Monday, August 7, 2023

Chumps Who Dwindle

How People Get Taken
When I entered into the movement back in 1994, I was working with one of the premier law clubs in America. It was going favorably until one of its teachers started following tainted information that was introduced into the movement... Sadly, a few years later the club closed as its members got in trouble.

I also worked with another premier law group during that time period. The other club folded in the early 2000's after I founded People's Awareness Coalition, which centered on digging into constitutional law matters others ignored.

The founding of People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) in 1998 had the primary purpose of bringing a complete awareness to all Americans along with unifying them. This was soon destroyed by a bunch of Operatives and Opportunists. Due to Americans being slowly communized the past 150 years allows them to be easily conned by unscrupulous sorts keeping them subject to the system.

In my Blog Post of July 10th of this last month, I went over having Sympathy for Simpletons. The subject matter goes over those types having a lot of trouble using intellect. They rather be foolish and gullible and taken by a slew of gurus.

Accordingly, people being taken by fakes & frauds is at an all time high. Please understand, keeping the Foreigners under World Communism is mandatory. The Operatives are released on the public with the greedy Opportunists in tow while the finishing touches are being installed by the so-called New World Order.

Moreover, Simpletons tend to donate to those in mention and the adversary based operations such as Greenpeace and the Status Quo Political Parties. Understand more on how sad the movement is, read the following...
Why don't people in
the movement work
with others... I did.

The reason... Others
with 'answers' are no
doubt Operatives.

Multi multa, non omnia novit.
Many men know many things, no one knows everything.

How The System Stays In Power
Due to the Lack of Unity is how the system that has controlled the Union has remained in control. Below is some copy from one white paper I wrote where an attempt was made to warn people of proper law among other relevant factors...
The Ability to Maintain Control
As the corporate structure benefits immensely from this system under the 14th Amendment, there is a need to keep it in existence. To maintain control of this system, there has to be a multitude of devices used. Race strife is one of the major tools used by the maintainers. The race card emerges when anyone challenges the amendment. Race was the public sales tool used to sell the amendment in the first place. Of course, with a little research one will find it is a farce. Agent Provocateur programs are another method of obfuscation for the benefactors to maintain control of the created empire. Disinformation is established on many fronts for would-be patriots to use and possibly get in legal trouble, or get sent down a wrong path.

Accordingly, this serves as a tool of ridicule to demonize anyone that would expose the system. It further creates massive income for the law industry through legal fees, and money for the prison industry.

From: PAC— The Origin of Sovereign Citizens
It is best you read the whole paper. The link is in orange above. Other projects I've developed due to Lack of Unity may be viewed at the following links...
I have had the
Proper Remedy for
25 years... People
prefer lies told
by big liars.

Getting Sucked Deeper Into The Red Vortex
Here are some Blog Posts that go over some problems the "movement" entails. Understand that the Chumps Who Dwindle will keep getting conned by the Clowns Who Swindle if unity under one umbrella is not achieved...
Please pay strict attention to the Posts above. Those noted above illustrate the Operatives and Opportunists pushing their fake governments, posing as fake judges, advising people there is money in a trust for them, providing bogus status remedies, and on and on... keeping chumps in the Red Vortex.

There have been statutes (law) set aside to properly address the issues of the de facto governmental system for those with lawful standing. Accordingly, PAC provides the lawful procedures that address the Red Body Politic.

Important Principles PAC Represents
Below are some Blog Posts that show a bit what I am about and also advocate. Understand, I have been in this "movement" 30 years and have seen a lot of what transpires in the so-called movement, Patriot, Truth, or otherwise...
You are encouraged to go through all those Posts. They have vital explanations of how America has been slowly transitioned into what it is today. It will provide much insight about me and what needs to be accomplished with The Ring.
Please, Won't
You Join Us !?!

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The Republics

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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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