Showing posts with label LB Bork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LB Bork. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2024

So Many Questions

Too Many Wrongs
Something to understand while I go through the presentation this week. I would like to remind my readers that after 30 years watching "Patriots" obviously being turned into "Matriots", I tend to follow what Thomas Jefferson once said. This will provide to you a better understanding why I tend to use a direct frankness...

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions."

In my estimation, the issue of commiting treason is not all that favorable. I had brought that to America's attention some 25 years ago. It has pretty much been ignored. So many activist types see things are wrong, but they simply will not acknowledge the problem is the Bifurcation of the Constitution by their rebellion. Right. So what to do about these criminals aside publically ridiculing them.

That said: So my main question is to those 'so-important people' who organize groups that believe they are "Saving America"– Specifically, Why do you sorts refuse-disavow to work with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) when we have a peaceful plan in law and have been successfully exercising it for 25 years...
Are you getting paid to be Useful Idiots or are you just Plain Idiots?
As to the former Idiot: There are plenty of highly paid operatives to maintain this Red System: Trolls, Moles, and other Treasonous Bastards. And, as to the latter Idiot: Greed, Ego, and Stupidity for Want of Discernment perhaps is the reason.

Either one matters not. Both IDIOT TYPES create similar mounting devastation. And no, this isn't name calling. Idiot is a term based on the application of facts. In reality, the 'name calling' response is a defense tool for weak minded people. However, using dumbass, jerk weed, and such would be deemed name calling.

Take it from someone that has been in this "Truth Movement" for over 30 years: The New World Order has not gotten to this point without its Operatives that maintain this Progressive takeover. Nor has it gotten this far for this long without Suckers following the disinformation of such Operatives. Seriously, one should ask himself how bright are such Opportunists... Why should they be followed?

One could venture to ask, what does it matter... As it appears, these Idiots want this Commie Takeover to go on for another 150 years. At this rate, it will.

Simply put: There are those with The Coalition (PAC) and The PAC Alliance and there are Fools... Oh, and those who rank as Foreigners who are excepted. In other words, lost souls who support the Communist Rebellion against the Constitution proper, and PAC who does not and aims to rectify things.

Below provided are 4 Posts expanding on this detrimental problem...
Understand The Issue Better
You see, most of these foolish types will always be that because they LOVE their Marxism too much. Hence, an idiot is to be considered synonymous with what is referred to as a hypocrite: 1) a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; 2) a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings... as they have consented via – Voting - Doles - Silence.

As a matter of law, they Lack Standing... therefore they can only whine–which includes practicing civil disobedience where prosecution perhaps ensues. Absolute madness is thinking you can fix what was meant to be broken. Clarifying that: A lawful 'state' does exist. Idiots do not live under it.

To say it another way, maybe you have heard the idiom...
  • "The blind leading the blind."
Right. This is certifiably a case of, The Idiots leading the Chumps. Please. Just stop it... Or don't– If you prefer the Red Political System that is enslaving you.

So, the question here is: Are you a Chump (Fool/Sucker) following Idiots?

In summary: Idiots that are in Rebellion live in a special political jurisdiction per Article IV of the Constitution... They are not Citizens under the Law of Nations. Standing with The Coalition (PAC) and The PAC Alliance cures the affliction.

Below provided are 2 Posts to assist in correction of the problem...

Groups and Factions Clarified
Fact, there are two factions: De facto and De jure. The former would be those of the chaotic existence: such being foreigners and without standing in law. The latter being those of preReconstruction having standing as preserved in law.

Those in control – being The Luciferian Bunch – have a motto of Order Out of Chaos. What is more chaotic than a slew of Operatives and Opportunists with a bottomless pit of ideas attempting to create their own groups via the Internet. Seriously. This division exercised is worse than Christian denominations.

Another fact is, The Union was setup under the principles of Emmerich de Vattel on the foundation of natural law. For 25 years now, the PAC Mission has been about reestablishing that principle with baby steps. The two most important things to note are: our goals haven't wavered in over 25 years. Damn the distractions– The two defined political factions must be separated into appropriate jurisdictions to assure Justice for the Lawful Citizens.

Those jurisdictions are Marxists and Free Men and Women.
Simply put, PAC and our Alliance strive for the latter.

Get Busy With Our Material
A Rule: If you are not working with People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), you're Walking with Satan... Know the maxim of law, 'Facts are more powerful than words.'... and a Scriptural reference, 'You shall know them by their fruits.'

If you aren't with PAC and our Alliance, rest assured you are with the incompetence of Idiots taking you deeper into The Red Vortex.
It Is Not 
You see, the adversary is winning based on clouded information and division.
Unlike none other, PAC has constitutional remedies utilizing their system.
And, we advocate unity to eliminate the planned confusion and chaos.

A read of the Plethora of My Posts illustrate the ultimate Redism Americans submit to. The Consent Factor will be easily seen by Discerning Souls. Moreover, there are tons of PAC White Papers to educate yourself.

So the big question is, which will it be: Idiocy or Intelligence?
Know PAC and our Alliance consists of Discerning Souls.

Important Material on The PAC Web Portal
•   Understanding the PAC Plan :
•   The Evil Operatives & Opportunists :
•   We Lose if We Fail to Unify as One :
It's A
For Those Who Like Videos
The group Primus put this out that sums up the problem : Follow The Fool
  • A pertinent message from Sean Conery : Play Clip

Leave The Woke-Awake PsyOp Circus Behind
Get Aware with The PAC Alliance
 Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
 Please share. We ask all references to People's Awareness Coalition remain.
Get On Board!  Please Join Us on the PAC Open Forum
 Share in the Knowledge, Courage, and Honor with The PAC Alliance!
Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Who I Work For

I Work For No Man
In my introductory post that I made on June 10th, 2022, I had mentioned that I work for no man. So you may ask, Who do I work for? First and foremost I work for God, our Creator. I am a humble servant of Yeshua and I bring His mission to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. When I was honored by knowing the author of Rulers of Evil, Tupper Saussy, he related this to me...

“I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”

The New World is a commercial enterprise of those of the "Old World". I refer to it as the "commercial plantation"... where "Americans" are residents : "Things" of profit. This was the purpose of the "United States". My mission is to walk with Yeshua to bring their souls out of that 'property status' where they may live free under God, the Creator... Being the Paramount Sovereign. Such dominion that encompasses natural law of which secular law does observe.

Fear of Things To Come
I have been in the "Truth Movement" for 30 years. After watching the actions of most people and their nature to be led by Operatives and Opportunists, I fear that most will maintain their residence within the Red Vortex. Currently, the minions of the Synagogue of Satan are working overtime to deceive those who lack discernment so they and their families remain ruled under their enterprise.

Simply, people rather be governed by the Red Faction, i.e., their Rulers of Evil.

There are steps to back out of this travesty that many people do not see nor understand. My mission has always been that of baby-steps to back-out of this predicament. The current system can be adjusted to accommodate those who have been deceived by the Synagogue of Satan. Until Yeshua returns, it is to our advantage the Rulers of Evil remain to govern evil through those of Christ. Minions of the Synagogue of Satan are of a major concern and a threat.

Interesting Occurrences
The following is a true accounting of matters that have surrounded People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) and my writing of The Red Amendment.

When I exited my grade school education, I had absolutely no desire to write nor did I have interest in law. I practice both due to a calling and necessity of the evil America is under. A wonderful woman who was a linguistics professor, Dr. Ruth, helped me with my writing. She knew Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a little girl. She told me she didn't care much for him. Later she realized he was a Socialist. Of course all spiritual based people know the evils of Socialism. Aside that odd fact – being my work is exposing the evil of Socialism – she was from Ripon, Wisconsin. This being the birth place of the Republican Party: I know as the stealthy Communist party. Wisconsin has hosted Marxist activity for some time. Wisconsin's Jesuit trained Senator McCarthy hosted the congressional dog and pony show to assist in covering-up that America was being Communized.

Further things that happened in Wisconsin: Although I was born in the country of Illinois, I authored The Red Amendment in the Wisconsin town where lead was mined used to kill soldiers in the Civil War. That town happens to be near the town in Illinois where General Grant retired. It is understood his two terms in office as President were filled with graft and corruption. I plan to settle there and visit his grave from time to time to remind his soul that his efforts were in vain. Also, President Lincoln was from Illinois. It is my position that the secret orders had him offed... Like John F. Kennedy, he resisted the New World Order. Either party, or any party. It really doesn't matter. The political system created under the 14th Amendment of "Reconstruction" is Communist, fueled by Socialism.

Some call such occurrences poetic justice. Some say it is divine intervention. Depending on your stage in life, you choose which one you believe it is.
About The Meme
Christianity has been inverted by the Synagogue of Satan to carry on the works of the Luciferians. Those who are under "The Church" have been misled by its religion to be used as human resources: Deceived minions subservient to the New World Empire of the New World Order for the Synagogue of Satan. Those under it generally lay down and also become subservient to The Order. Most all Christian denominations are under the inversion, if they realize it or not. Thus it is evident that "Jesus" is not of my Trinity. That figure head is the trinity of the secular world: a narrative. Those under it will fight to protect their false gods.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

A Public Notice

Corruption Is Out Of Control
I put this notice together some time ago. Please share it on your boards, etc.


It is well documented that post Civil War General Ulysses Grant had two terms in office as the United States President that were plagued with graft and corruption. Dateline today : As any conscious American can obviously see, that modus operandi set the foundation for how the governmental system has effectively run the past 150 years.
It is apparent to the trained eye that so-called Reconstruction was a calculated overthrow of the de jure based government in order to carryout a secret, evil agenda. And to that end, Section 1 of the illicit 14th Amendment, of the artfully reconstructed Constitution of 1868, stealthily turns Americans into adverse, "dead" legal entities; with Section 2 causing its fabricated "citizens of the United States" to participate in silent criminal activity : namely treason against their republic governments. These strategic operations of law are of direct purpose to usurp the lawful constitutional and state derived common law rights from lawful Americans using legal artifice and fictions of law in calculated depravation to the lawful peoples.
To cover-up this usurpation, the rump Congress and the courts have referred to the seditious overthrow (Reconstruction) as an emergency, which is code for progressive totalitarianism, i.e., the so-called "Democracy". As a matter of fact and law, it is a political insurgency. This secret scheme can be traced to the Communist Manifesto of 1848. The "Bar Association" – that holds its private monopoly on the court system – secretly maintains this criminal enterprise called Reconstruction under fraudulent pretense.
And because the amendment was installed by military force, in violation of the Constitution and is maintained by deceptive means, it therefore holds no absolute lawful authority over the non-participants who are immune to its special-private law.
That established,
In modern times treason is not spoken of enough.

Signed, Leonard Bork - The Jurist
February 28, 2022 - All rights reserved


To learn more on the PROGRESSIVE overthrow that has allowed 150 years of dog and pony shows, read the below article I released over 20 years ago...

   • Treason by Design :

That article has shown-up in law school students' legal thesis papers as reference.

Also, there is a public notice in the form of a flyer I prepared to hand out to government workers and political heads titled, On A Slippery Slope. It is a local notice that precedes serving The Red Amendment to government officials to bring the Communist Insurgency out in the open to end plausible deniability.

The lies and deception must come to an end...

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Importance Of Time

Timelines Are Crucial
People that know my work understand that I use timelines to reference different things. Although the basis and foundation of my research goes back around 6000 years, it centers on what happened to the [U]nited States of America about 150 years ago. This is when the so-called Republic was overcome by a political cabal that is referred to as "Democracy". This alternate political system was installed into the Constitution – via the force of war, I might add – by an evil amendment of what I refer to as The Red Amendment. Those who perpetrated this act refer to it as An Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.

Understanding Bad Practice
The problem with the bulk of the "Truth Movement" is that they concentrate on current events. People bounce around like ping pong balls seeking the ultimate dancing monkey that tickles their ears with things that sound good to them. As it is said, most people cannot handle the truth... so that is the formula. Of course, our stealth adversary is dumbing-down the world population with technology. Remember the Obama administration giving out free phones. Why is that?

Due to technology, most people refuse to read and seek their knowledge – or rather, entertainment – through free social media based sources. The question is, who are the sources?  Where did they come from?  How long have they been around?  The truth is, those who are interested in truth know study through reading is highly superior. A practice that is seen in Discerning Souls.

Simply put, convenience is used to enslave the masses.

LB Bork Timeline
Below is a simple timeline of my involvement in the "Truth Movement" :
  • Got involved in this movement in 1993
  • Stopped listening to other patriots 1996
  • Did my own research: Formed PAC 1998
  • I proposed remedy via my book TRA 2000
  • Saw new disinformation infiltration in 2002
  • Adversary commandeered movement 2008
  • Created the PAC Unification Project in 2014
  • Declared a soft war on the movement 2018
  • Still observing people wasting time in 2020
  • Noticed all actors of their criminality 2022
Not Listening to Others
It is important to understand the nature of me not listening to others is how I found out what I did. The truth is, people are lazy. Like water they flow in a path that is easiest for them. Look at it this way, what has transpired over the last 150 years didn't happen without Operatives paving the way. The victor of war writes the history, as it is said. People fail to understand that the Internet is controlled. People parrot what they see and hear. Sadly, that behavior is consistent.

What you will learn from People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) will be little seen from others... and beware the Operatives and Opportunists.

Relevant To Soft War
To illustrate our major problem and what will happen...
  • war, noun.
    A struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end.
The 'opposing forces' are those who are not willing to unify. There is only one New World Order and one front to oppose it. Being fragmented creates a divide and conquer effect that works in benefit of the adversary. Simply put:
Not working with People’s Awareness Coalition and Our Alliance?
Those who are not will be responsible for all damages,
Which will be past, present, and future.
I know. People don't like to be forced into a position that they didn't think of themselves. Sadly, it is an ego thing... Shill?  Money?  Fame?  Look at the mess that exists... by listening to whom?  Think of it as not being told what to do, but rather A FACT that will arise out of not unifying and working together.
PAC Bottom Line & Unification - Operatives and Opportunists
•   Understanding the PAC Plan :
•   We Lose if We Fail to Unify as One :
•   Beware Operatives and Opportunists :

Friday, June 10, 2022

Ramblings of The Jurist

An informational Blog by LB Bork
For the Discerning Soul

When I realized the so-called "Truth Movement" was cluttered with mis and disinformation back in the 1990s, I stopped listening to others and did my own research. I discovered a remedy for the ills faced by Americans.

Thinking people would jump on board and want to work together and correct the wrong and live free, I then formed the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) and authored the book – The Red Amendment – that exposes the fraudulent nature of the Constitution that was "reconstructed" and perverted in 1868.

That said, I really don't follow anyone. What I know and profess comes from my observations of what is... That is, what is said by those who rule us and the documentation to do so. Evil goes beyond what most people understand.

Simply put, you really cannot trust anyone. There are too many Operatives and Opportunists in the world, which has accelerated the problems. Sadly – to their detriment – people haven't figured that out. They must have their leaders and be entertained... mainly because most people are gullible and weak.

That considered, IN GOD WE TRUST as found on American currency relates to people being natural sinners... their primary sin : being lazy. Accordingly, the evil, greedy types being egoists play on such downfalls to amass their wealth with a "might makes right" game plan. Ergo, the stealthy motto:
In that, we see that a justice of the Supreme Court said it best...

"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance." —Chief Justice Black, circa 1967

There you have it in a nutshell. Government under the Constitution (as written) is to Serve and Rule evil people. And, like I have related... If you don't know law, you don't know diddly squat. Thus, the purpose of this blog is to provide insights to PROPER education in law. Please enjoy its cutting edge contents!

It's way past time to bring brave, discerning Americans home.

Please understand, I work for no man. I follow no man...
Be it known, I interact with constitutional legal entities in bondage...
And more importantly, men and women who choose freedom.
—LB Bork - The Jurist