Those who Read my Blog know The 14th Amendment Association
is The Communist Association. Right. It's a club for Foreigners.
This club is for those Of The World, not those simply In It.
Setting Up Red Rebelsis The Communist Association. Right. It's a club for Foreigners.
This club is for those Of The World, not those simply In It.
The 14th Amendment of the reconstructed Constitution of 1868 – what I have duly termed The Red Amendment – with its language provides a naturalization effect. Per an operation of law, this effect constructs a thing people know as an American. It mainly applies to "persons" born within the 'jurisdiction of the United States'... namely, the several States, or aptly the republic-states of the Union.These persons are citizens of the United States, or rather justly, denizens of the United States. These newly formed, faux foreign red citizens or denizens are not de jure or lawful citizens. Such persons are controlled by private law allotted by Section 5 of the infamous amendment. The noted amendment disenfranchised lawful citizens and enfranchised Commies to perform in rebellion. This being a criminal act that transfers political power of the States to the United States. All carried out per operations of law established to override the proper system.
The Red American- Learn More About the Denizen Thing : One Being A Thing Too
An American is considered a "citizen and national of the United States". The same thing as a 'United States citizen'. As an American one has a nationality of American... as portrayed on the United States passport. This nationality is not considered a true nationality and is capricious. But yet, one is also a "national of the United States". Seriously, which nationality is it: American or United States? Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that no one can be deprived his nationality. Is "The United States of America" even a country?That being established, the noted Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a document that expands and protects World Communism, e.g., Article 22. Right to social security. Of course, there are major conflicts formed. The "Communist Association" is what protects "World Communism". This overrides the Rule of Law that is held by the Law of Nations. Right. A "cake and eat it too" problem. But, as we can see there are also protections to save Discerning Souls from its servitude. In that, thus we see protection by Article 20, as stated : "No one may be compelled to belong to an association." Simply : You are either in or out.Understand this thing called World Communism was in the making long before that declaration was established. Daniel Webster – a Radical Republican – gave Lawful Americans a warning such problem may arise... Congress planned for it.
Death of Citizens By Commies- Learn About Lawful Status : The Art of Lawful Status PDF
So you comprehend things better, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will now observe and illustrate that Lawful Americans had their lawful state governments usurped along with their lawful citizenship – per the Law of Nations – destroyed to accommodate the World Communism cabal. Below is an admission by the "United States" that the "lawful states" have been destroyed...
Required Death To Be Lawful"A stateless person is someone who, under national laws, does not enjoy citizenship – the legal bond between a government and an individual – in any country. While some people are de jure, or legally stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens under the laws of any state), many people are de facto [emphasis], or effectively stateless persons (meaning they are not recognized as citizens by any state even if they have a claim to citizenship under the laws of one or more states)."
—The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
[ NOTICE: That disclosure was removed by the 2025 Trump Administration. ]A stealthy admission by the "United States" of its 'dirty deeds'. It solidifies the mandates found in Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Such being in regard to taking property of those who emigrate and rebel. Diminishment of constitutional property rights is done per unconstitutional law. This is grounded in a de facto status and/or nationality. The 14th Amendment fabricates The Rebellion; and moving from state to state as an "American" is icing on the proverbial Red cake. Both conditions satisfy said plank. And, notice that this is a policy and not law. However, if you are consenting per Voting-Doles-Silence, the policy is then law. I have gone over this consent by the Marxists extensively. Games played due to this "policy" costs Americans billions of dollars a year in Taxes and Legal Fees from Bar Association members. Sadly, so-called Americans love their Marxism.It should be noted that the United States was way ahead of the rest of the world by the destruction of the nationalities of the Union – as had been prescribed by the Communist Manifesto – with its forced installment of the 14th Amendment.Thus, Lawful Americans – meaning those with standing to claim and hold lawful nationalities – do not have or possess their republic-states or governments – as per the noted policy – but may live in The Republic over rebelling Foreigners. In this sense they are stateless : a major damage causing unconscionable costs.—The “Policy” of the De Facto Government per Department of State
- More On the Insurgency and Rebellions : 14th Amendment Actors
The de jure citizen is not only politically dead, but was turned into a dead entity under the 14th Amendment. A legal separation from the Foreigners is a must.It is true that the 14th Amendment puts the de jure state governments of Lawful Americans to death. Those of the Red Faction claim it is an emergency. But like I have been saying for years, as a matter of fact it is a Communist Insurgency. I have also been saying, Melius est recurrere quam malo currere. Meaning, "It is better to recede than to proceed in evil." But Lawful Americans elect to ignore it.That said, there is another "legal death" that must take place. That is the one that provides the "Civil Rights" to a Communist. As a rule of thumb, a general list of these Red Rights may be found in Title 42 of the United States Code. If you look through there and see what you may benefit from, you know that the Duck Rule applies to you. And, passing the Title 5 Litmus Test would be impossible.
A personal favorite is Title 42 USC Section 1981... which relates only Anglos can own property without maintaining Red citizenship. Them rebelling destroys that right and allows their property and engagements to be taxed and controlled like any other foreigner who participates in the 14th Amendment rebellion. In other words, all Foreigners exercising this 'civil death' would lose voting rights, etc. In regard to such matters it must be said, Welcome to the Commercial Plantation.Accordingly, let us look at what this noted death would entail...
The Adversary Has Already Won by Our Division. |
- civil death, noun: the status of a living person equivalent in its legal consequences to natural death specifically : deprivation of civil rights.
—Civil Death - Merriam-Webster
- civil death. When someone experiences civil death, they may lose the ability to do things that most people take for granted. For example, they might not be able to sue someone in court or inherit property. This can feel like a double punishment, as they are not only facing the consequences of their actions but also losing their rights as a citizen. The concept of civil death has its roots in older legal systems, where it was more common to strip individuals of their rights after serious offenses; where a person loses their legal rights and status, often due to a conviction or mental incapacity, making them unable to participate in legal matters like voting or owning property.
—Civil Death - Legal Terms Site
"The chief enemies of republican freedom are mental sloth, conformity, bigotry, superstition, credulity, monopoly in the market of ideas, and utter benighted ignorance."That was stated by Justice Black in the late 1960's. Moreover, the reference of republican has nothing to do with the Republican Party... such party being a Marxist faction. That was actually prodding by said jurist as to why Anglos are amenable slaves to the de facto 14th Amendment governmental system.
The Civil Flag of Peace is just simply Boob-Bait that lures fools. |
The contents of the below Post – Use It Or Lose It – will provide people some thought provoking material to ponder. Additionally, there are two PDF's that are of purpose to educate the masses of Woke-Awake victims. As per my goal of distilling things, these materials cut to the quick to save people from wasting their time with the plethora of distractive mishmosh that plagues the Internet...
- A Blog Post on Lawful Status : Use It Or Lose It
- The Marxist Twaddle Project : Download this PDF booklet
- The Ring for Godly Evolution : Download The Ring Project PDF
People's Awareness Coalition – PAC – has assembled The Ultimate Remedy.
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...
To achieve Constitutional (Republican) Freedom requires The Ultimate LawSuit.
This landmark action will separate Lawful Americans from the Foreigners.
We need Brave Souls to expose the Communist Association... more...
Learn more on State Sovereignty by reading my book, The Red Amendment...
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Below are Free PDF Booklets. Please download them and print them out.
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- Marxist Twaddle :
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : Overview • Foreigners • Nationality • Provisional
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