What is your nationality? Is it German, Mexican, French, etc.? Sorry, it is none of those. As a matter of law, an American is considered to be a de facto "national of the United States", or an American national.
Moreover, if you believe that your country is the United States of America, you would also be wrong. As a de jure rule, your country is the state you live in... but there are variables that go along with its nationality.
Question is : Where did all the nationalities go of all the republic/states? The former is the status of a rebel found in the operations of law in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment. It sets voters up to be slaves of the new "Red States". That fact a reality, all "citizens of the United States" are held victims of their folly.So, keep enjoying your just desserts of the slavery of "Democracy", American!"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to eliminate countries and nationalities." —Communist Manifesto, 1848
In international law, a manifesto represents a declaration of war. All the factors contained in this enterprise called "Communism" is of purpose to create a world slave force for the elite so they could profit from the fruits of what it produced. Simply, it is government controlled economy. It has a purpose to control the world population to such end. Their "State" structure achieves that goal.If you guessed Synagogue of Satan members wrote this instant declaration of war, you would be correct. In regard to you failing the foregoing quiz, It has been said if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth... to a brainwashed mind, that is. But the damage does exist in regard to constitutional and international law.In that, all Planks of the Manifesto are found within United States law.Courts rule prisoners are slaves, as are those involved in status quo politics. It is all related in the language of the infamous amendment that provides rights.Understanding that, there is a constitutional provision to "Come Out of Her". Aptly, a law maxim for Godly people, "The laws sometimes sleep, but never die." In fact, the new 13th Amendment of their cabal prohibits being aligned with criminals. Interestingly, the 14th Amendment creates criminals... Imagine that.Very soon, final elimination of nationalities will come with World Citizenship. Of course, this only applies to bad, evil sorts who play in Satan's sandbox.
–Henry Kissinger, New World Order proponent
"By 2020 there will be a One World Government."
–Ray Kurzweil : Synagogue of Satan member with Google, 1999
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