Showing posts with label Consent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consent. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2024

A Veritable Smorgasbord

Reality Of Religion
When it comes to religion, people love to cherry pick what they believe when it comes to Biblical issues. Like I have said in the past, it really does not matter what religion you are, or are not. Actually, the government is your religion.

Now let us define the two socialisms: 1) Natural Socialism; and, 2) Luciferian Socialism. The former is under the rules of natural law, or God. The latter is that of man, which is grounded in control for profits and other benefits of greed.

Civil Law
Is Of The
Karl Marx had told us, "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."  In the Biblical sense, Scripture relates to us that true peace comes through God, our Redeemer (Romans - 5:1)... the Paramount Sovereign.

So, which do most Americans really choose? Actually, there is little left to think about in regard to the most popular... Which master do most people serve...
"Those people who will not be governed by God
must be ruled by tyrants."
  —William Penn
So. Are the "state governments" sanctioned by God, or setup by evil men? Only discerning souls would call such actions against our Creator, God, Blasphemy.

The Inversion
Those who were of true Christian faith who came to America back in the 1700's came here to escape "The Church". The Church followed. It took the Luciferian Bunch per the Civil War (so-called) to fully takeover the governmental system.

An important lesson: A cherished parable can be spun into a despotic narrative. Seriously now. What do you think Priests and Pharisees are for that Yeshua referred to as the Synagogue of Satan in the Book of Revelations?

Christ Of
Choose The
Secular Trinity
So you know, those who are "The People" are the Rulers of Evil. Like I have related, government under Reconstruction is to Serve and Rule evil people. How does one think that the beloved 1st Amendment separates Church and State? It is more than obvious that things are run by modern day Sadducees.

Honestly. How is there truly such a separation when Judges and Clergy (and such) both are under Canon law and wear Geneva robes in their rule? You are reminded The Church went through Reformation in the 1600's, and about 250 years later The Union went through its Reconstruction. Yep. Neat-O

Right. Great facelifts in benefit of the Shadow Government and Ruling Class.

Again. Government is your religion and you are in rebellion to God and country.
Communism is your chosen political system via The Red Amendment.

Render Unto Caesar
This system of Reconstruction slowly provided a transition over the past 150+ years. To do so, things operated in a gray area. That gray area is closing.

Christians cherish living under Romans 13 of the Bible. Revelations tells us that God wants us either hot or cold. Those who choose to be cold will not have access to the true peace of God. Their choice is Luciferian Socialism.

Simply put: Americans will fully render unto secular control. Remember, Communism does away with religion. What the earth has been witnessing the past few hundred years is the New Age of Aquarius being setup to be under World Communism. I have advised who I work for: I work for no man.

Dirty Deeds
Done Dirt Cheap–
Courtesy Of
The Luciferian
This especially includes any type being handled by the Jesuit Order and being an agent provocateur type like Guy Fawkes of the 1605 Gun Powder Plot of the Vatican... whose likeness was slipped into "The Movement" some years back under the Anonymous moniker. Definitely these were not True Christians.

And lest we forget a plethora of Clowns Who Swindle that have kept unsuspecting Americans in the gray area with their con games.

This King Is Whom?
Speaking of a smorgasbord, who does one trust? There are a lot of "Dancing Monkeys" on the Internet who profess different things. Most are a distraction. Lately, Mark Dice is pushing "Christ". The question is: Which "King" is he referencing? I say it is the inverted one fabricated by "The Church"...

Sadly– All
And No Law
With This Guy
What is the key issue here and its nature? What is this push by Mark Dice?

Indeed. Beware the Operatives and Oafs. It may be a rehash of the false savior. These followers are just a deceived group of New Conservatives of the new Red Super Party that will continue to keep its politics maintaining the Red Vortex.

To sum it up... the bottom line is, Live in constant fear. Many deceivers are here.

The Ruling Class Circus
Our Redeemer related to us that the meek will inherit the earth. The evil of this world – as depicted in the Bible during the past two ages, being the Age of Aries (2150 BCE-1 CE) and the Age of Pisces (1 CE-2150 CE) – is now coming to an end. If this 4000+ year reign of rule is to close so the said promise may happen in the Age of Aquarius, true peace must be seen by the meek endearing God.

It cannot happen if the weak keep endearing that of the antiChrist.

Believe God
Will Save

It Was Done
Long Ago
So What Do Discerning Souls Need To Know?
Below are Six Posts found in this Blog that will help put things together for you on these matters. Please review all of them to better understand the Big Con transpiring over the years causing people to prefer the Democracy Cult-ure...




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, April 8, 2024

Now That's Funny

Honestly Now
Actually, this is not funny at all. It's very, very sad.

PAC Beginnings
When I founded People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), I thought Americans would want to do the "Right Thing" to save their posterity. Boy howdy. I was totally wrong about that. People are controlled by the Zionist faction to the point where they fail to understand and know which end is up. They have even ignored the warnings I have published the past few years in this Blog.

Sadly, Most
All Americans
Will Not Admit
It, But This Is
A Problem.

It is believed that the mind control is deeper than that of those in American Revolution times and that of the Roman Empire before Christ appeared. The principle of the modern day Golden Calf is deeply instilled in those who are steeped in World Communism established by the Shadow Government. Principally, this is why PAC is primarily suited for Discerning Souls.

What is Even Sadder
What I have provided people in the way of truth and law that they have ignored has been utilized by the adversary. Instead of people paying attention and doing the right thing, truth and law allows the adversary to be that many more steps ahead of the game. One has to admit, that is kind of humorous, in a sense. Sadly, it goes along with the pertinent idiom, 'If you snooze, you lose.'

The main issue is, are you self-governing or ruled by man (666)?

The Elements
Here are some definitions based on those being distracted by the games of the adversary. They are found in the PAC Island Makers' Lexicon. The Lawful American Peoples themselves are truly their own worst enemies...

17. Fence Walker. A person that preaches the Constitution is being violated and wants constitutional freedom, but may also want the benefits of the private law that only applies to United States citizens. These types are considered hypocrites and are dangerous to the education of others. —See Gray Area, and Useful Idiot

24. Gray Area. As the original Constitution was not done away with, the Fourteenth Amendment created a dual system of law. People who do not correct their nationalities like to play with both sides of the system rather than making a stand to do what is right. This plays right into the hands of the government as it allows it to keep the system intact and execute selective prosecutions on such people. —See Fence Walker

61. Useful Idiot. The communists of the USSR referred to people that were doing the deeds of the Communist Regime as if they were on the payroll. In other words, people who are not correct in law might as well be working as agent provocateurs for the government as their actions accomplish the same destructive results.

Of Man Or 
By God?
A Conclusion
People seem to like being taken care of by their rulers and also being lied to.
I do remind readers that this "Democracy" is to Serve and Rule evil people.

Simply Put. It all surrounds trusting man over having faith in our Creator, God. To learn more on the issues the general public has, go over these 2 Posts...

Also, see what the Two Posts above get you by ignoring their warnings...




Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, March 25, 2024

Case Against Secession

A HISTORY LESSON   FROM: A Case Against Secession
The government of the Israelites destroyed them. Over spending and lust of their leader put them into debt and caused constitutional issues. The majority of their states complained about it. Their leader responded to them with little compassion, and threats on top of it. They got upset and opted to rebel. It divided their union which ultimately caused them to get conquered by foreign countries... Let this be a lesson to you. / end clip /

Please read the rest of that 2 page paper. It is a historical eye opener. Those coming to America are here based on a repeat of history. Today being under the bondage of Marxist Materialism. The epitome of the Israelite story. Understand that the Anglo-Protestant society who immigrated to America were the lawful people who populated the Union in the mid-1600's. Such Christians came to America to escape the tyranny of "The Church". Their quest must survive.

The Law Never Dies
There is a common law maxim that denotes, The law sometimes sleeps, but never dies. The sitting corporate based body politic was implemented by the art of deception under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution by force. Why, you ask? Article V was breached to form the so-called "Emergency States".

The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
Lands of the several state-republics were seized and used by the Communist Association, which breached the "guarantee" of Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution. It was done unlawfully and is being used in adverse possession. As above, we know who settled the "Union" and their spiritual existence...
• Jura sanguinis nullo jure civili dirimi possunt.
   The right of blood and kindred cannot be destroyed by any civil law.
Jus descendit et non terra.
   A right descends, not the land.
Criminals – those in rebellion per the Communist Manifesto – have given up their rights. Those same criminals love basking in their civil rights and cherish the civil flag. But that's what you get by following those with forked tongues.

Below are maxims of law that the Discerning Soul would take to heart...

• Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

• Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
    It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

The two jurisdictions under Article IV must be separated so Discerning Souls may live in freedom. This being the political will/right of lawful Anglo-Americans so they relinquish being oppressed by the Marxism of those in rebellion.

Division And Weak Minds
People's Awareness Coalition has been advocating education in the Rule of Law and True Peace going on over 25 years now, see our Mission Statement. Part of the adversary's game is have people take up arms against them (it), which is insanity. The adversary is the only entity that can kill in the name of "God"...

That's what THEY think and say anyway. It has been going on for eons. And, the Constitution prohibits the act of taking up arms against it : The United States.

It is past time for the Evolution of Lawful Americans, see The Ring Project.

The Rulers Of
 Evil Keeping
 World Peace.
Realize there are a lot of Operatives and Oafs promoting the arms method. Also understand this is how the Civil War created a desired effect as did the American Revolution. Thank the Synagogue of Satan for that progress. They were Stepping-Stones to the New World Order and its World Communism. Actually a wicked blueprint to consolidate wealth into the hands of a few.

Don't Worry Be Happy
Discerning Souls would relinquish the Commercial Plantation and stop being of the world. But those seeking Republican Freedom are few due to the fact most people cherish their Marxist Materialism. Being of The Remnant resists evil; however, the masses bask in evil and its created Satanic culture or cult...

Will Truly 
Love Their 
New Normal 
With Satan.

So, who is enjoying the Cultural Marxism Woke-Awake dog and pony show to cover-up that America had already been Communized the past 150 years? Hey, don't worry. Your normalization is in the works for a permanent position in the final resting place of World Communism. You will own nothing and be happy; which includes not having lawful possession of land your people occupy!

What are Conservatives Conserving?
I have been asking myself for some time, What are Conservatives' conserving?
The simple answer is: World Communism. Right. Vote Harder!... Criminals.

Sad. And You
Wonder What
Do Conserve:
See, the intended damage has already been done under The Red Amendment.
It has all been by consent of a de facto, rebellious state the past 150 years. A perpetual union under a progressive state of being One Nation Under Fraud. Soon to be, One World without God... all by the consent of the governed.

And most importantly, the Article IV, Section 3, States lack standing to secede. The Lawful Bodies Politic have to initiate any change to the perpetual union. Actually, in constitutional reality the "Emergency" shall remain perpetual. Because those in rebellion elect to be ruled by tyrants, not our Creator.

That is to say, ruled by man (666) and not governed by God —William Penn.

Remember the 3 Elements of your Consent: Voting-Doles-Silence.
The maxim THEY use against those with Satanic minds...

• Qui vult decipi, decipiatur...
     Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived.

Some Extra Knowledge For Discerning Souls...
Review this most important post...Meet The Maintainers

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, March 18, 2024

The Befuddled Masses

What Happens If You Ignore People's Awareness Coalition
Americans have not seen constitutional government for over 150 years. Thus, any time I bring things up – or our people do – below is the look that occurs...


How Many
Times Have I
Seen This The
Past 30 Years?

Too Many.

Some might call moving forward as in being "Progressive". Actually it is moving backwards and repeating history. It is past time for Evolution... to move things away from the controllers who have been manipulating the world for eons.

Matthew 13:24-30 — The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Within the language of that story, we see that the true heaven of our Creator is here on earth. Not the afterlife. However, the Sadducees who control things as a shadow government of the world but got "Christians" to believe otherwise. This modern ploy was to utilize their profits and gains to enrich the Zionist faction. This was also done to people of Rome under the guise of the 2nd Temple of that Jewish sect. Today, minions of the Luciferian cult – such as the Masonic Orders, and others (of the Synagogue of Satan) – adhere to evil of the 1st Temple. But they won't tell us about their antics because it's kept secret from the masses.
It Is
A Crime
To Vote.

Who Knows
That Secret?
Currently, you know their slaves of burden referred to as Human Resources.
Such deceived souls are confined to and are suffering within this Red Vortex.
The God Pimps have controlled this government religion exceeding 150 years.
In some past Posts, remember I have noted that government is your religion. Understand, this de facto government is to Serve and Rule evil people.

Discerning Souls would seek the White Vortex... The Light. Don't confuse it with the "White Light". Heaven in the "afterlife" is what THEY desire you to seek. This is indicative of the false religion of the Luciferian Bunch controlling government. Unbeknownst to many, that false religion is Zionism (Judaism of the Talmud).

Simply put, it really doesn't matter what religion you are or are not.
Because the government – or The State – is your true religion.

Don't fall for the Inversion Method of the Luciferian Bunch.

Some More To Absorb
Please review these 4 Blog Posts to better understand...

Some Advanced Knowledge For Discerning Souls
Please see and read my white paper that is titled, Liberalism is Statism.

"There is Tranquility in Ignorance, but Servitude is its Partner." —LB Bork
You Are Our
Friend Or You
Shall Remain
These Guys.

Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.

Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
      It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, March 11, 2024

State of The Union

In A Terrible Condition
Recently, the so-called "President" of the United States gave the "State of the Union" address. I know, it was a spectacle. Something sane people would not be proud of. Really. So-called Americans should be truly embarrassed.

The word "state" can reflect or relate status or condition. The word can also mean another jurisdiction or government. So, which is it... An address by the Ruler of the Union or the condition it is in? Perhaps it encompasses both.

That aside, the condition of the Union is a joke. Know it is all a dog and pony show. A play or an act to hide things that are planned. And sadly, the American people fall for it. Anyway, this report is dismal. A sad orchestrated condition. All have their eyes on what direction this "One Nation Under Fraud" is going.

True State Of The Nation
In my Post, The Burning Empire, I related how the Synagogue of Satan (SoS) was ousted out of Rome which caused the SoS to go underground. Now we see the game of Good Zionist-Bad Zionist with Trump and Biden. Quite a circus act.

The State of the Union seems to be diving deeper into the Red Vortex every year. It truly is a sad show for the world to see. Obviously planned.

To reiterate, in strict sense the Union – internally – isn't a nation nor a country. Under a Communist based doctrine, it is wished people believe that it is.

Karl Marx said at one time, "History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce." Right, the Synagogue of Satan conquering the world through the United States sure has been a farce. Too bad Americans don't see this farce. Sadly, payback for what was done to the SoS over 2000 years ago sure is a bitch.

Really. Where's Christ our Redeemer when you need Him? Why has this happened again? Perhaps people must clean-up the mess this time. Unfortunately, they were warned in Scripture and let it happen.

Just a thought... You so-called Christians.

Deploy The Dancing Monkeys
Of course to pull-off the Good Zionist-Bad Zionist operations, plenty of distractions and circus needs to be implemented. With entertainment, what could go wrong? Correct. Damage that has already been done the last 150+ years must be preserved. And World Communism carries on as planned... with the lawful and foreign Red Conservatives falling for it... hook, line, and sinker.

Because the Damage is Done and main goals have already been achieved, the Super Red Party can be nicely marched in as planned. Time now to just laugh. The Liberal-Democrats play the fool with distractions of Cultural Marxism.

It seems Mark Dice sure seems to get away with a lot on Synagogue of Satan run YouTube. I call he is one of the top disclosure agents to usher in finalization of the New World Order. World Domination must be done in fairness, you know. Being ruled by the Synagogue of Satan must be by consent, after all.

And the big difference between myself and those such as Mark Dice is, I provide a remedy and he has you keep consenting to a system that is inherently evil.

Yes. The tools of Esau-Edom are paid well and are unfortunately plentiful. Oh, and please don't construe that Zionism is a good thing. It's not. But further know and understand it has been constitutional via the consent of the governed.

Are Suckered
In So Badly.

Some Homework For Discerning Souls
Here are some past Posts that address some of the intricacies of the plan...



I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.
–Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil


Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, February 26, 2024

Division By The Tares

Enemies Of The Republic
There are two sets of Red Rebels. The logic is simple and the two sets of those in Rebellion against the Constitution proper are readily found in the body of the Constitution. The Rebellion is set forth by Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto of 1848 and implemented by the 14th Amendment of 1868. In international law, a manifesto is a declaration of war. This war is invisible to most involved in it.

There are, One) Anglos who are guaranteed a Republican Form of Government by Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution and were grandfathered in under The Emergency; and, Two) The Foreigners (immigrants) who have invaded America under the 14th Amendment's Special States created under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. Simply put: Lawful Americans aren't living in The Republic. They have elected to cohabitate with those of a foreign, dissimilar makeup.

This war is purely economic and declared by the Synagogue of Satan. Rebels in the first category are in rebellion/treason to their Lawful Forms of Government. They have accepted Civil Rights and other Marxist based benefits. These Quiet Wars of Satanic construction is compassionately referred to as Democracy...

What THEY call an "Emergency" is actually a Communist Insurgency. The Emergency must stay in place to govern the latter rebel/foreigners.

Won't Learn
Until  It  Is
Too Late.

Separating The Wheat From The Chaff
Here is a historical lesson grounded in natural law that is found in Anglo law. It describes what has happened to the Union that was established to eliminate paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives in its existence prior to the Constitution...

Matthew 13:24-30. The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares...

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

The Bible taught me to separate from the ills of secular government. Like I have related, government under "Reconstruction" is to Serve and Rule evil people. Those who occupy this New America are materialistic in their existence. 

PAC Has Had A Plan For Over 25 Years
Like I have also related time and time again, There are too many Operatives and Opportunists allowing this Red Goal to effectively win. Way too many egos are involved under the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Sadly, America will continue to suffer the consequences of all those Dancing Monkeys who have Free Internet Access and are largely a distraction... As Planned. PAC had a lawful plan to fix these matters for over 25 years. If those responsible would just admit to their errors...

To understand this problem further, you may also look at the Blog Post from later last year titled... Being Of The Remnant. The Discerning Soul honors the truth. Scripture warned us to Beware of the Synagogue of Satan in many ways.



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, February 19, 2024

Can Kickers Unite!

World Government Is
Communism is the political blueprint for the metastasizing cancer that is called Corporatism. What helps sustain it is multiculturalism. Aside it being unnatural, it creates chaos and distractions. Truly, it is all about the profits of a select few.

So, how has this happened? Last week, I did go over the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
Aside the deception used by our adversary, the Post provides some insights.

A Sad


What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias that causes people with low abilities or knowledge to overestimate themselves compared to others. Conversely, people with high skills tend to underestimate themselves.

About The Red Amendment
This is the book that will change America back to what it once was. With the Lawful Peoples' living under Republican Freedom. Learn more about this textbook here at my site that features real, true constitutional law...
I've Been
People On
This For
Over 25

So What Is A Can Kicker?
It is simple. Kick the can down the road– idiom US informal: To avoid or delay dealing with a problem: I don't think we should kick the can down the road and let our grandkids solve that problem. —

Sadly The Truth Is
Unfortunately, most people like to talk about events and people instead of getting things moving forward. They like kicking the can down the road as to say this, 'Let someone else take care of these problems. That is what I vote for.'

People who are self-governing do not have representatives control them by law. They live under custom and usage and the common law extracted therefrom.

All Can
Kickers Unite!
So What Is A Discerning Soul?
Simply, those who have lawful standing that are not enemies of The Republic. They are either with People's Awareness Coalition – and are in State Nationals Society – or friends of the Coalition and are working with the PAC Alliance.

Justice Black of the Supreme Court cautioned Anglos about their issues back in the late 1960's... The state of the Union is in very poor condition, because...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
—Justice Black of the Supreme Court, circa 1967

Please join us in Godly Evolution and help solve our problems...

Your Homework Assignment Is Very Short This Week...
  Until people accept the truth, they will remain willing criminals in rebellion...


Some Extra Credit For Discerning Souls... ————————————————

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, February 12, 2024

Dummy-Goober Effect

Why The Truth Movement Is A Failure
Obviously many Americans are thinking, What is wrong with our Democracy? Well, for starters, those people not governed by our Creator, God, must be ruled by tyrants. Aside that, there is a major ego problem that exists.

There is a phenomenon that happens with people that seems to be a plague. It applies to many people and is applied in different ways. It is referred to as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This study illustrates why the truth movement fails.

Also, while I go through this presentation I would like to remind people that I tend to follow what Thomas Jefferson once said; thus you'll have a better understanding why there is my direct frankness present...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

Twisting the Law of Nations and breaking down natural law is an unintelligible proposition. Yet however, the masses are under the spell of the Synagogue of Satan that has done just that. The question is, Will the insanity ever end?

What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a cognitive bias that causes people with low abilities or knowledge to overestimate themselves compared to others. Conversely, people with high skills tend to underestimate themselves.

In short, it is a psychological phenomenon that distorts our self-evaluation

The Dunning Kruger effect influences people lacking the necessary skills and knowledge to evaluate their performance accurately. This deficiency creates a dangerous combination of poor self-awareness and limited abilities, leading them to think they are better than they actually are.

The overestimation of their abilities can lead to mistakes, poor decisions, and resistance to constructive feedback or criticism. —

A Plethora of Unwarranted Egos. It Hurts.

That brings us to a maxim of law that says... "A man cannot judge his own cause." Most people lack discernment, especially when a matter involves them.

Wanderers Of The Gray Area
I remind people that I have been watching those who believe they have things figured out for 30 years. Still most people like to dabble in the Gray Area caused by the 14th Amendment. These Denizens are actually legal entities of a foreign jurisdiction. You might call them foolish replicas of men and women...
  • Dummy. a model or replica of a human being.
  • Goober. a foolish person.
Such persons are born and bred Human Resources & Consumers who have their feet planted in Washington, D.C., and are benefitting from the system per Voting, Doles, and Silence. The only way they can maintain Liberty is be a belligerent claimant in person. That procedural luxury is now dwindling and won't be an option available to the 'cake and eat it too' crowd much longer...

Simply, You live in the Insurgent Democracy or under Republican Freedom. However, the latter comes from asserting the right as being a nonforeigner.

Please learn more about types of the Dummy-Goober Effect. Remember, the overestimation of their abilities can lead to mistakes, poor decisions, and resistance to constructive feedback or criticism, so ridicule is in order...

Once again, only a select few of these noted Denizens have lawful standing to claim Lawful Status as it applies to constitutional law and the Law of Nations.

Yes. The 
Is Full Of 

They Are!

Other Posts on my Blog that pertain to those immersed in the Red Vortex...

Why PAC Is For Discerning Souls
I have been using the motto below for over 20 years...

  • Forget about what they are doing... Let's do what we need to do.

In line with that, I remind people of what Socrates once said... "False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil." ―Socrates... You are reminded the man shared that wisdom over 2000 years ago. It's eternal.

This Insurgent Democracy is of false words and has infected souls with evil. Like I have said before, Government under "Reconstruction" is to serve and govern evil people. The Communists of the Red Faction run it by Inversion of truth.

We have had a lawful plan for over 25 years. Sadly, instead those under the Dummy-Goober Effect fell for the Operatives and Opportunists; otherwise Lawful Americans would be on the Road Home to Freedom... not led astray.

It is way past time to break away from those under the Dummy-Goober Effect who have average, weak minds that talk about events and people. It is past due to get with People's Awareness Coalition to discuss remedy with great minds. Republican Freedom can only come with Unity and Proper Education.

Some additional guidance for those with Discerning Souls...



Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind...

Get AWARE With The PAC Alliance

Those are PDF Booklets. You are free to download them and print them out to share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition please remain.

Now Please Get Busy With Us


Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series

Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional