Monday, June 24, 2024

The Perpetual Emergency

The Failure Of The Internet
Awhile back, I did a Post titled A Veritable Smorgasbord. Although it had to do with religion, its message dealt with Cherry Picking issues. Most people abort the truth and bask in delusion. Takers Pick and Choose what they like. Not very prudent. We of the People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – have always been about education by bringing Awareness to people and Providing Solutions.

Seriously. Intelligence says Ward Off The Dancing Monkeys.
Forget about what THEY are doing. Let's get busy.

The Failure In Not Listening
Over the years I have heard people say things like, 'We are just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.'  My answer to that is, How about doing things right? Seriously. Do you know how daft that 'wall-stick strategy' is?  Ask those caught up in the January 6th Sting how it worked out for them. It was a sting operation to quietly trap dissidents who are in fact United States citizens. Yes. It worked very well. The plethora of bad information does serve that purpose.

That said, the biggest error of the Internet and its information is there is a total disconnect about the Silent Wars that have been going on over the past 150 years. In that, there is no mention of the political overthrow of the Constitution proper, nor the Alternate States put in place to aid in this Red Overthrow.

Of course, all the damage that this caused will soon be fixed. Right.
Sure it will. The damage – err, Progress – has been achieved as planned.
Hence chaos ensues. Just how is America going to be Great Again?

Consider All Things Progressive
Trump interview with Dr. Phil. What we are witnessing is The Ushering In of The Red Super Party. The Conservative Types seem to love it! The ebb and flow is all very progressive. Unfortunately to the masses it is all so impressive. All those suckered-in are clueless as to what has transpired, thus it is truly regressive.

Below : The Interview. There is one thing that is very prominent to take note of: All the Military Flags proudly displayed behind them. The War is Real...
Red Politics
At Its Best

Get The
Red Fever

You Bet. The Silent Wars suckered in the Lawful Americans to rebel along with the plethora of Foreigners that have been deviously imported to compliment the Red Overthrow. All these Red Actions have been very carefully calculated... Will there be change? No. There will be adjustments to the New World Order. The plans of THEY will go on. It has its ebb and flow. Adjustments are made as need be. I went over some particulars in the Post titled, Political Lip Service.

They Call It An Emergency
For over 150 years our Perpetual Union has been under Perpetual Emergency. Of course, it is a storyline (Marxist Twaddle) to do what is exposed herein.

Now we will look at Senate Report of the 93rd Congress November 19, 1973...
"A majority of the people of the United States have lived all
of their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years, freedoms and
governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in
varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by
states of national emergency... from, at least, the Civil
War in important ways shaped the present
phenomenon of a permanent state
of national emergency."
Wait, further acknowledgment. The Communist Rebellion seen legally defined...
NATIONAL EMERGENCY: A state of national crisis; a situation
demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action.
Congress has made little or no distinction between a "state
of national emergency" and a "state of war".
—Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Ed., Deluxe
It happens by an operation of law built in to Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.
Here. The generalities on how this progressive Communist Scheme operates...
A rule that should be followed is, Those who participate in the war against The Republic that ignore the bifurcation of the Constitution cannot be trusted. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment needs to be heavily enforced.

A Communist Insurgency In Fact
Yes, Liberals may agree they’re Marxists, but so are Conservatives. Both are Progressives. The sad fact of the matter is, the past 150 years of what is called so-called “progress” is actually grounded in Marxism... A Luciferian War.

Here, let Karl Marx – front man/author of Communism – tell you per his blueprint developed in 1848...

“There are, besides, eternal truths, such as Freedom, Justice, etc.,
that are common to all states of society. But Communism abolishes
eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of
constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in
contradiction to all past historical experience.”

   –Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx:
      Synagogue of Satan member

Americans accept words thrown at them without investigation. In that – the truth is – Americans believe they aren’t Communists, because someone told them they weren’t. But the fact is, every Plank of the Communist Manifesto and much of its dogma may be found in American governance.

Fool's Game

Civil War
Force And
Do you now understand? The plot was "PROGRESSIVE". And because the word "liber" means “free” in Latin, there is a lot of people FREE to do what they choose, including a LIBERAL amount of sinning. FROM: Your Marxism

Take a few minutes and reflect on what tom foolery has been executed in the name of justice that offers social equality the past 150 plus years. Honestly. Seeing the ins and outs of The Communist Plot is not really rocket science.

Perhaps hearing it from the "Chosen Ones" would better explain it... It's called World Communism and is all about control and profits of an Elect few. You are reminded that Karl Marx gave us both the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. This was setting-up both sides of the same coin. The former was to setup infiltration of a country's economic system and control its labor force; the latter being a mechanism of business and profit. Both his works worked as one. Simply ingenious. Everyone is happy getting raped of their property.

Yes. A stealth plan of theft and slavery by the Luciferian Bunch.

Device of Control And Theft
Most people fail to understand the primary difference between Socialism and Communism. The former is a stair-step measure to achieve the latter. Control of the masses is first required in order for the Corporate Elite to make profits.

God creates people. Government creates corporations. Congress and the State Legislatures could write laws to regulate this properly; but instead these tools allow corporations to run herd over people. Marxist type taxation is the key. To achieve this, their Red Faction redefined "income" to handle it, aside much more. Of course the Bar Association and its plethora of attorneys run things from behind the scenes to make sure this system keeps doing its damage.

Simply, Communism is government control of a nation's economy.
All Great
Commies Say
Socialism Is
The Road To

And The Doles
Get It Done
It's Great When A Plan Of Theft Comes Together...
"Capitalist production, therefore, only develops the technique and the
degree of combination of the social process of production by
simultaneously undermining the original sources of all
wealth–the soil and the worker."
—Karl Marx
Got Extraordinary
Powers Under The
14th Amendment

People Serve As
Human Resources
For Elite Profits
Via The Same
Simply Put: The Rich continue to get Richer as The Emergency will never end.
That is, unless True and Lawful Americans do what PAC suggests be done.

The Players and The Poor
Now that the chaos is created in a fabricated Red Society, what to do to keep track of the economic commodities that have been corralled. I hit on the Marxist taxation herein. Of course that encompasses the dole system established per civil rights. Most "human resources" don't understand this quid pro quo system the Luciferian Bunch setup to funnel all profits from. This matter being noted... Really. How can benefiting from a Social Security Number not be "Of The World" anyway? Scripture tells us, Be in the world, not of it. —John 17:14

Moreover, Social Security is part of up and coming World Government...
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security.
Article 22. United Nations-Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
One should find it interesting that declaration came into existence exactly 100 years after the release of the Communist Manifesto (being a declaration of war : an economic war) was released on the globe. Also it was the same year Fake Israel was founded. Seriously. No coincidences there. Really. It just happens.

Oh, and one most important thing Player Karl Marx once noted...
  • "If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist."
Of course he wasn't. His whole purpose was that of a Luciferian Front Man to sell this evil to the nations of the planet. This Synagogue of Satan member was just a Vagabond of the earth whose objective was to subjugate every Goyim Nation with the Communist-Capitalist Conjob... and billions of suckers are.

Simply stated: Communism is an elaborate profit plan to financially enslave "the Nations". Cultural Marxism is a "Deep State" distraction game designed to cover it up. All this nonsense is designed and executed by the Shadow Government. Ultimately, monopolization of all businesses of the world is the goal. Needless to say, it is all neatly accomplished with the Capitalism-Corporatism model.

Keep in mind, all elements of World Communism will remain to fulfill it.

BEWARE. Karl Marx was the "Communist" front man along with all the Marxist narratives. Elon Musk is the "Capitalist" front man implemented to carry on this orchestrated takeover. One could say the Communist-Capitalist torch is being passed in this demonic economic game where all souls will own nothing and be happy. Which includes the overthrow of sovereignty of all countries globally.

Get Busy With My Material
Another rule, If you are not working with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), you are Walking with Satan... Know the maxim of law, Facts are more powerful than words... and a Scriptural reference, You shall know them by their fruits.

Below are 4 Posts that illustrate the ways of ultimate Redism that America has been submitting to. The Consent Factor is not complex for Discerning Souls... You see, the adversary is winning based on clouded information and division.
Unlike none other, PAC has constitutional remedies utilizing their system.
And, we advocate unity to eliminate the planned confusion and chaos.


Some Extra Credit For Discerning Souls
If you are enjoying the Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus, you are really enjoying the final stage of the Luciferian Bunch taking the Earth into the New Age...
The Latest Power Posts...

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
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