Saturday, July 2, 2022

The Luciferian Bunch

Evil Abounds
The Luciferian Bunch. This is a catch phrase I developed for those who keep us away from the one true God, our Creator. There are three categories of those who guide people to walk with Satan and their religion. They are:

1) The fake Israelites; 2) The false, reformed church in partnership with the noted fakes; and, 3) The minions of secret societies known as Masons.

This is Team Lucifer. Their other players I refer to as the "Red Faction".

As I related in the blog post, Us and They – in the part "Method Behind the Madness", their operations are exposed on how THEY setup their stealthy secular religion. A false religion that controls the orchestrated mixed masses under private Roman Civil Law. This establishes the government to be one's god, over the one true God, our Creator.

Our true law form has been taken away from us, slowly and methodically. They put us under equity and commercial law to maximize their profits while they maintain the world so we are in bondage.

Defining Matters
Here the Bunch is better defined as found in The Ring project...

Synagogue of Satan
Some refer to them as “The Chosen Ones” or “Zionists”. This religious ‘tribe’ of evil can be found in Revelations of the Bible. They are imposters posing as the Israelites. They’re the main developers of World Communism and the ones behind assembling the ‘Red Faction’. Although they are the top elite faction, their minions have been employed as egoist types to take people deeper into the ‘Red Vortex’. These minions are sometimes referred to as useful idiots: their purpose diminishes as time goes on.

Also, the Old Testament is where ‘The Tribe’ gets its delusion from to create its false religion. If you do some extensive research, you’ll see ‘The Tribe’ does not follow directives laid out in the Old Testament. One directive given to the Israelites that was ‘lifted and twisted’ is: promised they would rule the world. This was promised if they were ‘prudent’ to the Covenant. This fake ‘tribe’ deceives and destroys. Hardly part of the directive. For more on the ‘Red Faction’ and ‘The Tribe’ being of dark origin, see Luciferians.

Enlightened ones who belong to secret societies. Some refer to them as “Satanists”. Biblically, Lucifer is referred to as the light bringer. Such application is conjured up by man. The Creator didn’t come up with that entity or nonsense. It is simply a cult grounded society. Light relates to having knowledge or seeing the truth. Luciferians are evil in nature as they hide the knowledge of what they know from the masses, which makes them of Satan as they keep truth from The Creator’s children. This causing their ‘cult’ to be in conflict with what is considered to be natural law. They have little or no care for the human condition. Those allowing this antiChrist group to manipulate them also walk with the entity known as Satan.

The Secular War
The roots of the word Satan means adversary. So, who is the adversary of God, the Creator, in this world? Man is. So, we can either live under the natural law, i.e., Law of God... or Do What Thou Wilt, as Satanist Aleister Crowley professed. Simply, people as a nation or individually can either live by good or by evil.

Unfortunately today, people have allowed those who practice evil – or those that do what thou wilt – to dwell among the masses. This develops into a tainted existence. This is accelerated through unassimilated masses. Their order out of chaos which allows them to sculpt society in their image, not of the image of God. Thinking that the Rulers of Evil aren't suppose to led the masses into corruption and bondage. But the government is as it is. It has evil rulers.

This is why Luciferians destroyed the Anglo based common law. In order to ultimately control their "melting pot" of human resourcesi.e., profit entities – under authoritarian private law. It will only get worse... because that is their plan. And they will be successful if good people don't engage the evil. Know that there is a maxim of law that states, The laws sometimes sleep, but never die.

The Synagogue of Satan is ultimately men working in concert. They maintain control of the masses by eliminating God, our Creator, from the equation to take advantage of us for their profit and gain. They are in the process of upgrading their operating system now so it runs at maximum efficiency.

Their greed the past 150 years has caused great damage to the planet. Very bad, bad, Stewardship. Now they want to blame the masses and control it all under feudalism. This "neo-feudalism" created by the 14th Amendment.

Those who have been led to evil by their temptations are now upset about the god pimps – being the priests of their false or state religion – ruling on so-called abortion rights this past week. Of course, I reference the Supreme Court under the emergency of "Reconstruction" that manipulates their RED body politic.

Oh yes, there is God, our Creator. But your true religion is their government.
Hoping that now you have an idea why America is in a chaotic mess.

You see... It has
always been a secular
order under Satan.

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