ForwardThere are two types of Marxists in America: 1) Those who embrace the idea; and, 2) Those not aware that they are.
We are going to explore how much Americans are being conned by this political system. It is truly evil, seriously. For a lot of folks it's actually treasonous.Baphomet is the Republicans antiChrist signature, although the graphic doesn't show it, the stars flipped in 2001 though. As you know, the Democrats seem to cover all else that is antiChrist. Yep. Politics in America are fun, and Godless. And correct. A wonderful testament to a Separation of Church and State.The above meme I made some years ago. It was based on the observation of what was going on with the two parties in the new century (2000). The party graphics were taken from their respective websites. Of course, the crafted Red Conservatives (i.e., tools) are the "good guys" coming in to save the day.As those who follow the PAC material know, I have been saying for some time now that the Democrats are being setup to be thrown under the bus.
You might say all this garbage is giving homage to the New Age.It does, but it also shows us that America is run by Satanists.Yes, sir. Political labels are like a box of chocolates...
You never know what you're going to get. Finishing Touches On The New America
Understand Hegelian Dialectic – Problem-Reaction-Solution – is used to achieve the "New Age". An age not run on Christian based Common Law, but rather the Noahide Laws. All so-called Christians have been conned into the Judaistic scheme, i.e., millions of Deceived Souls lost in Talmud Land.Accordingly – as it can be seen at this time – the Zionist faction is making its final move to take down their useful idiots, the liberal based Democrats. That's what's going down right now. See what your future holds, FOX Television gives us a clue about the Super RED Party coming to a voting booth near you...There is no doubt the set-up and final takeover has been finely orchestrated. I wrote about this system coming 25 years ago in The Red Amendment...
America Just Don't Get It"By 2020 there will be a one world government."
—R. Kurzweil: Jew with Google, 1999
The wolves in sheep's clothing are on schedule with their world system. Them being allowed to meddle in United States' politics has assisted the progress. Posing as someone they aren't has been a world cancer for centuries.
Largely, as this takeover depends on true Americans to "Do What Thou Wilt, which includes the Luciferian Bunch "freeing the women", said Americans must abstain from the system designed to destroy the families of lawful means.Now that the Christian family has been thrown into utter chaos, 'Conservative grooming organizations' – such as the online Prager University (PragerU) – are conditioning "Americans" to accept the coming totalitarian system. Of course, the founders are Jewish. Part of their modus operandi is hiding behind other minority groups as to protect their presence that allows them to meddle.—R. Kurzweil: Jew with Google, 1999
A substantial measure of the WOKE nonsense is to keep the world from understanding that all Planks of the Communist Manifesto and its dogma had been applied in American governance the past century. The extreme Liberalism we are seeing is to hide that fact, i.e., What Marxists? We fixed that problem.And in case you didn't know, due to bad narratives– both men that developed the Communist Manifesto of 1848 – Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles – were Jewish. Surprise! And we have been told America is not Communist. Yeah, right.The 'problem being fixed' is now in the making per Dog and Pony Show tactics. Rest assured that all Marxist damage done the past 150 years will remain intact. Only a Discerning Soul can detect the current chaos as being a distraction to cover-up what has been a stealthy, gradual transition to a Zionist America.As assuredly the Jewish faction created the Woke-Awake circus of trickery, we must also note that during the FDR presidential reign, U.S. Ambassador, Henry Morgenthau – another Jew, had declared that “America is OUR Zion.”Simply, THEY create Problems. Suckers have Reactions with gossip and fear over using intellect. THEY then have Solutions the sad Suckers gladly fall for. The method works out well for the Elite's cults of power and greed. The success is bolstered by Reconstructions' 14th Amendment's "citizen" personage.This means a couple of things, Americans ultimately aren't in control of their lives or countries – whatsoever – and they are simply just human resources and consumers serving a small percentage of elites who jerk them around.
Lawfully Fixing The Problem- To learn much, much more, read my writing... Liberalism is Statism
It could be said true Americans have gotten the government they deserve. It was over 2000 years in the making. And as history repeats itself– the Godly people must make a valiant effort to leave Egypt once again, proverbially speaking.We aren't talking about "Jews" here... the Israelites are being referenced...
"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite
a 'Jew' or to call a contemporary 'Jew' an Israelite or a Hebrew."
—"A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac
I.E., The love of money is the root of all evil.
What was taken away with the "Civil War" must be taken back. Congress had left the provisions to do so for those souls with standing. Repent. Get busy...• True Americans take back your de jure status– The Art of Lawful Status
AND sorts who take offense to these truths, Either the so-called "Jews" are behind this mess or they're the biggest useful idiots in world history. That aside, people who remain in this political system certainly deserve an idiot award. Understand More About The Zionist Cash CowFor your review or to learn more on the material related herein,
I have listed 4 relevant Blog Posts that encompass the subject matter...
- Blog Post One : Give 'Em Enough Rope
- Blog Post Two : Conservatives Conserving
- Blog Post Three : The Damage Is Done
- Blog Post Four : One Party Coming
"I admire PAC's readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World."
—Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
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