Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Us and They

The Me Gods
It is ventured that most people don't know the reason for their existence. That is, who or what gave them life as beings in this world. Recently, FOX News asked some individuals on the street if they believed in God. Some said, who/what is that? It seemed such persons were proud of not knowing. The attitude appeared to go beyond atheism. These individuals are a perfect example of a designed individual of the New Age. A "person" I refer to as a 'me god'.

In the New Age there will be no God or Creator, just objects that exist. Objects that exist to be controlled by better, smarter objects. Seemingly the transition is all but complete. The better objects have those with a me god mentality buying into being "woke"; while others believing they are "awake" thinking that they are sovereign. In a transitional period going to the New Age, this belief has been practiced for some time with patriots. The problem is in the secular world law only sees the collective as a "nation" being sovereign, not individuals. In that practice or model, God – the Creator – is the Paramount Sovereign.

Simply stated, there is a bridge of authority that our existence deals with under natural law and our secular existence under government. Americans' societal law was originally setup to deal with natural law under custom and usages. For example, Christian teachings under custom and usages then formulated into the common law that is recognized by the courts. Other matters fell under a law form referred to as the "Law of Persons". Sadly, this law form opens the door for authoritarianism (or totalitarianism) rule by the rulers. Rulers of Evil, that is.

Over 200 years ago William Penn said it best, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants"... or by better, smarter objects, i.e., me gods.

Building Authoritarianism
The "Law of Persons" came from the Roman Civil Law. Today, the American system basically mirrors that format. The Common Law was developed under the Divine Right Of Kings. The latter law form governed the societies or people of the several states of the Union, with the exception of Louisiana. Since the reconstruction of government under the forced 14th Amendment we see that a sudden emergency was declared... They call it an Emergency, but I refer to it as a Communist Insurgency– where the common law was basically overridden with an advanced system of the Law of Persons. As orchestrated, then there was a national legal system installed. Both state and federal governments advanced authoritarian law. They refer to it as Civil Rights. Accordingly, there are lots of penalties that go along with that warm and fuzzy benefit. Moreover, the system of the Communist takeover threw common law under the bus in the eye of the courts and so-called equity took over. God has been effectively removed.

This format is wonderful for handling mixed religions and races, and now freaks under Cultural Marxism intellectuals talk about. Centralized control is a tenet of Communism. You need not be a rocket scientist to understand why.

Transitional Period Begins
This genocidal effort didn't happen suddenly. Me gods were centuries in the making. This was building a New World Order. A world for THEY, not us. The transition started in the 1500's under "The Church". Reformation of Martin Luther was overcome with an inversion based version by John Calvin. True Christianity was in the process of being infiltrated with Luciferian rule via the Civil Law. To achieve this, the Jesuit Order was also installed into The Church to make sure the "progressive" measures implemented were fully effective.

Dateline today: The me gods have been being created for several years now. What do you think Generation X, Y, and Z are about? Letters of the end of the alphabet. X, Y, Z... Done cooked... or Marxized. Unknowing Marxists creating children for the new Millennium to act as serfs on the feudal plantation.

Simply put, the antiChrist entered the building long ago.

It Is All
A Dog

Method Behind the Madness
So, who is behind this crazy thing called an emergency? Just who is "THEY" ? Well us, are the confused lot known as human resources (or capital). They is the Synagogue of Satan... Aptly called the Luciferian Bunch. Those who rejected the (our) redeemer and their minions... Namely subversives posing as the Israelites and Masons. The man that is known as Jesus came to the world to advise people of the evil that surrounded them. His message was not only rejected by his people, they had him executed. Two thousand years later people of America have been controlled by the “playful gods” of the same faction that rejected him and had him put to death. They just don’t see it, let alone understand it.

The fact of the matter is, government has been Americans' real religion. One Rabbi S. Wise related this, “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.” Again, I myself call it Communism. The minions – or useful idiots – again, call it an emergency. In furtherance of the sad reality, in a Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton related to the world, “We belong to the One mastering God: you belong to the republic of playful gods." How neat!

The same whimsical gods that controlled the "citizens" of the Roman Empire. In case you have failed to see it, these imposters posing as the Israelites have been keeping God to themselves while they have everyone else practicing other religions they created, manipulated, and/or control. The Rulers of Evil manage their religion under Roman Civil Law. Americans have enjoyed the perfected enterprise John Calvin setup in the 1500's under "the Vatican".

The Coming Age
In this coming age people will be me gods being controlled by better, smarter me gods. Their true Creator will be forgotten history. And what America has seen as fascism the past 150+ years is slowly transitioning into a 'feudal plantation' that will envelop the world. Americans won't possess the natural resources of their countries. Americans will not own anything... as they haven't for some time now due to legal manipulation. Americans will be human resources owned by Satan, i.e., the "Chosen Ones" who chose themselves... The Luciferian Bunch.

So, are you a self-important me god who is sharing it's all about me me memes distracting people with current events of the Luciferian political theater? Or are you working with The Ring exposing their Satanic Democracy?

Join The Godly Evolution

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