Monday, December 5, 2022

Your Political Idiocracy

Laughable Lemmings
For 150 years, Americans have been fed that the so-called "Civil War" was about freeing the slaves. Not at all... The truth is, Negros are political tools used to implement and maintain Communism. The reconstruction of government was to pull all Americans into control of Congress to act as a "national government" for the One Nation Under Fraud created by the 14th Amendment.

Even the History Channel gets into narratives of deceit in order to maintain the fraudulent existence of the biggest lie in world history. These deceivers put up a page full of contradictory nonsense that can be seen within the 14th Amendment article on their website. False narratives like this were not common to the public until I released my book, The Red Amendment, back in 1999.

However, that page by the History Channel did admit that Reconstruction was achieved by military force... which is the main problem with what transpired...

"...but Congress required them to ratify the 13th and 14th Amendments as a condition of regaining representation in Congress, and the ongoing presence of the Union Army in the former Confederate states ensured their compliance."

Where is that prescribed in the Constitution? Military takeover is not.

Understand the force of war is approved in the Communist Manifesto though.
Graft and Corruption is the continuing modus operandi of Reconstruction.
I gave notice on this problem earlier this year, view the notice here.
False Narratives
Fraudulent operations such as the History Channel maintains the Red System. It keeps so-called Americans in The Red Vortex. The narrative noted herein above passes off the same nonsense as Thomas Woods, Jr., a Vatican shill and/or operative. My paper Historical Error is dedicated to him and his nonsense.

That being established, I will relate what each of the 4 main sections of how the 14th Amendment are presented by whimsical spin, and under that I will provide a short statement of what they actually mean and achieve...

Section 1) Said to give blacks their rights and provide due process of law.

This section does that but what is not talked about is the lawful states were politically disenfranchised and a dual citizenship was installed bringing all Americans into the control of Congress with special laws that apply to them. Also, the "States" under the 14th Amendment are not the lawful state-republics, but are states of the "United States" within the factual states under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution.

Section 2) Said to change the representation of the states. It does.

This section actually only allows voting if you participate "in rebellion". The rebellion may be tied to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. The language in this section fabricates those who vote into being criminals. This so the RED legislatures can pass law on whatever they feel like in violation of the Constitution. Civil Rights are tied to this nightmare. Of course that is part and parcel of the new "due process" in Section 1.

Section 3) Said to keep Civil War participants from participating in government.

That narrative is a total lie. Actually this section is a savings clause that prevents the "rulers" from being in insurrection and/or rebellion against the lawful system. The insurgents have to uphold the Constitution in its regular form but disallows voting criminals and United States citizens created under Section 1 access to constitutional principles. Understand constitutional provisions go on forever, people in the Civil War died a few years after. It could have been handled with implemented law.

Section 4) Said to say government will not pay Confederate states war debts.

Again, there are a lot of words that are ignored in this section by the false narratives. There are many things addressed in this section, like the slaves created by the 14th Amendment cannot claim damages for violation of constitutional rights, only "civil rights". Also that all debt created under the amendment is illegal and void, but not as long as Americans are enjoying Communism under the amendment. They will remain in perpetual bondage while they enjoy the Red Vortex.

Most "informative" based type narratives by those who maintain the Communist system tend to ignore rules of grammar – which includes the misrepresentation of words – in order to put their false spin on it to protect the elaborate fraud.

Simply, the criminal activity that was executed during the "Civil War" had to be turned around and put on the American population by their consent.

It is said, if you tell a lie long enough it becomes truth...
But not if the facts show otherwise and an operation of law overrides it.
It is truly amazing how people refuse to listen to the actual truth.

See my post, No Ticky No Washy, on how the ignorant masses are played.

True Narratives
What the overall language of the 14th Amendment does is save the Rulers from being held for treason. It also assigns the criminal activity (of rebellion) to the new citizens created by Section 1 of the 14th Amendment for authoritarian rule. Simply, it is a secret rule of law used when necessary by those in the know.

This allows the whole lot to be controlled by legislation of Congress and its "new states" that are manufactured by Reconstruction under Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution. The lawful state citizenship held under Article IV, Section 4, being negated by the rebellious criminals created by the 14th Amendment.

As a matter of law, You cannot pack fake, fraudulent "States" by military force with a lot of foreigners and voting criminals and expect them to even begin to be considered lawful or constitutional. Fundamentally, per operation of law, they are wholly void of any constitutional power from their inception.

Learn more on this true narrative subject at my post—Folly of Foreigners.

Stop The Idiocy
The lawful bodies politic of the several states/republics are the lawful power as guaranteed a republican form of government. I discussed what people have true standing to fit this political power in my post, Use It or Lose It. Time is now short for political idiots to wake up. True Americans have wasted 25 years since I brought attention to this... Regrettably, they rather follow Clowns Who Swindle.

This system operates in a gray area. Things are going to now tighten up...
Below, see my posts that go over the issues as being relevant...

How They Play Us  •|•  World of Marxist Twaddle  •|•  On A Slippery Slope

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