Monday, January 20, 2025

14th Amendment Actors

Historical Hogwash
When the 14th Amendment was implemented back in 1868, there were a lot of questionable things that had transpired... and still are over 150 years later.

Sadly, there are a plethora of proclaimed "experts" who tend to discount what government "Reconstruction" was all about. It centers around the happenings of the Reconstruction Acts AND the Reconstruction Amendments. They are two different sets of law. The former being specific legislation to deal with certain issues. The latter being more permanent legislation. Moreover, something that is found in the Constitution is going to apply to ALL the States in the Union... not just some of them. Really. 14th Amendment language pertains to "rebels" of the Civil War?  Seriously. These so-called experts better not quit their day jobs. The elements of the amendment have absolutely nothing to do with addressing any matters of the past, except what may involve Reconstruction subject matter.

Mixing the two concepts is an act of incompetence. Of course there is similar language used in the Acts and Amendment (and arguments, etc.). Actually, this is a deceptive component attached to the whole emergency-conspiracy matter called "Reconstruction" : an act or measure of the Rump Congress that setup a calculated dual system of constitutional law. But, that is a secret not well known. Only cabalists know about it; to include members of the Luciferian Bunch, such as Alan Dershowitz. Time will tell if he is a conspirator or just incompetent.

Additionally, one should realize that both Sections 3 and 4 of the amendment use the word "shall" a bit. This word imports things that would happen in the future, not the past. If you look at the context of the language therein, it applies to all things future with little error being applied to past Civil War matters. Again, the matter of intelligence, competency, and deception comes into question.

The duality issue is undoubtedly tied to what Karl Marx established under the Communist game plan. He told the world things were going to be backwards and immoral. Criminality of the so-called "Civil War" period was not immune.

Bad Actors Abounds
I looked at the language of the 14th Amendment back in the 1990's. Per Section 2 of the amendment, I was flabbergasted to see that one could not vote unless he participated in rebellion. Of course, looking at its language voting is also a crime. And so you know, the courts put an end to the political hogwash of the Confederates of the Civil War being in rebellion to the United States...
  • REBELS. A term loosely but incorrectly applied to the Confederate Forces engaged in the Civil War. —30 Am J Rev ed lnsurr § 2
The real or true Bad Actors are those who submit to the new political system under the 14th Amendment. They are rebelling against the Constitution proper and accepting the 'new terms' awarded by a Red Faction. This faction is found and defined in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Parsing the language of that particular section to establish a simplified formula – parse meaning to analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles – we have...
  • No person shall hold any office (civil or military) under the United States, who – having previously taken an oath to support the Constitution of the United States – shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

    But Congress may (by vote) remove such disability. —full text

Of course, when "persons" take an oath they have previously taken it. See the play on language? It doesn't relate, 'who had engaged'. The phrase "shall have" expresses certainty about something that will happen in the future. Damn that pesky second use of shall. So, if a person resists laws of the United States he then may be omitted from office for a violation of the oath he has taken. This negates the possibility of the section pertaining to Confederates in particular. Moreover, it relates all these "participants" will not be in insurrection or rebellion as officers of fact in the pseudo political system... although they really are. That is, Lawful Americans are in sedition, with the Foreigners just being in rebellion.

Accordingly, the Bad Actors may hold State and Federal offices; however, those who maintain a de jure or lawful status shall not hold any of the de facto offices. To clarify : A person who is not in the Communist Association, or not in rebellion against the republic-states, may not hold any Federal or de facto State office. Suitably, only "de facto persons" may "vote" for the Bad Actors— Such persons being "citizens of the United States" per Section 2 of the 14th Amendment as created by the "denizenship" per its Section 1 and its inherent enfranchisement.

Lucky Bad Actors
It could be said we are now under the Constitution OF the United States and not the one FOR the [U]nited States. Both models must be upheld by these actors. The latter one being a model that would not be considered unconstitutional.

That noted, the 14th Amendment does have inherent dualities: It addresses the old political system (de jure), and the "emergency" one (de facto). Again, that sentence as parsed out establishes: Those who take an oath to the Constitution may not hold any office without upholding it in its complete form; however, they cannot give those in rebellion against the de jure system its benefits due to the fact they are actually rejecting the principles of that system. A great setup.

Of course, this is a "formula of law" held in secrecy that is used at will against a particular subject in question. In other words, all citizen-subjects – all new and old types – are liable for rebellious activity setup by the operations of law of the amendment which all office holders are exempt. It's a savings clause, of sorts. It is great to have a free pass to exist as a de facto officer : this due to the fact a major liability of being in office under the question of Article V being violated.

Bad Actors May
The curious part of Section 3 is removal of "such disability". The primary thing in reference is obeying the Constitution. So Congress may elect to allow persons that took an oath to commit seditious acts against the United States? Oh, and also give comfort to those who are in rebellion against the nature of its system. Technically, they are a rump Congress and are ultimately in treason against their republic-states anyway... Why not!  Usurpation in the name of progress is great; so giving any person a thumbs up for seditious acts is also a wonderful thing.

That said, the clause doesn't provide a "process" so Confederates could hold office– they are dead. Once again, why would that even be in there? It is not perpetual. And that 'shall thing' really gets in the way of that wishful delusion.

I hope that you grasp my sarcasm in regard to the treasonous behavior.

Simply put: Section 3 is a word salad that states anyone who takes an oath to the Constitution must obey it, with a neat option Congress may get rid of such bothersome disability. Perhaps to give us something like this in the U.S. Code...
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions. The term “totalitarian party”.
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions. The term “world communism”.
Correct. That legislation allows the President and State Governors to become your favorite dictators. I see it as a 'caveat of good faith' hidden in the code. It is great that they give us some warning on how they may secretly be terminating our constitutional system of government. Although it would be nice if they gave a proper notice about progressively doing it for years under covert dictatorships. I often wonder why people fail to question how those Executive Orders exist.

Oh, and I do stand corrected... A lot of "experts" need to quit their day jobs. And further, one has to have a real hatred against Anglos to destroy their freedoms.
Worthy Posts To Absorb
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