Monday, February 17, 2025

Information Junkies

Long and Short of It
You may be pondering why I concentrate so much on people wasting time.
Only God and you know how many times you have seen me mention to be on the lookout for all those Operatives and Opportunists.

Sadly. Information Junkies truly love Dancing Monkeys.
Seriously People
As it appears, people like collecting as much information as possible. It's like they think they're going to win a prize – or something – if they know more than the next guy. Ultimately, information is worthless unless you know what to do with it. So, where is this going?  Does anyone know?  Has anyone got a plan?
What. No Plan?  Then you are basically wasting time. Good job!
And like I have related : A lot of "INFORMATION"  just may be tainted.
Speaking of tainted things, the so-called "Democracy" is still there...

Right. The Red Super Party is in power now. There is no need to do anything on any other level. Right. The future is bright. It sure is rosey red with MAGA... and also Dark MAGA. The Deep State is kaput. And like the music group The Who said... "We won't be fooled again... Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

Whoops. You were fooled again and the Shadow Government is still there.
The Red 
Resistance Is Futile
Those who control the world aren't all that concerned if the masses fall for the chaos THEY create. Furthermore, if those masses aren't organized and do not have a plan adds to the amusement of those running and ruining their lives.

I remind you, those holding status quo offices can not and will not be able to help you. There are clauses in the 14th Amendment that prohibit assisting those in rebellion. So, the games of "Democracy" continue. Play at your own risk.

SIMPLY : One) In law, everything is grounded in consent and contract. Consent is covered in the Declaration of Independence and backed-up with protection of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution proper; and, Two) People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – had a plan 25 years ago to address the crux of the main issue. Hence, a lot of problems we are now seeing could have been rectified by now. But people love their Marxism and bask in its bondage and make excuses.
Failure Of The Internet
Awhile back, I did a Post titled A Veritable Smorgasbord. Although it had to do with religion, its message dealt with Cherry Picking issues. Most people abort the truth and bask in delusion. Takers Pick and Choose what they like. Not very prudent. We of the People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – have always been about education by bringing Awareness to people and Providing Solutions.

Seriously. Intelligence says Ward Off The Dancing Monkeys.
Forget about what THEY are doing. Let's get busy.

   —FROM: The Blog Post, The Perpetual Emergency
You Wonder 
What's Wrong.

Actually It's 
That Pathetic.
That Said : Perhaps I stand to be corrected. The Internet has not been a failure. As a matter of fact, it has done a wonderful job entertaining, dividing, confusing, etc., thus greatly aiding The Hierarchy Enslaving You (THEY), and the masses.

Needless to say, Social Media is the crowning art form of a suitable weapon.
Such planned chaos is a primary reason why PAC is for Discerning Souls.

Delusional Junkies
My recent post – Just A Different Day – discussed how "Bad Zionist" Biden warned about the coming dangers in his farewell speech. It was reminiscent to Eisenhower when he left office warning against the Military Industrial Complex. Like I have related, THEY always warn us. I remember back in the early 1970's Rockefeller said America's purpose would be technology and some agriculture in the New World Order. Of course, agriculture being the Sickle of Communism and Industry being the Hammer. Biden warned about a Technological Hammer.

That happening is more than real. As a matter of fact, Vice President Vance was talking about AI just the other day. Oh how wonderful it is going to be for all Americans, i.e., corporate souls. Yet, Junkies buy into the planned illusion that the Republic is being restored. That illusion is a delusion. It will remain the Commercial Plantation run on Communist doctrines to feed Corporate greed.

The Book of Marx is truly a great benefit to Capitalism... as planned. The COVID scam along with the Woke-Awake nonsense was a cabal to destroy businesses to allow a select few to monopolize production under Communist doctrines. One should understand Capitalism and small business are not considered the same. Capitalism encompasses banking and high profit, multi-national industries. And as a matter of law, domestic corporations in multiple states are international. As well, we won't get into foreign corporations destroying our small businesses.

But Wait There's More...
Now about "DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency)" : A bone thrown to the consenting Masses of Marxists. Limiting spending of insurgent foreigners is a good thing... as I relate, it should of happened 25 years ago. I have explained extensively why it had not... being part of the 'Give 'Em Enough Rope' psyop so the "Reds" can come in and Save the Day. Oh, and a guy is put in charge who happens to be the "richest man in the world"... that got rich off debt and interest Americans still owe. A guy who will be pilfering your "tax money" to "employ foreigners" and to go to Mars... And also this guy said Americans should get free Marxist universal income.  Brilliant!  A nice presidential Red slap in the face.

That said, fact is nothing has been mentioned about fixing the problem of the central bank that Karl Marx told us is instrumental to Communism. NOTHING. The debt ceiling will keep going up under Section 4 of the 14th Amendment. The mechanism used to enslave America with debt while the rich get much richer.

Odd thing is, there is a story in the Bible where the only time Christ got upset is with the money changers. But the Synagogue of Satan is protected in America. These matters seem to easily slip by Information Junkies as their Delusions of Grandeur persist. Perhaps someday they will all realize the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus was to fool them so Red Business could continue enslaving them.
Melius est recurrere quam malo currere.
It is better to recede than to proceed in evil.

Fall For 
Ignored Information
As most people know who follow my Blog, I drive home how CONSENT works. Through my study and understanding of law, consent can be narrowed down to these three aspects in regard to constitutional principles and maxims of law:
  • Voting. Doles. Silence.
The first aspect – Voting – is elementary: you are hiring agents to act for you. The second aspect – Doles – is taking benefits, such as Social Security, etc. And, the third aspect – Silence – is basically doing nothing. There is a method for Lawful Americans to repent from the Red politics, but they don't. They rather pass information around the Internet. As it appears, they have not figured out those who are in control are "smarter" and more corrupt than one can imagine.

And seriously, don't perceive that protesting as Marxists – what I like to refer to as pissing and moaning – under a 1st Amendment privilege as not being silent. I would reference a proper use of the Rule of Law to rectify the damages. Using such privileges and civil disobedience (or anarchy) is not using intelligence. You saw how it worked out with the January 6th sting operation... It all be BullShit.

Simply, it would be best to "Unify as One" under People's Awareness Coalition that had things figured out, distilled, and a plan established over 20 years ago. I have warned people over the years how this works and what was coming in my book—The Red Amendment. People rather kick the can down the road. Below are two things I had noted in two separate sections of the work. In that we see content from The Red Amendment. One early on and the other in summary...   De Jure Does Not Pay Debt
In other words, as long as America is enjoying Communism,
 it [ "it" meaning Americans ] will stay in perpetual bondage.

The Congress needs its "Credit Card" taken away. It’s evidently clear that these brainless criminals do not understand that Money does not Grow on Trees. And, it is apparent that they have no idea Who They Are or What They Are Doing. And as a matter of law, anyone that supports these people under this current system is party to the criminal activity:

  He who ratifies a bad action is considered as having ordered it. [ end clip ]

Although that is from the 2016 Edition, it is content from the 2000 Edition. Also keep in mind, those two notations are only a clip of these two sections. And, it really goes without saying, the majority of "Lawful Citizens" have truly painted themselves into a corner and are caught-up in a Catch-22 situation. Kicking the can down the road was not a prudent measure.  Right.  I said it anyway.

I posted a Public Notice on the matter that should have gone viral, but alas...

So Does
To Summarize
In a final note : Understand I am only the messenger. Thus, it is besought you do not get upset with me. In addition, please do not take my frankness as being harsh because you fail to be wearing big boy panties... not being an option.

Realize I have been pushing back with important factors of law causing change. People need to work with PAC to make it happen on a much grander scale.
"Where there is unity there is always victory." —Publilius Syrus
In review: Posts that exemplify information as being distractive.
Keep in mind these 2 Maxims of Law are used against a Marxist, slothful soul :
Quod quis ex culpa sua damnum sentit, non intelligitur damnum sentire. He who
suffers a damage by his own fault, has no right to complain.
...and, Qui vult
decipi, decipiatur. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived....
Judicially Exposing The Red Game
The hype of the 2024 Election was to cause record amounts of "Americans" to further act in rebellion against the Constitution proper to maintain their slavery.

Politics must be turned on its head. A solution for this is The Ultimate LawSuit.
It is time The Reds fade away... Godly, Lawful Americans must pave the way.
Such Americans must be personally separated from the Reds in Rebellion.
There are congressional provisions to address this separation... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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