Thursday, July 28, 2022

Give 'Em Enough Rope

Have I Got A Story
Did I ever tell you the story about the time there was a constitutional group that existed back in the mid 1990's. Well let me tell you the short version...

As constitutionally some things were seemingly not quite right, I was doing research. In that, I found some very odd things in the United States Code. At the time, I took it to our group leader during that period, and said Ray, look at this...
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(37). Definitions. The term “totalitarian party”.
  • Title 8 USC § 1101(a)(40). Definitions. The term “world communism”.
His response was, "What's that doing in there?" That was my question too. Here is where the journey begins. I saw the definitions being there as not a concern of Congress, but one of those times where the plan is being exposed. Although the former reason is what THEY will tell you the definitions are there for.

Simply, they are always warning us of what is going on. It is part of the twisted mindset of THEY in providing disclosure. Whatever. It doesn't pass muster. See my post, They Always Warn Us, for more on how people ignore their plans.

Here It Comes
I wrote The Red Amendment in 1999. That same year Black's Law Dictionary came out with its 7th Edition. It was the first edition that had a red cover and for the first time "police state" was defined. Perhaps it's just a nice way of explaining totalitarianism. As you may know, Red represents Socialism and Communism.

Okay, listen to what Donald Trump has to say about what needs to happen...

The Game Plan
Definition of the End Justifies The Means...
   —used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it.
If you have looked at what I have written about the past month in the Blog, I have related there has been a turnover from lawful – de jure – Americans to the stealth political system that exists today. It has been going on for 150 years. The last 25 years the Democrats have been allowed to truly disgrace themselves.

Simply, Hegelian Dialectic is used: Problem-Reaction-Solution. It is obvious the Liberals are now being thrown under the bus. The RED party is now coming in to save the day. The question in everyone's mind should be, Why did things have to get so bad to do something about it? Especially the past 20 years.

Again, What are "Conservatives" conserving anyway? Communist Totalitarian Dictatorships, that's what. All by consent. I've gone over it for over 20 years.

To learn a bit more on these issues, go over these posts I made on my Blog, One Party Coming, and Prominent & Dominate, and also, You Just Can't Do It. You may also want to read, The Great Inversion, for more scheme insights.

Also visit this PAC Alliance page to learn more... The Next Level

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