In my introductory post that I made on June 10th, 2022, I had mentioned that I work for no man. So you may ask, Who do I work for? First and foremost I work for God, our Creator. I am a humble servant of Yeshua and I bring His mission to those with eyes to see and ears to hear. When I was honored by knowing the author of Rulers of Evil, Tupper Saussy, he related this to me...
Fear of Things To Come“I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World.”
The New World is a commercial enterprise of those of the "Old World". I refer to it as the "commercial plantation"... where "Americans" are residents : "Things" of profit. This was the purpose of the "United States". My mission is to walk with Yeshua to bring their souls out of that 'property status' where they may live free under God, the Creator... Being the Paramount Sovereign. Such dominion that encompasses natural law of which secular law does observe.
I have been in the "Truth Movement" for 30 years. After watching the actions of most people and their nature to be led by Operatives and Opportunists, I fear that most will maintain their residence within the Red Vortex. Currently, the minions of the Synagogue of Satan are working overtime to deceive those who lack discernment so they and their families remain ruled under their enterprise.Simply, people rather be governed by the Red Faction, i.e., their Rulers of Evil.There are steps to back out of this travesty that many people do not see nor understand. My mission has always been that of baby-steps to back-out of this predicament. The current system can be adjusted to accommodate those who have been deceived by the Synagogue of Satan. Until Yeshua returns, it is to our advantage the Rulers of Evil remain to govern evil through those of Christ. Minions of the Synagogue of Satan are of a major concern and a threat.
Interesting OccurrencesThe following is a true accounting of matters that have surrounded People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) and my writing of The Red Amendment.
When I exited my grade school education, I had absolutely no desire to write nor did I have interest in law. I practice both due to a calling and necessity of the evil America is under. A wonderful woman who was a linguistics professor, Dr. Ruth, helped me with my writing. She knew Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a little girl. She told me she didn't care much for him. Later she realized he was a Socialist. Of course all spiritual based people know the evils of Socialism. Aside that odd fact – being my work is exposing the evil of Socialism – she was from Ripon, Wisconsin. This being the birth place of the Republican Party: I know as the stealthy Communist party. Wisconsin has hosted Marxist activity for some time. Wisconsin's Jesuit trained Senator McCarthy hosted the congressional dog and pony show to assist in covering-up that America was being Communized.Further things that happened in Wisconsin: Although I was born in the country of Illinois, I authored The Red Amendment in the Wisconsin town where lead was mined used to kill soldiers in the Civil War. That town happens to be near the town in Illinois where General Grant retired. It is understood his two terms in office as President were filled with graft and corruption. I plan to settle there and visit his grave from time to time to remind his soul that his efforts were in vain. Also, President Lincoln was from Illinois. It is my position that the secret orders had him offed... Like John F. Kennedy, he resisted the New World Order. Either party, or any party. It really doesn't matter. The political system created under the 14th Amendment of "Reconstruction" is Communist, fueled by Socialism.Some call such occurrences poetic justice. Some say it is divine intervention. Depending on your stage in life, you choose which one you believe it is.
About The Meme
Christianity has been inverted by the Synagogue of Satan to carry on the works of the Luciferians. Those who are under "The Church" have been misled by its religion to be used as human resources: Deceived minions subservient to the New World Empire of the New World Order for the Synagogue of Satan. Those under it generally lay down and also become subservient to The Order. Most all Christian denominations are under the inversion, if they realize it or not. Thus it is evident that "Jesus" is not of my Trinity. That figure head is the trinity of the secular world: a narrative. Those under it will fight to protect their false gods.
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