Thursday, July 14, 2022

Mr. Biden Goes To Zion

Nothing New Here
It is in the news! Biden left his safe haven and went to Israel. Biden openly supports these fakes. So does Trump. It is part of being able to participate in the United States government: a most successful enterprise run by the Synagogue of Satan. It is most unfortunate the world has been decieved into thinking Zionist Israel are Biblical Israelites. It's as fake as Judeo-Christianity.

Here Biden admits he is one of them... he's been saying it for years... When Biden says he is a Zionist, he is admitting he is part of the political conspiracy to take over the world and destroy peoples' sovereignties.

And, I don't like to get into discussions on World War II; but the thing I tell people is, What came out of that war was Fake Israel and the United Nations. Both are creations of and benefit the Synagogue of Satan and The Luciferian Bunch.

And, in review here is a section from the post, How They Play Us.

The Red Players
So you know, Donald Trump has been heard to say that the world is socialized. The guy that can be seen wearing a lot of RED neck ties in public. Biden never does. But he is just a useful idiot in the end game... That noted, Biden can be seen wearing United Nations blue ties at times, as does Donald Trump.

Satan loves to display power through symbolism.
And you are reminded... The lesser of two evils is still evil

But what does it matter if you are Of The World. [How They Play Us, clip end]

You may call United Nations blue "Jew N Blue". It, along with the crimson red of Communism, ties to the Rothschild family crest. It dates back to the Caananites. The actual faction that has stolen the Israelites' identity to enslave the world.

Check the memes below for evidence as to the symbology. To learn more about this RED deception, read my paper... Ludwig von Mises: Just Evil.

Read the material on my post Slaves of Democracy to see the debt ultimately created by the Zionist faction. All part and parcel of their New World Order.

For a more expansive run down on these treasonous activities of Communism, download this two page flyer to understand the deluxe conjob taking place...

A few of my favorite memes on these matters... Enjoy!

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