Let us take a look at those of the
lawful republic-states being brought down to the same level as those in the
Legal States of the
United States. Below we see the plan under 14th Amendment shenanigans discussed by one
James G. Blain. He was a proponent for the
Communist Association during the Civil War period
"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the
Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of
the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by [
the 13th] constitutional amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens. We do not, by making them citizens, make them voters—we do not, in this
Constitutional Amendment [
the 14th], attempt to force them upon Southern
white men as equals at the ballot-box; but we do intend that they shall be admitted to citizenship, that they shall have the protection of the laws, that they shall not, any more than the rebels* shall, be deprived of life, of liberty, of property, without due process of law, and that
"they shall not be denied the equal protection of the law."And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the
Negro. It is for the
white man as well. We intend to make citizenship
National. Heretofore, a man has been a
citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship—and our Amendment declares that
"all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."This Amendment will prove a great beneficence to this generation, and to all who shall succeed us in the rights of American citizenship; and we ask the people of the revolted States to consent to this condition as an antecedent step to their re-admission to Congress with Senators and Representatives."
CONTENT TAKEN FROM: The Establishment* REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in
the Civil War. 30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2. [ A case where a conspirator misused the term...
But did he?... Perhaps he was noting the rebels that the amendment fabricates. ]
There are many details left out, such as the
"white males" were having their
republican forms of government taken away. Also, they were being installed into new, different political
"States" of the United States under this so-called
dual citizenship. But really, what do you expect from those who speak with forked tongues
? Although,
commie Blain did spill a lot of beans in that presentation.
Those of
Lawful Standing ignorantly engaging in
Treason by Design is their true goal. The reason being: so courts can blame those committing a
rebellious act against their
lawful states per
"operations of law" under the 14th Amendment. Accordingly, this is used to apply authoritarian law on them
: state and
Simply put
: it is a secret weapon to be used against
Anglo Americans. There is no doubt that those pushing
Universalism have a real hatred toward the Anglos. However,
Discerning Souls know it is about
control and the
love of money. Once again, that
secret weapon being used against these
lawful Americans is treason. Conveniently, the courts are taking
silent judicial notice of this and punish those involved for participating in the forced
Red System of Democracy.
A simple rule to know is
: The 13th Amendment
Saves. The 14th Amendment
Lawful Americans who choose
14th Amendment politics puts them into the
rebellion against the Constitution proper and into voluntary servitude.