Friday, June 17, 2022

Slaves of Democracy

American Slaves
Those who are participating in the "Democracy" are engineered to be slaves. The operations of law found in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution created the status. It is actually a continuation by an operation of law created under the original Constitution that sucks people into civil societal law over common law.

The "citizen person" creates a simple contract/agreement in which makes them responsible for the debt of the founding fathers known as: "We The People".

By accepting the civil status, an agreement is created by Americans to be their constitutors for their government debts. The 14th (Red) Amendment solidified this obligation due to it creating the 'criminal operation' for voting. Section 4 of the amendment establishes the public debt shall not be questioned (by a slave). Understand, a slave cannot question his master. The courts have established people in prison – criminals – are slaves. Section 2 of the amendment spells out the created slave status. Like I have related for some time now, people really have no idea how evil the 14th Amendment is. Simply put, the 13th Amendment prohibited private slavery, and the 14th Amendment created public slavery.

The Debt Ceiling
As people are now seeing, there is now a considerable amount of inflation. Some people like to call this a hidden tax. I wrote about how this would happen if people ignored what I had laid out in The Red Amendment about 25 years ago. Under the Biden coup – remember, Biden said "they" created the biggest voter fraud organization in history – unlimited spending has been taken full advantage of. Understand that the ceiling of debt is endless for these usurpers.

The "debt" subject was revisited in 2011 on Phil Pozderac's show, Pozitively Unconstitutional, on the Republic Broadcast Network (RBN). What. You didn't realize that I appeared on RBN? Being a guest on Phil's show was not the only appearance, but I also hosted the show at times. I also guest hosted the station owner's show – the late John Stadtmiller – on Thursdays for a period of time.

Since those days social media has come about. Now the "movement" has been subdued by a plethora of Operatives and Opportunists. A responsible lot that can be blamed for the expanding public debt. Below is information on the debt matter. Hopefully, Discerning Souls will now pay attention to the problem.
Know The Engineered Slavery
•  American Slave :
•  The Debt Ceiling :
•  14th Amendment :

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