Friday, July 1, 2022

Birth of The Illuminati

Couple Months Late
I must apologize. I should have posted this 2 months ago on May 1st; but of course this Blog only went up this last month. That being noted, because of the date of America's Independence being July 4th, 1776 – and the subject matter of this post being so close together in time – I tend to confuse the two months and/or dates at times. Information overload, you might say. I do say. Ha!

Modern Control is Born
Today, Americans are divided into two camps: Conservatives and Liberals. Divide and Conquer. Who came up with these labels? Well, the masses didn't do it. And it didn't come by happenstance. The enlightened ones who created the United States of America did... referred to as the "Shadow Government". This Marxist based Left and Right political division didn't happen right away. You must understand control was progressive. RED enslavement takes time.

In that we need to examine the planned conversion from Kings to Rulers to the plotting of what was considered the Age of Enlightenment. It is noteworthy to know that the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776. That is correct... a couple months later America was independent. They are celebrated on the Great Seal of the United States. Americans see their presence pretty much every day on the dollar bill... that didn't show up on the money until the 20th century.

Remember, IN GOD THEY TRUST, see my first blog post.

A Lot Are

The Luciferian Bunch
The Illuminati was established by Adam Weishaupt. He was born in 1748 of Jewish parents but actually grew up in Catholicism. When his father, George Weishaupt, died in 1754, he was turned over to be raised by the Jesuits by his godfather, Baron Ickstatt, who was curator of the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. The Illuminati consider themselves to be “enlightened”.

This enterprise encases a layout of how the world went from the "Divine Right of Kings" to what is known today as the "State System"... or what THEY – what I call The Luciferian Bunch – refer to as World Communism. Those who have followed my work will be able to understand it a bit more readily.

Their Special Day
Of course May 1st is the day the "working men" celebrate their freedom from oppression. Oddly the same day the Illuminati was founded. If you look at the date where the Marxists of America started their revolution, it was on May 1st in Chicago, Illinois. Like other aspects of American Communism, THEY moved it to a so-called "national holiday" referred to as Labor Day to hide it... meaning their stealthy progressive implementation of Communism in America. Similar fake out tactics were used by Jesuits in the McCarthy hearings in the 1950's.

I heard in my younger years that Communists were sneaky.
Right. Nothing to see here. Please move along.

Looking For Members
Here is a quote that is said to be of the Illuminati. It can be found on a website called It is very telling and sets the mode today...
"A study of the human species between 1600 and 1700 AD concluded that the human mammal opposes all authority or restraint of freedom. However, if the human is allowed to believe that they themselves have chosen leaders and laws, they will accept authority without rebellion.
For this reason, the Illuminati must maintain a constant questioning of its existence in the minds of its citizens. By hiding distinct symbols only visible to those who are looking for them, the Illuminati has remained anonymous while still leaving indelible marks of it presence for eternal civilizations."
I have not looked into the site being "official", but based on my research and knowledge the statement is for the most part accurate. See my posts Us and They and Supremes Go Crazy for more insight on why the language of human mammals was used. Simply, it is a notation of ownership and control over those of a lesser existence. Such mammals are controlled by "playful gods" and are not of the Holy Spirit. Beware, they are looking to recruit suckers to join their Mickey Mouse Club, that only idiots would entertain, i.e., soulless humans.

Oh, and note that is says "its citizens", see my post Term of Enslavement on that subject. Also understand, the human 'animal' adores them, see meme.

This Is The End
So, is this the end? Perhaps it is. They have related that they are smarter than you. Mainly due to them keeping secrets. That is why they are referenced to as Secret Societies. John F. Kennedy attempted to warn Americans in 1961, and we saw what happened (video). In 1990, George H. W. Bush told the world that their New World Order would be successful... without question (video).

Oh, and the so-called Conservatives are "owning" the modern day Liberals and are now throwing them under the bus as the "Deep State" or Liberals. THEY, the enlightened ones, are great at inversion, i.e., taking things perceived to be good and turning them into evil, or vice versa. Problem-Reaction-Solution. used to deceive and bring unsuspecting takers into their web of deceit. See my white paper Your Marxism to see how Karl Marx used the method in the Communist Manifesto to draw in an army of useful idiots for the Communist cause.

Today, The Luciferian Bunch continues to look for recruits as useful idiots to maintain and move the program forward. Ads on the Internet may be seen to recruit Masons here in Wisconsin. Perhaps you may have seen them in your area. These destructive minions are the best Team Lucifer has to offer...

They control the court system and manage the flock for the upper echelon.
And remember this, Men work and Communists have jobs!

View Team Lucifer meme... It is for The Discerning Soul...
End Notes of Importance
The introduction content comes from a paper I had written some years back titled Liberalism is Statism (see posted above). The references I used are noted there. But, like I have mentioned before, there is some amount of speculation. This is due to much history may only be seen as speculation. You and I did not witness it. It is hearsay. so to speak, or it could be said.

Law depends on evidence. Same as any of "his-story" relates. With respect to this, in example, take under advisement the rule or idiom of, "Whoever wins the war writes the history." To expand on that, Whoever creates the war is definitely going to write history. That is fact. In regard to my research on "reconstruction" of the [U]nited States and the beginnings of its construction, THEY have not destroyed enough of the documentation (records and such) as of yet. Thus a more accurate determination may be made over being speculative. My friend and colleague, Mike Gaddy, is looking deeper into those matters. There is a lot people don't realize.

As you can see, THEY are working on destroying American history the past couple of years. Of course, the so-called Liberals are being blamed for it. It is actually the REDS who are responsible, or the shadow government. Discerning people know who they are.

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