Sunday, July 17, 2022

Now That's Progress

Progress of The AntiChrist
Well it's Sunday again. The special day when most Inverted Christians worship the Unholy Trinity of the Secular World Order hosted by those Illuminati guys.

Also, we cannot leave out the other fruits, nuts, and freaks of the Communist Association... Specifically those of Pride and other perverted matters that go against natural law. Thanks to privileges of the Civil System of Reconstruction. It's their day of religious practice too. You know, "Do What Thou Wilt", as one popular Satanist had said. Therefore, it's everyone's day to worship at the altar of government. This great gift to America done under an "Emergency".

Gotta love that Peace! Karl Marx and those Illuminati guys would be tickled RED with pride. That noted, it is a good time to briefly review how this works.

Government Is AntiChrist
Firstly, the term "antiChrist" is being against Yeshua; an adversary of The Christ. The one who released the world from evil religions. That noted, the stage is set here in this treaty. It really says it all. This treaty, the Treaty of Peace, went into effect on June 10, 1797. Just after the Constitution was installed. Article 11 of that treaty specifically stated the following... Patriotic Christians won't like it...

"...the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion :"

That is seen in the 1st Amendment that the Communist Association loves so much... Along with their 2nd Amendment that allows manipulation of their gun rights on a "national" level. They just love their god pimps of the United States Court system controlling their freedom with court sanctioned liberty.

This is the nature of the secular government of the Union, and always was. It sets the foundation to create a perfect method for the Rulers of Evil to govern all those bad, evil animals referred to today as human capital. This is accomplished under the Law of Persons, of Private Roman Civil Law. You are reminded, it was a program that started back in the 1500's. Today's topic is "Progress", after all.

The Original 13 Were Christian
How the Synagogue of Satan inserted itself into the life of Americans was in creating the Federal Government then progressively installing their program. Like stated above, it all started with "The Church" back in the 1500's with the Calvinist movement. Then the Jesuits founded Fake Jesus, Inc. – the inverted version of Yeshua, Jesus – used by Vatican god pimps for secular control.

Yes. That description of inverted "Jesus" is another term of mine. I use it to help people clarify the problems of the bifurcated lives Americans live. First, Church Reformation. Then, Government Reconstruction. I know. It gets very confusing for most people. Imagine true peace with no confusion. It's easy if you try.

The point being made here is, the foundation of the so-called Union was actually Christian. After all, the United States really couldn't exist without the original 13 Colony/States. Americans were under a cleansed Christian faith without the Vatican... so they thought, anyway. The transition started early on but wasn't effective until the Civil War and the installation of The Red Amendment to the Constitution. This is where "In God We Trust" became a hit with The Luciferian Bunch. See my founding post, Ramblings of The Jurist, for more on that.

My favorite story is when the Vatican started to setup the secular trinity just before the Civil War. It is a story about a group that called themselves the Know Nothings. They took the cornerstone for the Washington Monument that was dedicated by the Pope and threw it into the Potomac River. What fun guys! Their motto must have been, No secular god pimps in our midst.

Those Classic Liberals
Due to the above facts at hand, those who refer to themselves as a "Classic Liberal" are too of the AntiChrist. Today there are many "Conservatives" who relate to that identity... Another great oxymoron. I covered the up and coming Conservatives who are either very fond of that title or work as members of the Synagogue of Satan, see my post, The Great Inversion. More fun progress.

The characters of THEY really like political terms to cover-up their progressive agenda. And people love labels. They can pick from many colors... Little do they know they are all RED. So, beware the Luciferians in Sheep's clothing. They are here to keep you in the Red Vortex. Also be careful. THEY are entertaining.
Means Moving

For Your Review
I wanted to keep this post short. Lucky you. But there is homework. Oh well.

To learn more about what was related herein above, you may want to look at my blog posts listed below to learn more about the two "god pimps" that I mentioned herein... Also learn much more that provides a better understanding on how this conjob of "peace" works that Karl Marx created. Okay, let's not give that guy all the credit. The Synagogue of Satan and The Luciferian Bunch were really behind it all. Karl was a great front man for the evil bastards, anyway.

Some good Blog Posts to review or check out...
Please read every Blog Post. It is for the good of America, and you. Seriously, please read every Blog Post. It is for the good of America, and you.

Remember, People's Awareness Coalition observes the Rule of Law.

For extended studies, Two of my most popular writings. The first one has actually been showing up in some law student's thesis papers as reference...
Stay the course, PAC is waking people up in truth and In Law...

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