Monday, December 26, 2022

Endearing The AntiChrist

Keeping Dupes In The System
This last month I made a Post in my Blog titled... Clowns Who Swindle...

Earlier this week I had explained to a friend EXACTLY how such clowns – them being Operatives and Opportunists – keep their "victims" within the "gray area" by pushing/selling tainted information to them. Understand, the gray area is how this current system manages to stay in power over the American population.

Below I provide some legal writings of mine that illustrate how Americans remain on the Commercial Plantation. It appears that the adversary follows my lead and puts out bad information via their own Operatives. On the other hand, it actually could be incompetent Opportunists feeding the masses bad information in order to profit off them. They really don't care about accurate, lawful remedies.

Simply, Americans have been being Marxized for the past 150 years, thus they are of that world. These clowns are misrepresenting my research and proper education. It keeps victims in that Marxist world honoring the antiChrist.

The Right Stuff
As you will see, the gray area is an issue PAC touches on in regard to status...

Below is the PAC Education page denoting our education program. It provides an overview on proper status and has been "publicly" available for years... There are two important papers that encompass the issues addressed... As I reference in those writings that I published long ago, maintaining a passport is a benefit or privilege held under the 14th Amendment system. Fact is, there are provisions for international travel during the Communist Insurgency...

Like lawful status, it is buried in the U.S. Code for Discerning Souls to know.

The Wrong Stuff
Actually, U.S. Passports play into the assertion of a de facto dual nationality under the amendment. Moreover, it is amplified by the swindlers not using the operational law to lawfully shed the "national of the United States" status.

Owing allegiance to the United States is a statutory stipulation of getting a U.S. Passport. That allegiance to the United States is the same as owing allegiance to the Antichrist system, or Satan. Most swindlers advise getting a passport.

Odd about that. It fits the modus operandi of disinformation. Simply, swindlers create controversy so their victims remain enveloped in "the system"... Oh – and lest we forget – many swindlers tell their victims they are sovereign. FALSE.

The "State" is sovereign via "the consent of the governed", not individuals.

These tactics create a perfect trap for government and the law industry to make money and maintain control. Furthermore, these misguided dissenters cost the Communist Association unsubstantiated burden in court costs, taxes, etc. That is to say, not having the passport fails to fund such things if a duped lot doesn't obtain the pricy trap... which does not and cannot represent a de jure status as claimed; but does solidify United States nationality on deceived takers.

The passport trap is part and parcel of the gray area game that is under "The Constitution, as written." I recently covered how this usurpation operates in the post, A Bifurcated Constitution. Know such conveniences, such as passports supporting commercialism, or – as THEY call it – World Communism.

The Sad Truth
The truth of this matter is, those who have been conned by clowns will not be able to pass what I call the Duck Rule... being the Title 5 Litmus Test and also the Ashwander Rules... the pertinent rule created by Judge Brandeis being this one, "Those taking benefit of a statute cannot reach constitutional grounds."...

Meaning, people are stuck under the political jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment and don't have access to immunity of original or de jure constitutional principles. Ultimately they will fail to have a desired de jure status and standing...

In other words, Defective claims/actions by clowns will keep their victims in the gray area while the law industry and the Communist Insurgency under The Red Amendment remains maintaining its stranglehold of power over Americans.

And like one PAC student says about defective process, "It may work until it doesn't." ...I.E., Don't count garbage wins before they're hatched. In other words, Incompetent courts and government workers will eventually get up to speed and ultimately failure will ensue, which will cause people to distrust the courts. See this noted principle covered in my post that is titled, No Ticky No Washy.

Sadly, these activities allow the gray area to keep doing its damage.
In other words, the New World Order marches on.

Selfishness Serves Evil
People's Awareness Coalition had established the status ground rules based on law years ago. It was open for Discerning Souls to absorb and join us.

Then, out of the blue, clowns who swindle show-up and destroy it. In sense, it is just Marxist Twaddle... Karl Marx said things would be upside-down. Mixing truth with off-based principles allows evil to flourish. Also, understand that evil thrives on gray area. Those who want to have their "cake and eat it too" serve the antiChrist. I went over the antiChrist system in, Now That's Progress.

I wrote about the "Movement" some years back... Oddly, this is when the clowns came out of the woodwork and the political circus went into overdrive...

Swindlers create controversy by questionable acts. They don't establish a lawful path. In regard, please share the following paper with people you care about...Those who enjoy walking with Satan (the adversary, the antiChrist), stay the course. As it has been said, People get the government they deserve.

People's Awareness Coalition (PAC). For a prosperous, upcoming new year.

To learn more about the gray area and more, view these pages...

1 comment:

  1. The clowns who swindle use the maxim of silence is agreement as a basis for the grift or con. Well, they are not telling people the whole truth. Note the maxim says "SOMETIMES"... Tacita quaedam habentur pro expressis. Things silent are sometimes considered as expressed.

    The government may be silent, but changing statutes will NEVER pass muster with the courts. I.E., there in NO agreement as these cons claim or profess.

    And, as I referenced in this post, they are totally ignoring this law maxim... Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.
