Saturday, July 30, 2022

Art of Fiddle-Fart

Narrative Them To Oblivion
I was going to title this post "Narrative Them To Oblivion", but then I thought... Why should I give all the Operatives and Opportunists the credit.

After all, people trust the government and always believe the "official story", right? It has been said some of the founding fathers related, "People get the government they deserve." Even if it is a progressive usurpation done by force and fraud. I have been wondering how many people know what the political term progressive means... Bet they think it means progress. They would be correct... but being unaware they were progressing deeper into a Red Vortex.

Most people believe what they hear. How else has this insurgency worked for the past 150 years... Like they say, Those who win the war write the history. And like I say, Those who created the war are definitely going to create the history... and narratives the masses follow. Sadly, they haven't figured that out.

Causation Of Fiddle-Farting
For those who don't know what the idiom of the blog title means, here you go...

fiddle-fart. To waste time or procrastinate by doing something unproductive or unhelpful; to fool around or spend time idly.

Sure. Some amount of fiddle-farting should be forgiven. After all, we have been lied to. Karl Marx did say that everything that existed was bad and needed to be turned inside-out and upside-down, see my paper, Your Marxism, for more on this declaration. Understand people just had things wrong for centuries. Especially Christians. There are profits to be made. Things must change.

Right. All well and good, but like I say: If Communism is so good, why does it have to be installed by force and deception? The latter being accomplished via a long period of time... over a 100 year period. Perhaps it fits into the idiom, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." Or maybe what I also say fits, "People are like dogs, as they too can be taught neat tricks." ...And sadly, they have.

To say it simply, Americans – and the world – have been being Marxized for well over 150 years. People really don't know which end is up. Because it was planned that way. So some amount of fiddle-farting is to be expected.

The End Justifies The Means
The Definition of the End Justifies The Means...
 —used to say that a desired result is so good or important that any method, even a morally bad one, may be used to achieve it.
Well, that fits: Even a morally bad one.

As far as the narrative thing goes, there are tons of stories that can be conjured up to fit a narrative... nar·ra·tive, n. a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. And then there is oblivion... ob·liv·i·on, n. the state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening. Well, here that is a fact.

Simply, Americans have been given so many narratives they don't know which end is up. The spin has beaten us from within. Joseph Goebbels – propaganda minister to Adolph Hitler – did say, "If you tell a lie long enough, it becomes truth." Somewhat of a twist on what Marx had laid out about flipping things.

What THEY call an emergency is actually a Communist insurgency. Neither are talked about... instead a plethora of other narratives are. As to that, here a fitting rule of mine is applied, Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do. In this case, I looked at government source documents, such as the 14th Amendment of the Constitution and surrounding acts of the period of "Reconstruction".

I also ignored the political and historical narratives. I looked at things such as, all Planks and dogma of the Communist Manifesto being applied in America. How did that happen? Apparently someone failed to provide proper narratives.

All being a simple case of, If you don't know law you really don't know squat.

Recently, THEY have given us plenty of warnings to back out of this mess, but people keep buying the Kool Aid conjob. Yes, sadly there are many people who think those who have controlled the world for a minimum of Two Ages are turning over a new leaf and giving up. Just like that. Please. Seriously?

So here's to those people who have come across my work the past 20+ years and have failed to carry the torch forward and stop what we are seeing transpire now. Yes. A slew of people practiced the art of fiddle-fart... They have kicked the can down the road, and still are. It has allowed Operatives to take control and scam innocent people... as there's a lot of very bad info floating around.

As far as those Operatives go, THEY come up with a lot of narratives to fit the takeover of the original constitutional system. Opportunists follow their lead and repeat them. There is your mess in a nutshell. Sadly, now more than ever there are more deceived people buying into the Kool Aid narratives of THEY.

I do give a very special thanks to discerning souls that have stuck with me and my work for years past. Especially those who have brought related, additional evidence forward to build the case of reality. Also with that, thank you for spreading the work of People's Awareness Coalition.

Happy Fiddle-Farting around, America! After 150 years, you surely have gotten it down to an art. Seriously, you really need to stop it and join The Ring.

Learn More
For more information on this problem and a look at reality, see my post, Importance Of Time... And also look at, People Prefer Defense.

Also see this notice on the questionable motives... A Public Notice

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