I have been saying for some time, You can't fix what was meant to be broken.Well, once again it's Sunday. A special day off for those who practice the secular religion who are profit machines for REDS : human resources... Now referenced as human capital. Yes, it is time. Time to assess those who attend the church of the poison mind. To illustrate, in several posts this month I have shown how the political system was broke 150 years ago. Simply put, the political system was meant to be broken. You aren't going to fix it... especially by voting harder.What are Conservatives conserving, anyway? What a weird title.
Three Progressive Stages
The church of the secular order was setup long ago. It was a rebirth of what THEY accomplished with the Roman Empire. You've heard, 'All Roads lead to Rome', Right? Under the John Calvin reformation, the Vatican desired general control over the population anywhere the Church was established. The Jesuits play off this angle. Calvin wrote "his" Bible in Geneva, Switzerland. Robes that priests and judges wear are called Geneva Robes. They quietly represent a presence of Roman Ecclesiastical Law and the Roman Civil Law.
Now in review, there are three stages that brought us to where we are today:
For Those In The WorldOne) The Constitution: government was grounded in a secular order and private law which allowed Christians to be gradually overcome; Two) Reconstruction: The god pimp system of Fake Jesus, Inc., took over to advance the private law in a more centralized format via the new United States citizenship; Three) Civil Rights: Secular order took over with government acting as god allowing people to 'Do What Thou Wilt' with courts acting the god pimp handling people's souls.
All three stages were and are run by Team Lucifer. There is a book by the late Red Beckman titled, The Church Deceived, that addresses the second and third stages as noted above. I have not read it—however, it comes recommended by someone I work with. Don't be too concerned with reviews on the book that are written by the Synagogue of Satan. Know THEY are the pesky lot responsible for Democracy... the body politic handling legal entities known as zombies.
There is remedy within the system, but it is there only for those who are not of the world. Simply put, those who are playing in the political system – therefore taking Red system privileges – would simply not have standing to be in the world. These principles are Scriptual. That of "Being in the world, not of it."Another thing to consider is, freedom is for the Anglos. Looking at legislation the federal government made, it is clear "persons" given Civil Rights lack standing. Unfortunately, they must stay in the system and enjoy controlled liberty.Of course, the goal of Team Lucifer was to keep those not "Chosen" in the system, but some things just don't last. The truth will eventually prevail. The Synagogue of Satan fears those who have lawful standing in order to take back their law form. It is feared to the point where THEY setup controlled opposition in different forms. One being, "White Supremacy". Moreover, these false flags currently happening are planned keep the masses subdued to thwart freedom.To learn more, see my Posts, Now That's Progress, and, How They Play Us. Also, you may want to go through a look at, The Judeo-Christian.People need to understand that much has been done to destroy true Christians of America. It is way past time to fix the damage done to good people.Two of my papers to learn more on the subject...
- Liberty Is Not Freedom : pacinlaw.us/liberty
- Department of Justice and Its Common Law : pacinlaw.us/doj
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