Monday, December 2, 2024

The Faux Government

FAUX, adj. Not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article.
Synonyms for faux include fake, imitation, artificial, dummy,
simulated, mock, false, sham, and bogus.
An Overthrow
In reading this you must understand that the governmental system after the Civil War had been altered by "Reconstruction" in the 1860’s. This action bifurcated the Constitution. The Union was progressively converted from a Republic with a representative federation into a so-called Democracy. This put Americans into an alternate Red State. Such maneuvering was a steppingstone to conform to what was later referred to as World Communism... aptly, the New World Order.

I refer to its transformation of citizenship as the Communist Association.

De Jure and De Facto Systems
So you comprehend things herein, De jure means rightful, and De facto means of fact. We will observe how Lawful Americans had their governments usurped.

The reconstruction of the governmental system was caused by an amendment. It was the 14th Amendment to the Constitution installed just after the Civil War. Its installment enabled the rulers to impose another set of laws on Americans. The United States government then became the national government for the Communist Association. The several States were now its political subdivisions: United States counties, so to speak. This hack is referred to as dual citizenship.

This allowed the government and courts to pick and choose what was required to control the citizens of the Communist Association. In sense, Congress was now the national legislature for these foreigners or residents of the "States".

So in proper sense what is Congress? The definition of Congress is as follows:
  • CONGRESS. In International Law. An assembly of envoys, commissioners, deputies, etc. from different sovereignties who meet to concert measures for their common good, or to adjust their mutual concerns. —Black's Law Dictionary, 4th edition
This created a system of government referred to as the following:
  • FEDERALISM. 1. A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units. 2. Federalism. Doctrine of Federalist Party.
    —American Heritage Dictionary, 1998
In unison with that, each "State" in the Union is a separate country, nation, and republic that maintains a "clipped sovereignty". Accordingly, the Constitution for the United States of America is nothing more than an international agreement or charter between those nation-states under the principles of international law.

In general, de jure peoples of the states had little interaction with the "federal government". However, that had changed with the political system created under the 14th Amendment. This is not to say the "United States" did not have some national type duties held under the Constitution proper. But one of those duties was not citizenship. This is where the fake national government is formulated.

The de jure political system had a single party, which was the Federalist Party. The Communist Association had to have two: Republicans and Democrats. A divide and conquer political system of Liberals and Conservatives maintain the insanity. While those of the Communist Association bicker, those of the Shadow Government get richer. Keep this quiet. It would spoil a main control mechanism of this reconstructed system. You would think people could figure that out.

The Communist Association is controlled by private or special international law. A fundamental tenet of Communism is to centralize the control of a population. It can be asserted this new system is under the Constitution of the United States; as the Constitution for the United States of America was no longer operative. A new legal landscape was developed. Politicians and the courts could pick and choose what they wanted to follow from the "Constitution" for the new system. But de jure principles were to be followed when required by de jure nationals.
Creating Faux National Citizenship
Those who had Communist tendencies wished for centralized control. The need for this control is a deep subject. I go over many of the issues in my book, The Red Amendment. Simply, it created human resources for the elites to profit from. Various methods are used to maintain production output for maximum profits.

In proper form, the States would be national governments; but they are "States". Today, the United States citizenship – as created by the 14th Amendment post Civil War – is referred to as Federal Citizenship. This is a practice utilized due to the confusion based on the federal based system and its usurpation conflicts.

Below, what is considered the intent of the infamous amendment presented by one of its seedy proponents. From a speech by James Blaine, at Skowhegan, Maine (August 29, 1866), found in the book The Reconstruction Problem:
"In the first place, we ask that they will agree to certain changes in the Constitution of the United States; and, to begin with, we want them to unite with us in broadening the citizenship of the Republic. The slaves recently emancipated by proclamation, and subsequently by [the 13th] constitutional amendment, have no civil status. They should be made citizens. We do not, by making them citizens, make them voters—we do not, in this Constitutional Amendment [the 14th], attempt to force them upon Southern white men as equals at the ballot-box; but we do intend that they shall be admitted to citizenship, that they shall have the protection of the laws, that they shall not, any more than the rebels* shall, be deprived of life, of liberty, of property, without due process of law, and that "they shall not be denied the equal protection of the law."

And in making this extension of citizenship, we are not confining the breadth and scope of our efforts to the Negro. It is for the white man as well. We intend to make citizenship National. Heretofore, a man has been a citizen of the United States because he was a citizen of some-one of the States: now, we propose to reverse that, and make him a citizen of any State where he chooses to reside, by defining in advance his National citizenship—and our Amendment declares that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside."

This Amendment will prove a great beneficence to this generation, and to all who shall succeed us in the rights of American citizenship; and we ask the people of the revolted States to consent to this condition as an antecedent step to their re-admission to Congress with Senators and Representatives."  CONTENT TAKEN FROM: The Establishment
* REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in
   the Civil War. 30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2. [ A case where a conspirator misused the term...
   But did he?... Perhaps he was noting the rebels that the amendment fabricates.
In other words: You can be part of the Union again if you accept the mandates of our usurpation of the republican forms of government guaranteed to the states. Moreover, its operations apply to all the republic-states (several States) of the Union, unlike some patriot types and other disinformation agents fail to relate.

Wait. More problems exist within that commie wish list. A major one being, the citizenship of the amendment in fact grants such persons political rights. It is obvious by the language as seen in the 15th Amendment. It simply relates all persons shall not be deprived the right to vote; its elemental language does not create a right to vote. The same language is found in the 19th Amendment; it does not create suffrage for women. Per force, the 14th Amendment created an alternative political system for all persons no matter who they were or what sex. It is a fact: Lawful Americans were disenfranchised and sucked into this Marxist based system. Furthermore, those "people of the revolted States" Blain refers to as "rebels" actually were not. That was political commie-speak. It was later ruled to be unconstitutional. The ruling follows the constitutional right for the states to secede from the Union. True rebels are citizens of the Insurgent Democracy.

The "State wherein they reside" is actually a federal State. Their Red residents are foreigners and rebels to the republic-states. The 14th Amendment installed all de jure citizens into the "federal States" with its coercive politics. De facto citizens benefiting from the amendment lack access to The Republic held by Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution proper; however, the Lawful Americans possess grandfathered-in rights but elect to exist in the Communist Association. Due to this unfortunate decision, they are subjects of the political jurisdiction of both the United States and its federal State as "citizens of the United States".

True rebellion develops from participating in the above noted system. It comes from turning the sovereign political power of a republic-state over to the United States without lawful provisions. Participating rulers are only deemed insurgents as they must uphold constitutional principles aside the forced amendment. And, in principle the act of establishing "World Communism" is an act of rebellion.

Simply, individual consent is the essence of this rebellious faux body politic. One doesn't have to participate in rebellion nor be in association with criminals.
You Wonder 
What's Wrong?

Actually You 
Consent To It.
Silence Is Golden
Factually, the moment "they" installed the 14th Amendment into the Constitution allowed the governments and courts to act instantly on the fake emergency.

Right, they refer to it as an emergency, but it's really a Communist insurgency. Covert operations of law allows those 'in the know' to jerk Americans around. Many cases would be lost with the litigants not even knowing what hit them. The ignorance of the bifurcation done to the Constitution is a major travesty.

Again, these "States" of the 14th Amendment are not the several States. They are federal States de facto (of fact) as fabricated under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution proper; that being the only thing remotely constitutional about these States. In legal parlance, the several States and the federal States share the same territory. Ones "political status" determines which law forms apply. Is it any wonder the sitting government doesn't bring this up to its Marxist citizens?

In reality, the Communist faction setup bad, Lawful Americans to act in treason. This orchestrated operation of law known to those 'in the know' use it against said Americans to deny their constitutional freedom. A neat silent weapon to get back at those bad people who reject foreign control and its intended slavery.

But do not get too upset with your rulers. Like all good Americans, most of them just do what they are told. They are oblivious to this usurpation. And the ones 'in the know' get paid well to keep it shrouded. Along with other secrets, there is a safety-net built into the 14th Amendment to keep their traitorous ways quiet.

Yes. Your silence to this usurpation is your consent to Red slavery. Their silence is not golden. It is Red... a color found in the Bible that represents corruption.

To be a Marxist, or not to be a Marxist. That is the question.

Constitutional Remains
The building of the "One Nation Under Fraud" started with the 14th Amendment. Further destruction had been accomplished with the 17th Amendment. It further built the Communist based national government. The only thing that remains of the constitutional system is the electoral college. This facet somewhat saves the original constitutional political system from that of Democracy. The problem is, the rulers are chosen by those in rebellion against the Constitution proper. The political participants are predestined to be controlled by authoritarian laws.

Such Communist based principle is found in the Communist Manifesto noted as, The destruction or elimination of countries and nationalities. All nationalities of the several republic-states have been 'consolidated into one country' under 14th Amendment mandates per the national and citizen of the United States status.

Ultimately, these actions caused genocide of the Lawful Americans. Dealing with the damage caused the past 150+ years will take substantial measures. Status quo politics are being used to bury these damages with Hegelian Dialectics. It is accomplished with political shenanigans via distractive Woke-Awake theatrics. The Red Super Party has purpose of substantiating damages indefinitely; thus the new "conservative" faction securing a Luciferian's Hellenistic delusion.

Just think about all these things while you enjoy your Civil Rights and Liberal type attitudes, such as multiculturalism, continual inflation, government benefits, women ruling you, banking-which includes credit, doing what thou wilt, etc.

The Adversary
Has  Already
Won by Our
A Constitutional Remedy
At this point, to go back to the constitutional Union would be next to impossible. What is required to be accomplished in the interim is: the de jure and de facto political jurisdictions need to be separated; this so Lawful Americans may enjoy a republican form of government. It will also allow said Americans to redevelop their common law systems under their sovereign custom and usages. Also, they would have immunity from the ills of the Communist Association. The foreign presence of said association could still be governed by appropriate legislation.

Section 5 of the 14th Amendment provides a vast latitude for this to transpire. This way the two systems can still exist without constitutional adjustments. The two political jurisdictions must be swiftly recognized by the insurgent factions... Such being, the politicians of the de facto offices held under the usurpation.

This fix will allow Marxist Americans to enjoy the imposed slavery of their rulers with Lawful Americans being able to openly enjoy their constitutional freedoms. A clear Rule of Law will eliminate the gray area allowing governments and the law industry to continue bilking de jure people of their given right of well-being.
Currit tempus contra desides et sui juris contemptores.
Time runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights.
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Repopulating The Republic | 4 Part Series
Restoration Series Blog : OverviewForeignersNationalityProvisional

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