I put this notice together some time ago. Please share it on your boards, etc.
In modern times treason is not spoken of enough.
To learn more on the PROGRESSIVE overthrow that has allowed 150 years of dog and pony shows, read the below article I released over 20 years ago... • Treason by Design : pacinlaw.us/treasonLB BORK OFFICIAL POLITICAL POSITION (amended)
It is well documented that post Civil War General Ulysses Grant had two terms in office as the United States President that were plagued with graft and corruption. Dateline today : As any conscious American can obviously see, that modus operandi set the foundation for how the governmental system has effectively run the past 150 years.
It is apparent to the trained eye that so-called Reconstruction was a calculated overthrow of the de jure based government in order to carryout a secret, evil agenda. And to that end, Section 1 of the illicit 14th Amendment, of the artfully reconstructed Constitution of 1868, stealthily turns Americans into adverse, "dead" legal entities; with Section 2 causing its fabricated "citizens of the United States" to participate in silent criminal activity : namely treason against their republic governments. These strategic operations of law are of direct purpose to usurp the lawful constitutional and state derived common law rights from lawful Americans using legal artifice and fictions of law in calculated depravation to the lawful peoples.
To cover-up this usurpation, the rump Congress and the courts have referred to the seditious overthrow (Reconstruction) as an emergency, which is code for progressive totalitarianism, i.e., the so-called "Democracy". As a matter of fact and law, it is a political insurgency. This secret scheme can be traced to the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The "Bar Association" – that holds its private monopoly on the court system – secretly maintains this criminal enterprise called Reconstruction under fraudulent pretense.
And because the amendment was installed by military force, in violation of the Constitution and is maintained by deceptive means, it therefore holds no absolute lawful authority over the non-participants who are immune to its special-private law.
That established,In modern times treason is not spoken of enough.
Signed, Leonard Bork - The Jurist
February 28, 2022 - All rights reserved
That article has shown-up in law school students' legal thesis papers as reference.
Also, there is a public notice in the form of a flyer I prepared to hand out to government workers and political heads titled, On A Slippery Slope. It is a local notice that precedes serving The Red Amendment to government officials to bring the Communist Insurgency out in the open to end plausible deniability.The lies and deception must come to an end...
- On a Slippery Slope Notice : pacinlaw.us/slippery
- Support Serving Government Notice : pacalliance.us/fund
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ReplyDeleteThank you for caring and sharing. Stay the course.