Tuesday, July 12, 2022

One Nation Under Fraud

The Red Tools
In my last post, The Great Inversion, a couple of things were referenced, most importantly : 1) the so-called "Conservatives" were – and are – the driving force behind the unlawful Marxist based governmental political system; and, 2) the Democrats or so-called "Liberals" are now being thrown under the bus.

The Synagogue of Satan is making sure the pseudo financial system under this biggest con in world history continues in perpetuity and remains in power.

Perhaps it wasn't clear, Marxism – under the 14th Amendment – merged the lower and middle classes into one centralized body politic. This effectively made the lower and middle classes illusionary. As it was mentioned, Marx told us the middle class was the problem. By way of the "Rulers" acting as very effective tools, this allowed the transfer of wealth that would make the rich progressively much richer... while politicians lined their pockets. Of course the main players are Congress and all State Legislatures. Right. They are all criminals.

If you did not know, Communism eliminates the right to own property. I went over some particulars of how the "legal system" has been used to obfuscate and actually misappropriate the lands of the states. Truly theft by deception.

Check the post Observing Independence for more on this progressive theft.

The Sleeping Law
It must be said again, demeaning narratives such as, Racist, White Supremacy, and other quippy cattle calls and narratives are designed to instill guilt in order to maintain the RED takeover and occupation that has been transpiring over the past 150 years. Understand the Synagogue of Satan is behind it all.

It keeps the Human Capital created by this unconscionable body politic under the forced dictates of the Communist Manifesto subdued. More importantly, it maintains their human resource status while building the elite's portfolios.

The so-called "Democrats" were the original land holders and they held lawful possession over lands of the several states. Daniel Webster had told Americans there is a remedy. The substance of that remedy is for the "proper people" to take back their lawful nationalities held under international law and claim what was unlawfully taken and in possession by theft. Fact : Each state is a country. Each state is a nation. Each state has a nationality. Under the 14th Amendment they are all combined into one. The states have the same status as a conquered country because they're fundamentally possessions of the United States.

Here is the directive from the Communist Manifesto that has been used to take what was lawfully maintained by Americans before the so-called emergency... which was actually – cannot be said enough – a Communist insurgency...

“The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationalities.”

The 14th Amendment of "Reconstruction" sets forth its operational mandates. Of course, with the help with those idiots in Congress and the other treasonous bastards who run the States elected by criminal United States citizens.

Hey, but the Illuminati freed the women and those black lives matter, you know.

The Perpetual Merge
The story is: You will own nothing and be happy. Americans are already there, and have been for awhile and just don't understand it. Oh, you may have noticed I use that statement by Klaus Schwab a lot. But it cannot be said much better.

People have kicked the can down the road while they enjoy debt ridden Marxist Materialism. Due to the debt system, they already don't own anything. But nice stuff is great. So are well built human hamster wheels. And who needs to control state land and natural resources of your nation. Land is for those who make profits off Capitalism via Communism... Land isn't for troublesome little people.

Today, elitist companies – such as FOX News – are advocating how the richest families – such as the Rockefellers – have profited from the Communist system the last 150 years. Moreover, there have been countless million and billionaires that have profited from the fruit of this poisonous tree. All accomplished by the 14th Amendment insurgency : The "EMERGENCY". What an absolute joke. The INSURGENCY that fabricates those who vote as rebels (criminals) so they can be deemed legal slaves to justify all this to allow the rich to get much richer.

Hey, where is full disclosure and acts of good faith?
And you think the Liberals look stupid. Great job, Conservatives!

Remedy In Law
Besides fraud, treason, and other disgusting criminal acts, there is a maxim of law that justly relates, 'The laws sometimes sleep but never die.' ...Once again, Daniel Webster told us there is a remedy for this. But it is believed Americans love their Marxism so much that they won't do much or anything about it.

The debt will continue on to the New Age just as it did going from the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. All while Americans were being bond slaves industrializing... err, Communizing the rest of the world in the 20th century.

You and your country will OWN NOTHING and you WILL BE HAPPY.

Again, now you might understand why I don't trust anyone.
See my post Importance of Time for more information on my history.

If Truthers will start to follow my lead, making this right with the proper American people will make the Nuremberg Trials look like a day in preschool.

Some information to assist you and your State to Apply the Remedy...

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