Friday, June 24, 2022

Supremes Go Crazy

Lots of Happy Conservatives
The last couple of days the Supreme Court made two decisions that has made those who look at government as their religion very happy. The 2nd Amendment got some good news, and the Roe v Wade decision was reversed.

The former issue I look at as possibly assisting with "The Purge". People will be able to defend themselves against the orchestrated chaos... You know, like the nonsense we witnessed the past couple of years. Remember that remarkable Marxist "Summer of Love." These things don't happen by accident, do they? There isn't some kind of agenda going on here now, is there?

Speaking of orchestrated chaos, as to the latter issue in regard to women no longer being allowed to kill their children... Well, it does address the thing they have called "judicial activism" people have complained about for some time. But ultimately this was a black robed priest issue with the court being a god pimp in the government religion. So bring in the clowns, err, the black robed priests. Let them tell women they have the right to destroy their children. A great win for the agenda of the Luciferians and their empowerment for the woman.

Moreover, understand – under the 14th Amendment – constitutionally, courts couldn't protect a child until it was born and became a "person" – a legal entity per the amendment. So don't expect that to happen. Anyway, it's a state problem now. They will have to bring God back into the lives of their "residents".

Like Synagogue of Satan member, Henry Kissinger, said...

“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.”

And also the evil takes a little longer, right Henry?

Americans Classification
The above noted, those behind the Communist insurgency/rebellion have to throw out a bone or two to the animals so it looks like things are getting better. That is not hyperbole. The commoners are referred to as animals. This goes back to the Justinian Law of Rome. You can find it used today archived at Jesuit Universities found in the United States. It is also used in the U.S. Code.

So now you know. That's why freaks/queers are able to identify as animals. We need to see more of these things become Unicorns. Wouldn't that be nice? If the animals only knew how much the Supreme Court has been used to jerk them around under the "emergency" the past 150 years. That would be nice.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does
A lot of Conservatives will look at this as positive, which it looks like, but overall it is not... as noted above. But it is in no way an end to the emergency, err, the Communist insurgency/rebellion under the 14th Amendment. Like I have related in the past, most of the damage has already been done. The world according to Karl Marx has been slowly implemented the past 150 years... some other issues even before that under the Constitution. The Luciferians had already achieved what they ultimately set out to do: Destroy the Christian family, empower women to consent to being economic slaves, and homogenizing races and religions.

The theater the past 50 years has been to put the last nails in the coffin and make it look like Conservatives are fighting Commie Liberals. Whatever. People need to understand that the Republicans are the true Communist party. Sadly, Democrats are a front – or tools – and useful idiots. It's all about the economy and profits of the elite, or the Luciferians. The means already justified the end, so to speak. Americans are still slaves to so-called national debt and human capital of those in control. Americans are happy. Klaus Schwab is happy.

See my post Slaves of Democracy for some more insight on human capital.

Who Also Benefits
Here is the kicker: the law industry will make a ton of money on fighting these two issues. You can take that to the bank, as it is said. The rich are getting richer and the so-called taxpayers will be paying for it as being their human capital.

And remember, If you don't know law, you really don't know diddly squat.
See this PAC Short Topic to learn more about the above noted tragedy...
The Stealth Slavery :

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