Showing posts with label Luciferian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Luciferian. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025

Just A Different Day

PAC – People's Awareness Coalition – is
the only Lawful Political Action Committee.
An Old Adage
I am sure that most of you have heard the ole saying...
    "Same shit, different day."
Well, we are seeing that once more with the changing of the guard from the Bad Zionists, to the Good Zionists. Of course, it all depends what political side of the fence of "THEY" you have chosen to be on... We have just seen – and still are witnessing – the biggest PsyOp of Problem - Reaction - Solution in world history. Both political types ingeniously constructed – Liberal and Conservative – have eagerly eaten up the mass programming that has been masterfully dished out.

Ole Joe Biden has given us a great show for the past four years. His "farewell speech" was full of Masonic mastery : true Illuminary greatness. The warning about the "coming oligarchy" was quite humorous. That presence has been here since the founding of the United States in 1776. Such stealthy presence got a better stranglehold after its fulfillment of the so-called "Civil War". Their depravity was enhanced with covert installment of Communist doctrines containing class division to fuel it... that of course Biden taunted in his political blather. For the Discerning Soul it is all rather repulsive. Here, if you have not experienced it...
Meet The
Synagogue of
Satan and Its
Political War
To understand more about the Eisenhower meme featured this week, review the Post below. He and all other political minions like Joe Biden are always warning us commoners about things and laying out what the Zionists have planned...Simply put: There will be no real change. Just alterations to make it appear so. The masses will continued to be jerked around with Hegelian Dialectics. Due to their ignorance of law and proper history, THEY, the Zionists, will be successful.

About That Peace
In line with war notations of Biden, I venture you didn't know there are actually two types of peace : One) Under God, our Creator: "We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" –Romans 5:1 ; and, Two) That being of Satan, or man: "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism."

Of course, the latter peace pushed by Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx. According to what Biden related – and what appears to be happening – are we ever going to see the peace of THEY ?  Oddly, Trump has alluded to the world enjoying Socialism. I would remind readers, their motto is : Order Out Of Chaos. Seriously. Which peace will it be?  Peace of man or God?  It appears to be both. Most "Christians" seem content with the way things are. But that is expected, after all. It is said Satan does rule the world and evil men are of the antiChrist.
And, in regard to that peace and the occupation of the body politic, I did not misspeak. It was a reference to the communist occupation held under the 14th Amendment. In proper form it would be "bodies politic". But Lawful Americans insist to persist with their criminal behavior. A One Nation Under Fraud is what they cherish : as ruled by the Red Faction.  Me. I just keep shaking my head.

Sadly, as long as Judeo-Christians and all others occupy the body politic, The meek shall not inherit the Earth and chaos may continue for another 150 years.

That related, I remind you this government serves and rules evil people.

Some Worthy Posts To Absorb
If you need some insight in regards to what was said in reference to Christians serving two masters, you may want to read my post... Who I Work For.

And below are 4 Blog Posts covering the issue of Consenting to the Communist Association. Please absorb and share them with other Americans involved in this Red War who are consenting to move the New World Order forward...
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy Merry Lucifer!

Merry New Age from The Synagogue of Satan!

click photos to enlarge

The Luciferian Confusion
In review of the section Hellenism and The Jews, I stated that Hellenism is a living Hell... that repeats itself. Oddly, Karl Marx braggingly said the following about history: “History repeats itself. First as tragedy, second as farce.”

And all you people are putting up with their farce. Very sad. Very, very sad.

The principle of the state/nation is not a bad concept; especially if the nation is allowed to exist under the Right of Self-Determination.

FROM: Liberalism Is Statism...

Look for The Ultimate Lawsuit in 2025
People's Awareness Coalition is looking forward to a very prosperous 2025!

To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...

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PAC Exposing The New World Order


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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, December 23, 2024

Happy Merry Congress!

Merry Happy To Congress from the Homeless!
click photos to enlarge

Seriously. Your Government?
In reference to lawful state sovereignty – before the 14th Amendment – the governments of the state-republics were sovereign. The citizens/subjects of the de jure states lacked connection to the Constitution... It was a "state" contract. People of the states owed allegiance to such states, not to the United States.

This was outlined in a case titled Barron vs Mayor & City Council of Baltimore (1833). In this pre14th Amendment case the Supreme Court of the United States stated the following about the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution...
"The question thus presented is, we think, of great importance, but not of much difficulty. The Constitution was ordained and established by THE PEOPLE of the United States for themselves, for THEIR own government, and not for the government of the individual States.

Each State established a constitution for itself, and in that constitution provided such limitations and restrictions on the powers of its particular government as its judgment dictated.

THE PEOPLE of the United States framed such a government for the United States as THEY supposed best adapted to THEIR situation and best calculated to promote THEIR interests."
—Chief Justice Marshall
Look for The Ultimate Lawsuit in 2025
People's Awareness Coalition is looking forward to a very prosperous 2025!

To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...

Get On Board!  Please join us on the PAC Open Forum

Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with those in The PAC Alliance!

PAC Exposing The New World Order


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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, December 16, 2024

Happy Merry Everyone!

Merry Merchants America!
click photos to enlarge

The Merchants
James Carville, political consultant, was said to say, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

Well, there you have it. The real question is : Are people willing to control and keep the profits of the economies of their nations... Or are you going to continue down the path of destruction and remain chattel property of the Zionist faction?

Look for The Ultimate Lawsuit in 2025
People's Awareness Coalition is looking forward to a very prosperous 2025!

To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...

Get On Board!  Please join us on the PAC Open Forum

Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with those in The PAC Alliance!

PAC Exposing The New World Order


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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, December 2, 2024

The Faux Government

FAUX, adj. Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article.
Synonyms for faux include fake, imitation, artificial, dummy,
simulated, mock, false, sham, and bogus.
An Overthrow
In reading this you must understand that the governmental system after the Civil War had been altered by "Reconstruction" in the 1860’s. This action bifurcated the Constitution. The Union was progressively converted from a Republic with a representative federation into a so-called Democracy. This put Americans into an alternate Red State. Such maneuvering was a steppingstone to conform to what was later referred to as World Communism... aptly, the New World Order.

I refer to its transformation of citizenship as the Communist Association.

De Jure and De Facto Systems
So you comprehend things herein, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will observe how Lawful Americans had their governments usurped.

The reconstruction of the governmental system was caused by an amendment. It was the 14th Amendment to the Constitution installed just after the Civil War. Its installment enabled the rulers to impose another set of laws on Americans. The United States government then became the national government for the Communist Association. The several States were now its political subdivisions: United States counties, so to speak. This hack is referred to as dual citizenship.

This allowed the government and courts to pick and choose what was required to control the citizens of the Communist Association. In sense, Congress was now the national legislature for these foreigners or residents of the "States".

So in proper sense what is Congress? The definition of Congress is as follows:
  • CONGRESS. In International Law. An assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, etc. from different sovereignties who meet to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. —Black's Law Dictionary, 4th edition
This created a system of government referred to as the following:
  • FEDERALISM. 1. A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units. 2. Federalism. Doctrine of Federalist Party.
    —American Heritage Dictionary, 1998
In unison with that, each "State" in the Union is a separate country, nation, and republic that maintains a "clipped sovereignty". Accordingly, the Constitution for the United States of America is nothing more than an international agreement or charter between those nation-states under the principles of international law.

In general, de jure peoples of the states had little interaction with the "federal government". However, that had changed with the political system created under the 14th Amendment. This is not to say the "United States" did not have some national type duties held under the Constitution proper. But one of those duties was not citizenship. This is where the fake national government is formulated.

The de jure political system had a single party, which was the Federalist Party. The Communist Association had to have two: Republicans and Democrats. A divide and conquer political system of Liberals and Conservatives maintain the insanity. While those of the Communist Association bicker, those of the Shadow Government get richer. Keep this quiet. It would spoil a main control mechanism of this reconstructed system. You would think people could figure that out.

The Communist Association is controlled by private or special international law. A fundamental tenet of Communism is to centralize the control of a population. It can be asserted this new system is under the Constitution of the United States; as the Constitution for the United States of America was no longer operative. A new legal landscape was developed. Politicians and the courts could pick and choose what they wanted to follow from the "Constitution" for the new system. But de jure principles were to be followed when required by de jure nationals.
Creating Faux National Citizenship
Those who had Communist tendencies wished for centralized control. The need for this control is a deep subject. I go over many of the issues in my book, The Red Amendment. Simply, it created human resources for the elites to profit from. Various methods are used to maintain production output for maximum profits.

In proper form, the States would be national governments; but they are "States". Today, the United States citizenship – as created by the 14th Amendment post Civil War – is referred to as Federal Citizenship. This is a practice utilized due to the confusion based on the federal based system and its usurpation conflicts.

Below, what is considered the intent of the infamous amendment presented by one of its seedy proponents. From a speech by James Blaine, at Skowhegan, Maine (August 29, 1866), found in the book The Reconstruction Problem:
"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by [the 13th] constitutional amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens. We do not, by making them citizens, make them voters—we do not, in this Constitutional Amendment [the 14th], attempt to force them upon Southern white men as equals at the ballot-box; but we do intend that they shall be admitted to citizenship, that they shall have the protection of the laws, that they shall not, any more than the rebels* shall, be deprived of life, of liberty, of property, without due process of law, and that "they shall not be denied the equal protection of the law."

And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the Negro. It is for the white man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship—and our Amendment declares that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."

This Amendment will prove a great beneficence to this generation, and to all who shall succeed us in the rights of American citizenship; and we ask the people of the revolted States to consent to this condition as an antecedent step to their re-admission to Congress with Senators and Representatives."  CONTENT TAKEN FROM: The Establishment
* REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in
   the Civil War. 30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2. [ A case where a conspirator misused the term...
   But did he?... Perhaps he was noting the rebels that the amendment fabricates.
In other words: You can be part of the Union again if you accept the mandates of our usurpation of the republican forms of government guaranteed to the states. Moreover, its operations apply to all the republic-states (several States) of the Union, unlike some patriot types and other disinformation agents fail to relate.

Wait. More problems exist within that commie wish list. A major one being, the citizenship of the amendment in fact grants such persons political rights. It is obvious by the language as seen in the 15th Amendment. It simply relates all persons shall not be deprived the right to vote; its elemental language does not create a right to vote. The same language is found in the 19th Amendment; it does not create suffrage for women. Per force, the 14th Amendment created an alternative political system for all persons no matter who they were or what sex. It is a fact: Lawful Americans were disenfranchised and sucked into this Marxist based system. Furthermore, those "people of the revolted States" Blain refers to as "rebels" actually were not. That was political commie-speak. It was later ruled to be unconstitutional. The ruling follows the constitutional right for the states to secede from the Union. True rebels are citizens of the Insurgent Democracy.

The "State wherein they reside" is actually a federal State. Their Red residents are foreigners and rebels to the republic-states. The 14th Amendment installed all de jure citizens into the "federal States" with its coercive politics. De facto citizens benefiting from the amendment lack access to The Republic held by Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution proper; however, the Lawful Americans possess grandfathered-in rights but elect to exist in the Communist Association. Due to this unfortunate decision, they are subjects of the political jurisdiction of both the United States and its federal State as "citizens of the United States".

True rebellion develops from participating in the above noted system. It comes from turning the sovereign political power of a republic-state over to the United States without lawful provisions. Participating rulers are only deemed insurgents as they must uphold constitutional principles aside the forced amendment. And, in principle the act of establishing "World Communism" is an act of rebellion.

Simply, individual consent is the essence of this rebellious faux body politic. One doesn't have to participate in rebellion nor be in association with criminals.
You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Actually You 
Consent To It.
Silence Is Golden
Factually, the moment "they" installed the 14th Amendment into the Constitution allowed the governments and courts to act instantly on the fake emergency.

Right, they refer to it as an emergency, but it's really a Communist insurgency. Covert operations of law allows those 'in the know' to jerk Americans around. Many cases would be lost with the litigants not even knowing what hit them. The ignorance of the bifurcation done to the Constitution is a major travesty.

Again, these "States" of the 14th Amendment are not the several States. They are federal States de facto (of fact) as fabricated under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution proper; that being the only thing remotely constitutional about these States. In legal parlance, the several States and the federal States share the same territory. Ones "political status" determines which law forms apply. Is it any wonder the sitting government doesn't bring this up to its Marxist citizens?

In reality, the Communist faction setup bad, Lawful Americans to act in treason. This orchestrated operation of law known to those 'in the know' use it against said Americans to deny their constitutional freedom. A neat silent weapon to get back at those bad people who reject foreign control and its intended slavery.

But do not get too upset with your rulers. Like all good Americans, most of them just do what they are told. They are oblivious to this usurpation. And the ones 'in the know' get paid well to keep it shrouded. Along with other secrets, there is a safety-net built into the 14th Amendment to keep their traitorous ways quiet.

Yes. Your silence to this usurpation is your consent to Red slavery. Their silence is not golden. It is Red... a color found in the Bible that represents corruption.

To be a Marxist, or not to be a Marxist. That is the question.

Constitutional Remains
The building of the "One Nation Under Fraud" started with the 14th Amendment. Further destruction had been accomplished with the 17th Amendment. It further built the Communist based national government. The only thing that remains of the constitutional system is the electoral college. This facet somewhat saves the original constitutional political system from that of Democracy. The problem is, the rulers are chosen by those in rebellion against the Constitution proper. The political participants are predestined to be controlled by authoritarian laws.

Such Communist based principle is found in the Communist Manifesto noted as, The destruction or elimination of countries and nationalities. All nationalities of the several republic-states have been 'consolidated into one country' under 14th Amendment mandates per the national and citizen of the United States status.

Ultimately, these actions caused genocide of the Lawful Americans. Dealing with the damage caused the past 150+ years will take substantial measures. Status quo politics are being used to bury these damages with Hegelian Dialectics. It is accomplished with political shenanigans via distractive Woke-Awake theatrics. The Red Super Party has purpose of substantiating damages indefinitely; thus the new "conservative" faction securing a Luciferian's Hellenistic delusion.

Just think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal type attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, government benefits, women ruling you, banking-which includes credit, doing what thou wilt, etc.

The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
A Constitutional Remedy
At this point, to go back to the constitutional Union would be next to impossible. What is required to be accomplished in the interim is: the de jure and de facto political jurisdictions need to be separated; this so Lawful Americans may enjoy a republican form of government. It will also allow said Americans to redevelop their common law systems under their sovereign custom and usages. Also, they would have immunity from the ills of the Communist Association. The foreign presence of said association could still be governed by appropriate legislation.

Section 5 of the 14th Amendment provides a vast latitude for this to transpire. This way the two systems can still exist without constitutional adjustments. The two political jurisdictions must be swiftly recognized by the insurgent factions... Such being, the politicians of the de facto offices held under the usurpation.

This fix will allow Marxist Americans to enjoy the imposed slavery of their rulers with Lawful Americans being able to openly enjoy their constitutional freedoms. A clear Rule of Law will eliminate the gray area allowing governments and the law industry to continue bilking de jure people of their given right of well-being.
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
REALIZE : Wolves eat Sheep. That's what they do. —Richard Kelly Hoskins
Thus, all Wise People stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Please promote The Ultimate LawSuit... Exposing The Communist Association.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Lesser Of Two Evils

Good Zionists-Bad Zionists
I have said for some time that the Democrats-Liberals were being thrown under the bus. It started with the Clinton appointment in the 90's. In the nature of Good Cop-Bad Cop, what we are witnessing now is : Good Zionists-Bad Zionists

The Zionist faction is a melding of those of the Synagogue of Satan and those who would be considered to be all people of a nonIsraeli denomination. I refer to those working together as one being Team Lucifer, i.e., Luciferians.
The main principle of the Israelites is that they did away with gods many and went to one true God, our Creator. The Zionist faction has Christians practicing an erroneous, false religion under stealth and manipulative dictates. The Vatican fronts the scheme along with encompassing other religions that will "Coexist".

I covered the history of the falsities in a white paper titled, Liberalism is Statism. If you study this Blog you will understand Liberalism and Democracy are one. Note THEY have referred to the political takeover under fraud as Progressive.

There have been authors that have referred to what has transpired in America the last 150 years as Conspiracy and Treason. Without question, the elements are there. However, another issue must be brought to the table, which is this...
  • genocide, noun. The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. —source: Merriam-Webster
All three of those matters need to be addressed soon. The nature of the criminal disenfranchisement of Lawful Americans needs to be understood to understand. Such Americans being the Anglos... and not to be confused with the vagabonds known as the Synagogue of Satan who had denounced their (our) Redeemer.

Useful Idiots and Genocide
I have been telling people for some time that it doesn't matter what religion you are or are not... Government is your religion. I went over some of the particulars in my Post titled, The Unholy Trinity. Yeah. It's an ancient Roman-Jewish thing. Karl Marx had said... "History repeats itself, First as tragedy, Second as farce." Right. Those "people" getting even for those responsible for having their 2nd Temple destroyed has been a monumental task. Keep enjoying the farce!

Of The New
World Order
These destroyers of peoples wandered around the world for ~3000 years. In all that time THEY did not have land until Fake Israel was installed in 1948. Oddly, it was exactly 100 years after their economic war on the world – the Communist Manifesto – was released in 1848. By the way, THEY are not Israelites. As our Redeemer said 2000 years ago, 'They are of their father the devil.' —John 8:44


Grasp The
Jesuit Pope
Has Claimed
One World
Alas, the masses don't understand that the upcoming Red Super Party is the end game of this manipulative religion. Progressively, in the last several years, a dialectic plan – Problem-Reaction-Solution – has been utilized to demonize the Democrats to funnel 'conformists' into New Age–Neo-Conservative politics.

Of course, the transition started long ago and may be traced to Reconstruction. The Radical Republicans started the chaos. It is well documented and can be tied to the Illuminati and the Zionist faction and upheld by the Jesuit Order.

  —Copy from this part taken from, Being Of The Remnant

Again, for your edification– Zionist based factions makeup Team Lucifer. For a more detailed explanation of what is transpiring, please read this Blog Post... A Lesser Of Two Evils Examined
Below, the Luciferian Bunch having some fun at the traditional Al Smith Dinner. Jim Gaffigan makes mention the host Cardinal references picking one of the two choices for President is a lesser of two evils. Which is lesser, he questioned...
A Brutal
By Trump.

Yep. You'll
Have That.
Perhaps that reference to a lesser of two evils had to do with what William Penn once said, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants." ...or Satanists, in this modern world. That would tie to a reference of those not living under a Republican Form of Government as guaranteed by the Constitution...
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."
That dictum was expressed by Supreme Court Justice Black in the late 1960's. And please realize, republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party, a Marxist faction. Such factors noted, perhaps why being under the rule of either presidential candidate would be a lesser of two evils. Keeping that in mind, we must not forget the Divine Right of Kings had been overlaid with a State System of Rulers not so long ago... Know– The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

In short, being of this political system is consenting to be ruled by evil.
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil

Overcoming Deception Of Evil
One thing to understand is, the Vatican went through "Reformation" in the 1530's, and the Government went through "Reconstruction" in the 1860's. At that time Conservatives and Liberals had developed. The Pope went full Luciferian under the Jesuit Order this Millennium, thus completing a progressive sequence. The reconstruction of government combined with the infamous 14th Amendment of the Constitution allowed for Marxist principles to progressively be snuck in.

For those people who have noticed, the Liberals – or the Democrats – are under fire and being "owned" by the Conservatives. A purposeful Red political game to protect the success of the Synagogue of Satan the past 2000 years. Understand the main players are going no where. Their meddling wrath will continue.
Have Gone

Still Are.
Simply put: Beware the political shenanigans now being exercised.

Ladies and Gentleman, the Democrats give you Kamala Harris. A foreseen win for the Red Faction. As it has been said, It's great when a plan comes together...
  • "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Democrats – being Bad Zionists – have been setup to be thrown under the bus for sometime now. Right. Welcome to the Red Super Party, comrade. This whole WOKE nonsense is planned opposition via Hegelian Dialectic. In part, its purpose is to facilitate business manipulation so the Zionist faction can better monopolize things after the damage has been accomplished. I wonder if Kamala Harris knows she is being used as a tool, i.e., useful idiot? Most Liberals appear to be clueless... ummm, let me restate that: Most people are totally clueless.

You see, the Bad Zionists and the circus of Cultural Marxism will soon fade into the sunset. They have served their chaotic purpose. Now only useful principles of Marxism shall remain to control the human resources for the profits of a few. This is the nature of the Luciferian Political System of the Synagogue of Satan.

The Finality Or Rectification
What we are experiencing is a final resting place for One World Order that has been in the works for about 2000 years. One could say the Red political choice under this current insurgent political system is considered a lesser of two evils. Whatever the outcome is, still there will be much inflicted damage to repair. But understand this, the Zionists are protecting the cash cow, America– their Zion.

The most important question is: Will there be true peace under our Creator, or totalitarian peace of the Red Faction and its deceptive Marxist Socialism?

Wanton damages to de jure peoples are insurmountable and must be rectified. Lawful Americans must be separated from the Marxists, i.e., the Zionist faction. The only Remedy is instituting The Ultimate LawSuit sooner than later.

REALIZE : Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Posts To Understand More...
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Monday, August 5, 2024

Constitutional Mishmash

They Have Warned Us
"In this country, the law in effect in all but a few States until mid-l9th century was the pre-existing English common law... It was not until after the War Between the States that legislation began generally to replace the common law."
—Roe v. Wade, 410 US 113 (1973)
There have been signs for years that multiculturalism is destroying the proper law form of Americans. But most Americans – especially Lawful Ones – have ignored it. The sad fact is, people in America are not interested in freedom, but rather strive for what Karl Marx called Marxist Materialism. Wherefore, those who buy into the Luciferian propaganda continue to "reside" in this Red Vortex of greed and deception. A program put in place with the so-called "Civil War".

Some would say it is constitutional. But it is actually criminal.

A Quasi-Cryptic Message
The nature of the "Reconstruction" of government had perverted what Emer de Vattel laid out in his playbook for coming out of countries being ruled under the Divine Right of Kings. It was titled, Law of Nations: or Principles of the Law of Nature Applied to the Conduct of Nations. When the elite faction and its plan to take over with the corporations took full affect, the natural law was thrown out the window. All that mattered to them is the profits of the greed driven types. The orchestrated Luciferian system of Liberty replaced Constitutional Freedom.

Accordingly, what we have now been witnessing is a horse of a different color. The forfeiture of natural law. Understand, It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature...
Natural Law
For Profits.

And Making
Lite of it.
You see Corporations and Insurgent Government(s), it's not nice to fool mother nature... or natural law, i.e., the Law of God, our Creator. But that is how World Communism exists. Equity has come by the barrel of a gun and maintained by inversion and deception. After 150 years of transition, few see its damage.
Diversity Has
Been Employed
For Corporate
De Facto And De Jure Clarified
If you investigate, citizens who live in the "States" under the 14th Amendment are deemed residents... They are not citizens under the Law of Nations. They are of the States created per Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. They are foreigners of the true republic-states in the Union under Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution... This is why they are referred to as "residents", i.e., DCites. An equalization of people and corporations had then taken place. People were then considered Denizens, or Foreigners. Evilly, Congress favors corporate power. A fact remains, corporations are creatures of the State. People are creatures of our Creator. Those who established the Constitution proper understood that. The De jure Congress followed it. Obviously, the Rump Congress not so much.

The two jurisdictions of "Reconstruction" – those being the Constitution proper one and the Socialist-Communist one – must be judicially separated to eliminate the perpetual injustice being done to constitutional peoples of the several states. Of course, those people are of a de jure character who have standing. The sorts of a de facto character must remain under "Civil Rights" per their rebellion... as manufactured by the 14th Amendment political system purely of Satanic origin. This separation must be done to expose the gray area the system runs under.

To clarify: Everything you see in the media is a distraction to cover-up the fact Congress – and politics – is of purpose to maintain this miscarriage of justice.

I remind you, They call it an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.

Freedom For Lawful People
I myself am a man in The Republic. I'll keep scrutinizing you in your Altered State. Men and Women with De Jure Standing should join us in Freedom... Learn even more by reading the following 3 Blog Posts if you have not already...
REALIZE : Wise people stand with PAC and Our Alliance. That's what they do.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.



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Monday, July 1, 2024

So Many Questions

Too Many Wrongs
Something to understand while I go through the presentation this week. I would like to remind my readers that after 30 years watching "Patriots" obviously being turned into "Matriots", I tend to follow what Thomas Jefferson once said. This will provide to you a better understanding why I tend to use a direct frankness...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

In my estimation, the issue of commiting treason is not all that favorable. I had brought that to America's attention some 25 years ago. It has pretty much been ignored. So many activist types see things are wrong, but they simply will not acknowledge the problem is the Bifurcation of the Constitution by their rebellion. Right. So what to do about these criminals aside publically ridiculing them.

That said: So my main question is to those 'so-important people' who organize groups that believe they are "Saving America"– Specifically, Why do you sorts refuse-disavow to work with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) when we have a peaceful plan in law and have been successfully exercising it for 25 years...
Are you getting paid to be Useful Idiots or are you just Plain Idiots?
As to the former Idiot: There are plenty of highly paid operatives to maintain this Red System: Trolls, Moles, and other Treasonous Bastards. And, as to the latter Idiot: Greed, Ego, and Stupidity for Want of Discernment perhaps is the reason.

Either one matters not. Both IDIOT TYPES create similar mounting devastation. And no, this isn't name calling. Idiot is a term based on the application of facts. In reality, the 'name calling' response is a defense tool for weak minded people. However, using dumbass, jerk weed, and such would be deemed name calling.

Take it from someone that has been in this "Truth Movement" for over 30 years: The New World Order has not gotten to this point without its Operatives that maintain this Progressive takeover. Nor has it gotten this far for this long without Suckers following the disinformation of such Operatives. Seriously, one should ask himself how bright are such Opportunists... Why should they be followed?

One could venture to ask, what does it matter... As it appears, these Idiots want this Commie Takeover to go on for another 150 years. At this rate, it will.

Simply put: There are those with The Coalition (PAC) and The PAC Alliance and there are Fools... Oh, and those who rank as Foreigners who are excepted. In other words, lost souls who support the Communist Rebellion against the Constitution proper, and PAC who does not and aims to rectify things.

Below provided are 4 Posts expanding on this detrimental problem...
Understand The Issue Better
You see, most of these foolish types will always be that because they LOVE their Marxism too much. Hence, an idiot is to be considered synonymous with what is referred to as a hypocrite: 1) a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; 2) a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings... as they have consented via – Voting - Doles - Silence.

As a matter of law, they Lack Standing... therefore they can only whine–which includes practicing civil disobedience where prosecution perhaps ensues. Absolute madness is thinking you can fix what was meant to be broken. Clarifying that: A lawful 'state' does exist. Idiots do not live under it.

To say it another way, maybe you have heard the idiom...
  • "The blind leading the blind."
Right. This is certifiably a case of, The Idiots leading the Chumps. Please. Just stop it... Or don't– If you prefer the Red Political System that is enslaving you.

So, the question here is: Are you a Chump (Fool/Sucker) following Idiots?

In summary: Idiots that are in Rebellion live in a special political jurisdiction per Article IV of the Constitution... They are not Citizens under the Law of Nations. Standing with The Coalition (PAC) and The PAC Alliance cures the affliction.

Below provided are 2 Posts to assist in correction of the problem...

Groups and Factions Clarified
Fact, there are two factions: De facto and De jure. The former would be those of the chaotic existence: such being foreigners and without standing in law. The latter being those of preReconstruction having standing as preserved in law.

Those in control – being The Luciferian Bunch – have a motto of Order Out of Chaos. What is more chaotic than a slew of Operatives and Opportunists with a bottomless pit of ideas attempting to create their own groups via the Internet. Seriously. This division exercised is worse than Christian denominations.

Another fact is, The Union was setup under the principles of Emmerich de Vattel on the foundation of natural law. For 25 years now, the PAC Mission has been about reestablishing that principle with baby steps. The two most important things to note are: our goals haven't wavered in over 25 years. Damn the distractions– The two defined political factions must be separated into appropriate jurisdictions to assure Justice for the Lawful Citizens.

Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women.
Simply put, PAC and our Alliance strive for the latter.

Get Busy With Our Material
A Rule: If you are not working with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), you're Walking with Satan... Know the maxim of law, 'Facts are more powerful than words.'... and a Scriptural reference, 'You shall know them by their fruits.'

If you aren't with PAC and our Alliance, rest assured you are with the incompetence of Idiots taking you deeper into The Red Vortex.
It Is Not 
You see, the adversary is winning based on clouded information and division.
Unlike none other, PAC has constitutional remedies utilizing their system.
And, we advocate unity to eliminate the planned confusion and chaos.

A read of the Plethora of My Posts illustrate the ultimate Redism Americans submit to. The Consent Factor will be easily seen by Discerning Souls. Moreover, there are tons of PAC White Papers to educate yourself.

So the big question is, which will it be: Idiocy or Intelligence?
Know PAC and our Alliance consists of Discerning Souls.

Important Material on The PAC Web Portal
•   Understanding the PAC Plan :
•   The Evil Operatives & Opportunists :
•   We Lose if We Fail to Unify as One :
It's A
For Those Who Like Videos
The group Primus put this out that sums up the problem : Follow The Fool
  • A pertinent message from Sean Conery : Play Clip

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
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 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional