Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Red Politics

Your De Facto Politics
Bet you didn't know that you belong to a private association.
A RED ONE at that. Here is the legal definition of what an association is...
Association. a group of individuals who come together for certain purposes. It is often regulated by a constitution and rules and run by office bearers. Freedom of association is a human right.

The association is given its power by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. This amendment was not lawfully ratified per Article V of the Constitution and was put into operation via a 'declared emergency' by a rump Congress. It exists by extraordinary power via Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution which creates alternate States over the several republics of the Union. The 13th Amendment allows for freedom of its association; however, those participating – by voting and taking benefits under the socialist based statutory construction of the rump office bearers – are criminals by operation of law thus cannot claim such status. Its criminal activity can actually be traced to Plank 4 of the Communist Manifesto of 1848. For more on this, see the post in this blog titled— On a Slippery Slope.

They call it an Emergency, I call it a Communist Insurgency.

For more information on what I call the Communist Association, read... Karl Marx and the Radical Republicans approve of this treasonous activity.

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