinion. It is fact and law. Operations found in the Constitution. The matter of being –Set Up– tricks one into being a slave. Most people do not want to understand the problem. They just follow the flock. Sheep of the flock parrot things like, "Immigrants are okay, as long as they are legal."... this being approval of the rules encompassing World Communism.Now, let's get a little old country. After all, a law people do not care about is the common law... The foundational law America was built on. Here are a couple of English words or terms that express the true nature of the sorry situation. Due to people ignoring the truth, you are reminded I am still on a Ridicule Rampage...
- SOD, n. (British, English) An offensive word for a person, especially
a man, that you are annoyed with or think is unpleasant. —source - BEARERS, n. (English criminal law) Such as bear down or
oppress others; maintainers. —source
• Maintainers
It is quite offensive having brethren participate in a system that is bearing down on your absolute constitutional rights. They are responsible for massive amounts of public debt and the inflation such debt imposes; not to mention other factors.Without doubt, it is unpleasant and oppressing. Right. What to do about this?Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (or profit) interest as motivation. —PAC Lexicon
Rebellion Penalties
The public is cunningly programmed and are then pitted against each other in a slick game of 'right' and 'wrong'. Accordingly, only to be conquered and utilized as "resources" in order for a select few elites to make substantial profits. This is actually a Marxist ploy – or that of Communistic value – of dividing classes so an elite few will benefit per the Ruling Class via Capitalism. Right. Odd about that.To achieve this, true Americans were setup to rebel against their lawful states...
- 14th Amendment operations of law : Treason By Design
"The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily
submitted himself to such a form of government... he owes allegiance to
the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres
must pay the penalties." —U.S. v Cruikshank, circa 1876
Those Responsible
You see, there are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are. That being said, a two party political system actually does not exist. Debased Marxists do– some less debased than others. The more debased type Marxists just took a monumental hit from the Zionists. The Democrats-Liberals were given enough rope to hang themselves.Bait set and devoured... Now they will be ruled by the New World Order religion along with all others that fell for the devised "CONSENT" that just transpired. A less deviant Marxist will fair out much better than those who disobeyed God, i.e., or those who failed to use some common sense or abide by the common law.People should be asking themselves: What criminal activity am I involved in to hold me in involuntary servitude?... Something that is actually protected by the 13th Amendment. It's all about consent. And, it is not really all that complicated. It's only complicated for the Sods who choose to remain ignorant and deceived, which surely includes those who believe that they are so-called Conservative.Of course, Americans have kicked the can down the road and basked in Marxist Materialism were forced into a Catch-22 situation... all as deviously planned... such plan insidiously executed by the Synagogue of Satan and its minions.
The herein noted formula is a major tool used to deny standing in most cases. But the average United States citizen loves their Marxism and the comfort of the Communist Association, therefore is willing to waive constitutional solutions.This political contrivance has been utilized to destroy the Anglo Christians. It is enforced via courtesy of the Black Robes... such being the Judiciary. One might refer to them as Satan's minions... protecting Marxist doctrines over true law...
- The many ill affects of consent : The Damage Is Done
More On Treasonous Consent
Some years ago I wrote some white papers that go through the legal particulars in some detail. The contents would be considered Special Master level...
Seriously. Don't discount those who rule you and their ability to jerk you around. There are many secrets aside the rebellion built into the 14th Amendment. And please do not let these facts keep you from voting harder. Believe it. The lesser of two Zionist evils awaits to rule rebelling "Americans" another 150 years.And don't think you're not a Seditious Sod, your opinion really doesn't matter...
• Historical Error : Download PDF • Criminal Ignorance : Download PDF
Do not expect anyone from the Bar Association or those participating in the de facto system as Rulers to bring this information forward. It would jeopardize the ungodly sums of money and/or profits they make off the rebelling electorate.
People Prefer The Falsehoods. Perhaps They Just Enjoy The Marxism. |
Testis nemo in sua causa esse potest.
No one can be a witness in his own cause.
One thing is for sure : This election will show us how corrupt things are. Here is a Post on what is in store for all the Consenting Sods... Enjoy The Final Stage.
The Ultimate Remedy
In fact, True Americans do not have to be party to the Communist Association. The Rump Congress had allowed such Americans to remove themselves from it. This would be the nature of being under aspects of Republican Freedom.The idiocy of Anarchy doesn't defeat consent variants of: Voting-Doles-Silence. Securing lawful nationality or proper status is key to personal freedoms. To aid in such lawful status, The Ultimate LawSuit must be initiated to enforce the right. True Americans must be separated from the Reds, i.e., the Marxist faction.Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain political slaves to those of the Communist Association that was put into its operation over 150 years ago. The fact is, your fate is still in control of the Red Faction and Its Judiciary.Again, think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, women ruling you, etc.In Closing: I request that those choosing to remain Silent Sods to not shoot the messenger. If I were to remain silent would be tantamount to me being a liar...
Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis.
That being said, those who assist People's Awareness Coalition in exposing this secret formula of slavery would lose their treasonous unpleasantness. Thus...He who does not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.
REALIZE : Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
And Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
And Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Terms Used Herein
Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
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- True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
- Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
- Slave means, slave as found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
- THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
- Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
- Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
- Zionists means, THEY and the traitors who politically work with them.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : Overview • Foreigners • Nationality • Provisional
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