It's Sunday. Perhaps going over the "god pimp" subject would be appropriate. Maybe you aren't religious. But maybe you are and don't realize it. Yes, I know... my Blog centers on secular law, and your spirituality is your chosen walk and path. I want to show you how the two work together... to Your Detriment.This subject really requires more than a blog post. It really should be a book. Perhaps there is someone that has covered what I am going to go over here, although I have not read it. Again, I have picked up a lot of things from others, but for the most part my thoughts are my conclusions based on my research and observations. Like it is said, there are rarely new ideas. I am attempting to relate things in a simple, distilled manner so that you have some foundation for your new state of awareness. That being established, Here We Go...
Your Chosen Trinity
A trinity is defined as a state of being of three things. In this instant case I will be illustrating how you have chosen a religion. Perhaps by default or possibly in error. Here are the two different types of trinities... The three city-states of world order : Washington DC (war), The Vatican (law), and City of London (finance)... And the Holy Trinity of God : The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.So which is your trinity? Let us look at the secular trinity in detail.Be prepared, the first noted trinity allows for the "God Pimp" in a couple different respects. Actually, we see that the pimpage was merged and also progressive. And also understand that a pimp is a middleman that makes a profit or gain off services rendered by someone else. Generally the transactions are illicit.Now let's look at the two god pimps of the secular world...
God Pimp One
There is freedom of religion and/or gods, however "The Church" silently rules. Americans have no idea they are being conditioned for man to become god.The Jesuit Order had a silent, strong presence during the establishment of the Constitution in the 1780's. It was not until the 1850's until the Vatican started to nudge itself in. The Jesuit presence multiplied ten fold after the Civil War. They trained a "Christian Army", so to speak. For one hundred years the Catholic Order dominated the American landscape. In the Catholic religion the priests act as god pimps. They are the handlers of people with the promise that they work for God. Here we see a separation between those believers and their Creator. Moreover, followers are told to worship false idols, Saints, Mary, etc., The priests forgive sins and allow followers to sin more. In practice, other Christian faiths have preachers so that separation does not exist. This is where true Christians believe they are under the presence of Martin Luther who questioned "The Church". Such religious matters aside, the public in totality has been under the strict dictates of Roman Civil Law since the signing of the Constitution.Perhaps that is one reason religion encompasses belief.
God Pimp Two
God is eliminated and humans themselves are gods with "The State" being the religion-ruler. American's fully submit to be controlled by authoritarianism.Here is where the transition takes place: In the time period of the 1960's two things happened: Vatican II changed the Catholic Church, and the United States started offering a thing called 501 tax status. This essentially had merged all the Christian denominations and other religions practiced within the United States. In sense, the government now was the religion. All so-called Christians then had a new god, Evil Men. Nonetheless, the First Amendment allowed religion to be ignored for 200 years. Peoples of the states got to enjoy it, somewhat; however the United States government was secular and would ignore it. This brings us to what happened with Roe v Wade. The Supreme Court justices were acting as god pimps (priests) for the government religion. It was okay to abort your child, they said. Do it again and again. The private law under the system of THEY does not see God, the Creator. Therefore, it was easy to dismiss anyone's faith in God and allow them to kill their children. How is that for being Godless?In the United States, Lord Jesus left the building long ago.
Your Keeper
Lately there are a lot of people out there warning against "Socialism". They are telling Americans to resist it in the political body of the United States. Well, I'm here to tell you. They are deceivers and big liars. The "United States" has been advancing socialism since the "Reconstruction" of government in the 1860's. The so-called Civil War was the excuse and set the foundation. And seriously. What do you think Social Security is? And remember, Roman Civil Law was present before that. The Common Law had been in practice but systematically was being killed off. Satan took over and Americans readily followed.That being noted, Marx said there would not be peace on earth until everyone accepted socialism. Seriously. That emits force. That noted, why do you think there have been so many wars the past one hundred and fifty years? And do you know what the political term "progressive" means? It's somewhat obvious. To date, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the premier Socialist President. Then after, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex.That brought things up to the 1960's where the final nails in the Christian coffin were about to be driven. America should've seen where this was going.
Know Who You Serve
I determined early on in my research that socialism was a tool of theft. It is a device to make the rich, richer through the redistribution of wealth to advance profits. The benefit is offered, the rest is history. The quid pro quo is very costly.What is going on now is setting up a conflict between the Left and Right... Both being RED. Their beliefs may vary, but it does not matter what they believe. It matters what THEY believe. Speaking of which, the three men mentioned in the section "Your Keeper" are Synagogue of Satan members, Luciferians. And what about those lying to you about America not being socialist. The fact is, we are surrounded by deceivers, frauds, liars, criminals... and well, Satanists.Perhaps now you know why William Penn said, "Those people not governed by God must be ruled by tyrants." ...or Satanists, in this modern world.The original Thirteen Colonies were made up of Martin Luther based Christians. Early settlers came to America to get away from a failed kingdom that practiced Calvinist based Christianity of the Vatican. But the ancient curse followed and slowly progressed into what we have today, being: millions and millions of souls being sucked deeper into a Red Vortex that has been hundreds of years in the making. The chaos is planned. The outcome : Tragedy is Coming.
Most All Americans Choose The Secular Trinity Of Satanism | ![]() |
Ergo, a "God Pimp" is an entity that comes between you and your Creator. He/It is keeping you from honoring your life and existence freely. In this case of the two noted, not only is there some kind of financial gain acquired by the two noted, but they also control one's true freedom. Jesus the Redeemer (Yeshua) established there was lack of such construct to know and honor God, the Father. This is undoubtedly why THEY put Him to death. Today THEY still hate Him...
A core belief of THEY, the Luciferian mob...
"... Maimonides [Rabbi, a special god pimp] believes that the Jews killed him [Jesus]. That the Jews executed him... because of certain doctrines of his and so forth... It’s possible that the Jews did kill Jesus. So let’s say they did. Maybe he deserved to die. Maybe he was a trouble maker.
Let’s assume WE did... SO, WE KILLED SOMEBODY."
So, is their trinity your trinity? And remember, you cannot serve two masters.Let’s assume WE did... SO, WE KILLED SOMEBODY."
—Reuven Mann, Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, Phoenix Arizona
-a.k.a., a modern day lesser god pimp
Beware the pimps. Especially those who come between you and God.Also see my post Us and They and Supremes Go Crazy for more.And in a final note, understand that the Rulers of Evil are there to serve and govern evil people. PAC is assisting good people to Come Out of Her.
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
What is behind the United States of America and its corruption...
• Beware The Merchants : Claypool is Prime 'n' Us for coming tragedy : Primus...
• A Video by Primus : Tragedy's A'Comin'
• View meme of the Luciferian partnership : Vatican-Zionist Partners
• View meme on the two versions of peace : Imagine Whirled Peas
• View meme illustrating the Jesus inversion : Inversion of Jesus
• View meme of Luciferian Secular Trinity : Corrupt Masons
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