Monday, November 4, 2024

Hierarchy of Natural Law

As we have been witnessing lately, there has been a major upheaval introduced into world societies. Understand, it is actually nothing new. It is just another layer of icing on the proverbial cake... Perversion started over 150 years ago.

The abomination of the American Union has been slowly accomplished by the Synagogue of Satan. Such entity has always had the goal of dominating world commerce and also controlling all profits from the venture. To that end, creating Human Resources out of the world population was mandatory. A just slavery. A slavery for True Americans falling to a de facto government grounded in greed... Turning such Americans into profitable commodities as if Natural Resources.

The Discerning Soul may better understand the content of this important article.
To see the evil of what has transpired requires an open mind and cynicism.
An Empire of Greed
While reading through this piece, please understand Satan in Hebrew simply means "adversary". The most notorious adversary of God – our Creator – would simply be greedy men. That set forth, I had just defined such entity above. It and its minions are our – America and the world's – clandestine adversary... being Zionists. Destroying God's Law to reach their end goal is of no consequence. To this end, Communism had been designed and invoked the past 150+ years.

The Union State was created to represent a Federal Republic– not be a national government that civilly controls state citizens of the newly formed federation.

The pseudo-national government of Red created by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and the progressive destruction of The Republic structure is certain. Add to that other reconstructive amendments – such as the one that destroyed how Congressional Senators are chosen, the 17th – had created more damage. These perversions are due to "reconstruction" of government in the 1860's.

In view of these matters, any references to Red encompasses: Satan or Evil, Corruption, Debt, Sin, etc., are elements readily found in Communist doctrines. Certainly not what we should be witnessing within "One Nation Under God".

CONSIDER how sick this 'One Nation Under Fraud' per Reconstruction truly is.
Realize that "Democracy" is evil and why Democrats cheat to maintain it.

Destroyed American Foundation
The common law that America was built on had a natural hierarchy. Marxism set out to destroy that hierarchy. The destruction of the family was a primary goal by what is referred to as the Synagogue of Satan. Moreover, being in addition, in Christian Pinto's documentary, "The Hidden Faith Of The Founding Fathers", it was disclosed that the "Illuminati" set out to "Free The Women". Section 2 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution uses the word "male" to give rise to future meddling with the Christian customs and usages that the American Union was founded and built on. Such meddling being initiated by the 19th Amendment.
Seems To 
Repeat Itself.
That being said, the man is to be head of the natural family unit. This came from principles of natural law and then was adopted into custom and usage law. Most every society recognizes this natural hierarchy. Moreover, in law, children born out of wedlock are considered bastards and are deemed 'Wards of The State'. A simple rule of law that creates a presumption – also called a legal fiction – that select citizens may be illegitimate, thus clandestine property of government.

So, what does this actually tell us about women being rulers in government? As the hierarchy in government should follow the natural structure of the family unit is one reason we see America in turmoil. Lawful political bodies would follow this natural progression of operation. Such perversion is a directive of Satan. Know the Synagogue of Satan understands the natural makeup of females. This has nothing to do with intelligence of women, but rather them being Marxized.

As you hopefully know, Karl Marx was the primary designer of Communism.

Constitutional Breaches
Understand, this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to destruction of the lawful Union. The political system that was created under "Reconstruction" is built on several noted perversions. It is fact that the existing "States" are actually political "States" of the United States. They are not constitutional republic-states of the Union under the Law of Nations. Fact is, the establishment of this system was done by fraud and force in violation of Article V of the Constitution.

That being said – as I have strongly related – many more unnatural issues are involved. Sadly, contrived "U.S. citizens" have Consented to these constitutional breaches. This infiltration was of evil design and intended to destroy Christians. And even more so, spoil the natural cultural structure America was founded on.

The bottom line is : Participation in this abomination would be deemed treason. Treason or criminal operations of law is actually built into the 14th Amendment as a caveat. Only a criminal act of rebellion could breach the true law. Oddly enough, Rebellion was conveniently built into the noted infamous amendment. The operation of criminal behavior is found in Section 2 of that amendment.

Nonetheless, Americans do support this unnatural political system. A formula implemented by the Red Faction to keep Lawful Americans from the limitations of the Constitution proper. Truly a devious technique of Satan. A method that makes the Electorate criminals, while the Rulers get a free pass. This is simply an artifice to make True Americans clandestine property (slaves) of government. The Judiciary uses this operation of law disallowing "rebels" to prevail in court. Courts deem certain matters to be political questions and deny jurisdiction.

The rebel does not have standing to access the Constitution proper. He enjoys the privileges of Liberty, not immunities as provided by Republican Freedom.

So, think about these things while you are enjoying your Civil Rights and Liberal attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, women ruling you, etc.

Finality or Rectification
Before you get upset at these truths, understand we are truly at a crossroad.

The progressive destruction of the Anglo Union began with allowing The 48ers to immigrate into America. This infusion contained an abundance of Synagogue of Satan members. Due to their actions, this illegitimate presence had allowed gradual erosion of the Christian family. A methodical plan converting women into economic commodities along with all inserted Foreigners of Reconstruction.

That said – now that a lot of readers may be a bit upset – has anyone noticed things have really gone to Hell since women got involved in politics? Since that time, Marxist Materialism and Debt has gone off the charts. Is it any coincidence all this coincides with the U.S. currency being taken off the gold standard?
Women as
Zionist Tools,

Ideal Bad
Zionist Tools,
Not Good.
That noted, are you enjoying the inflation based on the Public "National" Debt? Good Zionists, or Bad Zionists matters not. Zionists are responsible for all this.

Everyone is reminded the "adversary" knows exactly what 'buttons to push' to benefit a Satanic or antiChrist agenda to be accomplished. Karl Marx knew. So perhaps it would be wise to consider why things have digressed as they have.

I reiterate, to fully comprehend the evil of this Red political system, choosing a President to Rule you based on "a woman's right to choose" is part of societal demoralization. It is part and parcel of "Democracy", not a godly body politic.

What we are experiencing is a final resting place for One World Order that has been in the works for about 2000 years. One could say the Red political choice under this current insurgent political system is considered a lesser of two evils. Whatever the outcome is, there will still be much inflicted damage to repair. But understand this : the Zionists are protecting the cash cow, America– their Zion.

This all factual, lands of the "States" are in adverse possession; consequently, much executed under Reconstruction is perhaps void ab initio; hence all actions accomplished under this abhorrent system are up to a strict review of The Law.

So, which will it be... Zionists, or not to Zionists. That is the question.
It is way past time to determine who should be held in treason.
The Ultimate Remedy

This Political Opus by THEY is an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.

The most important question is: Will there be true peace under our Creator, or totalitarian peace of the Red Faction and its deceptive Marxist Socialism?

Those of the popular vote and dole recipients will remain in political slavery to those of the Communist Association put into its quiet operation 150+ years ago. Fact is, your fate will still be in control of the Red Faction and Its Judiciary.

The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit  sooner than later.
All True Americans should be separated from the Reds, i.e., Marxists.
In the interim, there is personal remedy for this Red abomination.

REALIZE: Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
And Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Terms Used Herein
Below is a short list of definitions to assist in understanding the post...
  • True Americans means, Anglo's disenfranchised by Reconstruction.
  • Americans means, de facto citizens in rebellion against The Republic.
  • Slavery means, slave found in Section 4 of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • THEY means, a Biblical reference of those who rejected their Redeemer.
  • Synagogue of Satan means, those of the antiChrist and their followers.
  • Foreigners means, Americans who reside in a State of Reconstruction.
  • Zionists means, THEY and the traitors who politically work with them.
Other words and phrases are self-evident or may be better understood
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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