Friday, July 29, 2022

The Great Distraction

They Don't Care
A few weeks ago I posted a piece titled, They Don't Care. In this post I went over how those who control the world don't care what information you know. THEY have already won due to people being divided. That is a fact.

John Brisson – who is one of the few that sees through the distractions – did a piece on the great distractor, Alex Jones. It appears there is a new book out by Jones. John also mentions other usual suspects who are out there to distract the masses while the New World Order gets final things in place... Watch:
  • The Great Reset And The War For The World - View Stream
John maintains We've Read The Documents on YouTube. That title itself shows that he knows where to go for the truth. I follow the same formula. Most people believe what they hear. How else has this insurgency worked for the past 150 years... Like they say, Those who win the war write the history. And like I say, Those who created the war are definitely going to create the history... and narratives the masses follow. Sadly, they haven't figured that out.

They Have Won
Yes, they have won. A lot of people just care about themselves. This instead of working as a team to out these bad seeds. I have been watching "Truthers" for over 30 years now. Most people treat information as if it were a hobby. Most of them do next to nothing except collect information. It's like they think the one with the most information wins... as if it is a contest. Seriously, folks?

The latest from this crowd is they believe that someone else is going to fix things and they have to do nothing. Just sit back and enjoy. Again... seriously? And to add, several people asked Alex Jones for me to be on his show. As usual, he evaded it and said he knew all about my information and there was no need. No doubt a shill. It seems people will never learn. But, history tells us that.

The Good News
The good people cannot give up. My drive has always been understanding a lot of people don't realize what the truth is and hopefully they will eventually want to understand it. People are too trusting. They are gullible. That is why I say, PAC is for the discerning soul. In that, I prescribe to this maxim of law...

The Latin: Qui non libere veritatem pronunciat, proditor est verilatis. The English: He who does not willingly speak the truth, is a betrayer of the truth.

People love liars. If they didn't, perhaps they would listen to what I have to say. But where would we be if they didn't listen to Operatives... Thinking we wouldn't be in this mess. But people are used to politicians, who are professional liars. That is why they fall for those who are there to deceive them so easily.

Law is the only remedy. There is a rule of mine: If whoever you are listening to doesn't recognize there was Reconstruction of government in the mid-1800's and that this new governmental system bifurcated the Constitution which installed a perplexing Dual System of Law, they are not to be trusted. PERIOD!

To Conclude
All there is left to say here is, People love kicking the can down the road. In that regard, you might want to read the blog post, People Prefer Defense. It is filled with more truths. And one more thing, in reference to watching people for over 30 years, I have witnessed that this is a most popular modus operandi...

hy·poc·ri·sy, n. The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.

PAC. It's a way of life. Life is not a hobby.

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