Monday, July 25, 2022

Status Scam Circuit

Special Passport Scam
There are people out there pushing that you can get a non United States citizen passport. Aside being nonsense, the statutes and regulations only allow you get passports for having allegiance to the United States government. You must be a citizen and national of the United States, a.k.a., an American national.

These conmen think you can alter statutes by saying so.
Moreover, you cannot change your status by just getting a passport.

The original purpose for passports were to allow a foreigner to enter a war zone to do commerce in another country. The fact is, the whole world is at war. That is the reason for passports. The Communist Manifesto – drafted by Synagogue of Satan member, Karl Marx – created the economic war back in 1848.

In international law, a manifesto is a declaration of war.

Marx's war was published as such a declaration in/on the United States (several states) in New York in 1861. The declaration went uncontested. The so-called Civil War ensued as per the Manifesto's dictate of war to take place (if need be) to install Communism; such being a takeover of a country's economy per Marx's particulars. The following one hundred years had seen all Planks and much of the dogma of the Communist Manifesto installed into American governance. I advise the United States has the most successful installation of Communism in the world... Americans are totally clueless. So beware the RED party and those pushing neo-Marxism (e.g., Jordan Peterson, et al)... Marxism never ended.

There is another procedure to gain permission to travel internationally. It ain't a passport. People thinking they can alter the statutes and assigned regulations governing the law it regulates are delusional. So beware the Operatives and Opportunists of this quiet war. You "civilians" keep enjoying your liberty under CIVIL statutory construction. And keep honoring the wonderful Civil Flag. You people are the rebels found in Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto. Commie tools that feed this economic war that has been going on over a century.
Get Real Already
About 20 years ago I came out with the remedy to correct status properly, per the law. Since then there has been a bunch of garbage put out by the adversary which the deceived people follow. It has gotten to the point where my work is even perverted and misrepresented. The truth movement is simply a waste of time. It follows the nature of the corrupt government. Garbage in. Garbage out. My book, The Red Amendment, goes over the particulars for those who want to walk in truth and not disinformation and a bunch of half-baked remedies of the Operatives and Opportunists that surrounds it. The book (TRA) was released to clean-up the disinformation years ago... Today people are following worse junk than ever. Social Media has been a great device to assist in accomplishing it.

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