Monday, November 7, 2022

Timeless Fraud and Folly

Folly of The Godless
In Biblical sense, a fool is not necessarily someone with a small intellect. In other words, folly does not show up at the low end of an intelligence quotient test. Rather, folly or foolishness refers to someone who lacks the proper fear or respect for God. Sinners are therefore prone to go the wrong direction in life.

Can you even begin to imagine what damage the Rule of Satan has caused in decades past? It is more than evident. Folly is as folly does... American. William Penn aptly said, Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants.

The main Biblical application here is, Be in the world, not of it. As a matter of secular law, it could be said thusly, Be in the Republic, not of the State. People of Satan – those who choose man over The Creator – embrace the latter.

People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) understands that God, our Creator, is the Paramount Sovereign. We as one people are under that noted sovereignty first, then governed by our sovereign nation(s). This is the natural world order.

Oh, and those who believe they are sovereign are victims of Satan's minions.

A Fraudulent Emergency
Fraud is: wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial gain.

What transpired with the so-called "Civil War" was : A bifurcated constitutional system was installed to allow a merger of lawful Americans and foreigners. My last post, Use It or Lose It, went into particulars on this. The official narrative on what happened is : The 14th Amendment of "Reconstruction" was said to give rights to slaves. However, what the amendment actually accomplished is : It created an alternate "State" for a new, broader slavery on participants.

This noted merger was purely for profit and gain. There is the fraud. That is why there is a rush to vilify "white" people... because Team Lucifer knows this. Keeping people "subject to the jurisdiction" takes intimidation tactics.

Understand the lawful principals of the Union were put in suspended animation for the last 150 years. What is transpiring now is a con job to make it appear that things are going back to the rights of the states. The question is, What "States"? The current, instant "States" are built on a fraudulent, unlawful foundation.

So, which do you choose... Fraud or Freedom?

Black Robes De facto
Yes, the Supreme Court is party to this fraudulent folly. What the black robed priests won't tell you is, for the last 150 years the so-called "States" have been illegitimate... being "States" of the "United States", not true states in the Union. These alternate "States" were created unconstitutionally and stealthily exist as the federal government's "Private States" under Article IV of the Constitution. Such "States" work much like a salesman's territory, but house commies.

It must be understood these "States" and their "citizens" lack standing in law to even begin to act in stead of the several state-republics under a republican form of government... such stipulation also per Article IV, but guaranteed. Guaranteed to those lawful Americans who have standing, that is.

Simply put, said "States" – meaning, members of the Communist Association and their agents – are void of lawfully determining the future of the Union.

Just Desserts of Rebels
To put a cherry on top of this Satanic sundae, some queries for Americans:

What is your nationality? Is it German, Mexican, French, etc.? Sorry, it is none of those. As a matter of law, an American is considered to be a de facto "national of the United States", or an American national.

Moreover, if you believe that your country is the United States of America, you would also be wrong. As a de jure rule, your country is the state you live in... but there are variables that go along with its nationality.

Question is: Where did all the nationalities go of all the republic/states? The former is the status of a rebel found in the operations of law in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. It sets voters up to be slaves of the new "Red States". That fact a reality, all "citizens of the United States" are held victims of their folly.

So, keep enjoying your just desserts of the slavery of "Democracy", American!

The Blueprint for Slavery
Now, a reference in regard to implementation of this Red plan... The reason you didn't know about it is due to benefactors of the system lying to you...

"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to eliminate countries and nationalities. —Communist Manifesto, 1848

In international law, a manifesto represents a declaration of war. All the factors contained in this enterprise called "Communism" is of purpose to create a world slave force for the elite so they could profit from the fruits of what it produced. Simply, it is government controlled economy. It has a purpose to control the world population to such end. Their "State" structure achieves that goal.

If you guessed Synagogue of Satan members wrote this instant declaration of war, you would be correct. In regard to you failing the foregoing quiz, It has been said if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth... to a brainwashed mind, that is. But the damage does exist in regard to constitutional and international law.
In that, all Planks of the Manifesto are found within United States law.

Courts rule prisoners are slaves, as are those involved in status quo politics. It's all related in the language of the infamous amendment that provides rights.

Understanding that, there is a constitutional provision to "Come Out of Her". Aptly, a law maxim for Godly people, "The laws sometimes sleep, but never die." The 13th Amendment of their cabal prohibits being aligned with criminals. Interestingly, the 14th Amendment creates criminals... Imagine that.

Soon, final elimination of nationalities will come with World Citizenship. Of course, this only applies to bad, evil sorts who play in Satan's sandbox.

Void From Inception
The current "States" under the 14th Amendment have been installed, exist, and are maintained by criminals, i.e., foreign and treasonous souls, or Communists. This criminal activity afforded by the consent of "Americans" is orchestrated by sections 1 and 2 of the infamous amendment. The other 3 sections regulate other particulars of the insurgency/rebellion(s) under the amendment.

That is the true nature of the One Nation Under Fraud.

It is ventured you probably didn't get the memo. Everyone should wonder why that is. It's some emergency, that 14th Amendment... The peace it represents is astounding! The fact is, as long as Americans who are in the rebellion that are in the Communist Association keep voting for this peace of Satan, fraud stands. Sadly, lawful Americans waive their rights to be free from the neo slavery.

Like one powerful Synagogue of Satan member had related to America back in the 1970's while gloating about this amazing system of government...

“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
–Henry Kissinger, New World Order proponent

For more on how Americans consent to this fraud, see PAC Perspectives.

An Interim Existence
In detriment, Americans just LOVE their Marxism provided by the folly. And sadly, so do others coming to America from other countries outside the United States. These foreigners cannot wait to escalate the massive public debt that is complimented by economic inflation. Enjoying Marxist materialism created by the Communist system is what they seek. Mind you, this all achieved by the consent of a criminal body politic governed by the United States Code.

The question is, How to deal with over 300 million Marxized Anglo Americans and foreigners? I suppose let the commies be commies while lawful Americans with standing and lawful status enjoy republican freedom... That is, living as lawful nationals in a free state is constitutionally guaranteed, after all.

On the other hand, there is always allowing totalitarian dictatorships to rule the bogus States perpetually... meaning, allow the Synagogue of Satan to continue ruling the Union. The choice is up to you. Oh, and beware the soon coming race wars... which is the plan of THEY. More in the book, The Red Amendment.

Your World Communism
We of PAC prefer the foreigners remain content commies while we enjoy our freedoms. Those in control want them under their World Government as World Citizens. It's like what the 14th Amendment provides, but bigger and better.

Like the customized, special federal laws under the amendment and its citizenship, there will be broader, special laws to enjoy with a more expanded slavery under World Citizenship... like Green Taxes, World Equity... and so much more. All courtesy of The Luciferian Bunch and their plethora of minions...

"By 2020 there will be a One World Government."
–Ray Kurzweil : Synagogue of Satan member with Google, 1999

Accordingly, it is way past time to deal with the Folly of Foreigners... Lex is Rex!

Thus, like history past, let the expulsion of the Synagogue of Satan begin!

Please Address The Following

    •   Compliment to this post... Folly of Foreigners... and... Use It or Lose It.

          •   PDF : An overview of the PAC Plan... PAC Bottomline

                •   PDF : A warning to America... A Caveat

1 comment:

  1. The standard is to point out the enemy real or contrived and never pursue a solution. I pray more American's begin to regain their freedom from oppresive tyrannical govt. The choice is ours. You have made our job easy to come out of her and be not partaker of her plagues. The time is now to take America back and to her former glory.
