Friday, July 22, 2022

Prominent & Dominant

Two Types of Reds
Hopefully by now people are learning they are not in control of their lives.
Let's go over that. Communists exist all over and control everything.

There are two types of Communists: 1) Overt; and, 2) Covert.

The former comes off as hostile and generally have a front portrayed by military garb. They are represented as totalitarian dictatorships. This type is used as a boogieman to scare others while they are being stealthily communized.

In the blog post yesterday, I critiqued a minion of the latter type that works for the same end, but has a lack of appreciation for violence that Marx prescribed in the Communist Manifesto. These covert types wear business suits. They sneak around doing damage with literary bombs instead of military type ones. It is a kinder and gentler control, don't ya know. And word salads are yummy.

Accordingly, both types are working toward the same end: to have control over a population for a maximum output of profits of a country or nation. Generally, the actors and minions profit themselves while those of lessor means pay the price through Marxist based control and taxation. It has worked very well.

As noted above, today there are players that are concerned about what might come out of the hard core players. I went over those type details in my textbook titled, The Red Amendment. It is advanced study for the Discerning Soul.

Bottom line: If Communism is such a good thing... Why all the force and fraud?

Three American Stages
Here is a review of what I laid out in past posts. I use the mid-1700's because this is when the international law rule book by Vattel was published. This set the stage for the New World Order. The French Revolution started things off. During that same period of time America was being setup to be the "Great Experiment" of the Synagogue of Satan – SoS – as a test enterprise of the "New World". It took the SoS until the mid-1800's to get its blueprint drawn up to run and takeover all countries of the world with the Communist Manifesto.

Since the 1760's the United States has experienced three stages of installing and finalizing World Communism: 1) Anglo-Saxons came to America to be free from religious persecution but were overcome by minions of the SoS and their Constitution in the late 1700's; 2) The SoS installed its god pimp system during the 1860's to handle the increasingly muddled population with its "nationalized civil law system" built on government privileges; and, 3) The SoS took over in the 1960's and installed its own god pimp system (priests) to cover its finalized government religion via the federal court system of centralized citizens.

Karl Marx understood religion was in the way of man – or the Synagogue of Satan – to advance... so combining them and putting everyone under secular control was the new religion. Ultimately it is "Socialism". The god pimp system was a gradual or progressive takeover in order to destroy all Christian custom and usages and its common law, be they of a Catholic or Protestant faith.

Learn more from these Three Posts made earlier this month...

Slowly I Turned  •|•  Now That's Progress  •|•  One Nation Under Fraud

Two Types of Americans
Socialism controls the population. Communism is the economic system. To install the system in America, the Civil War handled the violence as prescribed by Marx. The aspects of Socialism were gradual. Nationalizing the people of the states handled things wonderfully for Congress via the war. Like I have related before, THEY call it an Emergency. I call it a Communist Insurgency.

That being established, there are two types of Americans...
1) Those being Of the World; and, 2) Those being In the World.
The former type plays politics and takes on the political assignments such as Conservative, Liberal, Left, Right, Libertarian... or whatever other political label the Synagogue of Satan has designed for their human resources to utilize while they play in Satan's sandbox. The latter are with People's Awareness Coalition.

While those of the world have a political vocabulary designed special for their existence living in Marxist twaddle, we have our own lexicon we use to expose the RED existence and dominance. And remember, we of The Coalition follow the rule of law. Those of the world follow liars and their fraud and deception.

That being said, there are two types of Marxists in America, those who embrace the idea, and those who aren't aware they are... and do not care. People who are with the Coalition – as supporters of the PAC Alliance – understand that division is not really an option and proper education is key in defeating the Red Faction. Understand The Ring will help get things accomplished.

Please share this information to assist your "State" in pushing back...

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